The Obama WH acts like Cheney was the first to throw a punch, when Obama’s thrugs have been throwing punches for months before and after the election and the inauguration. The Obama Team needs to man up.
If there’s a pool going, I’ll take Dick, and still give you points for the ZeroMouthpiece.
Has anyone thought about telling Obama that if he’s planning on using the bully pulpit so often, he should get someone that’s not such a loser like Gibb?
15 years ago
Team Obama is well on its way to Worst. Administration. Ever. James Buchanan’s rotting corpse is breathing a sigh of anticipatory relief.
15 years ago
Could Obama have picked a less likeable spokesman than this guy?
Well…I forgot about Carville.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Obama never had a honeymoon. McCain and Palin and the Conservative Shoutathon took the gloves off a long, long time. Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
He will not play rope-a-dope and be a conservative punching bag. Clinton had every silly slam, slur, and scandle thrown his way from haircuts on the runway to his daughter being compared to a dog by Rush Limbaugh.
Cheney had no problem telling Sen. Leahy to f- himself
He and his supporters should learn to take a punch.
Scott Malensek
15 years ago
How’s that banking plan comin’ along Obama? Ready to lead on Day 50-something.
If memory serves me, Gibbs said just a few days ago that they’d worn out the Rush thing. Looks like they found their new leftist chest thumper.
I agree, Dick would kick Gibbs’ ass in any which way possible-even physically (after all, the VP is Borg).
The most important thing here is not (imo) the duplicity and hypocrisy, but the rampant appeal to the left inside the Obama Admin hierarchy. Rahm and Robert and others are far more left than Obama (I hope), and they cannot, and they will not hold on to their 53-60% approval rating forever by scapegoating the Bush Admin then doing the same thing that the Bush Admin did. The American people voted for CHANGE. It was a slogan to Gibbs, and a tool for Rahm, but a real dream of HOPE for the American people at large.
Yes, the left won, but barely (it should have been a landslide), and unless they actually start accomplishing things rather than just pointing fingers, throwing money at problems (or running from them), then the right will grow in appeal and the center will grow in disgust.
15 years ago
Gibbs (aka The Family Guy) should stick to his evening job. He’s not funny as White House Press Secretary. As a matter of fact, he acts like a petulant middle school bully. His comments are flip, not intelligent or thoughtful. But, I do believe his attitude is a mirror of his boss’s.
There are a lot of adolescents running the farm here. Including little Timmy Geithner.
@Scott Malensek who said: “Rahm and Robert and others are far more left than Obama (I hope),”
Other than “hope” what do you base that on? He was rated the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate and every one of his personal associations back to his parents include the most radical types of people.
A lot of people were apparently sucked into thinking Obama was a centrist just because he said he was.
Hard Right
15 years ago
So obama’s picks weren’t moderates? Gee who saw that coming? Oh yeah, me.
Wonder if delusional larry still thinks they are?
15 years ago
The teleprompter president doesn’t want discussion of the merits and substance of issues, he wants to demozie the opponents. I guess the ACTING president’s teleprompter doesn’t do debate.
Gibbs — Making Baghdad Bob look professional.
15 years ago
Hey Dave, I’ll say this one more time, the left had 8 years of slamming President Bush and his VP over nearly every issue. And in far more insulting, disgusting and vicious ways.
Obambi is going to pay that price. Sorry, but if you think he deserves a pass, then you’re on the wrong blog.
And if you think he is man enough to handle it well, you are seriously on the wrong blog! I think his reaction to Rush is proof he will become a petulant spoiled brat if he keeps hearing the voices of his critics. Like the comment made by Cheney, and Gibbs reaction. Not very presidential!
15 years ago
Dave Said: “Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
He will not play rope-a-dope and be a conservative punching bag”
Are you kidding me? Started during the campaign? What about the Palin pile-ons? What about McCain admonishing his supporters for even thinking aggressiively?
Obama and his crap-weael press secretary definitely need to man-up. I saw Dana Perino on Sean Hannity last night and as sweet and demure as she appears, she is twice the man that either of them are. She has more poise and dignity in her press note-book than Gibbs can ever hope to achieve.
@Dave Noble: So McCain has been undercutting Obama whenever possible hunh Dave?
WASHINGTON – MARCH 04: U.S. President Barack Obama (L) speaks as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (R) looks on during an announcement at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building of the White House March 4, 2009 in Washington, DC. Obama announced his plan to reform the government contracting system to cut back on wasteful spending.
Or do you suppose McCain is just trying to sneak around Obama and unplug the teleprompter?
Dave Noble
15 years ago
So you think Dana Perino is more of a man (OK, if you say so) then Gibbs or Obama. Your opinion about a man or a woman is just that – your opinion.
How about we let the American people be the judge?
Aye Chi,
I’m not going to provide you with a legal brief re: Rush on the dog comment. The record is what the record is. But you really don’t want to get into ugly things said by Republicans to Democrats.
I don’t have to use Google for that. I’ve spent enough time reading Ann Coulter and listening to Rush and Mark Levin. And remember I have also spent a fair amount of time on this and other conservative blogs. Hell, I’ve been told on a blog to stop fellating my Messiah. Not that I care, – by now my skin has become as thick as a T. Rex. The point is – please drop the myth of the polite, respectful conservative politicians and media. It passed being ludicrous a long time ago.
Hard Right
15 years ago
You won’t provide proof on the Rush/dog comment Dave? Big shock.
You dems sure squeal when you merely get criticized.
15 years ago
This is what Dave is referring to:
On November 6, 1992, three days after the presidential election, Limbaugh made a reference to the daughter of the incoming President Bill Clinton, Chelsea. Limbaugh stated: “Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat; Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?” a picture of Chelsea then appeared onscreen. Although Limbaugh has claimed it was a technical error, as Al Franken documented in his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, since the show was on a tape delay, if it truly was a technical error, it could have been corrected prior to airing of the show. Of course, as Rush pointed out, the tv show was a big drain on his time (and that was why he gave it up) and didn’t do retakes. Limbaugh apologized during that show, claiming fatigue. A few days later, he stated that “I don’t need to get laughs by commenting on people’s looks, especially a young child who’s done nothing wrong. I mean, [Chelsea] can’t control the way she looks.” [2]
. ^ Talking Radio: An Oral History of American Radio in the Television Age by Michael C. Keith ISBN 0-7656-0398-5, M.E. Sharpe, 233 pages, 2000.
