With RINO sell-outs firmly entrenched in Hussein’s back pocket, a fawning MSM unable to find the slightest flaw in his magnificent presence and the fat, dumb, lazy, ignorant public occasionally fuming at their TV sets and no more, don’t be surprised to see this sort of incredible power grab in the not too distant future. Get everything you can before anybody wakes up, is undoubtedly the motto of the Marxist leadership.
It’s already started OldPuppy. The question is will the American people wake up in time to stop them from finishing their plan?
It’s too late for the stimulus that Dems rushed to pass but Obama didn’t rush to sign (it was only important to get it passed before people realized what was going on). But we sure as hell can stop the census from being corrupted and the Fairness Doctrine.
What we are clearly seeing is a very marked change in approach to foreign policy. How could the USA have reacted to the election? Well, it had international monitors. It was an open, transparent election. There wasn’t any evidence of corruption. The majority of the Venezuelan people like Chavez. They did not vote to make him President for life; they voted to end term limits. We don’t have term limits for Senators and Representatives in this country. We only enacted Presidential term limits because people were freaked out by FDR’s 4 terms. Voting to end term limits is not undemocratic.
One can hardly consider the Bush administration policy toward countries like Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea a success. If hard line policies achieved anything at all in these countries, I’d like someone to explain to me what these policies achieved. The more we trashed Chavez, the more “emboldened” he became. He is not a tyrannical, “evil dictator.” He is someone trusted by the majority of his people.
Now, let’s look at the statement:
“We congratulate the civic and participatory spirit of the millions of Venezuelans who exercized their democratic right to vote,” State Department spokesman Noel Clay told AFP.
They are reaching out to the CITIZENS of Venezuela. They are congratulating the citizens of the country for holding a fair election. Congratulating them for participating in the Democratic process. One of the cornerstones of the Bush foreign policy was promoting Democracy around the world. Well, Venezuela has a vibrant democracy.
So, do we really encourage Democracy around the world, or don’t we? Do we only encourage Democracy when the people of said Democracy vote the way we wish them to vote?
Chavez has been painting America as being an evil empire to his people. The Bush administration was the greatest ally to Chavez in promoting this point of view. Obama is telling the Venezuelan people that they have nothing to fear from the USA. That we are respectful of their country and respectful of their country’s democracy.
It’s a different way of approaching a heretofore intractable problem. It may or may not succeed. But the new strategy has an obvious logic to commend it.
@openid.aol.com/runnswim: “There wasn’t any evidence of corruption. The majority of the Venezuelan people like Chavez.”
Oh no… No corruption at all. Just the fact that if you don’t vote for Chavez you won’t have a job in the state run industries which are about the only jobs in town… and “enforcers” will come to your house.
People in Cuba love Castro too… Either that or they wind up in a REAL Gulag.
Leave it to Larry to make the LA Times editorial board look like a bunch of neocons by comparison.
It was a secret ballot. There was no evidence of corruption. The result was accepted by the opposition, without protest, in a country where the opposition has been perfectly free to say things, such as “be careful, Hugo, or you’ll end up strung up like Mussolini.”
The comparison to Castro is beyond odious. Castro has no opposition. Cuba has no fair elections.
The USA has a history of supporting Dictators who have foreign policies which are congruent with our interests. We have an unfortunate history in South America of subverting democracy (i.e. Chili), when it conflicts with our self-perceived interest. Obama is telling the Venezuelan people that they needn’t fear this from the USA. It diminishes the effectiveness of Chavez’ anti-US rhetoric in the minds of the Venezuelan people. One way to rally support is to convince the people of your country that the country is threatened by an outside force. Even Bush used this strategy, and Chavez has used this strategy, as well. Obama is trying to take this particular arrow out of Chavez’s quiver. As I said, it’s a strategy with a commendable logic.
Do we support the Democratic process, or don’t we? That’s the question.
Look, Mike. I don’t call you names. Can’t we just debate each other without getting into that nonsense.
P.S. I note, Mike, in your quotation of the LA Times editorial, that you neglected to include the following:
It is important, however, that the U.S. not allow Venezuela’s domestic politics to hinder our diplomatic efforts in the region. The Bush administration’s mix of incompetence and swagger — its emphasis on useless drugeradication and eschewing of poverty reduction — played into Chavez’s hands, allowing him to paint the U.S. as an elitist menace. It is sobering that in supporting Chavez, many Venezuelans also saw themselves as opposing the United States. So, as much as we deplore what looks like the incremental disintegration of democracy in Venezuela, the U.S. must reengage with Chavez. There are many issues of mutual interest and importance to both countries: trade, immigration, economic development, drug policy and a resolution to the leftist guerrilla conflict across the border in Colombia.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
16 years ago
I would like to suggest a theme song for President Obama. It’s sung to the tune of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” The opening lines go:
“He’s beginning to look a lot like Chavez,
Everything he does….”
Well regardless of whether or not you support the action it was done democratically. We don’t have term limits in Canada and so far no dictatorships.
16 years ago
Obama would be congratulating Sadaam Hussein and the Soviets for their participatory democracy where ninety nine percent voted for SH and the CCCP. Unfortunately given Obamanation’s libtard ideology, this is more of what we can expect. Removing sanctions from our enemies and sanctioning our friends (Eastern Europe and Israel).
It’s a ligitimate descion by democratic process. What are you going to do? Criticize the citizens for making choices about there own country? Besides a lack of term limits is hardly a dictatorship.
When Saddam was still in power in Iraq, elections were held and what? 99%? of the voters there of course voted for him.
Take away Chavez’s goons, job control and the fear factor, then you have a free election.
Anyone who says that Chavez was fairly elected is either a Chavez supporter, or just not intelligent at all.
Mike has got it right and I am shocked that there are such silly people here who claim to be americans but can hardly use their brains. So is it nature or nature? The dumbness???
Hard Right
16 years ago
Delusional larry, it’s been explained to you in no uncertain detail how it is iin Venezuala. But yet again because your messiah is involved you toss aside reality to defend him andyour psychological investment in him.
Is closing down TV stations that oppose him democratic? Creating a law that makes insulting him a crime? Tossing political opponents in jails?
Ever hear of Maria-Corina Machado? She took money from the the National Endowment for Democracy, a program of the United States Congress. She faces jail time over doing so. She has been called a traitor trying to overthrow chavez.
How about Enrique Capriles ? He spent months in jail
simply for opposing what chavez is doing.
The disgusting thing about people like you larry, is how you deliberately make excuses for people like chavez. You need to seek help for your mental illness.
Hard Right
16 years ago
Here’s a google search of his anti-democratic tatics, not that someone as far gone as you will read them larry. Hell, even if you do, you’ll just find a way to
dismiss them all so your fantasy world isn’t harmed by the truth.
You are willfuly blind and unwilling and unable to see the facts.
16 years ago
The tyranny of the majority is coming to America. Now if Obama and friends can figure a way around the 22nd Amendment … home free, Obama, dictator for life.
Harry Reid and Bawney’s Fwank already introduced Constitutional Amdendments to remove the term limits on President in the past.
16 years ago
Great post Mike, you got the rise out the ones you wanted. Keep it up.
