Barry must be speaking of himself and Michelle, and perhaps 300 of his closest friends. Not only is B.O. the epitome of arrogance himself, he and his wife are the very definition of “dismissive” and “derisive” (and let’s not forget to mention “divisive” and “submissive”.) Other than that group of misfits, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t appreciate Europe’s role in the world, though like Mike’sAmerica I’m not sure to what leadership the Teleprompter In Tow (TIT) King is referring.
The guy is an apologist, as so many bleeding heart liberals are. Obama is most likely trying to appease European citizens and leadership by acknowledging America’s role in creating a large anount of the current financial crisis, but his apologetic criticism is not quite on the mark. Collusion with corrupt finance executives and willful dereliction of duty by the government’s financial regulators have been far and away the greatest contributors to the collapse of the global financial market; these are the individuals Obama should be castigating. Policy makers and the policies of the recent administrationn have had very little to do with the problem, whereas their counterparts in the current administration are much more to blame for the exacerbation of the market’s woes over the past two months.
Jeff V
15 years ago
If we”re to bitter & clingy & arrogant & divisive. He could just stay there.
HOW DARE HE!!! Someone give that twit a history lesson… That would be of the WORLD WARS! Then, take him to all the cemetaries in Europe where our young men fought, bled and died for these same countries that WE fought to keep them from having to learn German.
Then, have him take his foot out of his mouth grow a spine and look up patriotism in the dictionary! What a steaming POS!!!
15 years ago
I cannot say anything except that I agree with all the above posts. I too am fed up with this fool in the WH. I think it is time we get this country back from these idiots. I have never been so ashamed. Not of my country which I have always been proud of, but ashamed of the idiot representing her. And the foolish Americans who voted for him
15 years ago
I am not a big fan of Barrack Obama. His comments at Strasbourg do not surprise me as they are far from the first nor the harshest criticisms of the United States he has uttered. I agree with the comments above. However, in the interest of all of us being more completely informed, you should all know that he did not spend his whole speech slamming America. I am posting a link with other segments of his speech. The section between approximately 0:22 and 0:52 shows a little spine.
It does not change who he is, but we should be properly informed before we spend all day bashing the man for half his comments.
15 years ago
You are divisive and arrogant. How can you stand to live your life so angrily and bitterly? Your side won, yet you seem to wallow in the anger and petty bullspit of years gone by. Will you still be spewing BDS bile in twenty years? Did the Presidency of George W. Bush warp your fragile mind that badly?
15 years ago
Not on our watch.
Every day brings more evidence that the brainless, kool-aid drinking 52 percent elected a hack local politician (whose own bomb-making mentor thought might eventually make mayor of Chicago) to the most important job in the world. How’s that working out for you, folks? The imbecile, in cahoots with Queen Nancy and Squire Harry, has nationalized the financial industry, started nationalization of the car industry (just wait, yours is next!), started the destruction of American civil liberties (most importantly the Second Amendment), and proposed a budget dwarfing that of Big-Spender Bush — a budget that will bankrupt the country. Not to mention repeatedly insulting our country and bowing down to foreign dictators.
Well, dammit, not on our watch!
We will resist to our dying day. We will throw the Dems out in 2010 and 2012. If the Repubs don’t hold the line we’ll throw their sorry asses out too.
This country is about to see a resurgence of conservative power unlike any in history. Be there. Join us. God Bless America.
Old Trooper
15 years ago
Not My President.
15 years ago
Well, your longer reply post made more sense than blaming American francophobia on Bush. If you think that American disdain for the French suddenly appeared when Bush took office, and is based entirely on some sort of unearned arrogance on our part, then you are sadly mistaken. I’ll admit that American-Euro tensions are a two way street. European governments are snotty and condescending, when they have very little in the way of accomplishments to base such snootiness upon. Americans simply do not like self important snobs looking down their nose at us while we sacrifice our blood handling problems that those same elitists refuse to dirty their hands solving. We have a tendency to overreact to such highbrow indolence just as Europeans tend to propagandize an overblown caricature of Americans.
