While the world awaits a coherent plan to fix America’s banks, the president also is urging a vast overhaul of health care, a plan to tax and thus limit tailpipe and smokestack emissions thought to cause global warming, the development of alternative energy systems, a dramatic shift of the nation’s tax burden, ambitious new education initiatives and a rewrite of financial regulations is busy turning America into a socialist country.
Fixed that for ya.
15 years ago
Their long desired oportunity to redo America in their perverse image has arrived. How can they not make a break for the door? We need 2010 to slow them down, and 2012 to stop them, if we can find enough real Conservatives who are up to the challenge.
This comparison is perfect analogy of the domestic policy. But, if you look Obama’s foreign diplomacy and compare it Carter’s, WOW! With wanting to sit down with “moderate” Taliban leaders, Iran, Russia, and have enemies all over the world testing Obama’s leadership, it looks like Obama is just doing what Carter did but on steroids, forget about FDR or Wilson. It just goes to show a Liberal will keep trying the same things even if it has proven time and time again not to work.
The jug-eared prevaricator knows he’s got very little time until his administration turns ‘lame duck’ in 2010, so he’s got to implement as much socialism as possible while he has all the control.
Obama knows he’s screwed, and he knew it from day one.
15 years ago
The 3 most comforting words – “former President Obama”.
It only seems like Obama’s trying to do “too much” because the last president wasn’t much for multi-tasking. For the last two years that he was in office, Bill Clinton was too busy dealing with Ken Starr’s Anti-Sex League crusade against him. So, we went for a full decade with leadership that could only handle one problem at a time, if that. Unfortunately, problems rarely come in single servings. What we’re dealing with right here are a lot of disgruntled people who can’t live with the idea of an African-American, liberal, action-oriented, pragmatic thinker in the White House who is a lot smarter than they are. It’s far too threatening. The comments that follow this post will no doubt involve a lot of thrashing about, name-calling and half-truths which have nothing to do with the things that Obama has actually managed to achieve after less than two months in office. These are people who get all their “news” from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and form their opinions accordingly. Not an original thinker in the house.
@JohnRJ08 said: “the last president wasn’t much for multi-tasking.”
Really? Winning a war in Iraq, keeping us safe from attack and presiding over the largest runup in the Dow Jones and the lowest unemployment until just a few months ago when Dems sabotaged the works seems like a pretty good job of multitasking.
As for:
“What we’re dealing with right here are a lot of disgruntled people who can’t live with the idea of an African-American, liberal, action-oriented, pragmatic thinker in the White House who is a lot smarter than they are.”
That’s laughable.
Did you not bother to read my post on Friday about all the former Obama supporters, left, right and in between who now realize what a mistake they made?
Perhaps if you spent less time reading the daily attack talking points from Moveon.org and such you would have a better perspective on just what a mess we are in and why it’s Obama’s failing leadership that is the cause.
15 years ago
If he tries to do too much, some analysts say, he could end up a modern-day Jimmy Carter, blazing into town and throwing the kitchen sink at Congress, only to end his first year in office with a pile of broken plumbing.
Huh? I wasn’t alive during Carter’s term, but I figured he faltered not because he tried to do too much too soon but because he was an idiot without a clue. (Off topic, but I’ll never forget being told that my mother voted for Carter and then after four years of him said something along the lines of, “I’ll never vote for a Democrat again.” To my knowledge, she kept that promise.)
That isn’t the first time we’ve heard comparisons between Carter and Obama.
They look nothing alike and are not the same, but based on their policies, words and level of intelligence, they could’ve been separated at birth for all I know.
What we’re dealing with right here are a lot of disgruntled people who can’t live with the idea of an African-American, liberal, action-oriented, pragmatic thinker in the White House who is a lot smarter than they are.
Really? Obama smarter than me? Uh, no, because I know things like how many states there are in this country; the difference between Iowa and Ottawa; how to speak in public without a teleprompter; the difference between a door and a window; not to give a visting nation’s leader a lame pack of DVDs as a gift; not to blame an invaded country for the aggressive nature of one of its neighbors; not to give money to Hamas-controlled Gaza; not to remove terrorist-supporting nations from the watch list when they’ve done nothing to deserve it; and not to release the Cole bombing mastermind from Gitmo. Shall I go on?!
And don’t forget the most difficult set of challenges of all, the onslaughts of lunatic obstructionist Dems and their MSM attack dogs, in so many different and critical areas. All the other stuff was normal, compared with the chaos they caused.