No corruption, just like the good old days of Democrats lynching their political opponents. Only in this case, Chavez’s goons just shoot them.
@bill: Bill: It’s the same kind of tactics Obama uses so of course it’s not “corruption.” Just like they changed the definition of “pork” and “earmarks” because they know enablers like Larry will lap it up.
@sigmundringeck said: “Mike has got it right and I am shocked that there are such silly people here who claim to be americans but can hardly use their brains. So is it nature or nature? The dumbness???”
It’s liberalism Sig… a mental defect if ever there was one.
How anyone could view the rape of democracy going on in Venezuela and conclude it is the result of the democrat process is beyond me.
And as far as the links between Castro and Chavez being “odious.” Someone needs to tell Chavez as he seems perfectly happy to be considered the new Castro.
Larry you are losing it bigtime. Time to open the window again as CO2 levels are reaching dangerous levels.
Gee no grand over-generalizations to be seen here.
You’re right!
Just plain, unvarnished truth unapologetically laid bare for all to see.
16 years ago
We’re already there Mike. The reason I left C(r)ook county in the Peoples Republic of Illinois for higher ground was the voting machines I had to use: All, provided by Sequoia systems of Venezuela. A Hugo Chavez company. These area always get the desired result. The same company that gave Florida the hanging chads. Sequoia machines found mainly in the most populous counties of most blue states, keeps the blue states blue. In 40 years, Crook county went from dead people voting, to (in the case of the County board president) to dead people holding office. And, at election time, when habeas corpus could no longer be denied, having “The Party” accept the the officeholder’s incompetent offspring to inherit the fiefdom. Its comical. Their offices are now all inherited. The dictatorship of the proletariat effected by the tyranny of the unchallenged majority.
Ah, but who cares as long as one party state socialism rules!
@Aye Chihuahua: Libs prefer their truth well varnished and the painful reality papered over with nice sounding but meaningless and deceptive banalities.
@batman: It’s left wing fascism and it’s headed to a neighborhood near you. These people know they can’t win a fair fight so they are out to lie, cheat and steal.
alan walter
16 years ago
Say, I’ve been wondering how long it will be before conservatives praise President Barack Hussein Obama’s surge of troops in Afghanistan. Where’s the adulation and patriotic fervor? Where’s the support for the commander-in-chief as he dispatches 17,000 troops to spread democracy to Afghanistan? Hello! Where’s your patriotic zeal?
Or, is it going to be like it was in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 90s under Clinton? Back then, the conservatives, especially their mouthpieces on radio (Rush & Sean) refused to support the troops, choosing instead to politicize their opposition to their deployment.
Where’s the praise for President Obama’s bold action?
You think it was all patriotic ferver and zeal, this is no freakin game, that’s what you leftists can’t understand. We’ve had years of the left undermining the CIC while we have had family on the ground. Your shrill screeching directed at the president encouraged the enemy and risked the lives of our loved ones.
You won’t see the conservatives out in force attacking our military actions in Afghanistan led by Obama, we have no cowardly members of Congress, Code Pinks, Sheehans, ANSWER, idiots from Hollywood etc. within our ranks. There will be no photo ops, marches or demonstrations to encourage al Qaeda. We clearly understand who our troops answer to, bloodying up a CIC at a time of war, directly threatens those he commands.
16 years ago
It’s a shame the UK doesn’t have the same two terms limits that the US has. If we did then Thatcher would have gone by 1987 at the height of her abilities rather than getting stabbed in the back by her own party in 1990 when she started losing it – and even better our old socialist friend Blair would have gone in 2005 rather than hang on for a third term which he then shamefully and dishonestly handed over to the current unelected and incompetent Gordon Brown.
Fit fit
16 years ago
You won’t see the conservatives out in force attacking our military actions in Afghanistan led by Obama, we have no cowardly members of Congress, Code Pinks, Sheehans, ANSWER, idiots from Hollywood etc. within our ranks. There will be no photo ops, marches or demonstrations to encourage al Qaeda. We clearly understand who our troops answer to, bloodying up a CIC at a time of war, directly threatens those he commands.
Considering the GOP held a national convention last year where not one speaker even mentioned the word Afghanistan, I think it’s safe to say they’ll just keep on ignoring it. Go back and check the texts: Palin, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee-no one acknowledged our troops in Forgotistan….
That’s true Fitfit, but they did talk about the war on terror of which Afghanistan is a key part. They didn’t mention Somalia, Djibouti, the Philippines, Georgia, or or even the European countries where it’s being fought. They just talked about the war as a whole, and they talked about success; about victory.
Did Democrats talk about success and victory in the war on terror? It’d be interesting to see that plan and compare it to Bush’s or the one Obama’s had prepared for 2yrs now. Oh wait….he never had a plan. It was always “Vote Dem, and we’ll come up with something” Even today, Obama still balks at decisive military action in Afghanistan. Odd thing about military decisions….they don’t lend well to committee decision, to popularity, or to caution. Overly cautious, slow-to-move commanders rarely succeed in offensives.
16 years ago
fit fit:
The military isn’t stupid. They Know who supports them and who doesn’t. For one, they don’t need a politician to publicly make a “dog and pony” show of minced words to see who supports who more.
If Obama is so supportive of the troops then why did he cut 10% from the Pentagon’s budget and give billions to ACORN?
From street agitator to commander n chief, Obama knows how to worm his way up.
16 years ago
Conservatives always support the troops. It’s a part of being a conservative. They supported the troops back in the 90’s but questioned Clinton’s intentions because he always had one hand in presidential matters and the other up Monica’s dress.
Military by and large has always been skeptical of liberals. The military know the sacrifices they endure and yet never see any sacrifices from liberals because by nature, liberals are out for power and control and will run over anyone who gets in their way including the military.
By: Marion Valentine
October 31, 2008 at 9:05 am
Can Obama Pull Off a Hugo Chavez? You Can Bet Your Assets
The original post was pulled down by a hacker. This is what we have left.
Added some more stuff to illustrate how easy it would be for Obama to pull off a Hugo Chavez
The Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 provides
additional powers to the President of the United
States, allowing the suspension of the
Constitution and Constitutional rights of
Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for
the construction of detention camps, seizure of
property, and military control of populated areas.
This, teamed with the Executive Orders of the
President, enables Orwellian prophecies to rest on
whoever occupies the White House. The power
provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the
Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill
of Rights during any civil disturbances, major
demonstrations and strikes and allows the military
to implement government ordered movements of
civilian populations at state and regional levels,
the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the
population, and the imposition of Martial Law.
When the Constitution of the United States was
framed it placed the exclusive legislative
authority in the hands of Congress and with the
President. Article I, Section 1 of the United
States Constitution is concise in its language,
“All legislative powers herein granted shall be
vested in a Congress of the United States, which
shall consist of a Senate and House of
Representatives.” That is no longer true. The Bill
of Rights protected Americans against loss of
freedoms. That is no longer true. The Constitution
provided for a balanced separation of powers. That is no longer applicable.
Perhaps it can be summed up succinctly in the words of arch-conservative activist Howard J Ruff. “Since the enactment of Executive Order 11490, the only thing standing between us and
dictatorship is the good character of the President, and the lack of a crisis severe enough that the public would stand still for it.”
Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Here are the later Executive Orders:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent, including Marine Colonel Oliver North.
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (VCCLEA; also known as the Biden Crime Law) was an act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement that became law in 1994. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the US and will provide for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. [1] Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
After spending nine years in Navy Intelligence as a Cryptologist, intercepting communications from Marxist/Socialist countries, breaking their codes, and gathering intelligence in “other” ways. I am familiar with their methods of using the media for propangada, using the educational system to indoctrinate young minds, using the judicial system, and voter fraud to steal elections.
This is what is happening now in america.
From everything I have researched in the last two years, has lead me to conclude that Obama was selected, tutored, groomed, scripted, and financed by Radical Marxist/Socialists to become the puppet leader of the USSA.
There is a vast difference between Social Democrats and Radical Marxist/Socialists. Hillary Clinton is a Social Democrat. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Schumer, Durbin, Franks,Boxer, and a few others now in Congress are Radical Marxist/Socialists.
On my website: [valsword.spaces.live.com] I have a 16 minute video of an interview with Yure Bezmenov a KGB agent who defected in 1970. This interview was recorded 24 years ago,
and the transcript highlights, in Yuri’s own words confirm what I mentioned in the first paragraph.
I pray that I am wrong, but from everything I have researched, I believe Obama, with a Reid Pelosi led Congress, with a radical judicial system will pull a Hugo Chavez.
With a filibuster proof congress led by Reid and Pelosi. What is to stop Obama from pulling a Hugo Chavez. A closed mind is like a locked door, unless the right key is found, nothing enters. Unfortunately for many the key will be hindsight.
Frank Marshal Davis
The New Party
All Radical Marxist/Socialist links in Obama’s
chain that launched his political career, and
unlike the theory of evolution, there are no missing links.
Davis, a known, avowed Communist Mentored Obama
as a teenager shaping his social views, and fostered his hate for whites.
The rest of the Radical Associations reinforced
Davis’s teachings, and the Socialist NEW PARTY launched Obama’s career.
Obama, selected, tutored, groomed, scripted,
and financed by Radical Marxist/Socialists to become
the puppet leader of the UNITED SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA If you do not believe associations shape the
character and judgement of a person, why do you
NOT let your child hang out with the local street gangs and crack heads. All of the people I listed are linked together, all share the same values, all are long term and continious Associations of Obama. They are not just random accidental associations with whackos that everyone encounters occaisionally.
In a recent address to his subjects, carried by fiat on all of the nation’s television channels, Venezuela’s authoritarian president Hugo Chávez Frias, who has previously taken over the airways for the celebration of his own birthday, now turned his country’s attention to more urgent matters. The time had come, he explained, to move the “Bolivarian revolution” from its Lenin-like beginnings of transitional capitalism towards a more robust command economy. The nation had at last “broken the chains of the old, exploitative capitalist system,” he said. “The state now has the obligation to build the model of a socialist economy.”
The next stage of the socialist revolution will require making thirty-three separate amendments to the Venezuelan constitution—a document Chávez previously rewrote upon his ascension to Miraflores Palace in 1999. The most dramatic and controversial change will eliminate presidential term limits, ensuring the fulfillment of Chavez’s promise not to leave office until 2021. To Hugo Chávez, a permanent revolution requires that he wield permanent power. It’s a risky move, considering recent opinion polls showing a majority of Venezuelans skeptical to further constitutional “reform,” especially if it means the possibility of adopting a President Chávez for life. But the same public, polling data demonstrates, also opposed the government’s refusal to renew a broadcast license for RCTV, the country’s oldest and most anti-Chávez private television network, and that storm seems to have passed.
alan walter
16 years ago
As mentioned above, conservative talk show hosts did not support the troops in Bosnia and Kosovo. They belittled their deployment while the troops were in harm’s way. Congressional Republicans also criticized Clinton’s use of troops to stabilize the situation in Haiti. Why? Simple…Rush and Hanity and congressional Republicans wanted Clinton to fail, just as Rush wants the country to worsen during Obama’s time in office. When Democrats/Liberals fail, Republicans/Conservatives crow that their failure validates the Republican/Conservative agenda. Some Conservatives , such as Pat Robertson, are critical of un-American twits like Limbaugh and want the country to improve under Obama because their patriotism is not always colored by partisan politics.
When that became a reality last December and U.S. troops began heading for the war-torn former Yugoslav republic, the House voted 287-141 for a non-binding resolution opposing the deployment but supporting American troops.
nb: Congress was under solid GOP control at the time in question.
Note that this is precisely the position of most Democrats regarding Iraq. Support the troops, while opposing the war. Yet, with Americans being in harm’s way, opposition to a war is supposed to be tantamount to being traitorous, according to many comments on this blog over the years. But, with the shoe on the other foot, Republicans did the exact same thing.
In point of fact, being opposed on principle, to a given war is not being traitorous. It’s the responsibility of the Commander in Chief to rally the people to support a war effort. If he cannot obtain or maintain this support, the failing is his and his alone. Wars that are worth fighting will always be supported, in the presence of effective leadership. This is a clear lesson from the history of warfare, dating back thousands of years.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
16 years ago
Shawn Hannity did not have a radio show back then. So how could he criticize Clinton for Haiti or Bosnia. What I remember about Clinton foreign policy was there were numerous terrorists attacks and Clinton did nothing about them. He was weak on foreign policy and terrorists took advantage of that by bombing Kobar towers Saudi Arabia, bombing of the USS Cole. Clinton was offered Osama Bin Laden by the Sundanese but he turned it down to due possible legal reasons.
All of a sudden Clinton goes into Europe with out any UN resolutions and begins the 4 month air campaign against Bosina supposedly over ethnic cleansing. After all said and done there were a couple of thousand of bodies but nit hundreds of thousands as we were originally told.
If you listen to Rush, he states he wants Obama’s policies to fail. He said it to trick the media for everyone to see how they purposely misinterpret his comments. Besides I want Obama to fail because he’s a marxist, Socialist and by his policies fail then we will not have these unconstitutional interference of government take over. The country WILL worsen because of this government interference. These hypocrite…I mean politicians took an office to uphold the Constitution and now they are steam rolling legilation through so they may retain power. It’s all for themselves not the American people…How un-American and un-patriotic.
Liberals need to stop defining to us what patriotism is.
Do you support government takeover that is against the Constitution?
Yeah, I love it when the real unamerican dolts always start flinging around the unamerican label.
You’re a fool Alan. And a timewaster too.
Go swallow some more of the Kool Aid.
Hard Right
16 years ago
Alan, you are an absolute moron. Rush said he wanted the obominations attempt at implementing
socialism to fail. He did not say he wants America to go down the tubes. Idiots like you and the
Koslims claim that.
Larry, you really need to be medicated. We had NO military interests in Bosnia. The Euros should
have dealt with it and refused to. It should also be mentiond the Reps at the time didn’t
call our soldiers terrorists, murderers, or torturers. Nor did they try to cut off funding
while the fighting was still going on. In fact, they did not try to cut and run like your dems
did. So tell me how that is anything like what the dems did in Iraq? Simple it isn’t. It’s just another
pathetic leftwing strawman. Strawmen are used by those who know they are wrong, but refuse to
sdmit it.
alan walter
16 years ago
Hannity had a radio show from 1989 thru most of the ’90s in Georgia, Alabama, etc before he was hired by Fox News. I never said that Hannity was on record opposing the invasion of Haiti.