Dave Noble: Obama never had a honeymoon. McCain and Palin and the Conservative Shoutathon took the gloves off a long, long time. Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
For a guy who plays the “meaning of ‘is’… is” game so often, you’re missing your own “plain English” faux pas here, Dave. A honeymoon period is with the constituents, not the political opposition. And Obama will be getting an affirmative action honeymoon of a year instead of the months normally granted. Note the many many polls that show overall numbers of disapproval of the spending and agenda, but they soooo love the POTUS. sic… At least that’s what you starry-eyed faithful like to remind us of daily.
He and his supporters should learn to take a punch.
LOL! Shall we call you Rumplestiltskin, Dave? Where ya been the last eight years, bubba? I’d say Trish and RegGrandma laid it out well. Cheney has been the butt of jokes and target of press and left for eight years…. taken it with calm, elegance and eloquence… and fired back with cool. Hasn’t been part of Halliburton for years, but the press has an unwritten rules that you can’t use the company name without throwing Cheney’s name is simultaneously for continued demonization.
Learn to take a punch? He’s a non-RINO with the hide of a genuine rhino. I love that guy. Always have.
Our current WH occupant? Obama goes running to his campaign hit squads for back up when someone so much as blinks twice at the size of his ears. A hypersensitive, self-absorbed arrogant man with a professional “victim” complex who couldn’t fight his way out of anything solo… or without a teleprompter flashing someone else’s formulated sentences.
Speaking of running to his campaign hit squads… interesting article in the LA Times today. Yup… the Delegator/campaigner-in-chief is out there doing what he does best… staying on the campaign trail while Pelosi/Reid oversee the spending details, Geithner sits on his duff, and the energy and health czars wait impatiently for their turn in the spotlight, diving at the taxpayers’ money.
Reporting from Washington — Faced with growing skepticism over aspects of his economic agenda, President Obama has launched an aggressive campaign-style offensive to bolster congressional supporters and marginalize Republican opponents.
Millions of campaign supporters are receiving e-mails urging them to call members of Congress. Groups allied with the White House are running ads scorning the president’s foes. States that were closely contested in the 2008 election are again getting visits from Obama.
On Thursday, Obama will even turn up in Jay Leno’s studio to appear on “The Tonight Show.” Candidates have often used late-night talk shows to highlight their lighter side, but no sitting president has ever appeared on one, NBC said.
The return to campaign-style tactics is intended to pressure lawmakers to back Obama’s plans in Congress, particularly his $3.6-trillion budget. That would be a tough sell in any environment, with lawmakers and industry lobbyists skeptical of sweeping and costly plans to revamp healthcare, convert to alternative fuel and stabilize the financial sector.
In promoting its agenda, the White House is using some rougher tactics.
Even as Obama positions himself as a post-partisan leader who wants to cooperate with Republicans, his White House is operating in a more combative fashion, and it has been consulting with allied groups aiming to marginalize the Republican Party leadership.
Asked Monday about a weekend TV appearance by former Vice President Dick Cheney, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, “Well, I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy, so they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal.”
Part of the campaign is a coordinated assault on Republican Party leaders, depicting them as a recalcitrant minority determined to block the president’s agenda at any cost.
The White House has maintained close ties with several grass-roots organizations.
A spokesman for Americans United for Change said the group had consulted on strategy with Jim Messina, a White House deputy chief of staff and former Obama campaign official.
In addition, consultations on passing the president’s budget have been taking place between and the White House public liaison office, headed by Valerie Jarrett, a close friend of the president. This month, sent an e-mail touting Obama’s budget to 5 million members. It describes the blueprint as “ambitious, amazing and unapologetically progressive.”
Campaign supporters are being asked to call lawmakers to lobby for Obama’s budget and broader agenda.
Obama aides also want them to organize neighborhood canvassing operations this weekend.
Party officials are giving volunteers, called “hosts,” access to the same voter lists used during the campaign to target potential supporters. Those voters will be asked to participate in an organized effort to knock on doors and persuade people to support the Obama agenda.
The neighborhood-based strategy paid off in the 2008 presidential race. The question now is whether the largely liberal volunteers can be motivated to support a budget bill that inevitably involves compromise.
Ah yes… would just love to see an Obama big-spending-nanny-government supporter knock on *my* door…. Gosh darn, would that “make my day” or what? LOL
Dave Noble
15 years ago
@Dave Noble: So McCain has been undercutting Obama whenever possible hunh Dave?
Did you hear me say anything in my post about John McCain? You want to know what I think about John McCain? He is a war hero and a good man. Being saddled with Sarah Palin and forced to appeal to the red-meat eaters in the Republican Party put him in a painfully awkward position. Bob Dole, also a war hero and a good man (and a damn funny one to boot)
was put in similar position as a moderate Republican.
While we’re at it, why is Laura Ingraham calling Meghan McCain a fat girl and “a useful idiot?” BTW, I think Meghan McCain is a whole lot more attractive than Ms. Ingraham, who always looks like she just tasted the flat beer and stale chips at one of Grover Norquist’s parties. She has that pissed off, sour, pinched look of a chronically disappointed person.
Dave Noble #20: Did you hear me say anything in my post about John McCain? You want to know what I think about John McCain? He is a war hero and a good man. Being saddled with Sarah Palin and forced to appeal to the red-meat eaters in the Republican Party put him in a painfully awkward position.
Dave Noble #5: Obama never had a honeymoon. McCain and Palin and the Conservative Shoutathon took the gloves off a long, long time.
Why yes, Dave… I *did* hear you say something in your post about McCain.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Geez, Mata,
Do virtually all your posts have to follow the interminable cut and paste from the another person’s blog followed by an extensive cut and paste from some article? Especially on such a relatively low priority, non-policy subject. Just askin’?
You and I obviously know a different Dick Cheney. I think he’s a nasty bastard. But are you shocked? I’m certainly not shocked that you think he’s a fine fellow. Those entirely subjective differences in perception are not worth talking about, because the discussion goes nowhere.
