Just what planet do these two idiots live on?
Hat tip: Brutally Honest
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
This clip makes The View look like the WSJ’s Journal Report.
C’mon, Olber-jerkoff! At least ask Garofalo to elaborate on why she thinks tea party protests are racists. Or do you have too many teabagging jokes percolating inside your empty cranium to think of that?
Those two are so mentally ill it’s scary.
Dan, the parties are “racist” because she thinks it’s all GOP folks.
If it was ANSWER etc. they would be patriots and the epitome of tolerance.
Yes, that is what they really think.
I miss Olbermann being a second rate sports anchor before he became a third rate poltical hack.
what ever happened to the the good old american practice of boycott? dont publish anything they say. dont reference them on web sites, dont see their movies, dont watch their shows. These morons live for the publicity. ignore them and they will dry up and blow away.
I agree with wildman
man she it totally right. I hate that a black guy is in the white house. Its called the WHITE house. duuhhhhh…
It’s called projection. The left never understands that tho.
and they blame conservatives for inciting hatred and violence? this is the most hatefilled piece of crap interview ever.
goes to show a very small amount of knowledge can be a very bad thing. holy cow, was she hateful. i guess i didn’t realize that me being digusted with taxes and the behavior of congress in general equaled me being a racist. wow, thanks for the insight. now i guess she can go back to pretending to be other people to get her rocks off.
Whats the point of the “capitalist tools” label on the bottom? Is Olby openly endorsing socialism or am I missing something?
Garofalo tries to sound like a doctor, but I see no Dr. before her name or either M. D. or Ph. D. after her name. Where’s her evidence that the limbic brain in all conservatives or right-wing leaners is enlarged and pushing up against the frontal lobe?
The typical “They don’t think the way we do, so they are evil racists.” Liberals always seem to have to try to belittle their ideological opponents, and why not? They thrive on personal feelings, so what better attack than against another person’s feelings? It’s so convenient, and doesn’t require any real reasoning. On top of that, I’d bet there are far more tea-baggers on the left of the aisle than on the right.
News flash to Ms. Garofalo: Saying it doesn’t make it true, no matter how often you repeat it. Stick to acting, where you can at least pretend to be an intelligent person.
Jeff V
Jeanine Giraffalo really is a cunning stunt.
to say that olberman & garafolo are whack jobs is like calling the pope catholic. That bitch calls foks reddnecks yet she has more tattoos than any real redneck i’ve ever met. Btw, I spent 20 years in the US Navy & I have NO tattoos
Shes so f’ng butt ugly you could leave her out at night in the kitchen to scare away the cockroaches.
I didn’t watch the video, can’t stand either of them so I won’t waste my time. What I did find is this fabulous response posted over at American Thinker.
I think her brain is too addled to comprehend what Mr. Marcus is saying, worthy response anyway, wasn’t wasted, impressed me and American Thinker as well.
I certainly hope that Garofalo and Olbermann realize that it is “racists” like the tea partiers, laying down their lives for the cause of freedom, that enables this “limbic” pair to spout off their cheesy opinions.
Truth be told, the teabagger parties were pretty much klan rallies without the hoods.
What are you basing that claim on?
Where are the pictures or videos to prove that?
That’s right. You don’t have any.
Truth be told, you’re just talking out of your ass. Again.
I challenge you to prove your claim Rodney.
Prove it so that we can all see that you’re not just making things up.
There’s not one shred of truth to what you are saying and you have not one shred of credibility left.
Yeah I think it’s absurd to call all those who have attended Tea Protests rascists- as these people seem generally to campaigning against high tax and what they consider socialism. What I have seen so far is that you ever hardly see the race card played as much as I thought it would be.
However her attack on making out that rightwingers are somehow brain-damaged is unfortunately as unpleasant adn common as the name calling is on both sides…
@Aye Chihuahua:
Might we have a low level employee of Napolitano posting here? How’s he going to link to information scavenged from a wastebasket?