I love this. After 8 years of demonizing George Bush, now we get a guy that can’t even speak extemporaneously. How hard it must be for the left to prop this guy up. I love it.
Wait till next month when they start opening up their 401K statements.
Tom in CA
15 years ago
“philly_nj: Thanks for dropping that link at This Is London:
I wondered why we were seeing hits from there.”
I am so happy some of my Brit. (Buddies !! :)) came over to have a look see.
Happy also to know it was cool with you for me to send them 🙂
“Looks like your friend Jabberwookie is still drinking the Kool Aid.”
Unfortunately This Is London is a leftist leaning site.
“Keep on linking and we’ll keep on educating them.”
Will do…they aint all bad just stubbornly uninformed Obamamites 🙂
luva the scissors
15 years ago
i love rubbing it in the obots faces how badly he is screwing up. he realy has no idea how to speak unless that thing is in front of him. wonder how dirty talk with michelle goes, do the telepromptors get in the way?
This is London is The Evening Standard website – a newspaper with right wing views. It was owned for some time by the Associated Press. However in January I see that it was bought by an ex-KGB agent – so maybe it’s going to swing hard left. Somehow I doubt it.
As for Obama – at least Bush didn’t use tele-promoters. Otherwise his writers should be shot;)
15 years ago
Gaffa UK, I have gotten in some ‘disputes’ over at the TIL site mostly defending President Bush (even with the moderators).
“*As for Obama – at least Bush didn’t use tele-promoters. Otherwise his writers should be shot;)”
I agree…remember the fuss the media created over the supposed “bulge” in President’s Bush’s jacket at a debate ?
I haven’t been on that forum myself – but Bush was/is pretty unpopular in most of the British tabloids – left and right along with Blair. However the Brits, I believe, as a majority aren’t anti-american. I believe the Evening Standard was pro- Boris Johnson – the now elected Conservative mayor of London. No doubt Obama is still in honeymoon phase with some of the worldwide media but this will soon fade.
As for Bush’s bulge – was that ever settled?
15 years ago
You are right GaffaUK, the Brits wanted President Bush out and John Kerry in and were in favor of Barack Obama.
I found a link re: Bush Bulge:
“* A bulge in the back of President George W Bush’s suit jacket during the first TV debate with John Kerry has triggered rumours that he was wired to get help.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3730364.stm
We’ve come a long way since 2004…..
From “Bush Bulge Cheat” to “Obama Teleprompter Acceptable” !!!!!!
Good job Mike..love it … short sharp and hits the bullseye … ..
….or should that be hits Obama in the teleprompter ? 🙂
@Jaberwokie: Most thought he would turn hard left and attempt to enact a radical socialist agenda?
Well, most of US thought that but most Obamatards didn’t believe it when we told them.
@philly_nj: Thanks for dropping that link at This Is London:
I wondered why we were seeing hits from there.
I love this. After 8 years of demonizing George Bush, now we get a guy that can’t even speak extemporaneously. How hard it must be for the left to prop this guy up. I love it.
Wait till next month when they start opening up their 401K statements.
Tom in CA
“philly_nj: Thanks for dropping that link at This Is London:
I wondered why we were seeing hits from there.”
I am so happy some of my Brit. (Buddies !! :)) came over to have a look see.
Happy also to know it was cool with you for me to send them 🙂
@philly_nj: looks like we had more than a dozen visitors from your link:
Always glad to inform our British cousins that not everyone in the U.S. is an Obamatard.
Looks like your friend Jabberwookie is still drinking the Kool Aid.
Keep on linking and we’ll keep on educating them.
If this wasn’t so serious we could have fun with Obama for the next four years. GREAT CLIP MIKE.
Thanks Tom N. It’s always nice to be appreciated.
“Looks like your friend Jabberwookie is still drinking the Kool Aid.”
Unfortunately This Is London is a leftist leaning site.
“Keep on linking and we’ll keep on educating them.”
Will do…they aint all bad just stubbornly uninformed Obamamites 🙂
i love rubbing it in the obots faces how badly he is screwing up. he realy has no idea how to speak unless that thing is in front of him. wonder how dirty talk with michelle goes, do the telepromptors get in the way?
Well, there is the new, improved, portable version:
Edited to add this.
I just found it.
This is London is The Evening Standard website – a newspaper with right wing views. It was owned for some time by the Associated Press. However in January I see that it was bought by an ex-KGB agent – so maybe it’s going to swing hard left. Somehow I doubt it.
As for Obama – at least Bush didn’t use tele-promoters. Otherwise his writers should be shot;)
Gaffa UK, I have gotten in some ‘disputes’ over at the TIL site mostly defending President Bush (even with the moderators).
“*As for Obama – at least Bush didn’t use tele-promoters. Otherwise his writers should be shot;)”
I agree…remember the fuss the media created over the supposed “bulge” in President’s Bush’s jacket at a debate ?
I haven’t been on that forum myself – but Bush was/is pretty unpopular in most of the British tabloids – left and right along with Blair. However the Brits, I believe, as a majority aren’t anti-american. I believe the Evening Standard was pro- Boris Johnson – the now elected Conservative mayor of London. No doubt Obama is still in honeymoon phase with some of the worldwide media but this will soon fade.
As for Bush’s bulge – was that ever settled?
You are right GaffaUK, the Brits wanted President Bush out and John Kerry in and were in favor of Barack Obama.
I found a link re: Bush Bulge:
“* A bulge in the back of President George W Bush’s suit jacket during the first TV debate with John Kerry has triggered rumours that he was wired to get help.”
We’ve come a long way since 2004…..
From “Bush Bulge Cheat” to “Obama Teleprompter Acceptable” !!!!!!