And you think Obama is oversensitve? And the significance of that is what? Like I told Grandma your opinion is no more than your opinion.
I never said Democrats don’t say nasty things about Republicans. They do.
Bottomline, if Dick Cheney wants to say that torture is necessary to the security of our country and threaten America with another terrorist attack unless we reinstitute it, he’s going to get push back. If he’s so cool, he’ll be able to handle. If he can’t handle it, he should gently fade into retirement. It’s that simple.
BTW, Dick Cheney really is a scary guy. If he has a loaded shotgun. And you’re an old man or a bird.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Thank you for providing that detail of which I was aware in general but quite frankly didn’t want to make the effort to get the specific details. Thanks, again for making that effort.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Touche’, Mata,
But I think you’ll notice that Mike’s picture is dated not during the campaign, which I cited, but this month, post-Inauguration. John McCain has conducted himself like a loyal opposition politician since the Inauguration.
15 years ago
To Dave
I only did it because I too remember the incident. But trust me when I tell you I am not taking sides. As my post states, Rush said it was a mistake so it may be just that. Honestly I never cared for Rush because of his inflamatory rhetoric. I am a conservative who agrees with a lot of what is said on this post, however since I too remember what you were referring to I put up that post.
Now I’m going to go away before Aye kills me!
15 years ago
BTW, Dick Cheney really is a scary guy. If he has a loaded shotgun. And you’re an old man or a bird.
I’d still rather go hunting with Dick Cheney, than drive (especially over a bridge) with Ted Kennedy.
Dave Noble: Do virtually all your posts have to follow the interminable cut and paste from the another person’s blog followed by an extensive cut and paste from some article? Especially on such a relatively low priority, non-policy subject. Just askin’?
“Virtually all”… LOL My my Dave. I do know you have a problem wanting to substantiate *your* opinions and comments. I, however, do not.
But since you asked… there is no “another person’s blog” involved. The above cut and paste are the pertinent graphs from the LA Times article I linked to, as it related to the subject of this authored post…. Obama’s overuse of the bully pulpit when faced with opposition to his agenda.
I specifically included these cuts and pastes – from a well known liberal slanted media – for people exactly like you. Meaning those who regularly demonstrate you do little reading of the supplied URL’s…. How do I know? Quite simple. If you had clicked on the link, you would know there was no “blog” involved.
Really now, you do have the uncanny ability to open your mouth in order to change feet.
And like Hank, I’ll go hunting with Dick any day he asks me to. Don’t know much about shotguns, do you?
But I think you’ll notice that Mike’s picture is dated not during the campaign, which I cited, but this month, post-Inauguration.
Dave Dave…a bit soon to change the feet again, don’t you think?
Dave Noble #5.. (the rest of the paragraph included for Dave’s short memory)
Obama never had a honeymoon. McCain and Palin and the Conservative Shoutathon took the gloves off a long, long time. Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
I’d say… in “plain English” … that your comment covers McCain during the campaign and post Inaugural.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
The other person’s blog I referred to was mine. In relation to you, I am another person. My sentence accurately describes your post in the order of the cut and pastes, from my blog and then from an article. And I regularly read the URL’s, I often catch misrepresentations and key omissions when I do that.
BTW, that Ted Kennedy joke is Larry the Cable Guy’s and you’ll notice the Democratic Party has never run him as a Vice Presidential candidate, might as well had him as their Vice President.
Aye Chi,
I knew the background of the Rush statement too. So now, why did you act as though I was misrepresenting what he did? At best it’s an instance of playing cute, at worst it’s being dishonest.
Ron, I could care less if your a conservative or a Trotsyite, you honestly and accurately presented the facts. Thank you.
Never seen your blog, Dave Noble. Didn’t even know you had one. Or do you consider your comments here on FA as “your blog”. In which case, chutzpah, dude. This is Curt’s blog, not yours. And there’s a few of us here that share the privilege of being authors.
You are a member of the forum who comments. Period.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
Should be “you’re a conservative.” I often make that mistake when I’m typing fast.
I knew the background of the Rush statement too. So now, why did you act as though I was misrepresenting what he did?
That’s strange.
I looked all over your comment to see where you said that there was a technical error on Rush’s TV show where the wrong photograph was displayed.
I also looked all over your comment to see where you noted that Rush immediately apologized for the error.
It’s a funny thing though. I didn’t find either of those things.
What I did find was a deliberate misrepresentation of what happened. You confirmed that for me by admitting in post #34 that you knew the background of the incident in question.
You engaged in your distortion of the facts simply to try and make a cheap pot shot. Too bad you weren’t lucky enough for it to to slide on by.
At best it’s an instance of playing cute, at worst it’s being dishonest.
You’re right.
You were being dishonest, but admitting your shortcomings is the first step to overcoming them.
@Dave Noble said: “my skin has become as thick as a T. Rex.”
That’s not the only similarity between you and a giant lizard:
Your good for one thing only: Attack! Thinking however, doesn’t seem to be one of your strong suits.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
I meant my post, Mata. I have no blog, this is not my blog. I now understand how I confused you.
Aye Chi,
I never claimed to be the smartest guy in the room. Like every other fallible human being, I sometimes have a brain lapse and type or say one thing when I mean another. If that makes your day, so be it. Glad to give you your little pleasures.
Care to explain the tape delay aspect Ron points out? And Chelsea Clinton’s picture just happened to be in his pile that day – and just happened to be right where he would pick it up – right after he made that comment.
Well, fancy that.
You buy his totally implausible explanation, that’s your call.
Dave, the reason I repeat (or copy/paste in your terms) sentences is to note exactly what I am responding to. Some use a hotlink, which jumps the page back up. But it also doesn’t necessarily isolate which statement in your *comment* (not post… that’s generally the original authored source for the thread) I’m responding to.
Both versions are perfectly acceptable. I prefer to not have to have my screen jump up to another comment, then scroll back down. It’s called ease and courtesy. You find it annoying. Good… I’ll make sure I do it often then… LOL
And Chelsea Clinton’s picture just happened to be in his pile that day – and just happened to be right where he would pick it up – right after he made that comment.
