Obama won the election by a margin of 52-46. Dems picked up 20 House seats and 7 senate seats. Since the election, Obama’s approval ratings have increased. He’s currently got approval ratings from 63% to 74%:
Polls were uncannily accurate, this year, in forecasting the election outcome.
So the likelihood would be, were the election to be re-run, that Obama would do even better and there is no reason to believe that, nationally, Democrats would do worse. Hard to make the argument that the election of congressmen in the deep South represents some sort of Obama buyers’ remorse movement.
I’ve been impressed that, since the election, most of the FA contributors are compulsively reading tea leaves for the slightest evidence to indicate that Americans are regretting their choice or that Obama is seriously screwing up.
My suggestion is to sit back, take a deep breath, chill, devote more time to family, friends, work, sports, self-improvement, hobbies, parenting, church, target practice, whatever and wait until there is actual evidence of electoral Obama regret or of Obama incompetence or malfeasance. Mainstream conservative political pundits (e.g. Peggy Noonan, George Will, David Brooks, et al, are positively gushing over the job Obama has done to date. I know that you’ll protest that these guys/gal aren’t “real” conservatives, but the “real” conservative universe is less than 1/3 of the electoral universe. You should understand that Obama is going to try to win you over, but he doesn’t need to win you over to be very successful and to earn re-election.
There is a strong military interest component to this blog. I’m awaiting commentary on Obama’s choice of General Shinseki to the VA Secretary appointment.
Once again Larry: stop spinning before you get dizzy and fall down.
Just as it was with Chambliss’s victory in Georgia, had both these seats gone to the Dems you and I both know the headlines would be giving Obama the credit.
Therefore, it’s only fair to suggest that segments of the electorate are having buyers remorse.
After all, the only polls that are worth following are the ones taken at the ballot box.
16 years ago
Obama did nothing for Jefferson – nor should he have done so. It’s interesting to note that Obama’s Louisiana efforts didn’t even mention Jefferson, and that Jefferson’s campaign didn’t ask for any help from Obama.
He did record a radio ad for Fleming’s Democratic opponent, so you might have a stronger argument in that case.
16 years ago
How is Cao a ‘solid’ republican?
16 years ago
I note that even the front page of Daily Kos is naming Jefferson’s defeat a “good” thing, even if they aren’t excited about Cao’s victory.
Great for racial diversity, even better that Cao is a conservative. If Cao were a liberal dem, even tho we are the same skin color, I wouldn’t vote for him and I would go for the white or black or latino conservative instead. To me, idealogy is more important than skin color, or even culture.
I noticed that McCain/Palin had a fair amount of racially oriental(taiwanese, viet, korean) supporters. I’m pleased that the first viet guy in congress is a conservative. Hopefully this is a sign that american orientals aren’t that stupid.
Sigmund: There is a good size Vietnamese community in New Orleans. During the evacuation after Hurricane Katrina many of them were trapped in the Superdome downtown. One press report noted that while many of the people in the Superdome were screaming for attention and help to get out the Vietnamese sat quietly until their turn came to leave.
I’d venture to say that the Vietnamese community is America is more conservative. They can appreciate the values this country represents better than most liberals. After all, many of them risked death at sea to get here.
If one has been through the bad times, then possibly one appreciates the good things even more. Your remark about risking death to get to freedom in america is truly correct. Those who are born in freedom and privilege may not value it, because they have never personally tasted the alternative.
Last time, there were lots of chinese “coolies” labouring in early america(sold/persuaded into forced labour by other running dog chinese) and it’s possible they were treated rather badly also. But u don’t see many american chinese complaining, or playing the victim game or saying that they were treated so badly last time so they need extra privileges in american society.
That is why even tho I have always got along well with black guys in western cities, I am disappointed with that part of their culture where they always play the victim and ask for special privileges. Other people have suffered too, like when america bombed vietnam and killed off 2-3 million civilians in the space of half a decade. Like when america bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima(OK maybe they deserved it, but there were civilians in those cities). Do we hear japanese and vienamese complaining about it and playing the victim????
My experience is that chinese(orientals) don’t complain much. They just want to be left alone, do their gambling, their businesses, pressurize their kids to excel in school, etc.
One thing that turned me right off the Clinton admin last time was how it used SWAT to pull away that kid Elian Gonzalez from his relatives and give him back to Castro. It’s obvious that Elian’s mother died to bring him to freedom, and here is Clinton ejaculating on her grave and sending her kid back to Castro. No respect at all for the mother’s sacrifice. Then what did she die for??? This type of filth-laden behavior is only too characteristic of the democrats in america.
This is the sort of thing we expect to happen here(and it’s much rarer now), NOT in america.
No, a referendum on congressional Democrats without Obama’s coattails to drag them to victory.
I agree. The real referendum on Obama comes in 2010.
