Rangel Investigation Going Nowhere Because Of Democrats

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What’s the odd’s this lackadasical investigation would be occuring if the the accused had a R next to his name? (h/t Macsmind)

Nobody’s home at the House ethics committee that’s supposed to be investigating Rep. Charles Rangel.

The panel created on Sept. 24 to probe the Harlem Democrat’s alleged ethical lapses has been virtually disbanded, after meeting only twice in four months on the matter, The Post has learned.

Of the four congressmen named to look into the powerful Ways and Means Committee chairman, only one remains – Alabama Republican Jo Bonner. The three others left the Rangel probe last month when they were “rotated” off the 10-member Committee on Standards of Official Conduct.

The dormant investigation won’t be jump-started until three incoming ethics committee members are assigned to the Rangel probe later this month.

Because the committee conducts its work in secret, it is not clear if any progress has been made on the Rangel investigation. In the committee’s recently released 100-page report on its work in the 110th Congress, only four paragraphs mention the Rangel probe, listing five alleged ethics breaches and noting that the panel had not been able to complete the investigation.

The panel has already missed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 3 deadline for filing a final report on Rangel.


The probers should have been required to stay on the investigation to avoid further delays, said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, an ethics watchdog group.

“Four months after the investigations started, there is no investigative subcommittee, no public hearings, and no sign of any progress whatsoever,” he said.

Critics also wonder why the panel has not officially taken up alleged ethical issues recently uncovered by The Post, including the 78-year-old congressman’s use of a tax credit on his DC home while he was living in New York, and his attendance at Caribbean junkets sponsored by lobbyists. Also missing are allegations that Rangel solicited donations from insurance giant AIG for his City College center.

He’s the gift that keeps on giving, but the Democrats and the MSM are doing it’s best to keep it outta sight, outta mind.

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The photo is priceless!

Remember the old “culture of corruption” theme?

And the big lie that these were all “Republican scandals?”

Too bad no one cares when Democrats break and bend the law.

Sheesh that picture is awful LOL! Must get tiring finding ways to avoid being responsible for all that dishonesty.

It took the folks in Louisiana to finally deal with Jefferson, nothing will be done with Rangel his constituents don’t seem to mind having a tax cheating crook serving them. If the democrats would bother to clean out their party, there wouldn’t be much left of them.

More out of sight, out of mind.


i think the two main reasons that the investigation has “stalled” is because he is a black democrat. remember, the black democrats can do no wrong, if we call them on it we are then racist. makes perfect sense as far as the dems are concerned. it is a definate lack of ethics in the ethics commity. and the picture is worth a thousand words, and let me tell you, none of them are nice.

This thing is being stalled for one simple reason.

Pelosi needs him where he is for the bailout packages.

She will put furniture in front of the ethics panel room and blockade them in there if necessary.

She has a known quantity and a major helper here so don’t look for this to speed up until maybe way down the line toward the end of the session and by then it will only get a wrist slap because all is nearly forgotten and new stuff will be capturing the attention

Hopefully, we’ll be hearing a lot about Rangel in 2010. “Culture of corruption”, I believe would be the proper phrase. Right, Madame Speaker?

Wow, another Democrat getting away with crimes that would tar and feather a conservative. it took forever for Detroit to even slap the hand of our own corrupt dem. Rangle is 1000 times more powerful and corrupt but nothing happens to him. Nothing will.

Welcome to the “change” of Chicago Politics gone national. Saying “expect more if this from Obama and the Dems and NOTHING will be done to them” is like saying “expect the sun to rise”.

Boy is it good to see you posting today ChrisG! You just changed the bad mood I was in and the sun is now shining.

Thanks Missy,

It is a late night in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Rained all weekend and the place is muddy. But muddy and cold means no rockets from the Taliban. The same Taliban who are motivated now beyond belief because as far as they are concerned, they have won the war with the elections in the US.

ChrisG, I don’t know if you will see this, but if you do, what do you think of this?

German Expert: Obama Team Already Rejected Afghan Peace Plan


Does the German “expert” know what he’s talking about, are they rushing things to get out of Afghanistan? Could Karzai and the Taliban be anywhere near considering a peace plan?

Paul Blumenthal over at Sunlight Foundation Blog observes that what goes around comes around:

“What strikes me most about the Rangel allegations is how much they mirror the stream of scandal stories that plagued and brought down his predecessor Adam Clayton Powell. It’s often overlooked that Rangel came to hold his congressional seat by defeating the scandal plagued Powell in a Democratic primary election in 1970. Powell’s many dalliances with scandal included a 1960 income tax violation trial, a constant failure to show up for votes, and using House funds to pay family members and ex-wives and for Caribbean vacations with his many mistresses.”