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In yesterday’s report on the Hogzilla stimulus bill, we cited the Wall Street Journal editorial which draws attention to $83 billion for redistribution of wealth through tax refund checks to people who don’t pay income taxes. And you thought it wasn’t a vote buying bill?

Can we have some intellectual honesty? American workers all pay at least two types of Federal Taxes: “income tax” and “payroll tax” (or “self employment tax”). The latter are supposed to fund social security and Medicare. In reality, for people making less than $100,000 per year, both are forms of income tax, because both are based on income and both go into the treasury’s “general fund” (there being no Social Security “lock box,” as Al Gore lost the Y2K election).

So it’s not true that people eligible for refunds don’t pay taxes. They do. It’s simply a semantic game which is being played here.

I thought that Republicans like tax cuts. It would seem that some Republicans only like tax cuts if they don’t go to the poorest American workers.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Why are my tax dollars going to non-citizens in this country illegally. And they don’t even pay taxes?!?!?!?!?!?!
Methinks Sam, Pat and Todd are getting a call.

Why are my tax dollars going to non-citizens in this country illegally. And they don’t even pay taxes?!?!?!?!?!?!
Methinks Sam, Pat and Todd are getting a call.

Glenn, these refunds only go to tax payers. Most undocumented workers (“illegals”) do pay taxes. In fact, they pay a huge amount into the Social Security and Medicare systems, and they are not eligible for either Social Security or Medicare, and, thus, they improve the solvency of both Social Security and Medicare.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

illegal aliens? from space? I say give them what they want. Its not like they are talking about people from mexico that demand all the american benefits, pay none of the taxes, and when they commit a crime hop back over the border where we can’t touch them. Ouch, I might get flamed for that one.

Illegal aliens should be a prime focus of the stimulus. There have been complaints of the cost to actually deport all of the illegals. However those costs represent new jobs among other things. So right off you are directly employing lots of people. The secondary effect though is when you remove 100,000 employed illegal aliens, you create 100,000 job openings for legal Americans.


Maybe they can receive the $500 but have to turn theirself in to ICE to collect. They get to keep the $$$ but only if they return to their home country. Might be cheaper than sending agents out to find them.

Again we have moonbat larry spouting the Move On talking points.
Would it kill you to think for yourself larry?

ACORN is alive and well, just has a new name:
President Barack Obama plans to name Joshua DuBois, a 26-year-old Pentecostal pastor and political strategist who handled religious outreach for the Obama campaign, to direct a revamped office of faith-based initiatives, according to religious leaders who have been informed about the choice.
The office, created by President George W. Bush by executive order at the start of his first term, is likely to have an even broader mandate in the Obama White House, said the religious leaders, who requested anonymity because the appointment has yet to be announced.
The White House declined to comment.
Renamed the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the office will not merely oversee the distribution of grants to religious and community groups, but will also look for other ways to involve those groups in working on pressing social problems.

I vote that we stop calling larry, fit fit etc.. moonbats or any other name for that matter. Coming from the perspective of being very conservative, I don’t agree with a lot of their opinions, but I do think healthy debate is good. If they keep spouting MSM talking points, we can feel free to ignore them. If they bring up counter points, we should be able to intelligently defend our view. What do you think? [preparing to be flamed]

President Barack Obama plans to name Joshua DuBois, a 26-year-old Pentecostal pastor and political strategist who handled religious outreach for the Obama campaign, to direct a revamped office of faith-based initiatives, according to religious leaders who have been informed about the choice.
The office, created by President George W. Bush by executive order at the start of his first term, is likely to have an even broader mandate in the Obama White House, said the religious leaders, who requested anonymity because the appointment has yet to be announced.
The White House declined to comment.
Renamed the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the office will not merely oversee the distribution of grants to religious and community groups, but will also look for other ways to involve those groups in working on pressing social problems.

liam, regrettably, it seems that many would prefer to sharpen their tongues than an argument. Some feel they are so “right” that they can dismiss any opposing position and with whatever verbal barbs they see fit. It then becomes a pissing match instead of exchange of ideas.

Obama is doing everything wrong. The whole Obama’s bailout is a complete absurdity. There is a massive brain death in the democrat congress. He promised change, oh you will get it, but not the change you wanted. He will change this country so much that you will never recognize it. America is on the verge of destruction. Welcome to the new USSA! And by the way he also wants the army to take oath to him. LOL… surprised?

Military to Pledge Oath To Obama, Not Constitution

What “talking points?” I merely provided actual facts. If I have misstated something, then please correct me.

One thing I’d like to point out is this. The Latino vote. 66% for Obama. 31% for McCain, down from 40% for Bush in 2004. Latino vote growing. Latino vote directly responsible for Obama winning Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico. Next time, with no McCain on the ticket, Arizona will go blue, as well. When Pete Wilson started “taking on” “illegals” in California, the GOP immediately stopped winning state wide elections. You may not like it, but this is the reality.

