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So sophmoric humor is OK as long at it doesn’t hurt Mike’s feelings?

The portable toilets on the Mall represent what Washington, D.C. has already become. The visual (with the Capital building in the background) is just icing on the cake.

Ya’ know, um, and we will bring change, um, for ahh, hope, the neediest Americans, um, with programs, um, and end the tax giveaway for the top, um, 1%, while we’re involved, in ah, an unprovoked war, um, and ignoring, um, a cave, um, in Pakistan. Ya’ know, listen, um, my friends, ahh, change is on the way!! That kinda stuff, ad nauseum, makes me have to take a dump too. More crappers!! And dammit, if Matthews starts cryin’ or keeps his hands below the table, I’m gonna puke. Someone should have some fun with this. While the mesmerized are standing, wide eyed and mouths open, in awe of The One, someone should sneak behind them along the rows. and rows, and rows, of Obamapotties, with small zip ties, locking all the doors. Heh heh. (One second thought, might get caught and charged with violating someone’s civil right to dump after an Obama speech – forget it)

Only Mike A could criticize preparations for crowds visiting DC.

Coming from the same group of people with the loads of American flags found in the trash bins after the DNC? Yeah…I’d expect this much.


Are you trying to say that trash bins with loads of flags (made in China) were not found after the republican convention???

get real….

So a couple among us can’t even wait until BushChimpyHitler gets out of town for that new tone to begin in Washington? Just what humor directed toward Obama will be allowed? None? Free speech for me and not for thee?

@Real American Patriot:

Got proof of that Sky55110?

Or are you talking out of your ass again?

Aye, you know liberals a) have no sense of humor when it comes to “The One” in particular and b) there is no proof because it didn’t happen LOL! So, your latter observation would be correct.

*Points at Barack and laughs