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I dislike Marshall, but she’s right. The Tea Parties are misguided.

She’s a maroon.

I would have loved for Cavuto to have asked her if she returned the money she got from the Bush tax cuts.

That would have been priceless.

These lefties love to pontificate about higher taxation being patriotic but then they do their dead level best to never have to pay the taxes that they want to impose on everyone else.

They bitch, whine, and bellyache about the Bush tax cuts while taking the money to the bank. That’s hypocrisy at its’ finest and we’ve seen it demonstrated and even defended right here on this site.

Heck, some avoid paying their taxes all together and then end up in Obama’s inner circle.

The Tea Party movement is gaining momentum rapidly. It is spreading exponentially and those who are on the opposite side of the issue are doing everything that they can to minimize the value and potential of what the people behind it are trying to accomplish.

I will be at one of the parties next Wednesday and will, of course, provide a full report here on the pages of FA.

There will be thousands upon thousands of protesters across the country next week. This is just the beginning of the groundswell.

The tide is turning and the weaselly politicians on both sides of the aisle are beginning to see the handwriting on the wall.

The American People, the common man and woman, are sick to death of it, and finally the tide is beginning to turn.

I love how lefties claim “they are misguided” but never elaborate. This is a start. Small disagreements start small and gain support. In the microwave world, there are still some things that are going to take time, build, break, regroup and get bigger. This country has sat by too long and allowed the government to run things without more than a glance in their direction. Maybe a bit late, but now we are seeing something we don’t like much, and remember – not everyone in this country voted for Obama. Even though our voice was silenced by one time voters who chose skin over substance, does not mean we are going to sit back quietly and be beaten down anymore. History tells us that if we ignore when they come for the Jews, when the Jews are all gone, they have to come for someone else.

I won’t stand still and wait.