In any case, congrats to Cao and Fleming for their victories.
Something tells me you won’t see any fanfare over that from the usual suspects since, y’know, Cao’s a Republican.
Obama won the election by a margin of 52-46. Dems picked up 20 House seats and 7 senate seats. Since the election, Obama’s approval ratings have increased. He’s currently got approval ratings from 63% to 74%:
Polls were uncannily accurate, this year, in forecasting the election outcome.
So the likelihood would be, were the election to be re-run, that Obama would do even better and there is no reason to believe that, nationally, Democrats would do worse. Hard to make the argument that the election of congressmen in the deep South represents some sort of Obama buyers’ remorse movement.
I’ve been impressed that, since the election, most of the FA contributors are compulsively reading tea leaves for the slightest evidence to indicate that Americans are regretting their choice or that Obama is seriously screwing up.
My suggestion is to sit back, take a deep breath, chill, devote more time to family, friends, work, sports, self-improvement, hobbies, parenting, church, target practice, whatever and wait until there is actual evidence of electoral Obama regret or of Obama incompetence or malfeasance. Mainstream conservative political pundits (e.g. Peggy Noonan, George Will, David Brooks, et al, are positively gushing over the job Obama has done to date. I know that you’ll protest that these guys/gal aren’t “real” conservatives, but the “real” conservative universe is less than 1/3 of the electoral universe. You should understand that Obama is going to try to win you over, but he doesn’t need to win you over to be very successful and to earn re-election.
There is a strong military interest component to this blog. I’m awaiting commentary on Obama’s choice of General Shinseki to the VA Secretary appointment.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Once again Larry: stop spinning before you get dizzy and fall down.
Just as it was with Chambliss’s victory in Georgia, had both these seats gone to the Dems you and I both know the headlines would be giving Obama the credit.
Therefore, it’s only fair to suggest that segments of the electorate are having buyers remorse.
After all, the only polls that are worth following are the ones taken at the ballot box.
Obama did nothing for Jefferson – nor should he have done so. It’s interesting to note that Obama’s Louisiana efforts didn’t even mention Jefferson, and that Jefferson’s campaign didn’t ask for any help from Obama.
He did record a radio ad for Fleming’s Democratic opponent, so you might have a stronger argument in that case.
How is Cao a ‘solid’ republican?
I note that even the front page of Daily Kos is naming Jefferson’s defeat a “good” thing, even if they aren’t excited about Cao’s victory.
Great for racial diversity, even better that Cao is a conservative. If Cao were a liberal dem, even tho we are the same skin color, I wouldn’t vote for him and I would go for the white or black or latino conservative instead. To me, idealogy is more important than skin color, or even culture.
I noticed that McCain/Palin had a fair amount of racially oriental(taiwanese, viet, korean) supporters. I’m pleased that the first viet guy in congress is a conservative. Hopefully this is a sign that american orientals aren’t that stupid.
Sigmund: There is a good size Vietnamese community in New Orleans. During the evacuation after Hurricane Katrina many of them were trapped in the Superdome downtown. One press report noted that while many of the people in the Superdome were screaming for attention and help to get out the Vietnamese sat quietly until their turn came to leave.
I’d venture to say that the Vietnamese community is America is more conservative. They can appreciate the values this country represents better than most liberals. After all, many of them risked death at sea to get here.
If one has been through the bad times, then possibly one appreciates the good things even more. Your remark about risking death to get to freedom in america is truly correct. Those who are born in freedom and privilege may not value it, because they have never personally tasted the alternative.
Last time, there were lots of chinese “coolies” labouring in early america(sold/persuaded into forced labour by other running dog chinese) and it’s possible they were treated rather badly also. But u don’t see many american chinese complaining, or playing the victim game or saying that they were treated so badly last time so they need extra privileges in american society.
That is why even tho I have always got along well with black guys in western cities, I am disappointed with that part of their culture where they always play the victim and ask for special privileges. Other people have suffered too, like when america bombed vietnam and killed off 2-3 million civilians in the space of half a decade. Like when america bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima(OK maybe they deserved it, but there were civilians in those cities). Do we hear japanese and vienamese complaining about it and playing the victim????
My experience is that chinese(orientals) don’t complain much. They just want to be left alone, do their gambling, their businesses, pressurize their kids to excel in school, etc.
One thing that turned me right off the Clinton admin last time was how it used SWAT to pull away that kid Elian Gonzalez from his relatives and give him back to Castro. It’s obvious that Elian’s mother died to bring him to freedom, and here is Clinton ejaculating on her grave and sending her kid back to Castro. No respect at all for the mother’s sacrifice. Then what did she die for??? This type of filth-laden behavior is only too characteristic of the democrats in america.
This is the sort of thing we expect to happen here(and it’s much rarer now), NOT in america.