Well, fancy that.
Normally, when a person finds himself in a hole over his head, he will stop digging.
Apparently you either don’t realize that you’re in a hole or you like it.
If you were nearly as knowledgeable about the incident as you claim to be then you would know what actually happened.
Funny that you choose to continue down a path which is clearly demonstrating your ignorance but, by all means, please keep digging.
15 years ago
Thr right is playing hardball; they learned it in the last 8 years from the left, who never let go of the grudge they developed in the 2000 election farce (both sides had plenty of opportunities to look bad, and they made full use of each one.) Are you going to say that Republicans in the beginning months of Obama’s presidency are acting worse than Democrats during the similar period of W. Bush’s first term? If so, you are not capable of objectivity.
BTW, I’m an equal opportunity critic. Bush made his mistakes and I criticized him then; it just happens that Obama and his Administration keep doing stupid things that leave the door open for criticism.
I have to laugh at the reports of Obama as “post-partisan.” Just because he claimed to be bi-partisan doesn’t mean a thing; his actions speak louder than words. What actions, you may ask? Well, there’s assigning the job of writing the “stimulust” (no typo there) bill to two of the most partisan Democratic members of Congress. Bi-partisan action would have been something like having the two most moderate members of each party working together to write the thing, maybe even add an independent as a tie-breaker. But, of course that wouldn’t work, since the far left Democrats wouldn’t have been able to put in all their “America’s foundation changing” pet projects.
And there’s the little issue of the White House In addition, consulting with on how to pass the budget. Unless you’re going to maintain that is a bi-partisan, middle of the road think tank, it’s pretty clear that Obama and his budget are, in fact, “ambitious, amazing and unapologetically progressive.” Does that sound bi-partisan to you? In the face of such brazen, in-your-face, and unapologetic partisan action,
what would you expect any opposition to do? Join the party? Drink the Kool-Aid? Hold hands and sing “We Shall Overcome?” (Come to think of it, maybe the Repulicans should start singing that very song. It’s more symbolic than “Kumbayah.”)
I respect your opinion, and I appreciate your contributions here, but I wish you could show some evidence that you are at least attempting to approach the subject matter here from an objective perspective.
Jeff V
15 years ago
The aspect of the sniping by the Obama administration that I find distressing is not that they are doing it. It is that the Executive branch of our government is using it’s bully pulpit to attack private citizens for expressing their opinions.
Dave, you can repeat your litany of conservative talk show hosts who have been mean old meanies all you want. It does not change the fundamental difference between a private citizen expressing an opinion and a government official castigating that same private citizen while in the midst of performing his public duties. Obama and Gibbs denouncing Rush and Cheney while speaking in their official capacities is inappropriate to say the least.
15 years ago
What? Does this guy take speech lessons from Obama? UH…UH..UH …UH …
OMG! That is almost the first lesson in any speech class – DO NOT SAY “UH”
And this loser Gibbs … All I hear from him is personal attacks on anyone who dares criticize his lord and master Obama. Pretty standard response from the liberal play book. Ignore facts and add ad hominem attack. He UH lacks UH professionalism UH on UH all UH levels.
Lightbringer says it well. It is one thing for Rush or whomever to say something since they are not actually members of the acting white house staff.
Is this the point at which I should lower myself to liberal standards and say “I hope he gets caner and dies!”
Or is this the point at which I should scream “He’s not MY president!”
What a joke! The whole cabinet (which he seems to be having a hard time filling).
I just hope the U.S. is still around in another 2 years.
That remark by Gibbs was not caustic–it was childish, like the tantrum of an overgrown kid whose playhouse is slowly falling down.
Another example of the utter classlessness of Obama and his gang of pimps.
15 years ago
“hard hitting, sarcastic” ? How about 3rd grade bully stupid! Aren’t we so lucky and proud to have an administration that would stoop so low as to attack a private citizen of our country! OR are they so hard up trying to find something that will take the country’s mind of the disaster they have caused and making worse every day!? Congratulations Democrats, you’ve taught us there is NO bottom to your barrel. The last News Conference I seen with Gibbs he was stuttering like a fool, like Obama without his teleprompters, over AIG. 😎
15 years ago
To Aye:
Thanks for the kind words. I haven’t been around lately (I always read the posts almost daily) because I’ve been really busy at work…which is where I read FA. I chose not to have internet at my home because I’m all a computer all day for work, so the last thing I want is to go home and go online.
I usually only have time for a quick comment here and there…but I will try and post more. You guys obviously don’t need any more help making your points so I usually just throw in a little opinion here and there.
Oh and thank you too Dave Noble….we may have ideological differences but we are both still Americans who just want what’s best for our country. Our approaches are just very different. I don’t descriminate against Liberals because my dear old mother and brother are both flaming liberals so I accept libs as much as conservatives…I just don’t agree with them politically.
Well, I gave Dave Noble a full 24 plus hours to demonstrate any sort of intellectual curiosity or integrity regarding this matter.
I gave him several hints to indicate that he was headed down the wrong path but he didn’t want to bother himself with the truth.
For the benefit of anyone who really wants to know what happened, here is the Lexis Nexis transcript of Rush’s show from the day in question in November 1992:
Copyright 1992 Multimedia Entertainment, Inc.
November 6, 1992, Friday 11:15 AM
LIMBAUGH: Thank you. This show’s era of dominant influence is just beginning. We are now the sole voice of sanity, the sole voice of reason. We are the sole voice of opposition on all television. This is the only place you can tune to to get the truth of the opposition of the one-party dictatorial government that now will soon run America. Oh, I mean, we are only beginning to enjoy dominance and prosperity. Most of these things on the in-out list are not even funny, but a couple of them—one of them in particular is.
David Hinckley of—of the New York Daily News wrote this, and what he has—he’s got—it’s very strange. He says, In: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.’ Could—could we see the cute kid? Let’s take a look at- -see who is the cute kid in the White House.
(A picture is shown of Millie the dog)
LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) No, no, no. That’s not the kid.
(Picture shown of Chelsea Clinton)
LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) That’s—that’s the kid. We’re trying to…
Rush apologized several times and told a story about how he had learned early in his career the importance of not making fun of someone’s appearance. He then apologized again.
