Yesterday at work, I had to suffer through interacting and walking by parents sporting their I <3 Obama T-shirts and a number of kids asking "did you watch the inaugural?" It seems every classroom tuned in. That's all well and good; and even conceding the glass-ceiling historicity of this particular election, the question begs the answer: if it had been a Republican black candidate, would every school still televise the inaugural? If Sarah Palin wins a future presidential election, will they televise that glass-ceiling inaugural?
I do think it's great that the kids are tuned into paying attention to a historic election and feeling patriotic; but all elections should be considered historic and so all inaugurals should be tuned in to encourage kids to have an interest in the American electoral process, regardless of which political party ascends to the presidency every 4/8 years.
I smiled though when one girl told her friend, "It was boring". Kids.....
Wordsmith: In previous years I don’t remember the world coming to a complete halt to the point that cashiers were unable to provide change without prompting.
And I think it is a good idea for school kids to spend a portion of their day watching the change of power. I have attended several Inaugurations myself and found them to be increbible public ceremonies.
But of course the ones I attended were for GOP presidents and there was hardly any litter left to blow in the wind afterwards.
My children all came home from school yesterday and informed me that they watched the Immaculation.
I immediately thought “indoctrination” but it turns out that every teacher was very vocal in their non-support of Obama. The teachers were also, however, very careful to inform their students that regardless of our individual feelings about the new administration, our system is unique in the world and that we should support him when we can and oppose him when we must.
My fifth graders’ teacher told the class that we settle our differences in the voting booth rather than at the end of a gun barrel.
Overall, I was rather pleased with what my children were taught at school yesterday.
I’m skeptical of the non-partisanship of all classrooms, however, when I hear about teachers who refused to hang George W. Bush’s portrait up in the classroom, when previous current presidents have hung in the room.
16 years ago
Mike, lol… very funny! Too bad you couldn’t hand her this article:
ROTFLMAO, Mike! Love the “hope” for “change” bit. Ya know, I headed for my gym yesterday. Found out they closed the place for the inauguaration coverage….. wha????
Mata: Your gym was closed for Inauguration? Gosh! Even the gym on Capitol Hill I belonged to didn’t close for Inauguration. Probably because everyone wanted to get pumped up before the Inaugural balls.
You think they will close your gym when Sarah Palin takes the oath?
OK… gotta clarify. It’s Curves, and what I call the “ol ladies” gym. And the population of the town is about 6500. Musta been huge inaugural balls going on. heh heh
But you bet they closed. I am in Oregon, ya know. I’ve found one… count ’em.. ONE other gym member that’s conservative, and loved Palin. The rest? I closed my eyes to the Obama bumber stickers and tees over the past year and a half. I’m there to sweat, not socialize…. Thank heavens, because who could I talk to here???
luva the scissors
16 years ago
we had the damn thing on at work and when obama said his oath we had serveral clients stand up and started to clap with tears in their eyes. one of my coworkers with the same views as i have glanced at me and we both were almost sick. it makes me sad to think of what is happening to our nation, and what the libs are doing. poeple were asking if i was excited and all and i answered honestly, that i wasn’t. was i supposed to lie and act joyful? i was sad, i was disgusted by the lack of respect shown to bush and i was really disgusted to hear people watching proclaim that this was “independence day”, that now race really didn’t matter anymore that the blacks had risen. for me it has never been about race, it has been about policy, beliefs and charactor. i couldn’t believe how many people stopped what they were doing and saying that they would always remember this day and what they were doing, i will remember it also. i will remember it as the day that my nation started down a very wrong road.
Luva: Folks in your shop clapped when the oaf flubbed the oath? The guy can’t even take the oath without a teleprompter though some of the blame falls on Justice Roberts (conspiracy theory anyone?)
What you describe fits in with the kool aid drinker who was stiffing me for change today. It’s going to be a difficult four years for them IF they wake up and realize how badly they have been conned.
I, for one, was not interested in watching the Inauguration of das Fuhrer Obama.