The fact is that the only “illegals” who would get anything back would be those who have paid taxes. It is a fact that “illegals” pay Social Security and Medicare taxes and aren’t eligible to receive either.

It is also a fact that many “illegals” have family and friends who are “legal.” These people look at the hard work that the “illegals” are doing and the taxes they are paying and they see that some political group wants to deny them the tax cut that all the other workers and taxpayers are getting. This sounds all well and good, from inside the echo chamber, but, as someone here wisely said, politics is war, and you also have to realize that there will never be mass deportations. So you need to come up with some sort of a plan which passes the smell test of fairness, in the perception of Latino voters. And you need to stop using inflammatory language that seeks to portray these people as criminals. You think they are — criminals?

Well, there’s a point of law which goes that laws which aren’t enforced aren’t enforceable. If Curt pulls me over for driving 45 MPH in a 35 MPH zone in South Central Los Angeles, I can beat the ticket if I can prove that the average speed on said street is 45 and not 35. Well, for the last 50 years, it’s been widely known that immigration laws are enforced only at the border, and, even then, not all that well. So once the “illegals” cross the border, they are essentially home free, once they make their way to a major city and beyond. And the only reason they come is that millions of Anglos break the law by giving them work.

The answer to illegal immigration is to go HARD after the people who hire undocumented workers. This includes all the Orange County Republicans who all have Mexican gardeners and house cleaners and construction businesses, and restaurants, and meat packing plants, and farms and on and on and on. You hire an undocumented gardener to mow your lawn? $1000 fine. You hire a undocumented worker? $10,000 fine. This would stop illegal immigration in its tracks, while producing a very good revenue stream.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA


There is no conceivable logic that would allow someone to think that a tax cut should go to those that pay ONLY SS tax. Otherwise they are going to be getting SS for FREE when they retire. SS is supposed to go to people who paid into it. So either these non-tax payers should not receive SS when they retire or they should not receive tax cuts right now.

usually i don’t care for fits snideness, but he has a right to be here more than the sky55whatever guy. and larry does usually have an interesting take on things, i don’t always agree but he never appears to be hostile. i actually enjoy his points because they are the same as a very good friend of mine who likes to refer to my point of view as hillbilly because i live in washington state. i know there are certain things that both fit and larry disagree with in the dem party, but they are pretty party friendly. fit has their fits and larry offers a differing point of view. i would rather illegals go through the proper channels to gain rights here, my friends husband is and he is from africa. i just get very sick of watching them at the grocery paying for their food with WIC vouchers and foodstamp cards and get the whip out the cash.

Blast, you showed what kind of person you were in the Bush farewell
thread. You don’t want honest debate and you have proven that and
continue to do so. Besides, you should be happy that I give you
the chance to play victim. It’s what your kind aspires to.

Name calling doesn’t bother me, I’m mostly here to crack jokes for my own amusement anyway. Some people could use a thicker skin.

Again we have moonbat larry spouting the Move On talking points.
Would it kill you to think for yourself larry?

I guess your irony meter is still broken…

There is no conceivable logic that would allow someone to think that a tax cut should go to those that pay ONLY SS tax. Otherwise they are going to be getting SS for FREE when they retire. SS is supposed to go to people who paid into it. So either these non-tax payers should not receive SS when they retire or they should not receive tax cuts right now.

I think that I may not have been clear enough. Apologies. The point is that the only “illegals” who would get tax cuts or tax rebates are those who are paying taxes! In the case of some very low income workers, they may pay no federal income tax, but they do pay “payroll” tax. Which is precisely the same thing, as the tax is paid on earned income and goes into the treasury’s general fund — exact same place where the income tax goes. Only the “illegals” are NOT eligible for either social security or medicare. So one aspect of the work of illegals is very revenue positive: they pay the tax but they don’t get the benefit when they retire — unless Congress changes this law down the road, which I think is highly doubtful, even for a Democratic Congress.

Here’s a good representation of what goes on with “illegals,” tax-wise.


– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Luva stuck up for Nit Wit and Larry, but no one stuck up for bl ass t? Don’t look for me to do it.

Liam: Some of these guys are moonbats whose mission is to distract people’s attention away from a useful debate. See Nit Wit’s comment at #16 if you need proof.

I wouldn’t include Larry in that though he does tend to parrot left wing talking points. See his lame responses on global warming if you need examples.

And Larry: The point is that the people you cite do NOT pay income taxes and yet they are getting a tax “credit” or return that they have not earned. That slap about intellectual integrity may as well be turned around on you where it belongs.

And if you don’t understand the danger of allowing a majority to vote themselves whatever they want from an ever shrinking minority, you may find out the hard way after they take away enough income from you so that you too have to rely on government and not your own ability to meet the needs of your family.

It’s not a debate if you are all just agreeing with each other Mike. It’s an echo chamber.

larry: “are they criminals?”
Here is the definition for you:
1. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
2. Relating to the administration of penal law.
1. Guilty of crime.
2. Characteristic of a criminal.
4. Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent.