Here’s a quote from Rusty Limbaugh:
“I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: ‘Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.’ Somebody’s gotta say it.”
If the President fails, America fails. I said that.
Here’s an excerpt from US News and World Report interview with Pat Robertson:
“In an interview with U.S. News & World Report, conservative Christian leader Pat Robertson denounced talk show host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wants President Obama to fail.
‘So you don’t subscribe to Rush Limbaugh’s ‘I hope he fails’ school of thought?’ asked interviewer Dan Gilgoff.
‘That was a terrible thing to say,’ Robertson responded. ‘I mean, he’s the president of all the country. If he succeeds, the country succeeds. And if he doesn’t, it hurts us all. Anybody who would pull against our president is not exactly thinking rationally.’
After the election, Robertson pronounced himself ‘remarkably pleased’ with Obama and not so happy with President Bush. Robertson told Gilgoff that Obama hasn’t been ‘as skillful’ since taking office but that he wants “to give him the benefit of every doubt, and I definitely hope he succeeds.’
The Reverend Pat displaying maturity and a love for his country.
@alan walter: Hey Idiot: In case you had not noticed the topic of this thread is how Obama’s state dept. admires Hugo Chavez’s thuggish marxist takeover.
If you can’t stick to topic and persist in your hatemongering towards Rush or anyone else don’t expect your comment to remain.
That was your last warning.
16 years ago
“@GaffaUK: In case you hadn’t noticed Britain has a parliamentary system.
You want to change that as well?
Is there anything about your system of government you like?
I’m happy if you agree that the U.S. system is superior but frankly, I would think you might find something to be proud of in your own.”
Of course – but I was directly relating this as an issue over wheter leaders should stop after 2 terms or should they continue onwards.
As for anything I like about the UK system?
Okay – I like that there is an official opposition which is ready and organised. Who’s the official spokesperson/leader of the Republicans now?
I like that the Prime Minister gets questioned in Parliament every week by the opposition. I don’t believe POTUS gets that kind of direct scruntiny.
I believe despites all the scandals – compared to a lot of countries – UK is less corrupt.
I believe UK parliament historically played a big part in spreading democracy across the world – despite the warts and all.
I like the fact that MPs are linked to their local constituents including the Prime Minister.
However I don’t like the totally unproportional system (First Pass the Post), the unelected cronies that reside in the House of Lords, the Monarchy, the ability for the Prime MInister to call an election whenever they want during their 5 year term, the ability for the Prime Minister to resign and handover to someone else which doesn’t trigger an election.
Whatever system we have and whatever faults there is – this wasn’t devised or consulted with the people of the UK. It is evolved by those in power who try to have a system which benefits them rather than the majority. Compare this to New Zealand who moved to a proportional system after putting it to a national vote.
@GaffaUK: Well, I am glad to hear you don’t hate EVERYTHING about the UK system. Say hi to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II next time you see her.
16 years ago
Oh and UK elections go on for about 6 weeks rather than the 1-2 year marathons that US elections seem to go for and they cost a fraction of the money you need to run for office. Plus we don’t have the bizarre concept of primaries or caucus. I haven’t yet got a handle on Aussie politics yet – seems a hybrid of US and UK. Plus they have governments for each state but with a population of 20 million – that seems a bit overkill. I guess that’s like the US federal system. Still when in Rome…
As for Liz II – I’ll give her a royal wave next time she is down under. Maybe Chavez should just make himself a King? Might attract US tourists?;)
16 years ago
Exactly Mike! Left wing fascism. The proper name for the “fascisti” Nazi party was NSDAP. National Socialist German Workers Party. Hugo Chavez, from his own wiki, the leader of the Bolivarian revolution, “promotes a doctrine of Democratic socialism.” You only find the word communist, once. Though, democratic socialism is defined as “a form of socialism that emphasizes grassroots democratic participation. ” Then his wiki talks about bolivarian circles, which consist of: “Circles are forums for a (select) few hundred local residents who decide how to spend the government allowance for social development. They usually decide for neighborhood beautification, mass mobilization, lending support to small businesses, and providing basic social services.” Sounds like The One’s resume : As a COMMUNity activIST? Coincidental? No wonder our Democrats “heart” Chavez.
Fascism is fascism. All experience has shown that the head of the beast is a self-important narcissistic hypocritical a-holes. Be it Der Furhrer or Il Duce, or Josef Stalin. Modern day examples mimic the recent heads of state. Rod Blagojevich, James McGreevey, Eliot Spitzer, Gray Davis , et al. We saw “The One” coming with his own presidential seal on the “office of the president elect.” The Nazis, by the way were the first to successfully nationally ban tobacco use. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich banned smoking in private property. SCHIP taxes tobacco for “the Children.” The fascista call their enemy nazis, but are educated in the tactics deflecting criticism of who they are by accusing their critics of their own behavior. Its sick. Here’s another case: .Chicago councilman: “Most politicians are ho’s..” Arenda Troutman went bye-bye today. She says: “She’s not a monster.” But, will probably be out in 6 weeks for good behavior. Meanwhile, the newest U.S. Senator from Illinois, who never had any contact with Rod Blagojevich, is now having to battle the truth of Rod’s brother Rob soliciting funds from this “fine specimen” of a yet another fascist narcissist; All coming to a neighborhood near me. God help us all.
I think the Venezuelan election outcome was predictable. In Dec 2007, Chavez lost his attempt to remove term limits by a 51-49 vote. However this was still while oil prices were high enough, and the country’s economy didn’t tank.
What this election shows is the dangerous trade offs citizens, hand fed from the governments breast, are willing to give up in freedom for government hand out guarantees that Chavez and Marxists/socialists promise.
Larry, INRE you comments praising Obama’s celebration (via his State Dept) of a democratic election, I completely disagree. Hamas won victories in the PA based on their promises of social welfare (not violent jihad). Does that mean the US should then embrace Hamas, a designated (and rightfully so) terror group? I happen to agree with the US policy of continuing *not* to deal with Hamas… despite election results.
I believe humans have aptly proven they often make very stupid, and dangerous decisions during elections. But then, when you have the masses depending on the government for any and everything, it is inevitable they will not vote out what they believe is their only guarantee of survival.
My opinion is that the Obama WH should have kept silent on the term limit issue. That a desperate Venezuelan electorate, fearing starvation and economic collapse, should embark on the road to despotic tryanny willingly is nothing to be celebrated by a genuinely free nation. It is contrary to our founding beliefs, and a sign that the education level INRE history of socialist/Communist regimes is unknown.
If Obama had anything to say, but only if questioned, I would have preferred he tempered his praise with some sort of caveat, condemning such a similar move for the US. With the potential for ultimate power, plus control over the elections in the future, there is little than can separate future Venezuela elections from mimicking Saddam’s mock elections for decades.
But then, that Obama doesn’t make such a guarded statment just makes my already vigilant ears and eyes pick up even more for any similar legislation that comes thru the US Congress, combined with the Obama WH’s attempt to exercise control over the Census.