When I went back to my office the next morning, I found that none of my colleagues had watched it either.
Me: “Did you watch Obama’s Inauguration last night?”
Other: “Who???”
Me: “Did you watch the Inauguration last night?”
Other: “What Inauguration??? Oh, you mean Obama??? No I was watching tennis, the Australian Open.”
Another: “No, I was watching porn instead.”
luva the scissors
16 years ago
@Mike’s America: i think they were to mesmerized to realize that he screwed up, but they think it is all sunshine and roses now. *barf* it has been very hard for me to be excited when 2 clients (husband and wife) got tickets to the inaugeration. they were so excited and asked if i was jealous, (yeah right) and i said that i would rather be scrubbing a toilet than be there. the balls would be neat, with the dresses and hair, i am a girl after all, but he rest of it was to far over the top. the man has an ego the size of this planet. i was told once that many democtrats are girly men and bitter middle aged divorced women, looking at the crowds it seemed pretty true, with the rest of the racial thing thrown in. to vote based on race is wrong any way you slice it, whether its because you are racist, or the other way around. the whole thing is sickening. and lastly….I WILL NOT HAVE FASHION DICTATED TO ME BY AN UNDER FEED ANGRY WOMAN. just sayin…
16 years ago
To quote my favorite anti-superhero (Marshal Law)
“Was an assembly of nothings…”
“My name’s Marshal Law, I’m a hero hunter…haven’t found any yet.”
16 years ago
The cashier must have also missed the part from Pres Obama’s speech about personal responsibility and stepping up to the plate. The cashier took a mighty big hit of koolaid, or maybe put in a trance by the Obamanation. Anyway, Reagan had bigger tv numbers like 35 to 28 for Obama. Even the internet couldn’t make up the difference. And the crowd size was less than a million. The Potemkin Village is starting to creak.
So tonight at work, I had a small group of my advanced kids stretching. I overhear Maiya talking about the election. She’s around 8 as is her friend Dakota; both from families who support Obama. I hear Anna, 7 years old, say “McCain”. She must have been asked who she liked/”voted” for. I know Anna’s family well, and they are staunch conservative pro-Bush/pro-Palin Republicans. So anyway, Anna repeated the name again, “McCain” as I think Maiya couldn’t believe what she had heard. I then hear Maiya say she “voted” for Obama because he’s black, and “don’t you want our first black president?” Ah yes, MLK’s message turned on its head: being judged not by the color of one’s skin but by the content of one’s character. Then Maiya asks, “What about Palin?” Palin is a hero to Anna. Her mom tells me Anna wore a “Go Sarah” button to school almost every day. So then Maiya comments, “Palin kills small animals.” That was the extent of what she knew about Palin. I told her to stop, that it was a mischaracterized smear and to do the rest of her stretches (not the political kind). She might as well have told Anna “Palin eats little kids”, by the look of confusion on Anna’s face. Anna asked me who I favored and I told her “McCain”, and to not listen to the other kids. It was “rolling your eyes” funny with all the Obama-love I’ve had to wade through in the gym this week.
Wordsmith, the worse part is many so called adults voted for the same reasons as Maiya did. How sad is that?
Mike, great story. Could have asked the cashier if the $4.53 in change was going to create a new green job. Hope!
16 years ago
I got sick of hearing about the Inauguration around me that I just tuned out anything I heard about it. I mean, yes, it’s incredible that we have our first black president, but it’s not like no one ever said that we never could have a black president before. Everyone’s saying how “historic” and “symbolic” it is. For what reason? Like Word/Mike say above, it’s not a new concept to have a president sworn in. Every one of them is symbolic and historic. It’s just absurd how people take his inauguration as the second coming. Jeez.
Mike….I laughed out loud so hard at that, that my dogs left the room, and my wife came running! THAT IS GREAT!
Where’s my change?