Rush has always maintained the incident was an accident. On his show four days later, Rush offered an explanation to his audience. First, the show played, “Who’s Sorry Now” in the background and Limbaugh pointed to himself.
Then he said:
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry. Let me tell you very quickly what happened last Friday night. There was a new in list and new out list that was published in the newspaper. The writer said in, cute kid in the White House; out, cute dog in the White House. Could we show the cute dog in the White House who’s out, and they put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton back in the crew. And many of you people think that we did it on purpose to make a cheap comment on her appearance. And I’m terribly sorry. I don’t–look, that takes no talent whatsoever and I have a lot of talent. I don’t need to get laughs by commenting on people’s looks, especially a young child who’s done nothing wrong. I mean, she can’t control the way she looks. And we really–we do not–we do not do that on this kind of show. So put a picture up of her now and so we can square this.
They then showed the picture of Chelsea Clinton. She had a displeased look on her face, as if to show that she was not too happy with the mistake.
Rush continued:
All right. We’re sorry. We didn’t intend to hurt her feelings. We’ll be back with our final segment right after this. Don’t go away.
The unfortunate thing in all this is that people like Al Franken and the late Molly Ivins chose to change and embellish the story and in the process they created a version of events that did not happen. Basically, they lied.
We’ve never heard of a liberal doing that before now have we?
The Franken and Ivins version of the story has, through a process of repetition, become the accepted version. Wasn’t it Goebbels who told us that would work?
Ron, even the version of the story that you posted follows the same Franken/Ivins template.
I’m not pointing that out to throw stones at you in any way. The Internet is full of the false version of events. It simply didn’t happen that way.
I knew the answer when Dave made the original comment yesterday. I simply chose to string him along to see if he would have the intellectual honesty and integrity to correct the record himself.
I didn’t truly expect that he would and, consequently, he didn’t disappoint me.
So, there’s the truth of the matter.
An error happened. Rush immediately apologized. Repeatedly. Then he moved on.
Too bad some on the left don’t have that same level of decency and maturity.
15 years ago
To Aye:
Fair enough.
I thought there might be a more accurate version of what happened but as I said..I have limited time. Although my version was kind of close…after all it did mention Rush’s apology, but your version is definitely more accurate and complete.What I posted was the what was most easily found. Lexus Nexus is something I don’t have. Perhaps I should look into that. Does it cost anything?
The Obama WH acts like Cheney was the first to throw a punch, when Obama’s thrugs have been throwing punches for months before and after the election and the inauguration. The Obama Team needs to man up.
If there’s a pool going, I’ll take Dick, and still give you points for the ZeroMouthpiece.
Has anyone thought about telling Obama that if he’s planning on using the bully pulpit so often, he should get someone that’s not such a loser like Gibb?
Team Obama is well on its way to Worst. Administration. Ever. James Buchanan’s rotting corpse is breathing a sigh of anticipatory relief.
Could Obama have picked a less likeable spokesman than this guy?
Well…I forgot about Carville.
Obama never had a honeymoon. McCain and Palin and the Conservative Shoutathon took the gloves off a long, long time. Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
He will not play rope-a-dope and be a conservative punching bag. Clinton had every silly slam, slur, and scandle thrown his way from haircuts on the runway to his daughter being compared to a dog by Rush Limbaugh.
Cheney had no problem telling Sen. Leahy to f- himself
He and his supporters should learn to take a punch.
How’s that banking plan comin’ along Obama? Ready to lead on Day 50-something.
If memory serves me, Gibbs said just a few days ago that they’d worn out the Rush thing. Looks like they found their new leftist chest thumper.
I agree, Dick would kick Gibbs’ ass in any which way possible-even physically (after all, the VP is Borg).
The most important thing here is not (imo) the duplicity and hypocrisy, but the rampant appeal to the left inside the Obama Admin hierarchy. Rahm and Robert and others are far more left than Obama (I hope), and they cannot, and they will not hold on to their 53-60% approval rating forever by scapegoating the Bush Admin then doing the same thing that the Bush Admin did. The American people voted for CHANGE. It was a slogan to Gibbs, and a tool for Rahm, but a real dream of HOPE for the American people at large.
Yes, the left won, but barely (it should have been a landslide), and unless they actually start accomplishing things rather than just pointing fingers, throwing money at problems (or running from them), then the right will grow in appeal and the center will grow in disgust.
Gibbs (aka The Family Guy) should stick to his evening job. He’s not funny as White House Press Secretary. As a matter of fact, he acts like a petulant middle school bully. His comments are flip, not intelligent or thoughtful. But, I do believe his attitude is a mirror of his boss’s.
There are a lot of adolescents running the farm here. Including little Timmy Geithner.
“say goodbye to all that inaugural-era goodwill.”
It’s gone .. outta here
But you should have seen Gibbs before he changed
Great comments all. Particulary,
@Neo: who likens Gibbs to Bob Goldthwait.
@Trish: Gibbs as Peter, the Family Guy.
Just one quibble:
@Scott Malensek who said: “Rahm and Robert and others are far more left than Obama (I hope),”
Other than “hope” what do you base that on? He was rated the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate and every one of his personal associations back to his parents include the most radical types of people.
A lot of people were apparently sucked into thinking Obama was a centrist just because he said he was.
So obama’s picks weren’t moderates? Gee who saw that coming? Oh yeah, me.
Wonder if delusional larry still thinks they are?
The teleprompter president doesn’t want discussion of the merits and substance of issues, he wants to demozie the opponents. I guess the ACTING president’s teleprompter doesn’t do debate.
Gibbs — Making Baghdad Bob look professional.
Hey Dave, I’ll say this one more time, the left had 8 years of slamming President Bush and his VP over nearly every issue. And in far more insulting, disgusting and vicious ways.
Obambi is going to pay that price. Sorry, but if you think he deserves a pass, then you’re on the wrong blog.
And if you think he is man enough to handle it well, you are seriously on the wrong blog! I think his reaction to Rush is proof he will become a petulant spoiled brat if he keeps hearing the voices of his critics. Like the comment made by Cheney, and Gibbs reaction. Not very presidential!