W. A.
15 years ago
As an independent, a lot of us were sold on what we perceived to be Obama’s logistic, creative, organizational and critical thinking skills. It didn’t hurt Obama that the Republicans ran McCain against him and I very much respect John McCain’s service to our country but I’m certainly not a purveyor of his politics.
Upon reflection, I was naïve to think that this one level of visual/audio perfection that I and millions of others had in our minds eye would hold true in these multi layered dynamics demanded of those in the Whitehouse. Obama has failed this test thus far with honors. I am a small/medium corporate business owner in California generating $50 million annually plus.
I assumed he possessed these capabilities but I’m now and have been witnessing the Yen and Yang of Mr. Obama’s very real contrasts. In my opinion he has not been able to harness what he had on the campaign trail and what he now has in any fashion.
We are that demographic that employs America and already, the healthcare costs that my company pays for its employees will now be taxed. Is this some kind of joke? This is just one of a myriad of changes that are not for the better for small and medium sized businesses in California no less. I am blessed that our products have strong national and international demand but I can see the handwriting on this wall. Now it’s just a matter of time before I move or sell.
Oops, there go 1200 more jobs.
W. A.
15 years ago
Let’s not forget that both Bush I and Bush II knew how to delegate without micromanaging. Obama can’t do the same for several reasons:
– He’s too busy making every issue into a campaign issue.
– His appointments sucked so much wind and wasted time, so he feels he needs to run things himself.
– Obama doesn’t trust power-mad Pelosi and ramrod Reid to say the right things, so he has to overlook everything.
– He knows he made some really stupid assignments (Geithner and H. Clinton) who don’t seem to be on the same page with him, and he’s afraid they won’t do his bidding quickly enough.
– He probably realizes that sooner or later his popularity is going to drop when people recognize him as the empty vessel that he is, so he has to get everything enacted while he has momentum.
– Obama realizes that the sooner his programs are enacted, the harder it will be to trim or cut them.
– He knows that every day the economy doesn’t get fixed, more and more people are going to demand that he focus only on that.
– He wants to make such a name for himself that he figures the more he accomplishes, the more his legacy will last. He won’t slow down until he finishes making all the changes he wants to make, including all the tweaking he’ll have to do to keep his Grand Plan working just as he imagines it.
– He gave up smoking, and just can’t sit still.
– He doesn’t believe anything can work without His Touch; therefore, he has to be involved in everything.
– He doesn’t have the patience to wait for changes to produce results, so he keeps fiddling with everything.
– A moving target is harder to hit.
There’s lots more, but this is a good start.
15 years ago
By the time he’s through, ZeroB’s only base will be HAMAS.
Sigh. Another brainwashed leftist. We can’t possibly disagree with
the obomination because his policies are harmful to America. Nooooo. It just
has to be because we are raaaaaccists!
Tell me SFB John, what color am I?
More than a bad day: Worries grow that Barack Obama & Co. have a competence problem
Sunday, March 15th 2009, 4:00 AM
Not long ago, after a string of especially bad days for the Obama administration, a veteran Democratic pol approached me with a pained look on his face and asked, “Do you think they know what they’re doing?”
The question caught me off guard because the man is a well-known Obama supporter. As we talked, I quickly realized his asking suggested his own considerable doubts.
Yes, it’s early, but an eerily familiar feeling is spreading across party lines and seeping into the national conversation. It’s a nagging doubt about the competency of the White House.
Pew Poll shows a 5 point drop in Obama’s approval rating (to only 59%).
It also shows a decline in the GOP congressional approval rating (to 28%). This is the lowest it’s been in 15 years.
Americans are worried. They don’t like the way that politicians are playing politics with the future of their country.
Did you see Ben Bernanke’s interview on 60 Minutes? Bernanke is quite an impressive guy. Raised in Dillon, South Carolina. Grew up in a middle class household. Actually worked growing up. As a waiter in a non-upscale restaurant, among other things. Family ran a small business, literally on Main Street. Scored 1590 out of 1600 on the “pre-re-centered” SATs. Taught himself caclulus. Eventually became Chairman of Economics at Princeton.
He discussed the financial meltdown. No blame in the direction of the government “forcing” banks to make loans to unqualified borrowers. All the blame on greedy Wall Streeters. Which is where the blame belongs. This is what all the real economists (as opposed to political pundits) say.
Anyway, Bernanke sees the recession ending this year. And the economy recovering strongly.
What will happen to the GOPs approval ratings — and Obama’s approval ratings — if/when that happens?
