Gibbs will go first. It’s not that he’s particularly smart, but I do believe he’s smarter than Geithner. He’ll jump ship.
15 years ago
My thoughts… Gibbs will jump, Geithner will be pushed.
Larry Sheldon
15 years ago
Win lose or draw, it will be Gibbs, head first of feet first.
Obama doesn’t want to risk a trip to the Senate.
And Obama is not stupid. Just incompetent.
15 years ago
Geithner is a disaster but Gibbs already has that “I’m Toast” Democrat lip bite. The last News Conference I seen he needed a teleprompter also, he sounded like Barry.
15 years ago
Nope, it’s got to be Geithner. The economy is the uber-issue, and Barry will want to be seen as “doing something!” So he’ll throw the Tax Cheat under the bus to prove that the economy is his #1 priority. Gibbs’ll come later.
15 years ago
The one who resigns first is the brightest,
Larry Sheldon
15 years ago
“The one who resigns first is the brightest,”
Never occurred to me to use that term with respect to either of them.
15 years ago
I call it “Trickle down Incompetence.” Incompetence is at the top and working its way down as he appoints more people.
And never forget, you don’t resign, you get thrown under the bus. BO likes throwing people under the bus.
Gibbs needs to go now. I wouldn’t have hired him read a stories to children let alone speak for me as acting POTUS.
Heck, they ALL need to go!
15 years ago
Gibbs is actually worse than Scott McLellan. If you can believe that. He’s a smartass who probably got his ass beat in school every time he mouthed off to someone. Now, he knows no one’s going to kick his butt so he smart-mouths everyone. I think he’ll get canned rather than resign. Geithner, if he has a brain, should resign. But then again, if he had a brain, he would have withdrawn from consideration for the post…but then again, if he had a brain, he’d be a conservative.
luva the scissors
15 years ago
i vote for obama just throwing them under the bus… the wheels on the bus go thump thump thump. if they had any brains they never would have jumped aboard the obie express, but brains are no their strong suit.
Old Trooper
15 years ago
Just fire Obama and the rest can just quietly slink away. Except for Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel.
Special mission to a Turk Prison for them. Research on inhumane treatment for them but no urgent concern on short term. Let them spend a few years and report back…..
If I were limited to those two, it would be Geithner; Gibbs merely articulates (poorly) the plan of the ObamiNation – destroy conservatives at all costs (especially if it sinks the economy). However, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the first to go – she isn’t quite as invested in Retreat and Defeat as official foreign policy as the rest of the Obama administration.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Old Trooper,
I’m sure you know you can’t “fire” the President. One way to do that would be through the institution of a “vote of no confidence” procedure, which exists in some parliamentary systems.
In the United States you have to impeach the President for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Even if we had the vote of no confidence procedure I’m guessing no country with the exception of a banana republic has ever got rid of it’s executive after two months.
15 years ago
I’d like to see the whole administration resign. …and take the rest of Washington DC with them.
Gibbs will go first. It’s not that he’s particularly smart, but I do believe he’s smarter than Geithner. He’ll jump ship.
My thoughts… Gibbs will jump, Geithner will be pushed.
Win lose or draw, it will be Gibbs, head first of feet first.
Obama doesn’t want to risk a trip to the Senate.
And Obama is not stupid. Just incompetent.
Geithner is a disaster but Gibbs already has that “I’m Toast” Democrat lip bite. The last News Conference I seen he needed a teleprompter also, he sounded like Barry.
Nope, it’s got to be Geithner. The economy is the uber-issue, and Barry will want to be seen as “doing something!” So he’ll throw the Tax Cheat under the bus to prove that the economy is his #1 priority. Gibbs’ll come later.
The one who resigns first is the brightest,
“The one who resigns first is the brightest,”
Never occurred to me to use that term with respect to either of them.
I call it “Trickle down Incompetence.” Incompetence is at the top and working its way down as he appoints more people.
And never forget, you don’t resign, you get thrown under the bus. BO likes throwing people under the bus.
Gibbs needs to go now. I wouldn’t have hired him read a stories to children let alone speak for me as acting POTUS.
Heck, they ALL need to go!
Gibbs is actually worse than Scott McLellan. If you can believe that. He’s a smartass who probably got his ass beat in school every time he mouthed off to someone. Now, he knows no one’s going to kick his butt so he smart-mouths everyone. I think he’ll get canned rather than resign. Geithner, if he has a brain, should resign. But then again, if he had a brain, he would have withdrawn from consideration for the post…but then again, if he had a brain, he’d be a conservative.
i vote for obama just throwing them under the bus… the wheels on the bus go thump thump thump. if they had any brains they never would have jumped aboard the obie express, but brains are no their strong suit.
Just fire Obama and the rest can just quietly slink away. Except for Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel.
Special mission to a Turk Prison for them. Research on inhumane treatment for them but no urgent concern on short term. Let them spend a few years and report back…..
If I were limited to those two, it would be Geithner; Gibbs merely articulates (poorly) the plan of the ObamiNation – destroy conservatives at all costs (especially if it sinks the economy). However, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the first to go – she isn’t quite as invested in Retreat and Defeat as official foreign policy as the rest of the Obama administration.
Old Trooper,
I’m sure you know you can’t “fire” the President. One way to do that would be through the institution of a “vote of no confidence” procedure, which exists in some parliamentary systems.
In the United States you have to impeach the President for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Even if we had the vote of no confidence procedure I’m guessing no country with the exception of a banana republic has ever got rid of it’s executive after two months.
I’d like to see the whole administration resign. …and take the rest of Washington DC with them.