Dave Said: “Obama is fighting back. It started during the campaign and continues now.
He will not play rope-a-dope and be a conservative punching bag”
Are you kidding me? Started during the campaign? What about the Palin pile-ons? What about McCain admonishing his supporters for even thinking aggressiively?
Obama and his crap-weael press secretary definitely need to man-up. I saw Dana Perino on Sean Hannity last night and as sweet and demure as she appears, she is twice the man that either of them are. She has more poise and dignity in her press note-book than Gibbs can ever hope to achieve.
Another falsehood being perpetuated by Dave Noble.
Again I ask you, “Who ya think ya foolin’ Dave?”
@Dave Noble: So McCain has been undercutting Obama whenever possible hunh Dave?
Or do you suppose McCain is just trying to sneak around Obama and unplug the teleprompter?
So you think Dana Perino is more of a man (OK, if you say so) then Gibbs or Obama. Your opinion about a man or a woman is just that – your opinion.
How about we let the American people be the judge?
Aye Chi,
I’m not going to provide you with a legal brief re: Rush on the dog comment. The record is what the record is. But you really don’t want to get into ugly things said by Republicans to Democrats.
I don’t have to use Google for that. I’ve spent enough time reading Ann Coulter and listening to Rush and Mark Levin. And remember I have also spent a fair amount of time on this and other conservative blogs. Hell, I’ve been told on a blog to stop fellating my Messiah. Not that I care, – by now my skin has become as thick as a T. Rex. The point is – please drop the myth of the polite, respectful conservative politicians and media. It passed being ludicrous a long time ago.
You won’t provide proof on the Rush/dog comment Dave? Big shock.
You dems sure squeal when you merely get criticized.
This is what Dave is referring to:
On November 6, 1992, three days after the presidential election, Limbaugh made a reference to the daughter of the incoming President Bill Clinton, Chelsea. Limbaugh stated: “Everyone knows the Clintons have a cat; Socks is the White House cat. But did you know there is also a White House dog?” a picture of Chelsea then appeared onscreen. Although Limbaugh has claimed it was a technical error, as Al Franken documented in his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, since the show was on a tape delay, if it truly was a technical error, it could have been corrected prior to airing of the show. Of course, as Rush pointed out, the tv show was a big drain on his time (and that was why he gave it up) and didn’t do retakes. Limbaugh apologized during that show, claiming fatigue. A few days later, he stated that “I don’t need to get laughs by commenting on people’s looks, especially a young child who’s done nothing wrong. I mean, [Chelsea] can’t control the way she looks.” [2]
. ^ Talking Radio: An Oral History of American Radio in the Television Age by Michael C. Keith ISBN 0-7656-0398-5, M.E. Sharpe, 233 pages, 2000.
For a guy who plays the “meaning of ‘is’… is” game so often, you’re missing your own “plain English” faux pas here, Dave. A honeymoon period is with the constituents, not the political opposition. And Obama will be getting an affirmative action honeymoon of a year instead of the months normally granted. Note the many many polls that show overall numbers of disapproval of the spending and agenda, but they soooo love the POTUS. sic… At least that’s what you starry-eyed faithful like to remind us of daily.
LOL! Shall we call you Rumplestiltskin, Dave? Where ya been the last eight years, bubba? I’d say Trish and RegGrandma laid it out well. Cheney has been the butt of jokes and target of press and left for eight years…. taken it with calm, elegance and eloquence… and fired back with cool. Hasn’t been part of Halliburton for years, but the press has an unwritten rules that you can’t use the company name without throwing Cheney’s name is simultaneously for continued demonization.
Learn to take a punch? He’s a non-RINO with the hide of a genuine rhino. I love that guy. Always have.
Our current WH occupant? Obama goes running to his campaign hit squads for back up when someone so much as blinks twice at the size of his ears. A hypersensitive, self-absorbed arrogant man with a professional “victim” complex who couldn’t fight his way out of anything solo… or without a teleprompter flashing someone else’s formulated sentences.
Speaking of running to his campaign hit squads… interesting article in the LA Times today. Yup… the Delegator/campaigner-in-chief is out there doing what he does best… staying on the campaign trail while Pelosi/Reid oversee the spending details, Geithner sits on his duff, and the energy and health czars wait impatiently for their turn in the spotlight, diving at the taxpayers’ money.
Ah yes… would just love to see an Obama big-spending-nanny-government supporter knock on *my* door…. Gosh darn, would that “make my day” or what? LOL
@Dave Noble: So McCain has been undercutting Obama whenever possible hunh Dave?
Did you hear me say anything in my post about John McCain? You want to know what I think about John McCain? He is a war hero and a good man. Being saddled with Sarah Palin and forced to appeal to the red-meat eaters in the Republican Party put him in a painfully awkward position. Bob Dole, also a war hero and a good man (and a damn funny one to boot)
was put in similar position as a moderate Republican.
While we’re at it, why is Laura Ingraham calling Meghan McCain a fat girl and “a useful idiot?” BTW, I think Meghan McCain is a whole lot more attractive than Ms. Ingraham, who always looks like she just tasted the flat beer and stale chips at one of Grover Norquist’s parties. She has that pissed off, sour, pinched look of a chronically disappointed person.
You’re right Dave.
The record is what the record is.
Unfortunately, you’re choosing to misrepresent it.
Why yes, Dave… I *did* hear you say something in your post about McCain.
Geez, Mata,
Do virtually all your posts have to follow the interminable cut and paste from the another person’s blog followed by an extensive cut and paste from some article? Especially on such a relatively low priority, non-policy subject. Just askin’?
You and I obviously know a different Dick Cheney. I think he’s a nasty bastard. But are you shocked? I’m certainly not shocked that you think he’s a fine fellow. Those entirely subjective differences in perception are not worth talking about, because the discussion goes nowhere.
And you think Obama is oversensitve? And the significance of that is what? Like I told Grandma your opinion is no more than your opinion.
I never said Democrats don’t say nasty things about Republicans. They do.
Bottomline, if Dick Cheney wants to say that torture is necessary to the security of our country and threaten America with another terrorist attack unless we reinstitute it, he’s going to get push back. If he’s so cool, he’ll be able to handle. If he can’t handle it, he should gently fade into retirement. It’s that simple.