As for WWII being too far back in the mists of prehistoric fog for you, how about 45 years of the Cold war? Are the 1980’s so far removed in time that the expiration date on our efforts to protect Europe has come and gone? Do you think that the Soviets would have stayed out of Western Europe in absence of American military might? Do you honestly think that the Warsaw Pact or the Soviet Union itself would have broken apart because of the steadfast and mighty juggernaut of NATO minus America? How many Eastern Europeans live in a much freer society today because America successfully stood up to Soviet aggression? In reality, the European pacifism and elitism are largely America’s fault. Europe is like a bunch of spoiled children who become snotty brats when protected too long and too thoroughly from the harsh reality of a dangerous world. Perhaps the common citizens of continental European countries are not such ingrates, but their governments often behave as such.
Americans could stand to be less arrogant towards Europe. Europe, in turn, could stand to be much more appreciative of the support that we have given them without fail for almost 100 years.
15 years ago
Mr. Krauthammer summed it up in 1:46. Loved the part about the Balklands.
It does not change who he is, but we should be properly informed before we spend all day bashing the man for half his comments.
Exactly. Although I groan at the part of his speech where he concedes America’s arrogance and divisiveness rather than “set the record straight” on that broad-brushed, generalized misperception, it sets up for a European audience to be more receptive to hearing him criticize their level of anti-Americanism.
I am beyond sick of the Bush-blame, however. Since he can’t find it in himself to say anything in defense of the previous 8 years, he should just keep his presidential trap shut in referencing anything Bush. He may be a Democrat but he’s out there representing the country as a whole- or at least he should be. And they say the Bush team was in perpetual campaign mode……?
Real American Patriot
15 years ago
I find it interesting the Mike chose to only use the parts of his speech that he disagreed with.
typical right wing spin. Never tell the whole truth only part of the story.
@CRAP ….. or perhaps, Sky55110, there wasn’t anything in there with which Mike *did* agree.
Frankly, it’s hard to tell with Obama rhetoric. He speaks volumes of words – and sooo s-l-o-w without a teleprompter – and ends up saying nothing. His public persona and speeches are nothing more than a “present” vote: saying zip, taking no defined positions, and constantly meant to straddle the fence. But like all politicians, you must look beyond the words and to his actions.
Lightbringer and ruaqtpi2, just so you know, “Dumb” doesn’t stay on these threads. When he sneaks thru the spam filters, he survives only long enough for one of us to throw him back in the garbage where he belongs. So you might want to say “responses are futile”. He is but a cyber fart, gone with the wind.
15 years ago
Maybe Barry (and the rest of the world) should have a listen to this.
“Byron MacGregor’s hit version of The Americans was actually a musical cover version of a TV commentary by Toronto newscaster Gordon Sinclair. MacGregor was an announcer at radio powerhouse CKLW, and the popularity of Macgregor’s version took everybody by surprise. The song charted all over again in the aftermath of 9/11.”
O’Dumbo’s unedited response to a reporters question: (Teleprompter unavailable)
Nick Robinson: A question for you both, if I may. The prime minister has repeatedly blamed the United States of America for causing this crisis. France and Germany both blame Britain and America for causing this crisis. Who is right? And isn’t the debate about that at the heart of the debate about what to do now?
Barack Obama: I, I, would say that, er … if you look at … the, the sources of this crisis … the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to . . . a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that have taken place in the global financial system … I think what is also true is that … here in Great Britain … … here in continental Europe … around the world. We were seeing the same mismatch between the regulatory regimes that were in place and er … the highly integrated, er, global capital markets that have emerged … . So at this point, I’m less interested in … identifying blame than fixing the problem. I think we’ve taken some very aggressive steps in the United States to do so, not just responding to the immediate crisis, ensuring banks are adequately capitalized, er, dealing with the enormous, er … drop-off in demand and contraction that has taken place. More importantly, for the long term, making sure that we’ve got a set of, er, er, regulations that are up to the task, er, and that includes, er, a number that will be discussed at this summit. I think there’s a lot of convergence between all the parties involved about the need, for example, to focus not on the legal form that a particular financial product takes or the institution it emerges from, but rather what’s the risk involved, what’s the function of this product and how do we regulate that adequately, much more effective coordination, er, between countries so we can, er, anticipate the risks that are involved there. Dealing with the, er, problem of derivatives markets, making sure we have set up systems, er, that can reduce some of the risks there. So, I actually think … there’s enormous consensus that has emerged in terms of what we need to do now and, er … I’m a great believer in looking forwards than looking backwards.