I would say 1 and 2 work. The fact is that these people can come here, stay for a long time, have legal jobs etc.. before they /have/ to go through the process to become a citizen. I would say that anyone that comes here, knows that they are not going to go through the process, looks for employers to hire illegal help is yes, a criminal. So are those people that hire them (as you pointed out), guilty of a crime. I am all about the american dream.. I hope that on everyone. However it comes with a price. If a draft comes up, will they be called up? Doubt it. If things get harder here than in mexico, are they going to stay and see it through.. I doubt it, many leave mexico because of the conditions/lack of opportunities. Hard work and blood sacrifice is what built this country up. Not canadian/irish/mexican/spanish/african etc.. freeloaders. They came here with a dream because they knew the alternative is a nightmare.

Nit Wit: In case you hadn’t noticed I don’t usually agree with Larry. Though I have spent a great deal of time trying to educate him.

@Fit fit:
I don’t understand that mentality. If that is the way you deal with those that oppose you, I am afraid people may be justified in resorting to name calling. Try picking up a productive hobby that doesn’t include cracking jokes just to piss people off. I doubt it is your job to callous the skin of others. There is a reason I don’t post at very liberal blogs/sites.. because I have better things to do with my time. I know they are far beyond discussing anything of value with a conservative. Also it becomes representative of what your party stands for, and who makes up the collective content of their character.

In honesty, I have had good discussion with blast. I think larry tries to articulate himself, and well fit fit just convinced me he isn’t here to talk about anything serious, so I have lost respect in that regard.

Well we finally found someone to say a nice word for bl ass t. Let’s hope that demonstration of tolerance makes its way through the BDS filter. Goodness knows bl ass t needs a friend.

mikeA, you are a bore with all your negative comments and attacks. Although I am not a fan of President Bush, I am not rabid about hating him. I do however raise objections when I hear someone who is has BTBF syndrome (Blind to Bush’s faults). That tends to bring up my comments on the deficit, the poor planning on the war and other issues. Maybe in your “America” everyone agrees with you, but in the real world people disagree… but of course you can’t just disagree, you have to slam the other person or censor what they say. No wonder why you create such hate that someone has created a web site to spoof your positions.


First of all I don’t have a party. Second, just because it’s wrapped in a joke doesn’t mean it’s not serious. The purpose isn’t to piss people off but to have my say in a manner that’s not just spouting talking points.

bl ass t: You bored me from day 1. Your case of BDS is so glaring that anything you say to the contrary is simply laughable.

Well at least Liam likes you… pooh wittle bl ass t!

Like or dislike people, I base my judgment on what kind of discussion I can have with them. I think I extend the olive branch as much as possible, but I know when the point of moot discussion is reached.

The illegals must go back, I don’t care how much taxes they paid…their law breakers. the only reason they getting limelight treatment is they are a future political demographic. If it weren’t for that then the government might have done their job and sent them back. they carry a false SSN, they came and here illegally just to name a couple of laws they broke.

They may work hard but because they came here illegally they don’t care for he American way of life or melting pot. They will not assimilate themselves into our society instead the bring a little of Mexico with them even though they ran their country without first fixing it’s problems. Does anyone here want MS-13 living in your neighborhood?

They are lemmings, if some Mexican version of Obama ran for el presidente’ in Mexico they would vote for him for all his broken promises because these people want a free handouts. Look at south America and all the socialists leaders taking power. They are voted in because of their promises of handouts to the people and the voters go for it. They are brought up poor their whole lives and look at that as an opportunity to live more comfortably, but little do they know they surrendered some of their freedoms. It does not matter what the republican party does for the illegals, the illegals will still vote Democrat. These people do jobs Americans won’t do (as we are told) but they sure commit crimes Americans don’t do.

McCain lost the election because he was an ASS. Very few liked him, I didn’t. I’m glad he lost because it gives opportunity to re-build the Republican party with out RINO’s like him. We don’t need illegal aliens to come to the rescue…they need to go back to Mexico and fix it’s problems not run from them.

If we get rid of 90% of the illegal population our unemployment will drop because of more jobs for Americans.

Who knows, maybe California will once again emerge as the “Golden state.”

I think a number of you are missing the point on the “stimulus” package by arguing why the package does not do what it should do.. Basically, the so-called stimulus package does not stimulate very much – either in the short term (which is much more important) or in the long run. Anyone reasonably objective knows that. All you have to do is look at the recipients of the grants and try to figure out what stimulus effect (for most of them) their receipt of the money will have.
To argue that it will not stimulate very much cannot be disputed. Every objective commentator that I have seen has come to that conclusion – academics, economists, etc.
Give the devil his due. The Democrats, including the President, are not dumb (at least most of them are not dumb), even if I don’t agree with them.
They know the stimulus package does not do what they say it is intended to do.
So why are they promoting it so ardently?
I leave the answer to that question to you.