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The confirmation of Timothy Geithner is a “black-eye” on the Obama administration. After all, he promised change……How does he explain this as change? The same ‘ole politicians ignoring the fact they owe taxes? So, that’s change? The Washington Elite must think that all 300 million Americans are “dumber than a box of rocks”. They must think we all live in caves………How can we miss their “in your face” indiscretions and law-breaking shenanigans? My main question is this: How do these DC “lawmakers” get into these powerful positions? It is beyond me. I know, it’s not what you know – it’s who you know. So many of them have no common sense, no class, no moral fiber and obviously no conscience.

Dixie: Don’t you mean “white eye”? I don’t know with a name like Dixie, you might be accused of racism. LOL. Oh, heck, we’re all racist according to the “New” Democrats anyway. I heard that one of Obama’s hip hop rapper pals said that it’s now The Black House. In his dreams.

I used to love The Russian Tea Room (best vodka drinks on the planet). Alas, The Russian Tea Room is no more.

No, the people are indeed smart. Smarter than they show to be when it comes to matters such as these. Unfortunately, those who actually care enough to investigate and discuss are only a select few like us.

Dixie, to answer your question, it’s all in the party insiders. A lot of things go on behind the scenes that the public never gets to see. The entirety of the politics game is indeed dirty, ranging from lobbyists to parties (and by parties, I mean strong organizations and groups actually controlling the officeholders) anointing their favorites to office. These people gain their office through their networking, and sadly enough, most people elect them into office because most people who don’t know a single thing just take cues from who gets advertised by the organizations who have the money. It’s not so much as who you know, it’s more a case of who you manage to impress.

LOL@Anne. Those guys can say whatever they want. In their excitement in gaining the power they allegedly never had, they’re failing to see that they’re the ones arousing discriminatory sentiments in society. Remarks such as “the Black house” and calling McCain a “handicap” (or whatever the hell he called him) aren’t exactly what a person with common sense would claim to be a call for “unity” and “progressiveness”.

I don’t live in NYC, but even I know that the Russian Tea Room closed at least 10 years ago.

Did anyone happen to catch one of Hannity’s shows this week? He had Fran Dresher on hoping to be considered for Hillary’s seat. Jaw dropping ignorant starlet that has been caught up in a “I think I am capable” fairy tale. She said if she wasn’t chosen she is considering campaigning for the seat. Could there be a Dresher/Franken–Franken/Dresher ticket in the future? Anything is obviously possible with the dems, they could make it happen.

I scanned an article in one of the Boston papers this morning, they hinted that some revelation came up in the vetting about a friend of Caroline’s that may have caused her abrupt decision to back away from the Senate seat. Hmmm.

Bye Car-o-line, bum bum bum, good times never meant to be…
Bye Car-o-line, bum bum bum, looks like you will never, be, a sen-a-tor.
Sorry Neal Diamond. Couldn’t resist.

Good one Trish.

Missy: Do you have a link to that Boston story?

About the racism issue………this is what is amazing. I know I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but the older minister who prayed the last prayer at the inauguration and who recited the “racist” poem – that was truly unbelievable and inappropriate. The dream had been realized…….in a few seconds, that minister literally “thumbed his nose at” a historic moment in time. How he could say that about white people at this point in time is beyond me……especially right now in 2009. That speech in 1969………I could understand, but 40 years later? Even though the majority of the Black population helped to vote Obama into office, it was also millions of Caucasians who cast their vote for him. Had the “white people” not come out in untold millions, he would not have been elected. Therefore, the racist rhetoric is not going to work anymore. It’s done……a black man has been elected to the highest office in the land.

It looks as though Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will need to find a new line of work………..

@Mike’s America:

These aren’t the Boston story Missy was referring to but here is some interesting info regarding sweet Caroline, her tax/nanny issues, and the apparent state of her marriage.

Caroline should have never been considered as a candidate for the Senate. After all, she was imminently qualified to be Secretary of the Treasury.





What is it about Democrats and their taxes anyway?

They willingly, yea even eagerly, raise them for everyone else but then habitually fail to pay their own.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat.

Gillibrand is a solid blue dog. The Democrats are pulling the country left by moving to the center, while the Republicans only isolate themselves further by scrambling over each other to get to the extreme right. You guys got any of that popcorn left?

Thanks Aye. I’ve seen those already but there’ve have been all these tantalizing rumors about the personal matter I thought one of the papers would have something more.

I checked the Boston Globe but came up empty.

If we are going to have to watch these Democrat soap operas I want to get the full story.

If Caroline Kennedy is unfit to be a Senator because of concerns over nanny and tax issues then why are Senators giving Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary a pass on those same issues?

If they were ethical they would deep-six Geithner as well, of course. To my mind it doesn’t even matter whether he made a mistake or was deliberately trying to cheat (though I lean heavily towards the latter position). Either one should disqualify him, just because of the nature of the post he’s applying for.

But to answer the question of why they’re voting Caroline off the island and keeping Tim on, it’s probably because Kennedy is an idiot whereas Geithner appears to be reasonably smart (albeit dishonest). She would have been guaranteed to be an ongoing embarassment, while he might be able to put this tax cheating issue behind him if he keeps his nose clean going forward.

bbart: That probably explains it. Though some have wondered if Caroline was a man would the whole brain dead issue have come up?

@Mike’s America:

Well, it seems that “Pinch” Sulzberger (the owner of the NY Times) is the one getting the squeeze from sweet Caroline.

Here’s some more scoopage for you.

(Follow the links within the link.)