sweet, he made her look like a spoiled snot. loved it. he knows what its about and he spoke up. i called my senators offices all day, if there was an answer they were rude and if they didn’t the voice mail was full.
16 years ago
“If this is the solution to George Bush’s problems, the country is going to get worse.”
He’s showing attempts at truly working together, while Boxer pulls out the “Republicans side with Bush” card. Un-freakin-believable.
Heh, I attended a water conservation meeting with state senators today, and a great line came from an unexpected source – a Democrat. I couldn’t believe it. He said, “Hope is not a strategy”. Republicans should have used that against The One.
What party do your senators belong in, luva?
16 years ago
For budget news…I know this is not the greatest source, as you can practically smell the liberal wafting off the webpage, but it’s a good article for keeping up:
I have a few comments about this article, but I think I should point this tiny section out:
At its core, the legislation is designed to ease the worst economic recession in generations, and combines hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending with tax cuts. Much of the money would go for victims of the recession in the form of food stamps, unemployment compensation and health care. There are funds, as well, for construction of highways and bridges.
But the administration also decided to use the bill to make a down payment on key domestic initiatives, including creation of a new health technology industry and so-called green jobs designed to make the country less dependent on imported oil.
And Democrats in Congress decided to add additional huge sums for the states struggling with the recession, as well as billions more for favored programs such as parks, the repair of monuments in federal cemeteries, health and science research and more…
But Republicans, freed of the need to defend former President George W. Bush’s policies, have pivoted quickly to criticize the bill for its size and what they consider wasteful spending.
I’d say that with all that pork floating around this massive bailout, Republicans have every right to oppose it. I don’t think that focusing on creating hybrid cars or fixing up monuments in the cemetery is of utmost importance. All the millions going to NASA could be used for something else, don’t you think?
Something else I’d like to bring to your attention: this is by John McCain, a petition to oppose the stimulus bill. If any are interested…
they are really suck ass dems. can’t stand either of them. i always wonder why dem women are so ugly. i know it sounds bad, but really they are ugly, and if they are the least bit pretty they are so pinch faced and hateful that is is oozing from their pores. most dem men are girly men and the women are nasty hateful ballbusters. i think that is why palin was so appealing, she was an attractive ballbuster who was after reform and party affliation be damned. if you were dirty she was after you.
Gregory Dittman
16 years ago
Three things that are really not talked about in the news. Once a project is built where is the worker going to go? Will money be needed for the upkeep of these projects or will they just rot? Taxes will have to be increased to pay for all of this, so how much will the tax increases cost in terms of time for there to be a recovery.
Japan built a lot of roads and bridges to nowhere, as in over $1 trillion worth in order to keep their economy from imploding. It took over 20 years to recover from the late 80s implosion and that recovery lasted like 3 years before this townturn hit.
Not a difficult task, I’m sure. I mean, c’mon, Boxer frequently demonstrates how much of an idiot she is. Who couldn’t give her a verbal whoopin’? Nonetheless, nice to actually see it done in public. Nicely done, Senator Graham.
I think that Lindsay Graham is a great senator. He’s one of the best in the entire senate. The only real thing in his entire career that I fault him for is his role in the Clinton impeachment.
I agree, it was an outstanding speech.
Given that no one (including John McCain) has proposed an anti-recession package which makes any sense at all, what this has degenerated into is power politics. Like it or not, the Dems are winning this one, both in Congress and with the public.
I like Mitch McConnell’s suggestion for the federal government to underwrite home mortgages and refinancings, to the tune of 4% interest, but, unfortunately, the GOP wants to combine this with massive tax cuts, which is, indeed, a failed strategy which has never worked. Reaganomics was a disaster for the country. If tax cuts really stimulated economic growth sufficient to overcome the debt generated by the tax cuts, then ratio of debt to GDP would fall. But many a beautiful theory is ruined by an ugly fact:
President(s)/Debt as a percentage of GDP (beginning of term -> end of term):
This is what Obama means by “failed policies.” I’m against doing anything to further increase debt, but, between the Dem plan and the GOP plan of just more tax cuts, I’ll hold my nose and side with the congressional Dems.
Supply side economics should be relegated to the dustbin of history, where it so richly deserves to be.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
16 years ago
Interesting information, Larry. However, spending is a Congressional matter rather than a Presidential matter. It would be more useful to see the same info linked to which party was in control of Congress.
16 years ago
I’ll assume that you’re already drunk Keynes Kool-Aid since you’re bashing Supply siders. Given that, I want you to point to where non-war based rampant government spending has brought the US out of a recession. Over and over again we’ve seen artificial means of propping up economics come crashing down, resulting in recessions. The dot-com bubble popped because of corporate fiscal juggling, the real estate bubble popped because of real estate mortgage juggling, and both of these were brought about by changes in the laws governing the rules for both (and ENRON and ACORN).
Only smart fiscal policies such as moderate government spending coupled with low individual and corporate tax rates can fix the mess we’re in. How are millions of dollars added to the Census Bureau budget going to create jobs?
Fit fit
16 years ago
I really don’t uinderstand why that post was censored.