So let’s get to the basics, Larry. Would you support removing term limits for a US POTUS? And would you also support the Census control being under the jurisdiction of the WH?
15 years ago
I don’t think Obama should of commented – but whatever he says or doesn’t say – will fall on deaf ears with Chavez. People deserve what they get. It they want to be saddled with a socialist idiot like Chavez then they are welcome to him. Even with their oil – is Venezula that big an issue globally? As long as Russia doesn’t start planting Nukes there like they tried to do with Cuba then if you can deal with him – isolate and ignore him.
With RINO sell-outs firmly entrenched in Hussein’s back pocket, a fawning MSM unable to find the slightest flaw in his magnificent presence and the fat, dumb, lazy, ignorant public occasionally fuming at their TV sets and no more, don’t be surprised to see this sort of incredible power grab in the not too distant future. Get everything you can before anybody wakes up, is undoubtedly the motto of the Marxist leadership.
It’s already started OldPuppy. The question is will the American people wake up in time to stop them from finishing their plan?
It’s too late for the stimulus that Dems rushed to pass but Obama didn’t rush to sign (it was only important to get it passed before people realized what was going on). But we sure as hell can stop the census from being corrupted and the Fairness Doctrine.
What we are clearly seeing is a very marked change in approach to foreign policy. How could the USA have reacted to the election? Well, it had international monitors. It was an open, transparent election. There wasn’t any evidence of corruption. The majority of the Venezuelan people like Chavez. They did not vote to make him President for life; they voted to end term limits. We don’t have term limits for Senators and Representatives in this country. We only enacted Presidential term limits because people were freaked out by FDR’s 4 terms. Voting to end term limits is not undemocratic.
One can hardly consider the Bush administration policy toward countries like Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea a success. If hard line policies achieved anything at all in these countries, I’d like someone to explain to me what these policies achieved. The more we trashed Chavez, the more “emboldened” he became. He is not a tyrannical, “evil dictator.” He is someone trusted by the majority of his people.
Now, let’s look at the statement:
They are reaching out to the CITIZENS of Venezuela. They are congratulating the citizens of the country for holding a fair election. Congratulating them for participating in the Democratic process. One of the cornerstones of the Bush foreign policy was promoting Democracy around the world. Well, Venezuela has a vibrant democracy.
So, do we really encourage Democracy around the world, or don’t we? Do we only encourage Democracy when the people of said Democracy vote the way we wish them to vote?
Chavez has been painting America as being an evil empire to his people. The Bush administration was the greatest ally to Chavez in promoting this point of view. Obama is telling the Venezuelan people that they have nothing to fear from the USA. That we are respectful of their country and respectful of their country’s democracy.
It’s a different way of approaching a heretofore intractable problem. It may or may not succeed. But the new strategy has an obvious logic to commend it.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
@openid.aol.com/runnswim: “There wasn’t any evidence of corruption. The majority of the Venezuelan people like Chavez.”
Oh no… No corruption at all. Just the fact that if you don’t vote for Chavez you won’t have a job in the state run industries which are about the only jobs in town… and “enforcers” will come to your house.
People in Cuba love Castro too… Either that or they wind up in a REAL Gulag.
Leave it to Larry to make the LA Times editorial board look like a bunch of neocons by comparison.
All Hail comrade Weisenthal!
Or should we call you “Che” for short?
It was a secret ballot. There was no evidence of corruption. The result was accepted by the opposition, without protest, in a country where the opposition has been perfectly free to say things, such as “be careful, Hugo, or you’ll end up strung up like Mussolini.”
The comparison to Castro is beyond odious. Castro has no opposition. Cuba has no fair elections.
The USA has a history of supporting Dictators who have foreign policies which are congruent with our interests. We have an unfortunate history in South America of subverting democracy (i.e. Chili), when it conflicts with our self-perceived interest. Obama is telling the Venezuelan people that they needn’t fear this from the USA. It diminishes the effectiveness of Chavez’ anti-US rhetoric in the minds of the Venezuelan people. One way to rally support is to convince the people of your country that the country is threatened by an outside force. Even Bush used this strategy, and Chavez has used this strategy, as well. Obama is trying to take this particular arrow out of Chavez’s quiver. As I said, it’s a strategy with a commendable logic.
Do we support the Democratic process, or don’t we? That’s the question.
Look, Mike. I don’t call you names. Can’t we just debate each other without getting into that nonsense.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
P.S. I note, Mike, in your quotation of the LA Times editorial, that you neglected to include the following:
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
I would like to suggest a theme song for President Obama. It’s sung to the tune of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” The opening lines go:
“He’s beginning to look a lot like Chavez,
Everything he does….”
Well regardless of whether or not you support the action it was done democratically. We don’t have term limits in Canada and so far no dictatorships.
Obama would be congratulating Sadaam Hussein and the Soviets for their participatory democracy where ninety nine percent voted for SH and the CCCP. Unfortunately given Obamanation’s libtard ideology, this is more of what we can expect. Removing sanctions from our enemies and sanctioning our friends (Eastern Europe and Israel).
It’s a ligitimate descion by democratic process. What are you going to do? Criticize the citizens for making choices about there own country? Besides a lack of term limits is hardly a dictatorship.
Let’s not be silly.
When Saddam was still in power in Iraq, elections were held and what? 99%? of the voters there of course voted for him.
Take away Chavez’s goons, job control and the fear factor, then you have a free election.
Anyone who says that Chavez was fairly elected is either a Chavez supporter, or just not intelligent at all.
Mike has got it right and I am shocked that there are such silly people here who claim to be americans but can hardly use their brains. So is it nature or nature? The dumbness???
Delusional larry, it’s been explained to you in no uncertain detail how it is iin Venezuala. But yet again because your messiah is involved you toss aside reality to defend him andyour psychological investment in him.
Is closing down TV stations that oppose him democratic? Creating a law that makes insulting him a crime? Tossing political opponents in jails?
Ever hear of Maria-Corina Machado? She took money from the the National Endowment for Democracy, a program of the United States Congress. She faces jail time over doing so. She has been called a traitor trying to overthrow chavez.
How about Enrique Capriles ? He spent months in jail
simply for opposing what chavez is doing.
The disgusting thing about people like you larry, is how you deliberately make excuses for people like chavez. You need to seek help for your mental illness.
Here’s a google search of his anti-democratic tatics, not that someone as far gone as you will read them larry. Hell, even if you do, you’ll just find a way to
dismiss them all so your fantasy world isn’t harmed by the truth.
You are willfuly blind and unwilling and unable to see the facts.
The tyranny of the majority is coming to America. Now if Obama and friends can figure a way around the 22nd Amendment … home free, Obama, dictator for life.
Harry Reid and Bawney’s Fwank already introduced Constitutional Amdendments to remove the term limits on President in the past.
Great post Mike, you got the rise out the ones you wanted. Keep it up.
No corruption, just like the good old days of Democrats lynching their political opponents. Only in this case, Chavez’s goons just shoot them.
@bill: Bill: It’s the same kind of tactics Obama uses so of course it’s not “corruption.” Just like they changed the definition of “pork” and “earmarks” because they know enablers like Larry will lap it up.