Yesterday at work, I had to suffer through interacting and walking by parents sporting their I <3 Obama T-shirts and a number of kids asking "did you watch the inaugural?" It seems every classroom tuned in. That's all well and good; and even conceding the glass-ceiling historicity of this particular election, the question begs the answer: if it had been a Republican black candidate, would every school still televise the inaugural? If Sarah Palin wins a future presidential election, will they televise that glass-ceiling inaugural?
I do think it's great that the kids are tuned into paying attention to a historic election and feeling patriotic; but all elections should be considered historic and so all inaugurals should be tuned in to encourage kids to have an interest in the American electoral process, regardless of which political party ascends to the presidency every 4/8 years.
I smiled though when one girl told her friend, "It was boring". Kids.....
Wordsmith: In previous years I don’t remember the world coming to a complete halt to the point that cashiers were unable to provide change without prompting.
And I think it is a good idea for school kids to spend a portion of their day watching the change of power. I have attended several Inaugurations myself and found them to be increbible public ceremonies.
But of course the ones I attended were for GOP presidents and there was hardly any litter left to blow in the wind afterwards.
My children all came home from school yesterday and informed me that they watched the Immaculation.
I immediately thought “indoctrination” but it turns out that every teacher was very vocal in their non-support of Obama. The teachers were also, however, very careful to inform their students that regardless of our individual feelings about the new administration, our system is unique in the world and that we should support him when we can and oppose him when we must.
My fifth graders’ teacher told the class that we settle our differences in the voting booth rather than at the end of a gun barrel.
Overall, I was rather pleased with what my children were taught at school yesterday.
Oustanding, Aye; and as it should be.
I’m skeptical of the non-partisanship of all classrooms, however, when I hear about teachers who refused to hang George W. Bush’s portrait up in the classroom, when previous current presidents have hung in the room.
Mike, lol… very funny! Too bad you couldn’t hand her this article:
10 Reasons Why We Fight Against Obama
1. Obama was Not Elected through a Legitimate Democratic Process but through Fraud…
2. Obama has No Stake in Democracy…
3. Obama is the Product of a Criminal Organization…
4. Obama is Disturbingly Incompetent…
5. Obama is Unquestioned…
6. Obama Sympathizes with America’s Enemies…
7. Obama is Wrong…
8. Obama is a Racist…
9. Obama Threatens Our Survival…
10. Obama Rejects Everything About America…
ROTFLMAO, Mike! Love the “hope” for “change” bit. Ya know, I headed for my gym yesterday. Found out they closed the place for the inauguaration coverage….. wha????
Mata: Your gym was closed for Inauguration? Gosh! Even the gym on Capitol Hill I belonged to didn’t close for Inauguration. Probably because everyone wanted to get pumped up before the Inaugural balls.
You think they will close your gym when Sarah Palin takes the oath?
Get pumped up before the Inaugural balls” LOL
OK… gotta clarify. It’s Curves, and what I call the “ol ladies” gym. And the population of the town is about 6500. Musta been huge inaugural balls going on. heh heh
But you bet they closed. I am in Oregon, ya know. I’ve found one… count ’em.. ONE other gym member that’s conservative, and loved Palin. The rest? I closed my eyes to the Obama bumber stickers and tees over the past year and a half. I’m there to sweat, not socialize…. Thank heavens, because who could I talk to here???
we had the damn thing on at work and when obama said his oath we had serveral clients stand up and started to clap with tears in their eyes. one of my coworkers with the same views as i have glanced at me and we both were almost sick. it makes me sad to think of what is happening to our nation, and what the libs are doing. poeple were asking if i was excited and all and i answered honestly, that i wasn’t. was i supposed to lie and act joyful? i was sad, i was disgusted by the lack of respect shown to bush and i was really disgusted to hear people watching proclaim that this was “independence day”, that now race really didn’t matter anymore that the blacks had risen. for me it has never been about race, it has been about policy, beliefs and charactor. i couldn’t believe how many people stopped what they were doing and saying that they would always remember this day and what they were doing, i will remember it also. i will remember it as the day that my nation started down a very wrong road.
Luva: Folks in your shop clapped when the oaf flubbed the oath? The guy can’t even take the oath without a teleprompter though some of the blame falls on Justice Roberts (conspiracy theory anyone?)
