Here is Bobby Jindal breaking down why this stimulus bill is anything but:
And all without a teleprompter. He’s a good speaker and quite concise in why he believes this stimulus bill is the wrong kind of bill. One problem he has is that he sounds like a college professor. While Sarah Palin can pump up a crowd, I have my doubts if Jindal can. Either way, he is a front runner for 2012 and rest assured, the Democrats and their buddies, the MSM, will do to him what they did to Sarah.
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Jindal is a rising superstar. If you guys want to win, thank Sarah Palin for her stimulating convention speech and get behind people like Jindal, who are not air heads.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Palin may not have the beltway speak, appearance and minimal city-gal requirements down, Larry. But the woman is far from an “air head”.
Very snobbish of you.
As an Obama voter, I would be absolutely delighted to see the GOP nominate Sarah Palin as its standard bearer in 2012. I’d be very concerned of the outcome, were they to nominate Jindal, Pawlenty, or Crist.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Of course, Liberals, MSM, Obamatrons, ACORN, et al would attack Jindal. It would be right up their ally to attack Jindal who has more experience and actually will show some leadership in Louisiana. But, give Obama a pass while he has done absolutely nothing and has not shown any leadership. Hypocritical! Bring it on!
By the time 2012 comes around, and we’ve all endured four years of this two legged train wreck, even Sarah Palin will be change you can believe in.
Oh Larry, you only prove that Ben Franklin was right after all.
Jindal needs a severe talking to about some issues that the left will and has already listed. His support of getting the Intelligent Design nonsense in the schools. And his dalliance in exorcism etc.
He needs to disavow all this religious mythology crap and stick with being a POLITICAL leader, not our preacher etc.
Charles at LGF has some other issue on some of the wingers he has rubbed elbows with that are in the Aryan brother type wing. Got to hose these issues big time. When the vetting time comes…it will be dug out of the trash.
I haven’t seen anyone close to the likes of Jindal in my lifetime, and I was a huge fan of both Bobby Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Jindal epitomizes all that is great about an Ivy League Education (he’s also a Rhodes Scholar). The difference is, he’s rock solid on character, which makes or breaks people of that caliber. I suspect he’s one of the very few elites who couldn’t be corrupted by power.
Unlike Bill Clinton, who in my estimation was a close second in brains and talent, Jindal has potentiated every oz of his, and everything in my gut tells me the best of Jindal is still yet to come. It would be interesting to see if he would risk Palin as a VP (I doubt it), however Palin would be foolish to think she would win against Jindal.
That said, I very much LIKE Palin, but for POTUS, hands down I would go 100% for Jindal. I would be fine with her on the VP ticket, as I was with McCain, just not sure it would be worth the risk for Jindal. And no, she is NOT an airhead; disappointing thing for you to say Larry. Calling Palin an airhead is calling every self made small town women in America an airhead. Besides, there may well come a day when you, and many in this country, will WISH you had her hunting skills!
I will say this. If it did end up a Jindal/Palin ticket, that would be about as “back to the party as the R’s could get.” Jindal is prolife to the core, AND devoutly Catholic, which IMO, will be his biggest hurdle. But then, he won democratic LA in a landslide, and that was largely due to the fact that things were SO bad, SO corrupt, that even the dems were won over by real values. Bobby Jindal is our hope for the future of America.
How can you not love a level headed TRUE conservative that can actually handle himself well off the cuff? This man seems what-you-see-is-what-you-get. I love Palin’s thriftiness and charisma, but I would rather see Jindal at the top of the ticket. The left will always crucify us for our beliefs UNLESS we are BLACK. Then, it seems that your ‘beliefs’ get a pass. Like what Obama was signing up for at Wright’s church was SOP. Hate, hate, hate. This is entirely ok, while Intelligent Design is more evil than hate? Of course it is. Jindal in 2012.
Billie shame on you for such an egregious, unfair, bigoted post! You throw out a bunch of unsupported Bobby Jindal lies wily nilly just because they don’t fit YOUR agenda. I challenge you to give us ONE example of any of your slanderous claims.”