BTW, Dick Cheney really is a scary guy. If he has a loaded shotgun. And you’re an old man or a bird.
Thank you for providing that detail of which I was aware in general but quite frankly didn’t want to make the effort to get the specific details. Thanks, again for making that effort.
Touche’, Mata,
But I think you’ll notice that Mike’s picture is dated not during the campaign, which I cited, but this month, post-Inauguration. John McCain has conducted himself like a loyal opposition politician since the Inauguration.
To Dave
I only did it because I too remember the incident. But trust me when I tell you I am not taking sides. As my post states, Rush said it was a mistake so it may be just that. Honestly I never cared for Rush because of his inflamatory rhetoric. I am a conservative who agrees with a lot of what is said on this post, however since I too remember what you were referring to I put up that post.
Now I’m going to go away before Aye kills me!
BTW, Dick Cheney really is a scary guy. If he has a loaded shotgun. And you’re an old man or a bird.
I’d still rather go hunting with Dick Cheney, than drive (especially over a bridge) with Ted Kennedy.
I knew exactly what Dave was speaking of too.
I also knew that he was being more than a bit disingenuous in his representation of what actually happened. That is why I challenged him on it.
Now, why in the world would you think that I would even consider wanting to kill you?
To Aye:
For jumping into the middle of your back and forth with Dave. I thought I might get hit with shrapnel! LOL.
“Virtually all”… LOL My my Dave. I do know you have a problem wanting to substantiate *your* opinions and comments. I, however, do not.
But since you asked… there is no “another person’s blog” involved. The above cut and paste are the pertinent graphs from the LA Times article I linked to, as it related to the subject of this authored post…. Obama’s overuse of the bully pulpit when faced with opposition to his agenda.
I specifically included these cuts and pastes – from a well known liberal slanted media – for people exactly like you. Meaning those who regularly demonstrate you do little reading of the supplied URL’s…. How do I know? Quite simple. If you had clicked on the link, you would know there was no “blog” involved.
Really now, you do have the uncanny ability to open your mouth in order to change feet.
And like Hank, I’ll go hunting with Dick any day he asks me to. Don’t know much about shotguns, do you?
Nah…. I don’t mind you jumping in at all.
You should hang ’round here more often.
@Dave Noble:
I love Darth Cheney! Big fan, here!
Dave Dave…a bit soon to change the feet again, don’t you think?
I’d say… in “plain English” … that your comment covers McCain during the campaign and post Inaugural.
The other person’s blog I referred to was mine. In relation to you, I am another person. My sentence accurately describes your post in the order of the cut and pastes, from my blog and then from an article. And I regularly read the URL’s, I often catch misrepresentations and key omissions when I do that.
BTW, that Ted Kennedy joke is Larry the Cable Guy’s and you’ll notice the Democratic Party has never run him as a Vice Presidential candidate, might as well had him as their Vice President.
Aye Chi,
I knew the background of the Rush statement too. So now, why did you act as though I was misrepresenting what he did? At best it’s an instance of playing cute, at worst it’s being dishonest.
Ron, I could care less if your a conservative or a Trotsyite, you honestly and accurately presented the facts. Thank you.
Never seen your blog, Dave Noble. Didn’t even know you had one. Or do you consider your comments here on FA as “your blog”. In which case, chutzpah, dude. This is Curt’s blog, not yours. And there’s a few of us here that share the privilege of being authors.
You are a member of the forum who comments. Period.
Should be “you’re a conservative.” I often make that mistake when I’m typing fast.
@Dave Noble:
That’s strange.
I looked all over your comment to see where you said that there was a technical error on Rush’s TV show where the wrong photograph was displayed.
I also looked all over your comment to see where you noted that Rush immediately apologized for the error.
It’s a funny thing though. I didn’t find either of those things.
What I did find was a deliberate misrepresentation of what happened. You confirmed that for me by admitting in post #34 that you knew the background of the incident in question.
You engaged in your distortion of the facts simply to try and make a cheap pot shot. Too bad you weren’t lucky enough for it to to slide on by.
You’re right.
You were being dishonest, but admitting your shortcomings is the first step to overcoming them.
The self affirmed smartest guy in the room doesn’t even know the difference between a blog and a comment.
@Dave Noble said: “my skin has become as thick as a T. Rex.”
That’s not the only similarity between you and a giant lizard:
Your good for one thing only: Attack! Thinking however, doesn’t seem to be one of your strong suits.
I meant my post, Mata. I have no blog, this is not my blog. I now understand how I confused you.
Aye Chi,
I never claimed to be the smartest guy in the room. Like every other fallible human being, I sometimes have a brain lapse and type or say one thing when I mean another. If that makes your day, so be it. Glad to give you your little pleasures.
Care to explain the tape delay aspect Ron points out? And Chelsea Clinton’s picture just happened to be in his pile that day – and just happened to be right where he would pick it up – right after he made that comment.
Well, fancy that.
You buy his totally implausible explanation, that’s your call.
Dave, the reason I repeat (or copy/paste in your terms) sentences is to note exactly what I am responding to. Some use a hotlink, which jumps the page back up. But it also doesn’t necessarily isolate which statement in your *comment* (not post… that’s generally the original authored source for the thread) I’m responding to.
Both versions are perfectly acceptable. I prefer to not have to have my screen jump up to another comment, then scroll back down. It’s called ease and courtesy. You find it annoying. Good… I’ll make sure I do it often then… LOL
@Dave Noble:
Normally, when a person finds himself in a hole over his head, he will stop digging.
Apparently you either don’t realize that you’re in a hole or you like it.
If you were nearly as knowledgeable about the incident as you claim to be then you would know what actually happened.
Funny that you choose to continue down a path which is clearly demonstrating your ignorance but, by all means, please keep digging.
Thr right is playing hardball; they learned it in the last 8 years from the left, who never let go of the grudge they developed in the 2000 election farce (both sides had plenty of opportunities to look bad, and they made full use of each one.) Are you going to say that Republicans in the beginning months of Obama’s presidency are acting worse than Democrats during the similar period of W. Bush’s first term? If so, you are not capable of objectivity.