Stolen from Hor Air….
Anyone know a 3rd grade student who couldn’t have done better?
@Real American Patriot: I find it interesting that CRAP has gone silent on the Tedisco NY20 thread where he accused me of “BS.”
Come here and try and stir the pot again while refusing to admit YOU WERE WRONG?
Did you think no one would notice?
Wm T Sherman
15 years ago
For the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. Fifty-two percent of it, anyway.
15 years ago
I am Proud of my country – of all the people who are working to make their lives better, taking care of their children, going to their houses of worship, paying their bills and supporting their country with service men and women. This is the fabric of The United States, not the lying, crooked weasels who are running our government. Those are the people I’m ashamed of!!!
Somebody linked this video at WikiVideo. It pretty much sums up the reality of Europe’s “leading role” with James Garner lecturing Julie Andrews in wartime Britain:
“Europe’s been a going brothel long before we came to town. Don’t blame it on our Coca Cola bottles!”
Great finds, Mike. The notion that anti-Americanism only began in the last 8 years is preposterous. President Obama needs a refresher course on history.
@wordsmith said: “I groan at the part of his speech where he concedes America’s arrogance and divisiveness rather than “set the record straight” on that broad-brushed, generalized misperception, it sets up for a European audience to be more receptive to hearing him criticize their level of anti-Americanism.”
I disagree. I doubt you’ll find one America hater whose attitude has changed because Obama accused this country of doing what these nuts have been saying all along. In fact, many of them will regard Obama’s statement as a validation of their view and likely to cause them to hate America even more.
@Wordsmith: The idea that our image around the world was damaged by Bush was laughable from the get go. How many times have I recounted the fact that so many more pro-American, pro-Bush leaders were elected during Bush’s two terms?
In fact, many of them will regard Obama’s statement as a validation of their view and likely to cause them to hate America even more.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. My point was on Obama’s intent, which isn’t to say that he doesn’t harbor sympathy and sentiments aligned with the Zinnish, Chomskyite-view of America’s sins. I think his perspectives on American history are firmly rooted from the liberal perspective. But I also see him as trying- straining- to be a pragmatic presidential uniter and voice of reason and moderation. Unfortunately, he’s hamstrung by his liberal instincts and nature.
@Wordsmith: If that was an effort to be a pragmatic, presidential unifier then the man has utterly failed.
All that kind of talk does is underline how out of touch the man is with the real America. It’s similar to his bitter clingers slap at people in Pennsylvania.
Has there ever been another President who spent his first 2+ months in office bashing the previous President in EVERY SINGLE public appearance that he made? I don’t remember G.W. Bush wasting his time talking about Clinton. I don’t remember Clinton wasting his time talking about G.H.W. Bush. Reagan? Even Carter? Will Obama ever take any responsibility for his own Presidency? Or do you think he will ride Bush’s low approval ratings for another 3 years and 10 months?
I can see him writing his memoirs in thirty years: “It was George Bush’s fault that Cuba invaded through Florida and took over everything East of Mississippi! If he would have been nicer to Turkey, then the French would have protected us,” and, “The right wing fanatics can blame me all they want for cutting military spending and paying our nation’s finest volunteers to go door to door for ACORN registering illegal aliens to vote instead of defending our country, but we all know that it was Sarah Palin’s fault for allowing the Russians to invade through Alaska and take over everything West of the Mississippi! If she had recalled Alaska’s National Guard from their duty cleaning the sewer systems in Nairobi where I stationed them, we would have never been in this mess!”
Very nice! You know, he does use ghost writers, maybe you can recoup some of the taxes he and congress are fixing to steal from you.
15 years ago
Iain Martin’s column, read it all… on! Comments are fun too.