@sigmundringeck said: “Mike has got it right and I am shocked that there are such silly people here who claim to be americans but can hardly use their brains. So is it nature or nature? The dumbness???”
It’s liberalism Sig… a mental defect if ever there was one.
How anyone could view the rape of democracy going on in Venezuela and conclude it is the result of the democrat process is beyond me.
And as far as the links between Castro and Chavez being “odious.” Someone needs to tell Chavez as he seems perfectly happy to be considered the new Castro.
Larry you are losing it bigtime. Time to open the window again as CO2 levels are reaching dangerous levels.
“Liberalism: The Willful Suspension of Logic & Reality.”
@Aye Chihuahua:
Gee no grand over-generalizations to be seen here.
@Michael Gemmink:
You’re right!
Just plain, unvarnished truth unapologetically laid bare for all to see.
We’re already there Mike. The reason I left C(r)ook county in the Peoples Republic of Illinois for higher ground was the voting machines I had to use: All, provided by Sequoia systems of Venezuela. A Hugo Chavez company. These area always get the desired result. The same company that gave Florida the hanging chads. Sequoia machines found mainly in the most populous counties of most blue states, keeps the blue states blue. In 40 years, Crook county went from dead people voting, to (in the case of the County board president) to dead people holding office. And, at election time, when habeas corpus could no longer be denied, having “The Party” accept the the officeholder’s incompetent offspring to inherit the fiefdom. Its comical. Their offices are now all inherited. The dictatorship of the proletariat effected by the tyranny of the unchallenged majority.
Ah, but who cares as long as one party state socialism rules!
@Aye Chihuahua: Libs prefer their truth well varnished and the painful reality papered over with nice sounding but meaningless and deceptive banalities.
@batman: It’s left wing fascism and it’s headed to a neighborhood near you. These people know they can’t win a fair fight so they are out to lie, cheat and steal.
Say, I’ve been wondering how long it will be before conservatives praise President Barack Hussein Obama’s surge of troops in Afghanistan. Where’s the adulation and patriotic fervor? Where’s the support for the commander-in-chief as he dispatches 17,000 troops to spread democracy to Afghanistan? Hello! Where’s your patriotic zeal?
Or, is it going to be like it was in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 90s under Clinton? Back then, the conservatives, especially their mouthpieces on radio (Rush & Sean) refused to support the troops, choosing instead to politicize their opposition to their deployment.
Where’s the praise for President Obama’s bold action?
@alan walter:
You think it was all patriotic ferver and zeal, this is no freakin game, that’s what you leftists can’t understand. We’ve had years of the left undermining the CIC while we have had family on the ground. Your shrill screeching directed at the president encouraged the enemy and risked the lives of our loved ones.
You won’t see the conservatives out in force attacking our military actions in Afghanistan led by Obama, we have no cowardly members of Congress, Code Pinks, Sheehans, ANSWER, idiots from Hollywood etc. within our ranks. There will be no photo ops, marches or demonstrations to encourage al Qaeda. We clearly understand who our troops answer to, bloodying up a CIC at a time of war, directly threatens those he commands.
It’s a shame the UK doesn’t have the same two terms limits that the US has. If we did then Thatcher would have gone by 1987 at the height of her abilities rather than getting stabbed in the back by her own party in 1990 when she started losing it – and even better our old socialist friend Blair would have gone in 2005 rather than hang on for a third term which he then shamefully and dishonestly handed over to the current unelected and incompetent Gordon Brown.
Considering the GOP held a national convention last year where not one speaker even mentioned the word Afghanistan, I think it’s safe to say they’ll just keep on ignoring it. Go back and check the texts: Palin, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee-no one acknowledged our troops in Forgotistan….
That’s true Fitfit, but they did talk about the war on terror of which Afghanistan is a key part. They didn’t mention Somalia, Djibouti, the Philippines, Georgia, or or even the European countries where it’s being fought. They just talked about the war as a whole, and they talked about success; about victory.
Did Democrats talk about success and victory in the war on terror? It’d be interesting to see that plan and compare it to Bush’s or the one Obama’s had prepared for 2yrs now. Oh wait….he never had a plan. It was always “Vote Dem, and we’ll come up with something” Even today, Obama still balks at decisive military action in Afghanistan. Odd thing about military decisions….they don’t lend well to committee decision, to popularity, or to caution. Overly cautious, slow-to-move commanders rarely succeed in offensives.
fit fit:
The military isn’t stupid. They Know who supports them and who doesn’t. For one, they don’t need a politician to publicly make a “dog and pony” show of minced words to see who supports who more.
If Obama is so supportive of the troops then why did he cut 10% from the Pentagon’s budget and give billions to ACORN?
From street agitator to commander n chief, Obama knows how to worm his way up.
Conservatives always support the troops. It’s a part of being a conservative. They supported the troops back in the 90’s but questioned Clinton’s intentions because he always had one hand in presidential matters and the other up Monica’s dress.
Military by and large has always been skeptical of liberals. The military know the sacrifices they endure and yet never see any sacrifices from liberals because by nature, liberals are out for power and control and will run over anyone who gets in their way including the military.
@GaffaUK: In case you hadn’t noticed Britain has a parliamentary system.
You want to change that as well?
Is there anything about your system of government you like?
I’m happy if you agree that the U.S. system is superior but frankly, I would think you might find something to be proud of in your own.
By: Marion Valentine
October 31, 2008 at 9:05 am
Can Obama Pull Off a Hugo Chavez? You Can Bet Your Assets
The original post was pulled down by a hacker. This is what we have left.
Added some more stuff to illustrate how easy it would be for Obama to pull off a Hugo Chavez
The Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 provides
additional powers to the President of the United
States, allowing the suspension of the
Constitution and Constitutional rights of
Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for
the construction of detention camps, seizure of
property, and military control of populated areas.
This, teamed with the Executive Orders of the
President, enables Orwellian prophecies to rest on
whoever occupies the White House. The power
provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the
Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill
of Rights during any civil disturbances, major
demonstrations and strikes and allows the military
to implement government ordered movements of
civilian populations at state and regional levels,
the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the
population, and the imposition of Martial Law.
When the Constitution of the United States was
framed it placed the exclusive legislative
authority in the hands of Congress and with the
President. Article I, Section 1 of the United
States Constitution is concise in its language,
“All legislative powers herein granted shall be
vested in a Congress of the United States, which
shall consist of a Senate and House of
Representatives.” That is no longer true. The Bill
of Rights protected Americans against loss of
freedoms. That is no longer true. The Constitution
provided for a balanced separation of powers. That is no longer applicable.
Perhaps it can be summed up succinctly in the words of arch-conservative activist Howard J Ruff. “Since the enactment of Executive Order 11490, the only thing standing between us and
dictatorship is the good character of the President, and the lack of a crisis severe enough that the public would stand still for it.”
Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Here are the later Executive Orders:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent, including Marine Colonel Oliver North.
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (VCCLEA; also known as the Biden Crime Law) was an act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement that became law in 1994. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the US and will provide for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. [1] Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
After spending nine years in Navy Intelligence as a Cryptologist, intercepting communications from Marxist/Socialist countries, breaking their codes, and gathering intelligence in “other” ways. I am familiar with their methods of using the media for propangada, using the educational system to indoctrinate young minds, using the judicial system, and voter fraud to steal elections.
