Here’s Obie and crew celebrating the first 50 days of incompetance and stupidity:
15 years ago
I know a lot of people in Tn. Come on people, attend a school board meeting and take a baseball bat. You might need it. Last time we (a couple hundred fire/EMS volunteers) confronted an idiot county board we were met by every town clown, most of the county mounties and a few smokey the bears. Didn’t do them any freakin good, we still got what we came in force to get. It was that or they could have taken possession of the keys to a lot (the ones they bought) of fire trucks and ambulances. The volunteer departments hold title to 95% of them and the county can’t have or use them.
Got to stand up to bullies and idiots, aka politicians.
Those graphics were really funny.
As for the stockmarket bounce, after such a great ol’ drop, a few fast upmoves are the norm….doesn’t mean there’ll be any sustained recovery. In Asia the indices are up barely 2-3%, cause nobody thinks the dow bounce will sustain.
@sigmundringeck: I don’t know what your opening and closing times are so can’t really speculate on how much of a gain you will see. Interesting that Hang Seng and Nikkei are around 4% but everything else is 2% or under.
We’ll see in the AM here whether the Dow is going to continue the rally or stall or slide back.
Please keep us updated on market news from your side of the Pacific.
15 years ago
Did you miss this one Mike?
In Congress, UN chief calls US ‘deadbeat’ donor
WASHINGTON – A day after his White House meeting with President Barack Obama, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the United States a “deadbeat” donor to the world body while making the made the rounds on Capitol Hill.
Interviewed after the session, Ban said he had wanted to draw attention to the fact that the U.S. agrees to pay 22 percent of the U.N.’s $4.86 billion operating budget, but is perennially late with its dues — and now is about $1 billion behind on its payments.
That figure is “soon to be $1.6 billion,” Ban emphasized. Asked if he’d used the word ‘deadbeat’ during the meeting, he replied, “Yes, I did — I did,” then laughed mischievously.
I don’t see any reason to include the D behind Delahunt’s name, it’s not that we couldn’t figure that one out.
Ban generally got a “very respectful” reception from the House committee, said Rep. Bill Delahunt, D-Mass., who chairs a subcommittee that oversees U.S. participation in the United Nations.
“Clearly they have an interest in the United States meeting its responsibility. In terms of peacekeeping, we’re about $670 million behind, and I think the argument is well-stated,” Delahunt said.
He noted America backs U.N. peacekeeping operations — and said it loses credibility if it doesn’t provide financial support. “And at the same time, we have to recognize that there are no American troops involved in the 17 different venues where there are peacekeeping operations,” Delahunt said.
Ban leading Obama around by the nose, I mean Ban is beginning a close relationship with the manchild:
Ban told Obama his support for climate legislation is “encouraging”, but said 2009 is a “make-or-break” year for the U.N. and its member countries on global warming, Darfur and other prominent conflicts.
“It’s the beginning of the establishment of a close relationship between the two,” said Peter Yeo, a vice president for the U.N. Foundation, launched by media mogul Ted Turner’s $1 billion donation in 1997.
Yeo, a former House Democratic staffer and foreign policy adviser to both the Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton campaigns last year, said Obama’s budget proposal also is a hopeful sign for the U.S.-U.N. relationship.
Obama seeks a 9.5 percent increase in international affairs spending, which Yeo said would be enough to cover not only next year’s U.S. dues to the U.N., but also $1 billion in arrears.
I guess the UN sees Obama throwing around $TRILLIONS of dollars and wants to know when he can get his hands on some.
15 years ago
Of course it’s a “Make or Break” year for the global warning fanatics. they need to “make” their global warming Kyoto treaty and other extremist legislative measures become law this year. Otherwise the fact that more and more of the world scientists are doubting the claims of guru Gore, and his fear mongers, will end up “breaking” their current propaganda-driven power over many scientific associations.. The candidates in the 2010 Congressional elections will not want to get involved with sponsoring more extreme environmentalist written bills during 2010, once Obama’s various (and dubious,) environmental agenda items get passed, (and the to be expected subsequent rise in utility bills hit the taxpayers,) The fear that the taxpayers would “remember in November” and vore them out of office will forestall further support for such legislation
It’s always the year after successful Democrat elections when they dare to go all out to pursue the far left agenda.
Here’s Obie and crew celebrating the first 50 days of incompetance and stupidity:
I know a lot of people in Tn. Come on people, attend a school board meeting and take a baseball bat. You might need it. Last time we (a couple hundred fire/EMS volunteers) confronted an idiot county board we were met by every town clown, most of the county mounties and a few smokey the bears. Didn’t do them any freakin good, we still got what we came in force to get. It was that or they could have taken possession of the keys to a lot (the ones they bought) of fire trucks and ambulances. The volunteer departments hold title to 95% of them and the county can’t have or use them.
Got to stand up to bullies and idiots, aka politicians.
Those graphics were really funny.
As for the stockmarket bounce, after such a great ol’ drop, a few fast upmoves are the norm….doesn’t mean there’ll be any sustained recovery. In Asia the indices are up barely 2-3%, cause nobody thinks the dow bounce will sustain.
@sigmundringeck: I don’t know what your opening and closing times are so can’t really speculate on how much of a gain you will see. Interesting that Hang Seng and Nikkei are around 4% but everything else is 2% or under.
We’ll see in the AM here whether the Dow is going to continue the rally or stall or slide back.
Please keep us updated on market news from your side of the Pacific.
Did you miss this one Mike?
I don’t see any reason to include the D behind Delahunt’s name, it’s not that we couldn’t figure that one out.
Ban leading Obama around by the nose, I mean Ban is beginning a close relationship with the manchild:;_ylt=AmsV2IjHgiDgXul24ZIP0_U8KbIF
@Missy: I did miss that one Missy. Thanks.
I guess the UN sees Obama throwing around $TRILLIONS of dollars and wants to know when he can get his hands on some.
Of course it’s a “Make or Break” year for the global warning fanatics. they need to “make” their global warming Kyoto treaty and other extremist legislative measures become law this year. Otherwise the fact that more and more of the world scientists are doubting the claims of guru Gore, and his fear mongers, will end up “breaking” their current propaganda-driven power over many scientific associations.. The candidates in the 2010 Congressional elections will not want to get involved with sponsoring more extreme environmentalist written bills during 2010, once Obama’s various (and dubious,) environmental agenda items get passed, (and the to be expected subsequent rise in utility bills hit the taxpayers,) The fear that the taxpayers would “remember in November” and vore them out of office will forestall further support for such legislation
It’s always the year after successful Democrat elections when they dare to go all out to pursue the far left agenda.