>>The poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans, 86 percent, hope that Obama’s policies will succeed, with 11 percent rooting for his policies to fail. But when asked if Obama’s policies will succeed, the number drops 22 percentage points to 64 percent.<<
This is why the Dems worked so hard to shackle the GOP to Limbaugh. Limbaugh resonates with 20,000,000 but turns off 100,000,000, as stated in the Frum Newsweek article.
Let’s put Larry’s basic poll numbers in some perspective. Or perhaps, that may mean exposing that many people who have the misfortune to pick up the phone to answer questions are utterly clueless.
Note that the 1308 responders (majority Dems, Indys second, GOP least) shows that 44% believe Obama is listening to the liberal left and not the moderate. This is up from the 34% in January who thought they purchased a “centrist”.
On the budget proposals, the overwhelming think there needs to be tax reductions… 82%… for “middle and low income” families. That status is not defined. But when you add the $200K+ number and ask about raising their taxes, that approval number drops to 61%.
This is where the breakout graph helps (plus on the next questions…)
Do note that while everyone agrees that lowering taxes is terrific, it’s the Dems who insist upon raising them on the $200K plus class of Americans (since we now must think in classes and groups instead of as Americans…). Supported by 80% of the Dems, only 59% of the Indys, and 37% of the Reps
When it comes to the charitable donations, changes to medicare and the ag subsidies, the numbers are low for supporting Obama’s plans across the board.
The break out for the stimulus also bears closer scrutiny.
All parties give support to wise spending… ala infrastructure, public works (no… O’energy isn’t included in this). After that, the auto and bank bailouts, and bailing out of homeowners ranks pretty poor.
The odd part about this is they can deplore 3 out of 4 policy agenda, but then give O’teleprompter a 59% approval rating? Go figure that out. I hate those shoes… where can I buy a pair? huh?
But then, it does say it’s based on the responders who “heard a lot or a little” about specifics on the plans. Which means, of course, whatever the big talking heads and media print picked up on. Since few have read the entire stimulus or budget – and most certainly none of the Congress members – what’s out there on such vast policy isn’t much. And if you can lump those who heard “a lot” along with “a little” doesn’t give me much confidence in responders who know what the hell they are talking about.
Which, of course, explains how they can hate Obama policy, but just love Obama… sorta. Certainly less love than they had last month.
But here’s the kicker of it all….
The support for the stimulus is barely there… except among the progressive/liberal Dems, course. (even their support went down between Feb and March) Yet Congress and Obama rammed it thru. That’s our arrogant elected officials at work for us. uh huh
Fixed that for ya.
Their long desired oportunity to redo America in their perverse image has arrived. How can they not make a break for the door? We need 2010 to slow them down, and 2012 to stop them, if we can find enough real Conservatives who are up to the challenge.
This comparison is perfect analogy of the domestic policy. But, if you look Obama’s foreign diplomacy and compare it Carter’s, WOW! With wanting to sit down with “moderate” Taliban leaders, Iran, Russia, and have enemies all over the world testing Obama’s leadership, it looks like Obama is just doing what Carter did but on steroids, forget about FDR or Wilson. It just goes to show a Liberal will keep trying the same things even if it has proven time and time again not to work.
The jug-eared prevaricator knows he’s got very little time until his administration turns ‘lame duck’ in 2010, so he’s got to implement as much socialism as possible while he has all the control.
Obama knows he’s screwed, and he knew it from day one.
The 3 most comforting words – “former President Obama”.
It only seems like Obama’s trying to do “too much” because the last president wasn’t much for multi-tasking. For the last two years that he was in office, Bill Clinton was too busy dealing with Ken Starr’s Anti-Sex League crusade against him. So, we went for a full decade with leadership that could only handle one problem at a time, if that. Unfortunately, problems rarely come in single servings. What we’re dealing with right here are a lot of disgruntled people who can’t live with the idea of an African-American, liberal, action-oriented, pragmatic thinker in the White House who is a lot smarter than they are. It’s far too threatening. The comments that follow this post will no doubt involve a lot of thrashing about, name-calling and half-truths which have nothing to do with the things that Obama has actually managed to achieve after less than two months in office. These are people who get all their “news” from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and form their opinions accordingly. Not an original thinker in the house.
@JohnRJ08 said: “the last president wasn’t much for multi-tasking.”
Really? Winning a war in Iraq, keeping us safe from attack and presiding over the largest runup in the Dow Jones and the lowest unemployment until just a few months ago when Dems sabotaged the works seems like a pretty good job of multitasking.
