I don’t think I have ever seen such an out right grab for power in my life time by either party.
The Dems want to destroy the conservative movement and we are going to have to fight back. They will next force Rush, Hannity, Laura and other conservatives off the airways then on to the right to bear arms and on and on.
There are protests being planned in Seatle and Denver in a few days to protest the spending bill and we need to do our part if we live in an area where those protests are being planned and attend.
15 years ago
Tom N,you’ve got it backwards. They are already fielding bills that would track all gun ownership on a national level, making private gun sales, or giving a firearm to a friend or relative unlawful. Conservatives are in for the worst administration since 1770.
luva the scissors
15 years ago
the state of washington is trying to pass a bil to tax you on the size of your engine. the libs are out of control.
15 years ago
Census projections are already out there ,that would be hard to reverse as to the few seat shifts that will be taking place.
That is not the object here.
What they want to do is shape and beef up the Metropolitan Statistical Areas to their liking, even if they have to alter the boundaries to do it.
That is where the long term plays are since almost every funding bill relies on distribution formulas for MSAs and also the MSAs play major roles in the calculations for justifying the expenditures to start with.
They can’t do something outrageous enough to actually shift whole districts which are near 600k in size but they can shape the given areas to control the pork flow and capture the districts by creation of locked in self interest.
There is the ring they are grabbing for.
There are too many independent data sets ,like job distributions and employment total numbers and such that can be cross check for major attempts to skew the numbers.
the state of washington is trying to pass a bil to tax you on the size of your engine. the libs are out of control.
Could be worse. In Japan, everyone gets measured; overweight people get lifestyle counseling. Those that remain overweight have to pay fines. Source: this week’s Parade Magazine.
I don’t think I have ever seen such an out right grab for power in my life time by either party.
The Dems want to destroy the conservative movement and we are going to have to fight back. They will next force Rush, Hannity, Laura and other conservatives off the airways then on to the right to bear arms and on and on.
There are protests being planned in Seatle and Denver in a few days to protest the spending bill and we need to do our part if we live in an area where those protests are being planned and attend.
Tom N,you’ve got it backwards. They are already fielding bills that would track all gun ownership on a national level, making private gun sales, or giving a firearm to a friend or relative unlawful. Conservatives are in for the worst administration since 1770.
the state of washington is trying to pass a bil to tax you on the size of your engine. the libs are out of control.
Census projections are already out there ,that would be hard to reverse as to the few seat shifts that will be taking place.
That is not the object here.
What they want to do is shape and beef up the Metropolitan Statistical Areas to their liking, even if they have to alter the boundaries to do it.
That is where the long term plays are since almost every funding bill relies on distribution formulas for MSAs and also the MSAs play major roles in the calculations for justifying the expenditures to start with.
They can’t do something outrageous enough to actually shift whole districts which are near 600k in size but they can shape the given areas to control the pork flow and capture the districts by creation of locked in self interest.
There is the ring they are grabbing for.
There are too many independent data sets ,like job distributions and employment total numbers and such that can be cross check for major attempts to skew the numbers.
Could be worse. In Japan, everyone gets measured; overweight people get lifestyle counseling. Those that remain overweight have to pay fines. Source: this week’s Parade Magazine.
P.S. here’s a link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/06/13/MNLV118ISH.DTL
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Who knows with this bunch in power, they’ve just enacted Japan’s past failed economic policies why not imitate the nanny state idiocy.