BTW, I’m an equal opportunity critic. Bush made his mistakes and I criticized him then; it just happens that Obama and his Administration keep doing stupid things that leave the door open for criticism.
I have to laugh at the reports of Obama as “post-partisan.” Just because he claimed to be bi-partisan doesn’t mean a thing; his actions speak louder than words. What actions, you may ask? Well, there’s assigning the job of writing the “stimulust” (no typo there) bill to two of the most partisan Democratic members of Congress. Bi-partisan action would have been something like having the two most moderate members of each party working together to write the thing, maybe even add an independent as a tie-breaker. But, of course that wouldn’t work, since the far left Democrats wouldn’t have been able to put in all their “America’s foundation changing” pet projects.
And there’s the little issue of the White House In addition, consulting with on how to pass the budget. Unless you’re going to maintain that is a bi-partisan, middle of the road think tank, it’s pretty clear that Obama and his budget are, in fact, “ambitious, amazing and unapologetically progressive.” Does that sound bi-partisan to you? In the face of such brazen, in-your-face, and unapologetic partisan action,
what would you expect any opposition to do? Join the party? Drink the Kool-Aid? Hold hands and sing “We Shall Overcome?” (Come to think of it, maybe the Repulicans should start singing that very song. It’s more symbolic than “Kumbayah.”)
I respect your opinion, and I appreciate your contributions here, but I wish you could show some evidence that you are at least attempting to approach the subject matter here from an objective perspective.
Jeff V
The aspect of the sniping by the Obama administration that I find distressing is not that they are doing it. It is that the Executive branch of our government is using it’s bully pulpit to attack private citizens for expressing their opinions.
Dave, you can repeat your litany of conservative talk show hosts who have been mean old meanies all you want. It does not change the fundamental difference between a private citizen expressing an opinion and a government official castigating that same private citizen while in the midst of performing his public duties. Obama and Gibbs denouncing Rush and Cheney while speaking in their official capacities is inappropriate to say the least.
What? Does this guy take speech lessons from Obama? UH…UH..UH …UH …
OMG! That is almost the first lesson in any speech class – DO NOT SAY “UH”
And this loser Gibbs … All I hear from him is personal attacks on anyone who dares criticize his lord and master Obama. Pretty standard response from the liberal play book. Ignore facts and add ad hominem attack. He UH lacks UH professionalism UH on UH all UH levels.
Lightbringer says it well. It is one thing for Rush or whomever to say something since they are not actually members of the acting white house staff.
Is this the point at which I should lower myself to liberal standards and say “I hope he gets caner and dies!”
Or is this the point at which I should scream “He’s not MY president!”
What a joke! The whole cabinet (which he seems to be having a hard time filling).
I just hope the U.S. is still around in another 2 years.
Who let da pimps in da Whitehouse???
That remark by Gibbs was not caustic–it was childish, like the tantrum of an overgrown kid whose playhouse is slowly falling down.
Another example of the utter classlessness of Obama and his gang of pimps.
“hard hitting, sarcastic” ? How about 3rd grade bully stupid! Aren’t we so lucky and proud to have an administration that would stoop so low as to attack a private citizen of our country! OR are they so hard up trying to find something that will take the country’s mind of the disaster they have caused and making worse every day!? Congratulations Democrats, you’ve taught us there is NO bottom to your barrel. The last News Conference I seen with Gibbs he was stuttering like a fool, like Obama without his teleprompters, over AIG. 😎
To Aye:
Thanks for the kind words. I haven’t been around lately (I always read the posts almost daily) because I’ve been really busy at work…which is where I read FA. I chose not to have internet at my home because I’m all a computer all day for work, so the last thing I want is to go home and go online.
I usually only have time for a quick comment here and there…but I will try and post more. You guys obviously don’t need any more help making your points so I usually just throw in a little opinion here and there.
Oh and thank you too Dave Noble….we may have ideological differences but we are both still Americans who just want what’s best for our country. Our approaches are just very different. I don’t descriminate against Liberals because my dear old mother and brother are both flaming liberals so I accept libs as much as conservatives…I just don’t agree with them politically.
Take Care
Well, I gave Dave Noble a full 24 plus hours to demonstrate any sort of intellectual curiosity or integrity regarding this matter.
I gave him several hints to indicate that he was headed down the wrong path but he didn’t want to bother himself with the truth.
For the benefit of anyone who really wants to know what happened, here is the Lexis Nexis transcript of Rush’s show from the day in question in November 1992:
Rush apologized several times and told a story about how he had learned early in his career the importance of not making fun of someone’s appearance. He then apologized again.
Rush has always maintained the incident was an accident. On his show four days later, Rush offered an explanation to his audience. First, the show played, “Who’s Sorry Now” in the background and Limbaugh pointed to himself.
Then he said:
They then showed the picture of Chelsea Clinton. She had a displeased look on her face, as if to show that she was not too happy with the mistake.
Rush continued:
The unfortunate thing in all this is that people like Al Franken and the late Molly Ivins chose to change and embellish the story and in the process they created a version of events that did not happen. Basically, they lied.
We’ve never heard of a liberal doing that before now have we?
The Franken and Ivins version of the story has, through a process of repetition, become the accepted version. Wasn’t it Goebbels who told us that would work?
Ron, even the version of the story that you posted follows the same Franken/Ivins template.
I’m not pointing that out to throw stones at you in any way. The Internet is full of the false version of events. It simply didn’t happen that way.
I knew the answer when Dave made the original comment yesterday. I simply chose to string him along to see if he would have the intellectual honesty and integrity to correct the record himself.
I didn’t truly expect that he would and, consequently, he didn’t disappoint me.
So, there’s the truth of the matter.
An error happened. Rush immediately apologized. Repeatedly. Then he moved on.
Too bad some on the left don’t have that same level of decency and maturity.
To Aye:
Fair enough.
I thought there might be a more accurate version of what happened but as I said..I have limited time. Although my version was kind of close…after all it did mention Rush’s apology, but your version is definitely more accurate and complete.What I posted was the what was most easily found. Lexus Nexus is something I don’t have. Perhaps I should look into that. Does it cost anything?