Barack Obama really does go on a bit
Isn’t it time for him to go home yet? It is good, in theory, that the new President of the United States is taking so much time to tour Europe. He arrived in London last Tuesday, has been to Strasbourg, Prague yesterday and now he’s off to Turkey. It shows, I suppose, that he cares about the outside world and that is ‘A Good Thing’. But his long stay means that we are hearing rather a lot from him, way too much in fact.
His speeches have long under-delivered, usually leaving a faintly empty sensation in this listener even though I welcomed, moderately, his victory last year as offering the possibility of a fresh start and a boost to confidence.
Yet, we are told that he is a great orator and in one way he certainly is. He does have a preternatural calm in the spotlight and a mastery of the cadences we associate with the notable speakers in US history – such as JFK and MLK. But beyond that, am I alone in finding him increasingly to be something of a bore?
“am I alone in finding him increasingly to be something of a bore?”
Let’s put that to a vote:
15 years ago
Oh, I agree, Obama is a real bore, in at least two senses of the word:
1.) bore – a device for creating a hole; a drill.
Example: Obama, as the world’s largest bore, is preparing to drill large holes into the nation’s banks in an attempt to confiscate the excess wealth of “the rich”, saying that the Rich need to start paying their “fair share” of taxes in order to fund his New New Deal program of social equality and wealth distribution.
2.) bore – a tedious person.
Example: United States of America’s President Barack Obama may be able to add “Greatest Bore of All Time” to the list of titles and monikers given to him by his adoring fans and his critical opponents. According to one of the attendees at a recent post-election campaign stop:
Barack H. Obama’s long-winded and self-aggrandizing messianic blither is the equal of the snake-oil salesman’s pitch and testimonial, replete with the rhythm and rhyme of the gods’ own missives, but with the substance of a dried-up ink well. He would be the modern day Narcissus, if only he would favor us all enough so as to fall into the pool of his own reflection and, once determined to have been self-exterminated, allow us to return to our labors to right the wrongs he has perpetrated upon us, our children, and our future generations as of yet unimagined.
Hey, I can do it too!! Maybe I should run for POTUS. Instead of “a chicken in every pot,” how about “More of your own money in your own pocket?” Catchy enough?
Hey, I can do it too!! Maybe I should run for POTUS. Instead of “a chicken in every pot,” how about “More of your own money in your own pocket?” Catchy enough?
Good idea and, yes, it is catchy enough, downright brilliant, imho! Bet you wouldn’t need a teleprompter to cite what you write, either.
First, promise you won’t let the FL run around like this:
Or, how about journalism? There’s quite a few in that field I wish you could replace, twood be nice. When you think about it, there are enough qualified, competent and studied people in here that could replace most of the WH press corp.
Barry must be speaking of himself and Michelle, and perhaps 300 of his closest friends. Not only is B.O. the epitome of arrogance himself, he and his wife are the very definition of “dismissive” and “derisive” (and let’s not forget to mention “divisive” and “submissive”.) Other than that group of misfits, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t appreciate Europe’s role in the world, though like Mike’sAmerica I’m not sure to what leadership the Teleprompter In Tow (TIT) King is referring.
The guy is an apologist, as so many bleeding heart liberals are. Obama is most likely trying to appease European citizens and leadership by acknowledging America’s role in creating a large anount of the current financial crisis, but his apologetic criticism is not quite on the mark. Collusion with corrupt finance executives and willful dereliction of duty by the government’s financial regulators have been far and away the greatest contributors to the collapse of the global financial market; these are the individuals Obama should be castigating. Policy makers and the policies of the recent administrationn have had very little to do with the problem, whereas their counterparts in the current administration are much more to blame for the exacerbation of the market’s woes over the past two months.
Jeff V
If we”re to bitter & clingy & arrogant & divisive. He could just stay there.
@kulak: too
dittos … why not stay.
HOW DARE HE!!! Someone give that twit a history lesson… That would be of the WORLD WARS! Then, take him to all the cemetaries in Europe where our young men fought, bled and died for these same countries that WE fought to keep them from having to learn German.
Then, have him take his foot out of his mouth grow a spine and look up patriotism in the dictionary! What a steaming POS!!!