As for:
“What we’re dealing with right here are a lot of disgruntled people who can’t live with the idea of an African-American, liberal, action-oriented, pragmatic thinker in the White House who is a lot smarter than they are.”
That’s laughable.
Did you not bother to read my post on Friday about all the former Obama supporters, left, right and in between who now realize what a mistake they made?
Perhaps if you spent less time reading the daily attack talking points from Moveon.org and such you would have a better perspective on just what a mess we are in and why it’s Obama’s failing leadership that is the cause.
Huh? I wasn’t alive during Carter’s term, but I figured he faltered not because he tried to do too much too soon but because he was an idiot without a clue. (Off topic, but I’ll never forget being told that my mother voted for Carter and then after four years of him said something along the lines of, “I’ll never vote for a Democrat again.” To my knowledge, she kept that promise.)
They look nothing alike and are not the same, but based on their policies, words and level of intelligence, they could’ve been separated at birth for all I know.
Really? Obama smarter than me? Uh, no, because I know things like how many states there are in this country; the difference between Iowa and Ottawa; how to speak in public without a teleprompter; the difference between a door and a window; not to give a visting nation’s leader a lame pack of DVDs as a gift; not to blame an invaded country for the aggressive nature of one of its neighbors; not to give money to Hamas-controlled Gaza; not to remove terrorist-supporting nations from the watch list when they’ve done nothing to deserve it; and not to release the Cole bombing mastermind from Gitmo. Shall I go on?!
@Mike’s America:
And don’t forget the most difficult set of challenges of all, the onslaughts of lunatic obstructionist Dems and their MSM attack dogs, in so many different and critical areas. All the other stuff was normal, compared with the chaos they caused.
As an independent, a lot of us were sold on what we perceived to be Obama’s logistic, creative, organizational and critical thinking skills. It didn’t hurt Obama that the Republicans ran McCain against him and I very much respect John McCain’s service to our country but I’m certainly not a purveyor of his politics.
Upon reflection, I was naïve to think that this one level of visual/audio perfection that I and millions of others had in our minds eye would hold true in these multi layered dynamics demanded of those in the Whitehouse. Obama has failed this test thus far with honors. I am a small/medium corporate business owner in California generating $50 million annually plus.
I assumed he possessed these capabilities but I’m now and have been witnessing the Yen and Yang of Mr. Obama’s very real contrasts. In my opinion he has not been able to harness what he had on the campaign trail and what he now has in any fashion.
We are that demographic that employs America and already, the healthcare costs that my company pays for its employees will now be taxed. Is this some kind of joke? This is just one of a myriad of changes that are not for the better for small and medium sized businesses in California no less. I am blessed that our products have strong national and international demand but I can see the handwriting on this wall. Now it’s just a matter of time before I move or sell.
Oops, there go 1200 more jobs.
W. A.
Let’s not forget that both Bush I and Bush II knew how to delegate without micromanaging. Obama can’t do the same for several reasons:
– He’s too busy making every issue into a campaign issue.
– His appointments sucked so much wind and wasted time, so he feels he needs to run things himself.
– Obama doesn’t trust power-mad Pelosi and ramrod Reid to say the right things, so he has to overlook everything.
– He knows he made some really stupid assignments (Geithner and H. Clinton) who don’t seem to be on the same page with him, and he’s afraid they won’t do his bidding quickly enough.
– He probably realizes that sooner or later his popularity is going to drop when people recognize him as the empty vessel that he is, so he has to get everything enacted while he has momentum.
– Obama realizes that the sooner his programs are enacted, the harder it will be to trim or cut them.
– He knows that every day the economy doesn’t get fixed, more and more people are going to demand that he focus only on that.
– He wants to make such a name for himself that he figures the more he accomplishes, the more his legacy will last. He won’t slow down until he finishes making all the changes he wants to make, including all the tweaking he’ll have to do to keep his Grand Plan working just as he imagines it.
– He gave up smoking, and just can’t sit still.
– He doesn’t believe anything can work without His Touch; therefore, he has to be involved in everything.
– He doesn’t have the patience to wait for changes to produce results, so he keeps fiddling with everything.
– A moving target is harder to hit.
There’s lots more, but this is a good start.
By the time he’s through, ZeroB’s only base will be HAMAS.
@yonason: I seem to recall that Obama criticized McCain’s plan for health care saying he would tax health care benefits:
@Mike’s America:
Billions to bail out …DUBAI?