I don’t know if your employer makes any dough from fed gov’t contracts or federally funded projects but if so, and the company is not unionized, say good-bye to that income opportunity in the future.
Looks to me like non-union contractors (which are 84% of the total) just fell victim to the Hope-A-Dope.
sweet, he made her look like a spoiled snot. loved it. he knows what its about and he spoke up. i called my senators offices all day, if there was an answer they were rude and if they didn’t the voice mail was full.
He’s showing attempts at truly working together, while Boxer pulls out the “Republicans side with Bush” card. Un-freakin-believable.
Heh, I attended a water conservation meeting with state senators today, and a great line came from an unexpected source – a Democrat. I couldn’t believe it. He said, “Hope is not a strategy”. Republicans should have used that against The One.
What party do your senators belong in, luva?
For budget news…I know this is not the greatest source, as you can practically smell the liberal wafting off the webpage, but it’s a good article for keeping up:
I have a few comments about this article, but I think I should point this tiny section out:
I’d say that with all that pork floating around this massive bailout, Republicans have every right to oppose it. I don’t think that focusing on creating hybrid cars or fixing up monuments in the cemetery is of utmost importance. All the millions going to NASA could be used for something else, don’t you think?
Something else I’d like to bring to your attention: this is by John McCain, a petition to oppose the stimulus bill. If any are interested…
they are really suck ass dems. can’t stand either of them. i always wonder why dem women are so ugly. i know it sounds bad, but really they are ugly, and if they are the least bit pretty they are so pinch faced and hateful that is is oozing from their pores. most dem men are girly men and the women are nasty hateful ballbusters. i think that is why palin was so appealing, she was an attractive ballbuster who was after reform and party affliation be damned. if you were dirty she was after you.
Three things that are really not talked about in the news. Once a project is built where is the worker going to go? Will money be needed for the upkeep of these projects or will they just rot? Taxes will have to be increased to pay for all of this, so how much will the tax increases cost in terms of time for there to be a recovery.
Japan built a lot of roads and bridges to nowhere, as in over $1 trillion worth in order to keep their economy from imploding. It took over 20 years to recover from the late 80s implosion and that recovery lasted like 3 years before this townturn hit.
Yes, that was a spanking.
Not a difficult task, I’m sure. I mean, c’mon, Boxer frequently demonstrates how much of an idiot she is. Who couldn’t give her a verbal whoopin’? Nonetheless, nice to actually see it done in public. Nicely done, Senator Graham.
I think that Lindsay Graham is a great senator. He’s one of the best in the entire senate. The only real thing in his entire career that I fault him for is his role in the Clinton impeachment.
I agree, it was an outstanding speech.
Given that no one (including John McCain) has proposed an anti-recession package which makes any sense at all, what this has degenerated into is power politics. Like it or not, the Dems are winning this one, both in Congress and with the public.
I like Mitch McConnell’s suggestion for the federal government to underwrite home mortgages and refinancings, to the tune of 4% interest, but, unfortunately, the GOP wants to combine this with massive tax cuts, which is, indeed, a failed strategy which has never worked. Reaganomics was a disaster for the country. If tax cuts really stimulated economic growth sufficient to overcome the debt generated by the tax cuts, then ratio of debt to GDP would fall. But many a beautiful theory is ruined by an ugly fact:
President(s)/Debt as a percentage of GDP (beginning of term -> end of term):
Truman 90% -> 72%
Eisenhower 72% -> 55%
Kennedy-Johnson 55% -> 38%
Nixon-Ford 38% -> 35%
Carter 35% -> 32%
Reagan-Bush 32% -> 67%
Clinton 67% -> 57%
Bush 57% -> 69%
This is what Obama means by “failed policies.” I’m against doing anything to further increase debt, but, between the Dem plan and the GOP plan of just more tax cuts, I’ll hold my nose and side with the congressional Dems.
Supply side economics should be relegated to the dustbin of history, where it so richly deserves to be.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Interesting information, Larry. However, spending is a Congressional matter rather than a Presidential matter. It would be more useful to see the same info linked to which party was in control of Congress.
I’ll assume that you’re already drunk Keynes Kool-Aid since you’re bashing Supply siders. Given that, I want you to point to where non-war based rampant government spending has brought the US out of a recession. Over and over again we’ve seen artificial means of propping up economics come crashing down, resulting in recessions. The dot-com bubble popped because of corporate fiscal juggling, the real estate bubble popped because of real estate mortgage juggling, and both of these were brought about by changes in the laws governing the rules for both (and ENRON and ACORN).
Only smart fiscal policies such as moderate government spending coupled with low individual and corporate tax rates can fix the mess we’re in. How are millions of dollars added to the Census Bureau budget going to create jobs?
I really don’t uinderstand why that post was censored.
Hey Fit fit,
Did you see this?
I posted about it over here.
I don’t know if your employer makes any dough from fed gov’t contracts or federally funded projects but if so, and the company is not unionized, say good-bye to that income opportunity in the future.
Looks to me like non-union contractors (which are 84% of the total) just fell victim to the Hope-A-Dope.
I’m sort of wondering if you fault Clinton for contempt, lying under oath, and suborning perjury.
How about sexual harassment? Is that something you fault Clinton for?