At the risk of sounding simplistic, we were so blessed to have George W. Bush at the helm on Sept. 11th, 2001, and thereafter.
Also, at the risk of getting beaned verbally, I believe this noble man will someday be labeled the best President in our nations history, because of his brave response to this most horrific attack on our homeland to date, as well as effectively maintaining the nations’ business for the 7 years following, in spite of the constant barrage of negative “polls” and disrespect to his character.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” President George W. Bush DID something!!
*note: I have my verbal bean-proof vest on, so I can take it.
So Cal Chris: I believe this noble man will someday be labeled the best President in our nations history,
Best? Without casting any disrespect on our former President, he was no were near the great presidents of our history. No doubt his true measure will be made long after we are gone, but best? No way, not even close.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” President George W. Bush DID something!!
Ummm… and was it always the right thing? Look at our economy, he was at the helm during all of this crisis and left office with the worse economic conditions in a generation. President Bush reigned over the largest increase of our national debt in history… it went from $5,728,195,796,181.57 when he took office to $10,626,877,048,913.08, nearly doubling the national debt in just 8 short years! How was that “effectively maintaining the nations’ business”!
So Cal Chris: *note: I have my verbal bean-proof vest on, so I can take it.
I am not personally assaulting you or former President Bush, but the former President certainly was not near the best, far from it.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
[“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” President George W. Bush DID something!!
Ummm… and was it always the right thing?]
You mean, do I think someone doing something just for the sake of doing something is always right? Obviously, no.
I expected a reaction to the part of the quote that Pres. Bush “DID” something, but short of going into all of Pres. Bush’s accomplishments, I felt this simple quote would suffice…as he said in his farewell speech, he knew not everyone agreed with his decisions, but he stuck to his principles and made the tough decisions regardless. I believe much of the disagreements will eventually turn the corner to an understanding of why he made certain decisions, and be convinced it was the best one under the circumstances. As always, he accepted blame for things that weren’t always his fault–but, since he was the Commander in Chief, he knows the way of a true leader is to take responsibility for them.
And, I never said there weren’t other great Presidents, but IMHO, I don’t know of any President that has had to face an event like Sept. 11th, stay strong to his message of it being a God-given right for every person to be free across the world, all the while having a media war on his own homeland, the homeland you are trying to defend, can you?
We can talk in a few years and see how things look then, perhaps. Thanks for commenting, Blast, but this is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
So Cal Chris : I never said there weren’t other great Presidents, but IMHO, I don’t know of any President that has had to face an event like Sept. 11th,… ….but this is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
Well, You have a right to your opinion, but you did say “best” president. That seemed at bit much. As to other Presidents facing touch situations, ones were our very lives and the future of the nation hung in the balance… you can start with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and the list if very long.
Bush leaves office with some of the lowest approval ratings since Nixon and Watergate. I don’t think we will be looking for his bust to be chiseled into Mt Rushmore any time soon.
Socal: Asses like Blast will never recognize that they may be alive today because of the vision and leadership of President Bush. To do so would mean they would have to accept responsibility for being so vicious to the man who saved their worthless lives.
mikeA, you show where I have been vicious. You always add vindictive messages about anyone you disagree with. You have no idea who I am or what sacrifices I have made for my country. You have no honor to cast such wild and inappropriate comments around. Last time I checked it was a free country and offering up dialog is part of an exchange of ideas. You seem to not understand anything bad that Bush did, yet, can only focus what bad the Dems and Obama “will do”. Maybe Obama will fuck things up… but he is building on the shoulders of a giant George Bush’s huge deficits and monumental national debt.
Again you go on record to criticize President Bush for spending and deficits and such yet you remain conspicuously silent in your criticism of the first days of the Obama administration.
A TRILLION dollars they are spending, almost all of it pork.
That’s TRILLION with a “T”
Nary a peep of criticism over that.
Sorry, it seems someone here has a consistency deficit.
At the risk of sounding simplistic, we were so blessed to have George W. Bush at the helm on Sept. 11th, 2001, and thereafter.
Also, at the risk of getting beaned verbally, I believe this noble man will someday be labeled the best President in our nations history, because of his brave response to this most horrific attack on our homeland to date, as well as effectively maintaining the nations’ business for the 7 years following, in spite of the constant barrage of negative “polls” and disrespect to his character.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” President George W. Bush DID something!!
*note: I have my verbal bean-proof vest on, so I can take it.
Best? Without casting any disrespect on our former President, he was no were near the great presidents of our history. No doubt his true measure will be made long after we are gone, but best? No way, not even close.
Ummm… and was it always the right thing? Look at our economy, he was at the helm during all of this crisis and left office with the worse economic conditions in a generation. President Bush reigned over the largest increase of our national debt in history… it went from $5,728,195,796,181.57 when he took office to $10,626,877,048,913.08, nearly doubling the national debt in just 8 short years! How was that “effectively maintaining the nations’ business”!
I am not personally assaulting you or former President Bush, but the former President certainly was not near the best, far from it.
[“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” President George W. Bush DID something!!
Ummm… and was it always the right thing?]
You mean, do I think someone doing something just for the sake of doing something is always right? Obviously, no.
I expected a reaction to the part of the quote that Pres. Bush “DID” something, but short of going into all of Pres. Bush’s accomplishments, I felt this simple quote would suffice…as he said in his farewell speech, he knew not everyone agreed with his decisions, but he stuck to his principles and made the tough decisions regardless. I believe much of the disagreements will eventually turn the corner to an understanding of why he made certain decisions, and be convinced it was the best one under the circumstances. As always, he accepted blame for things that weren’t always his fault–but, since he was the Commander in Chief, he knows the way of a true leader is to take responsibility for them.
And, I never said there weren’t other great Presidents, but IMHO, I don’t know of any President that has had to face an event like Sept. 11th, stay strong to his message of it being a God-given right for every person to be free across the world, all the while having a media war on his own homeland, the homeland you are trying to defend, can you?
We can talk in a few years and see how things look then, perhaps. Thanks for commenting, Blast, but this is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
Well, You have a right to your opinion, but you did say “best” president. That seemed at bit much. As to other Presidents facing touch situations, ones were our very lives and the future of the nation hung in the balance… you can start with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and the list if very long.
Bush leaves office with some of the lowest approval ratings since Nixon and Watergate. I don’t think we will be looking for his bust to be chiseled into Mt Rushmore any time soon.
Socal: Asses like Blast will never recognize that they may be alive today because of the vision and leadership of President Bush. To do so would mean they would have to accept responsibility for being so vicious to the man who saved their worthless lives.
mikeA, you show where I have been vicious. You always add vindictive messages about anyone you disagree with. You have no idea who I am or what sacrifices I have made for my country. You have no honor to cast such wild and inappropriate comments around. Last time I checked it was a free country and offering up dialog is part of an exchange of ideas. You seem to not understand anything bad that Bush did, yet, can only focus what bad the Dems and Obama “will do”. Maybe Obama will fuck things up… but he is building on the shoulders of a giant George Bush’s huge deficits and monumental national debt.
Again you go on record to criticize President Bush for spending and deficits and such yet you remain conspicuously silent in your criticism of the first days of the Obama administration.
A TRILLION dollars they are spending, almost all of it pork.
That’s TRILLION with a “T”
Nary a peep of criticism over that.
Sorry, it seems someone here has a consistency deficit.