What you describe fits in with the kool aid drinker who was stiffing me for change today. It’s going to be a difficult four years for them IF they wake up and realize how badly they have been conned.
All the more fun for us when it happens.
That’s change I am looking forward to.
I, for one, was not interested in watching the Inauguration of das Fuhrer Obama.
When I went back to my office the next morning, I found that none of my colleagues had watched it either.
Me: “Did you watch Obama’s Inauguration last night?”
Other: “Who???”
Me: “Did you watch the Inauguration last night?”
Other: “What Inauguration??? Oh, you mean Obama??? No I was watching tennis, the Australian Open.”
Another: “No, I was watching porn instead.”
@Mike’s America: i think they were to mesmerized to realize that he screwed up, but they think it is all sunshine and roses now. *barf* it has been very hard for me to be excited when 2 clients (husband and wife) got tickets to the inaugeration. they were so excited and asked if i was jealous, (yeah right) and i said that i would rather be scrubbing a toilet than be there. the balls would be neat, with the dresses and hair, i am a girl after all, but he rest of it was to far over the top. the man has an ego the size of this planet. i was told once that many democtrats are girly men and bitter middle aged divorced women, looking at the crowds it seemed pretty true, with the rest of the racial thing thrown in. to vote based on race is wrong any way you slice it, whether its because you are racist, or the other way around. the whole thing is sickening. and lastly….I WILL NOT HAVE FASHION DICTATED TO ME BY AN UNDER FEED ANGRY WOMAN. just sayin…
To quote my favorite anti-superhero (Marshal Law)
“Was an assembly of nothings…”
“My name’s Marshal Law, I’m a hero hunter…haven’t found any yet.”
The cashier must have also missed the part from Pres Obama’s speech about personal responsibility and stepping up to the plate. The cashier took a mighty big hit of koolaid, or maybe put in a trance by the Obamanation. Anyway, Reagan had bigger tv numbers like 35 to 28 for Obama. Even the internet couldn’t make up the difference. And the crowd size was less than a million. The Potemkin Village is starting to creak.
So tonight at work, I had a small group of my advanced kids stretching. I overhear Maiya talking about the election. She’s around 8 as is her friend Dakota; both from families who support Obama. I hear Anna, 7 years old, say “McCain”. She must have been asked who she liked/”voted” for. I know Anna’s family well, and they are staunch conservative pro-Bush/pro-Palin Republicans. So anyway, Anna repeated the name again, “McCain” as I think Maiya couldn’t believe what she had heard. I then hear Maiya say she “voted” for Obama because he’s black, and “don’t you want our first black president?” Ah yes, MLK’s message turned on its head: being judged not by the color of one’s skin but by the content of one’s character. Then Maiya asks, “What about Palin?” Palin is a hero to Anna. Her mom tells me Anna wore a “Go Sarah” button to school almost every day. So then Maiya comments, “Palin kills small animals.” That was the extent of what she knew about Palin. I told her to stop, that it was a mischaracterized smear and to do the rest of her stretches (not the political kind). She might as well have told Anna “Palin eats little kids”, by the look of confusion on Anna’s face. Anna asked me who I favored and I told her “McCain”, and to not listen to the other kids. It was “rolling your eyes” funny with all the Obama-love I’ve had to wade through in the gym this week.
Wordsmith, the worse part is many so called adults voted for the same reasons as Maiya did. How sad is that?
Mike, great story. Could have asked the cashier if the $4.53 in change was going to create a new green job. Hope!
I got sick of hearing about the Inauguration around me that I just tuned out anything I heard about it. I mean, yes, it’s incredible that we have our first black president, but it’s not like no one ever said that we never could have a black president before. Everyone’s saying how “historic” and “symbolic” it is. For what reason? Like Word/Mike say above, it’s not a new concept to have a president sworn in. Every one of them is symbolic and historic. It’s just absurd how people take his inauguration as the second coming. Jeez.