I cannot say anything except that I agree with all the above posts. I too am fed up with this fool in the WH. I think it is time we get this country back from these idiots. I have never been so ashamed. Not of my country which I have always been proud of, but ashamed of the idiot representing her. And the foolish Americans who voted for him
I am not a big fan of Barrack Obama. His comments at Strasbourg do not surprise me as they are far from the first nor the harshest criticisms of the United States he has uttered. I agree with the comments above. However, in the interest of all of us being more completely informed, you should all know that he did not spend his whole speech slamming America. I am posting a link with other segments of his speech. The section between approximately 0:22 and 0:52 shows a little spine.
It does not change who he is, but we should be properly informed before we spend all day bashing the man for half his comments.
You are divisive and arrogant. How can you stand to live your life so angrily and bitterly? Your side won, yet you seem to wallow in the anger and petty bullspit of years gone by. Will you still be spewing BDS bile in twenty years? Did the Presidency of George W. Bush warp your fragile mind that badly?
Not on our watch.
Every day brings more evidence that the brainless, kool-aid drinking 52 percent elected a hack local politician (whose own bomb-making mentor thought might eventually make mayor of Chicago) to the most important job in the world. How’s that working out for you, folks? The imbecile, in cahoots with Queen Nancy and Squire Harry, has nationalized the financial industry, started nationalization of the car industry (just wait, yours is next!), started the destruction of American civil liberties (most importantly the Second Amendment), and proposed a budget dwarfing that of Big-Spender Bush — a budget that will bankrupt the country. Not to mention repeatedly insulting our country and bowing down to foreign dictators.
Well, dammit, not on our watch!
We will resist to our dying day. We will throw the Dems out in 2010 and 2012. If the Repubs don’t hold the line we’ll throw their sorry asses out too.
This country is about to see a resurgence of conservative power unlike any in history. Be there. Join us. God Bless America.
Not My President.
Well, your longer reply post made more sense than blaming American francophobia on Bush. If you think that American disdain for the French suddenly appeared when Bush took office, and is based entirely on some sort of unearned arrogance on our part, then you are sadly mistaken. I’ll admit that American-Euro tensions are a two way street. European governments are snotty and condescending, when they have very little in the way of accomplishments to base such snootiness upon. Americans simply do not like self important snobs looking down their nose at us while we sacrifice our blood handling problems that those same elitists refuse to dirty their hands solving. We have a tendency to overreact to such highbrow indolence just as Europeans tend to propagandize an overblown caricature of Americans.
As for WWII being too far back in the mists of prehistoric fog for you, how about 45 years of the Cold war? Are the 1980’s so far removed in time that the expiration date on our efforts to protect Europe has come and gone? Do you think that the Soviets would have stayed out of Western Europe in absence of American military might? Do you honestly think that the Warsaw Pact or the Soviet Union itself would have broken apart because of the steadfast and mighty juggernaut of NATO minus America? How many Eastern Europeans live in a much freer society today because America successfully stood up to Soviet aggression? In reality, the European pacifism and elitism are largely America’s fault. Europe is like a bunch of spoiled children who become snotty brats when protected too long and too thoroughly from the harsh reality of a dangerous world. Perhaps the common citizens of continental European countries are not such ingrates, but their governments often behave as such.
Americans could stand to be less arrogant towards Europe. Europe, in turn, could stand to be much more appreciative of the support that we have given them without fail for almost 100 years.
Mr. Krauthammer summed it up in 1:46. Loved the part about the Balklands.
Exactly. Although I groan at the part of his speech where he concedes America’s arrogance and divisiveness rather than “set the record straight” on that broad-brushed, generalized misperception, it sets up for a European audience to be more receptive to hearing him criticize their level of anti-Americanism.
I am beyond sick of the Bush-blame, however. Since he can’t find it in himself to say anything in defense of the previous 8 years, he should just keep his presidential trap shut in referencing anything Bush. He may be a Democrat but he’s out there representing the country as a whole- or at least he should be. And they say the Bush team was in perpetual campaign mode……?
I find it interesting the Mike chose to only use the parts of his speech that he disagreed with.
typical right wing spin. Never tell the whole truth only part of the story.
