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Oh well, that was to be expected. McCain is a Rino, a moderate/bipartisan who campaigned with the loser attitude of the “good guy look”. Anyway, people vote for Palin mainly. I like John McCain as a man and as a POW but in my eyes he was not conservative enough to be POTUS, although I would have much prefer him as POTUS than Obama. But this is a weak statement because anybody would have been better than Obama. So no, it doesn’t surprise me or shock me at all.

It’s beyond the time when John McCain should just ride off into the sunset. We here in Arizona will do our best to see him off, you can make book on it. How many times does one have to be stabbed in the back by this guy before one realizes this guy is deranged, and dishonest.

It’s sad that John is and always has been a democrat at heart. He is an american hero but a very poor person at heart with no loyality for his fellow conservatives and especailly Sarah Palin.

You never see democrats attacking their own and that is why they are so stong as they support each other while some of our Repulicans , Hagle, Powell, and now MaCain have no problem with throwing conseratives under the bus.

umm, how long does it take to fidure out who in obama’s office talked to the govs peeps? shouldn’t this info have been released by now? i think so and i am already tired of the “transparency”, there is none and never will be. he and the rest of the chicago mess are making a mockery of this nation. pisses me off.

“You betcha!” lol

This is the same type of behavior that kept him from winning the presidency.

McCain does this out of his own egotistical need to feel honorable and pat himself on the back for doing so. After how he was treated by the media/left he still doesn’t understand that the dems/left won’t compromise, they aren’t reasonable people who love America, and all they care about is having power so they can make us like Europe.

The questions being asked are quite reasonable. His failure to understand that changes nothing.

Good old Johny boy covering for his opponent. And people wonder why he lost. he has no conviction to principles. He will not stand up for anything.

I did vote for him, just because I do not want Chicago Politics to catch on nationwide. But with Obama in the White House, people are going to get a good look at Chicago Politics.

Now everyone will see what we have to deal with here in Illinois. it is sad that people are so oblivious to what Obama is.

Time to start gearing up for 2010 and get some real conservatives in the CONgress. If not we are going to be bankrupt by the time 2012 comes around.

Tom, you said:

You never see democrats attacking their own and that is why they are so stong as they support each other while some of our Repulicans , Hagle, Powell, and now MaCain have no problem with throwing conseratives under the bus.

…. that’s a joke, right? *Surely* you meant that in the most sarcastic sense…

Corruption and sleaze are not unique to any one party. Much like stupidity, they transcend party lines and compound American’s already dubious view of politicians and politics.

There’s one thing on this story that hasn’t been really discussed yet and that is the methodology of how the “pay for play” money was always distributed to Blagojevich. He didn’t accept the graft and bribes hand over fist, because the IRS would have been all over that. He mainly took it in via campaign donations. Now if you note that Obama came up to power along with Rod, don’t you think he might have have picked up on the same strategy? If you were running the investigation of “Hot Rod” and picked up on this, wouldn’t that have sent up a red flag that maybe, just maybe, a closer look was due of Obama’s record $750 million taken in, who donated, and where that money was spent and who received it or perchance was bought with it?:


If I were the FBI, IRS, & FEC this would now be setting off some serious bell and whistle alarms. Maybe a look at his infomercial, “Greek Column” show, victory announcement party, and inaugural celebration expenditures, as well as, potential pay for play political donations by people who are members of his transition team, cabinet, and campaign staff, along with those who have been interacting financially with Gov. Rod over the years and going back to his state senate days. It’s also high time those 501Ks were audited. There is no way he can be squeaky clean coming out of that environment.

Obama claims to have risen above the sleaze and is now walking on top of it.

McCain is a name only Republican, but should know something that is obvious: This scandal isn’t going to go anywhere as far as Obama is concerned, so why should senators sully their own names as partisans?

Looks like old McCain is already jumping across the aisle doing the Dem’s work for them. Sheesh! With the MSM, McCain, and the Dem’s all in one camp, the Republicans don’t have a chance.

Palin is likely back home trying to figure out what she and McCain had in common.

imissamerica, so you think the fact that the most crime ridden and corrupt states are blue is just a coincidence?

Alaska and Louisiana have pretty bad reputations for corruption.

Alaska is a lot like Chicago-everybody is dirty, but is the exception as far as Red states go. The corruption in Lousiana seems to be primarilly in New Orleans. It was blue for decades until recently. Are you really trying to blame that on the newly elected Reps?

Miss America: Are you on record saying that corruption knows no party when your party, the Democrats, were chortling in 2006 about a “culture of corruption” in the Republican party?

Or how about when they claimed that the Jack Abramoff lobbyist scandal was a “Republican scandal” when so many elelcted Dems also took hundreds of thousands of dollars from Abramoff’s clients and Harry Reid even provided favors in return?

Seems to me it’s an odd time for you to suggest that somehow both sides are guilty of this kind of thing.

And in case Fit Fit missed it, the DEMOCRATS in Louisiana have been notorious for corruption. Jindal (R) was just elected in 2007 to clean up the mess. There have only been two other Republican governors of that state since reconstruction.

McCain’s problem is that he dislikes his own party even more than he dislikes the democrats. IMHO, he’s never had the support of any of the grassroots GOP organisations, and seem to disdain and dismiss them as either corrupt or stupid or dishonorable.

He may be a decent guy personally, but he does not understand that nobody votes for someone who is always criticising his own side. And those media and dems who praised him when he was the repub rebel, all voted for and supported his opponent Obama when it was crunch time.

I think we all realize now, a guy like this can never win.

I like the ABC story with John McCain (D, Ariz.)

John McCain: You sat out the election, now sit down and shut up.