Danger to Israel, danger to the World
total idiot
This is going to be a VERY long 4 years!
Sigh. Another brainwashed leftist. We can’t possibly disagree with
the obomination because his policies are harmful to America. Nooooo. It just
has to be because we are raaaaaccists!
Tell me SFB John, what color am I?
Thought I would beat Aye to this tid bit. Obama’s approval rating falling even faster:
Great minds Mike.
I just posted the same thing over here.
@Aye Chihuahua: And that link you had is a good read too:
Hey Mike (#16),
Pew Poll shows a 5 point drop in Obama’s approval rating (to only 59%).
It also shows a decline in the GOP congressional approval rating (to 28%). This is the lowest it’s been in 15 years.
Americans are worried. They don’t like the way that politicians are playing politics with the future of their country.
Did you see Ben Bernanke’s interview on 60 Minutes? Bernanke is quite an impressive guy. Raised in Dillon, South Carolina. Grew up in a middle class household. Actually worked growing up. As a waiter in a non-upscale restaurant, among other things. Family ran a small business, literally on Main Street. Scored 1590 out of 1600 on the “pre-re-centered” SATs. Taught himself caclulus. Eventually became Chairman of Economics at Princeton.
He discussed the financial meltdown. No blame in the direction of the government “forcing” banks to make loans to unqualified borrowers. All the blame on greedy Wall Streeters. Which is where the blame belongs. This is what all the real economists (as opposed to political pundits) say.
Anyway, Bernanke sees the recession ending this year. And the economy recovering strongly.
What will happen to the GOPs approval ratings — and Obama’s approval ratings — if/when that happens?
You guys underestimate Obama at your own peril.
P.S. More on polls
Pew poll link:
CNN Obama approval rating 64%
>>The poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans, 86 percent, hope that Obama’s policies will succeed, with 11 percent rooting for his policies to fail. But when asked if Obama’s policies will succeed, the number drops 22 percentage points to 64 percent.<<
This is why the Dems worked so hard to shackle the GOP to Limbaugh. Limbaugh resonates with 20,000,000 but turns off 100,000,000, as stated in the Frum Newsweek article.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Let’s put Larry’s basic poll numbers in some perspective. Or perhaps, that may mean exposing that many people who have the misfortune to pick up the phone to answer questions are utterly clueless.
i.e. Take this from the original poll data from the overview section.
Note that the 1308 responders (majority Dems, Indys second, GOP least) shows that 44% believe Obama is listening to the liberal left and not the moderate. This is up from the 34% in January who thought they purchased a “centrist”.
On the budget proposals, the overwhelming think there needs to be tax reductions… 82%… for “middle and low income” families. That status is not defined. But when you add the $200K+ number and ask about raising their taxes, that approval number drops to 61%.
This is where the breakout graph helps (plus on the next questions…)
Do note that while everyone agrees that lowering taxes is terrific, it’s the Dems who insist upon raising them on the $200K plus class of Americans (since we now must think in classes and groups instead of as Americans…). Supported by 80% of the Dems, only 59% of the Indys, and 37% of the Reps
When it comes to the charitable donations, changes to medicare and the ag subsidies, the numbers are low for supporting Obama’s plans across the board.
The break out for the stimulus also bears closer scrutiny.
All parties give support to wise spending… ala infrastructure, public works (no… O’energy isn’t included in this). After that, the auto and bank bailouts, and bailing out of homeowners ranks pretty poor.
The odd part about this is they can deplore 3 out of 4 policy agenda, but then give O’teleprompter a 59% approval rating? Go figure that out. I hate those shoes… where can I buy a pair? huh?
But then, it does say it’s based on the responders who “heard a lot or a little” about specifics on the plans. Which means, of course, whatever the big talking heads and media print picked up on. Since few have read the entire stimulus or budget – and most certainly none of the Congress members – what’s out there on such vast policy isn’t much. And if you can lump those who heard “a lot” along with “a little” doesn’t give me much confidence in responders who know what the hell they are talking about.
Which, of course, explains how they can hate Obama policy, but just love Obama… sorta. Certainly less love than they had last month.
But here’s the kicker of it all….
The support for the stimulus is barely there… except among the progressive/liberal Dems, course. (even their support went down between Feb and March) Yet Congress and Obama rammed it thru. That’s our arrogant elected officials at work for us. uh huh
@openid.aol.com: Larry, I’m so thrilled you place full confidence in a former waiter for the management of our financial system.
Does your dog walker also perform brain surgery on you as well?