@CRAP ….. or perhaps, Sky55110, there wasn’t anything in there with which Mike *did* agree.
Frankly, it’s hard to tell with Obama rhetoric. He speaks volumes of words – and sooo s-l-o-w without a teleprompter – and ends up saying nothing. His public persona and speeches are nothing more than a “present” vote: saying zip, taking no defined positions, and constantly meant to straddle the fence. But like all politicians, you must look beyond the words and to his actions.
Lightbringer and ruaqtpi2, just so you know, “Dumb” doesn’t stay on these threads. When he sneaks thru the spam filters, he survives only long enough for one of us to throw him back in the garbage where he belongs. So you might want to say “responses are futile”. He is but a cyber fart, gone with the wind.
Maybe Barry (and the rest of the world) should have a listen to this.
“Byron MacGregor’s hit version of The Americans was actually a musical cover version of a TV commentary by Toronto newscaster Gordon Sinclair. MacGregor was an announcer at radio powerhouse CKLW, and the popularity of Macgregor’s version took everybody by surprise. The song charted all over again in the aftermath of 9/11.”
O’Dumbo’s unedited response to a reporters question: (Teleprompter unavailable)
Nick Robinson: A question for you both, if I may. The prime minister has repeatedly blamed the United States of America for causing this crisis. France and Germany both blame Britain and America for causing this crisis. Who is right? And isn’t the debate about that at the heart of the debate about what to do now?
Barack Obama: I, I, would say that, er … if you look at … the, the sources of this crisis … the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to . . . a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that have taken place in the global financial system … I think what is also true is that … here in Great Britain … … here in continental Europe … around the world. We were seeing the same mismatch between the regulatory regimes that were in place and er … the highly integrated, er, global capital markets that have emerged … . So at this point, I’m less interested in … identifying blame than fixing the problem. I think we’ve taken some very aggressive steps in the United States to do so, not just responding to the immediate crisis, ensuring banks are adequately capitalized, er, dealing with the enormous, er … drop-off in demand and contraction that has taken place. More importantly, for the long term, making sure that we’ve got a set of, er, er, regulations that are up to the task, er, and that includes, er, a number that will be discussed at this summit. I think there’s a lot of convergence between all the parties involved about the need, for example, to focus not on the legal form that a particular financial product takes or the institution it emerges from, but rather what’s the risk involved, what’s the function of this product and how do we regulate that adequately, much more effective coordination, er, between countries so we can, er, anticipate the risks that are involved there. Dealing with the, er, problem of derivatives markets, making sure we have set up systems, er, that can reduce some of the risks there. So, I actually think … there’s enormous consensus that has emerged in terms of what we need to do now and, er … I’m a great believer in looking forwards than looking backwards.
Stolen from Hor Air….
Anyone know a 3rd grade student who couldn’t have done better?
@Real American Patriot: I find it interesting that CRAP has gone silent on the Tedisco NY20 thread where he accused me of “BS.”
Come here and try and stir the pot again while refusing to admit YOU WERE WRONG?
Did you think no one would notice?
For the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. Fifty-two percent of it, anyway.
I am Proud of my country – of all the people who are working to make their lives better, taking care of their children, going to their houses of worship, paying their bills and supporting their country with service men and women. This is the fabric of The United States, not the lying, crooked weasels who are running our government. Those are the people I’m ashamed of!!!
Somebody linked this video at WikiVideo. It pretty much sums up the reality of Europe’s “leading role” with James Garner lecturing Julie Andrews in wartime Britain:
“Europe’s been a going brothel long before we came to town. Don’t blame it on our Coca Cola bottles!”
I have the original Gordon Sinclair broadcast here:
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I may just put that up on the main page as it’s own post. It’s a story that Obama and the Dems have forgotten.
Great finds, Mike. The notion that anti-Americanism only began in the last 8 years is preposterous. President Obama needs a refresher course on history.
@wordsmith said: “I groan at the part of his speech where he concedes America’s arrogance and divisiveness rather than “set the record straight” on that broad-brushed, generalized misperception, it sets up for a European audience to be more receptive to hearing him criticize their level of anti-Americanism.”
