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Yeah, it’s amazing the difference a “D” makes, and that also goes for Kentucky! Wasn’t it about the same time the WH reported on Obama’s tropical oval office temperature requirements that a quarter of a million people were without power, with some freezing to death in the KY ice storms?

Could you even imagine if Bush would have ignored the ice storms, let alone sitting back at the WH, Super bowl partying on overpriced steak? Even Diane Sawyer, the hometown KY girl, seemed to have missed the fact that our president was a no show.

Gee, one would think that at least on his recent vacation to Chicago, (the vacation that was obviously more important than the “worst crisis in the US economy since the great depression”, he could have touched down in KY to meet with the victims he appears to have little to no time for.

I have to say no surprise on my end. It was always obvious to me that these types of things would never matter to Obama. It’s too bad the majority of the country couldn’t see it. The “Can I please just finish my waffle” line during the campaign, BTW, was a dead giveaway as to who would be coming first!

Ah yes, the waffle flap:


Now he doesn’t even have to answer questions while he eats his Waygu beef and if he does choose to answer a question he’ll have a teleprompter handy to make sure the words are focus group tested.

Good comment pdill. In four paragraphs you succinctly described the double standard which exists between R’s and Ds.

Now, I can only await Larry W’s visit where we can expect to be buried in verbiage designed to say it ain’t so.