North Koreans Launch Missile Over Japan. Democrats to Demand Further Cuts in Missile Defense Posted on April 4, 2009August 8, 2010 by Former Author ( 5 comments already! ) Spread the love [DELETED BY AUTHOR] 0 0 votes Article Rating Former Author
Missle flies over to the US…The Daily KOS reacts with their “gum by yah” defense shield.
Missle gets closer…Daily KOS intensifies the forward batteries (nothing to get through)….I SAID INTENSIFY FORWARD BATTERIES!!!!
Missile goes boom, KOS goes poof. Da end.
Some people are going to die!
President Dimwit wants more sanctions, oh yeah and cut the defense budget 30% but increase the welfare role by 50%.
Some people are going to die!
Right now the teleprompters are being set up as BO tries to talk his way through the crisis.
Obama will lead us to world war three which we can not win with out our advantange in advanced weapons systems.
Russia and China have bigger Army’s and would support alot of soldiers being killed in battle we would not.
But don’t call the dems ‘unpatriotic’, they are patriotic, only to Russia, China, and any socialist government trying to kill our economy.