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Dept of Justice: Charges Not Likely for Torture Memos


It turns out that even Obama’s Dept of Justice doesn’t want to indict the people who defined torture as Enhanced Interrogations. How could this be? That’s like saying that Khalid Sheik Mohammed wasn’t tortured! Yada yada [insert nutroots/far left talking points here] yada.

Guess what people: if you believed that President Obama released those seven year old “torture memos” out of anything other than a political distraction (conveniently labeled “torture” instead of “interrogation” by the Admin), then you got played, OWND, PWND, used, you were nothing more than a tool.

The memos were just a political distraction. Obama had to know what his own Dept of Justice was going to do before he let this cat outta the bag. If he didn’t, then he’s proven his ineptitude. If he did, then there can be no doubt that it was just a gimmick to fire up his strongest supporters with the thing they love/need the most: BUSH HATE.

So, now that no one’s gonna be indicted for “torture,” I wonder if anyone who wrote articles calling for the heads of Admin officials will write about this “travesty of justice,” or if Obama will get a free pass for-in effect-allowing the “torture” to go unpunished; for supporting “torture?”

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