This is what is happening now in america.
From everything I have researched in the last two years, has lead me to conclude that Obama was selected, tutored, groomed, scripted, and financed by Radical Marxist/Socialists to become the puppet leader of the USSA.
There is a vast difference between Social Democrats and Radical Marxist/Socialists. Hillary Clinton is a Social Democrat. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Schumer, Durbin, Franks,Boxer, and a few others now in Congress are Radical Marxist/Socialists.
On my website: [valsword.spaces.live.com] I have a 16 minute video of an interview with Yure Bezmenov a KGB agent who defected in 1970. This interview was recorded 24 years ago,
and the transcript highlights, in Yuri’s own words confirm what I mentioned in the first paragraph.
I pray that I am wrong, but from everything I have researched, I believe Obama, with a Reid Pelosi led Congress, with a radical judicial system will pull a Hugo Chavez.
With a filibuster proof congress led by Reid and Pelosi. What is to stop Obama from pulling a Hugo Chavez. A closed mind is like a locked door, unless the right key is found, nothing enters. Unfortunately for many the key will be hindsight.
Frank Marshal Davis
The New Party
All Radical Marxist/Socialist links in Obama’s
chain that launched his political career, and
unlike the theory of evolution, there are no missing links.
Davis, a known, avowed Communist Mentored Obama
as a teenager shaping his social views, and fostered his hate for whites.
The rest of the Radical Associations reinforced
Davis’s teachings, and the Socialist NEW PARTY launched Obama’s career.
Obama, selected, tutored, groomed, scripted,
and financed by Radical Marxist/Socialists to become
the puppet leader of the UNITED SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA If you do not believe associations shape the
character and judgement of a person, why do you
NOT let your child hang out with the local street gangs and crack heads. All of the people I listed are linked together, all share the same values, all are long term and continious Associations of Obama. They are not just random accidental associations with whackos that everyone encounters occaisionally.
In a recent address to his subjects, carried by fiat on all of the nation’s television channels, Venezuela’s authoritarian president Hugo Chávez Frias, who has previously taken over the airways for the celebration of his own birthday, now turned his country’s attention to more urgent matters. The time had come, he explained, to move the “Bolivarian revolution” from its Lenin-like beginnings of transitional capitalism towards a more robust command economy. The nation had at last “broken the chains of the old, exploitative capitalist system,” he said. “The state now has the obligation to build the model of a socialist economy.”
The next stage of the socialist revolution will require making thirty-three separate amendments to the Venezuelan constitution—a document Chávez previously rewrote upon his ascension to Miraflores Palace in 1999. The most dramatic and controversial change will eliminate presidential term limits, ensuring the fulfillment of Chavez’s promise not to leave office until 2021. To Hugo Chávez, a permanent revolution requires that he wield permanent power. It’s a risky move, considering recent opinion polls showing a majority of Venezuelans skeptical to further constitutional “reform,” especially if it means the possibility of adopting a President Chávez for life. But the same public, polling data demonstrates, also opposed the government’s refusal to renew a broadcast license for RCTV, the country’s oldest and most anti-Chávez private television network, and that storm seems to have passed.
As mentioned above, conservative talk show hosts did not support the troops in Bosnia and Kosovo. They belittled their deployment while the troops were in harm’s way. Congressional Republicans also criticized Clinton’s use of troops to stabilize the situation in Haiti. Why? Simple…Rush and Hanity and congressional Republicans wanted Clinton to fail, just as Rush wants the country to worsen during Obama’s time in office. When Democrats/Liberals fail, Republicans/Conservatives crow that their failure validates the Republican/Conservative agenda. Some Conservatives , such as Pat Robertson, are critical of un-American twits like Limbaugh and want the country to improve under Obama because their patriotism is not always colored by partisan politics.
re: Bosnia:
February 19, 1996
nb: Congress was under solid GOP control at the time in question.
Note that this is precisely the position of most Democrats regarding Iraq. Support the troops, while opposing the war. Yet, with Americans being in harm’s way, opposition to a war is supposed to be tantamount to being traitorous, according to many comments on this blog over the years. But, with the shoe on the other foot, Republicans did the exact same thing.
In point of fact, being opposed on principle, to a given war is not being traitorous. It’s the responsibility of the Commander in Chief to rally the people to support a war effort. If he cannot obtain or maintain this support, the failing is his and his alone. Wars that are worth fighting will always be supported, in the presence of effective leadership. This is a clear lesson from the history of warfare, dating back thousands of years.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Shawn Hannity did not have a radio show back then. So how could he criticize Clinton for Haiti or Bosnia. What I remember about Clinton foreign policy was there were numerous terrorists attacks and Clinton did nothing about them. He was weak on foreign policy and terrorists took advantage of that by bombing Kobar towers Saudi Arabia, bombing of the USS Cole. Clinton was offered Osama Bin Laden by the Sundanese but he turned it down to due possible legal reasons.
All of a sudden Clinton goes into Europe with out any UN resolutions and begins the 4 month air campaign against Bosina supposedly over ethnic cleansing. After all said and done there were a couple of thousand of bodies but nit hundreds of thousands as we were originally told.
If you listen to Rush, he states he wants Obama’s policies to fail. He said it to trick the media for everyone to see how they purposely misinterpret his comments. Besides I want Obama to fail because he’s a marxist, Socialist and by his policies fail then we will not have these unconstitutional interference of government take over. The country WILL worsen because of this government interference. These hypocrite…I mean politicians took an office to uphold the Constitution and now they are steam rolling legilation through so they may retain power. It’s all for themselves not the American people…How un-American and un-patriotic.
Liberals need to stop defining to us what patriotism is.
Do you support government takeover that is against the Constitution?
@alan walter: “un-American twits like Limbaugh “
Yeah, I love it when the real unamerican dolts always start flinging around the unamerican label.
You’re a fool Alan. And a timewaster too.
Go swallow some more of the Kool Aid.
Alan, you are an absolute moron. Rush said he wanted the obominations attempt at implementing
socialism to fail. He did not say he wants America to go down the tubes. Idiots like you and the
Koslims claim that.
Larry, you really need to be medicated. We had NO military interests in Bosnia. The Euros should
have dealt with it and refused to. It should also be mentiond the Reps at the time didn’t
call our soldiers terrorists, murderers, or torturers. Nor did they try to cut off funding
while the fighting was still going on. In fact, they did not try to cut and run like your dems
did. So tell me how that is anything like what the dems did in Iraq? Simple it isn’t. It’s just another
pathetic leftwing strawman. Strawmen are used by those who know they are wrong, but refuse to
sdmit it.
Hannity had a radio show from 1989 thru most of the ’90s in Georgia, Alabama, etc before he was hired by Fox News. I never said that Hannity was on record opposing the invasion of Haiti.
Here’s a quote from Rusty Limbaugh:
“I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: ‘Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.’ Somebody’s gotta say it.”
If the President fails, America fails. I said that.
Here’s an excerpt from US News and World Report interview with Pat Robertson:
“In an interview with U.S. News & World Report, conservative Christian leader Pat Robertson denounced talk show host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wants President Obama to fail.