I disagree. I doubt you’ll find one America hater whose attitude has changed because Obama accused this country of doing what these nuts have been saying all along. In fact, many of them will regard Obama’s statement as a validation of their view and likely to cause them to hate America even more.
@Wordsmith: The idea that our image around the world was damaged by Bush was laughable from the get go. How many times have I recounted the fact that so many more pro-American, pro-Bush leaders were elected during Bush’s two terms?
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. My point was on Obama’s intent, which isn’t to say that he doesn’t harbor sympathy and sentiments aligned with the Zinnish, Chomskyite-view of America’s sins. I think his perspectives on American history are firmly rooted from the liberal perspective. But I also see him as trying- straining- to be a pragmatic presidential uniter and voice of reason and moderation. Unfortunately, he’s hamstrung by his liberal instincts and nature.
@Wordsmith: If that was an effort to be a pragmatic, presidential unifier then the man has utterly failed.
All that kind of talk does is underline how out of touch the man is with the real America. It’s similar to his bitter clingers slap at people in Pennsylvania.
Mike, again I agree.
Listening to His actual words it’s derisive not divisive. Not a huge difference admittedly, but enough for a libtard to score an unearned point.
Has there ever been another President who spent his first 2+ months in office bashing the previous President in EVERY SINGLE public appearance that he made? I don’t remember G.W. Bush wasting his time talking about Clinton. I don’t remember Clinton wasting his time talking about G.H.W. Bush. Reagan? Even Carter? Will Obama ever take any responsibility for his own Presidency? Or do you think he will ride Bush’s low approval ratings for another 3 years and 10 months?
I can see him writing his memoirs in thirty years: “It was George Bush’s fault that Cuba invaded through Florida and took over everything East of Mississippi! If he would have been nicer to Turkey, then the French would have protected us,” and, “The right wing fanatics can blame me all they want for cutting military spending and paying our nation’s finest volunteers to go door to door for ACORN registering illegal aliens to vote instead of defending our country, but we all know that it was Sarah Palin’s fault for allowing the Russians to invade through Alaska and take over everything West of the Mississippi! If she had recalled Alaska’s National Guard from their duty cleaning the sewer systems in Nairobi where I stationed them, we would have never been in this mess!”
Very nice! You know, he does use ghost writers, maybe you can recoup some of the taxes he and congress are fixing to steal from you.
Iain Martin’s column, read it all… on! Comments are fun too.
From Missy’s article:
“am I alone in finding him increasingly to be something of a bore?”
Let’s put that to a vote:
Oh, I agree, Obama is a real bore, in at least two senses of the word:
1.) bore – a device for creating a hole; a drill.
Example: Obama, as the world’s largest bore, is preparing to drill large holes into the nation’s banks in an attempt to confiscate the excess wealth of “the rich”, saying that the Rich need to start paying their “fair share” of taxes in order to fund his New New Deal program of social equality and wealth distribution.
2.) bore – a tedious person.
Example: United States of America’s President Barack Obama may be able to add “Greatest Bore of All Time” to the list of titles and monikers given to him by his adoring fans and his critical opponents. According to one of the attendees at a recent post-election campaign stop:
Barack H. Obama’s long-winded and self-aggrandizing messianic blither is the equal of the snake-oil salesman’s pitch and testimonial, replete with the rhythm and rhyme of the gods’ own missives, but with the substance of a dried-up ink well. He would be the modern day Narcissus, if only he would favor us all enough so as to fall into the pool of his own reflection and, once determined to have been self-exterminated, allow us to return to our labors to right the wrongs he has perpetrated upon us, our children, and our future generations as of yet unimagined.
Hey, I can do it too!! Maybe I should run for POTUS. Instead of “a chicken in every pot,” how about “More of your own money in your own pocket?” Catchy enough?
Jeff V
Good idea and, yes, it is catchy enough, downright brilliant, imho! Bet you wouldn’t need a teleprompter to cite what you write, either.
First, promise you won’t let the FL run around like this:
Or, how about journalism? There’s quite a few in that field I wish you could replace, twood be nice. When you think about it, there are enough qualified, competent and studied people in here that could replace most of the WH press corp.