Furthermore, it’s inconceivable that you have the audacity to question the “consideration” of intelligent design when the reality is our kids have everything from global warming, gay marriage, and revisionist history shoved down their throats. Why do think the state of CA tried to ban homeschooling?
It might surprise you to know that creationism is NOT incompatible with evolution. Even the Catholic Church teaches that! You and your friends over at LGB who only THINK they are sages are sadly too blinded to recognize that men like Jindal achieve what they do BECAUSE they are grounded in a truth that transcends them, realizing that they alone are NOT the source of their greatness.
Hey, wasn’t it just today that the “shaky global warming science”, you know, that same “agenda driven let’s drive the whole word into socialism science” the secular scientists assured us was going to kills us, pretty much blew up. Oops!
I can’t even believe you actually wrote “Jindal needs a severe talking to from the left.” I knew there was no limit on stupidity, but you just proved it as well for arrogance.
Well let us see, Mr. Jindal signed the bill in Louisiana that lets ID in the schools. And Charles has the other links in a long article on him. And this same info is slowly spreading through all the left wing blogs and will be the FIRST thing on the medias mind once the big campaign starts.
You are welcome to dig through the links….just as I have. And as far as “considering” ID. Its a BELIEF. Nothing to prove or disprove.
I want to support Jindal, Im just stating what is going to happen with this stuff and we and he need to be aware.
Im for a Palin/Scanelli ticket now though.
In general it’s probably not a good idea for one to play with theological words based on an amateur understanding from a Linda Blaire character. Even more so, not a good idea to bet against a Hindu self converted Rhode Scholar to Catholicism. Think about that. What are the odds?
I find it so interesting (and telling of the bigotry) that of all the “Catholic” articles Bobby Jindal has written, many of which I admit facilitated my own conversion into the faith 5 years ago (in full disclosure, I was baptized a Catholic but had excommunicated myself for at least 20 years), the focus is on an “exorcism” related article that Jindal ATTENDED. I don’t have any intention of defending the ignorance of the false assumptions except to say this: in Catholicism, a Baptism is considered an exorcism, as well as when a priest sprinkles holy water in the pews. The “Linda Blair” type could NEVER be done (under Canon Law), without a Bishop involved, and are extremely rare. Give the guy a semantic break!
For everyone out of sorts over Jindal’s “creationism”, try this on for size then honestly look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you are REALLY afraid of Jindal’s “reality.” Good heavens at the thought of any “intelligent conversation or thought” at such “mythological crap.”
from Bobby Jindals
The honest scientist, whether investigating nature or politics, should acknowledge that circumstantial evidence certainly favors the existence of a supernatural and transcendent being. My intention is not to prove any particular conception of God, but to show that atheism, which is often combined with moral relativism or a blind faith in science, is not the most probable explanation of the human condition. Rather, the most fundamental aspects of God, super naturalness and transcendentalism, are supported by all available evidence.
God is creative and thus supernatural. This is obvious from the basic physics principles concerning the creation of energy, matter, and order. The thermodynamic laws state that the sum total of matter and energy stays constant. It is impossible to create matter without expending energy or matter; it is similarly impossible to create energy without expending either matter or energy. The second law of thermodynamics states that total entropy is inevitably increasing; the universe must move from order toward disorder.
The atheist, unlike the agnostic, makes metaphysical assumptions as significant as those of theists. Not content with admitting uncertainty about the existence of God, the atheist claims that God does not exist and that creation can explain itself. My tactic has been to show the logical conclusions of atheism in an effort to illustrate its contradictions with scientific reason, humility, and the concept of morality. Anyone still choosing to adhere to atheism cannot be convinced otherwise because he has made a free-will decision based on faith alone. Atheism becomes a religion unto itself.
You mean ask simple questions like “What’s another Supreme Court decision you disagree with?” Mean, mean media people…
@Fit fit:
Pssst, pass this on:
Could be stimulating.
@Missy: Nit Wit doesn’t need to pass that on, he needs to start using the stuff himself.
I have used it, I just remembered that Palin forgot to pay her taxes too… maybe she can get a cabinet post.
She didn’t forget, but, she did make an effort to find out what she was obligated to pay. Unlike officials in the current administration.
He’s knows it’s not true.
He’s trying to twist the facts to make them Fit fit his argument.