‘So you don’t subscribe to Rush Limbaugh’s ‘I hope he fails’ school of thought?’ asked interviewer Dan Gilgoff.
‘That was a terrible thing to say,’ Robertson responded. ‘I mean, he’s the president of all the country. If he succeeds, the country succeeds. And if he doesn’t, it hurts us all. Anybody who would pull against our president is not exactly thinking rationally.’
After the election, Robertson pronounced himself ‘remarkably pleased’ with Obama and not so happy with President Bush. Robertson told Gilgoff that Obama hasn’t been ‘as skillful’ since taking office but that he wants “to give him the benefit of every doubt, and I definitely hope he succeeds.’
The Reverend Pat displaying maturity and a love for his country.
@alan walter: Hey Idiot: In case you had not noticed the topic of this thread is how Obama’s state dept. admires Hugo Chavez’s thuggish marxist takeover.
If you can’t stick to topic and persist in your hatemongering towards Rush or anyone else don’t expect your comment to remain.
That was your last warning.
“@GaffaUK: In case you hadn’t noticed Britain has a parliamentary system.
You want to change that as well?
Is there anything about your system of government you like?
I’m happy if you agree that the U.S. system is superior but frankly, I would think you might find something to be proud of in your own.”
Of course – but I was directly relating this as an issue over wheter leaders should stop after 2 terms or should they continue onwards.
As for anything I like about the UK system?
Okay – I like that there is an official opposition which is ready and organised. Who’s the official spokesperson/leader of the Republicans now?
I like that the Prime Minister gets questioned in Parliament every week by the opposition. I don’t believe POTUS gets that kind of direct scruntiny.
I believe despites all the scandals – compared to a lot of countries – UK is less corrupt.
I believe UK parliament historically played a big part in spreading democracy across the world – despite the warts and all.
I like the fact that MPs are linked to their local constituents including the Prime Minister.
However I don’t like the totally unproportional system (First Pass the Post), the unelected cronies that reside in the House of Lords, the Monarchy, the ability for the Prime MInister to call an election whenever they want during their 5 year term, the ability for the Prime Minister to resign and handover to someone else which doesn’t trigger an election.
Whatever system we have and whatever faults there is – this wasn’t devised or consulted with the people of the UK. It is evolved by those in power who try to have a system which benefits them rather than the majority. Compare this to New Zealand who moved to a proportional system after putting it to a national vote.
@GaffaUK: Well, I am glad to hear you don’t hate EVERYTHING about the UK system. Say hi to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II next time you see her.
Oh and UK elections go on for about 6 weeks rather than the 1-2 year marathons that US elections seem to go for and they cost a fraction of the money you need to run for office. Plus we don’t have the bizarre concept of primaries or caucus. I haven’t yet got a handle on Aussie politics yet – seems a hybrid of US and UK. Plus they have governments for each state but with a population of 20 million – that seems a bit overkill. I guess that’s like the US federal system. Still when in Rome…
As for Liz II – I’ll give her a royal wave next time she is down under. Maybe Chavez should just make himself a King? Might attract US tourists?;)
Exactly Mike! Left wing fascism. The proper name for the “fascisti” Nazi party was NSDAP. National Socialist German Workers Party. Hugo Chavez, from his own wiki, the leader of the Bolivarian revolution, “promotes a doctrine of Democratic socialism.” You only find the word communist, once. Though, democratic socialism is defined as “a form of socialism that emphasizes grassroots democratic participation. ” Then his wiki talks about bolivarian circles, which consist of: “Circles are forums for a (select) few hundred local residents who decide how to spend the government allowance for social development. They usually decide for neighborhood beautification, mass mobilization, lending support to small businesses, and providing basic social services.” Sounds like The One’s resume : As a COMMUNity activIST? Coincidental? No wonder our Democrats “heart” Chavez.
Fascism is fascism. All experience has shown that the head of the beast is a self-important narcissistic hypocritical a-holes. Be it Der Furhrer or Il Duce, or Josef Stalin. Modern day examples mimic the recent heads of state. Rod Blagojevich, James McGreevey, Eliot Spitzer, Gray Davis , et al. We saw “The One” coming with his own presidential seal on the “office of the president elect.” The Nazis, by the way were the first to successfully nationally ban tobacco use. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich banned smoking in private property. SCHIP taxes tobacco for “the Children.” The fascista call their enemy nazis, but are educated in the tactics deflecting criticism of who they are by accusing their critics of their own behavior. Its sick. Here’s another case: .Chicago councilman: “Most politicians are ho’s..” Arenda Troutman went bye-bye today. She says: “She’s not a monster.” But, will probably be out in 6 weeks for good behavior. Meanwhile, the newest U.S. Senator from Illinois, who never had any contact with Rod Blagojevich, is now having to battle the truth of Rod’s brother Rob soliciting funds from this “fine specimen” of a yet another fascist narcissist; All coming to a neighborhood near me. God help us all.
I think the Venezuelan election outcome was predictable. In Dec 2007, Chavez lost his attempt to remove term limits by a 51-49 vote. However this was still while oil prices were high enough, and the country’s economy didn’t tank.
What this election shows is the dangerous trade offs citizens, hand fed from the governments breast, are willing to give up in freedom for government hand out guarantees that Chavez and Marxists/socialists promise.
Larry, INRE you comments praising Obama’s celebration (via his State Dept) of a democratic election, I completely disagree. Hamas won victories in the PA based on their promises of social welfare (not violent jihad). Does that mean the US should then embrace Hamas, a designated (and rightfully so) terror group? I happen to agree with the US policy of continuing *not* to deal with Hamas… despite election results.
I believe humans have aptly proven they often make very stupid, and dangerous decisions during elections. But then, when you have the masses depending on the government for any and everything, it is inevitable they will not vote out what they believe is their only guarantee of survival.
My opinion is that the Obama WH should have kept silent on the term limit issue. That a desperate Venezuelan electorate, fearing starvation and economic collapse, should embark on the road to despotic tryanny willingly is nothing to be celebrated by a genuinely free nation. It is contrary to our founding beliefs, and a sign that the education level INRE history of socialist/Communist regimes is unknown.
If Obama had anything to say, but only if questioned, I would have preferred he tempered his praise with some sort of caveat, condemning such a similar move for the US. With the potential for ultimate power, plus control over the elections in the future, there is little than can separate future Venezuela elections from mimicking Saddam’s mock elections for decades.
But then, that Obama doesn’t make such a guarded statment just makes my already vigilant ears and eyes pick up even more for any similar legislation that comes thru the US Congress, combined with the Obama WH’s attempt to exercise control over the Census.
So let’s get to the basics, Larry. Would you support removing term limits for a US POTUS? And would you also support the Census control being under the jurisdiction of the WH?
I don’t think Obama should of commented – but whatever he says or doesn’t say – will fall on deaf ears with Chavez. People deserve what they get. It they want to be saddled with a socialist idiot like Chavez then they are welcome to him. Even with their oil – is Venezula that big an issue globally? As long as Russia doesn’t start planting Nukes there like they tried to do with Cuba then if you can deal with him – isolate and ignore him.