I don’t see why Hussein O appears anywhere. Simply use a voice changer for the person who writes every word he says and eleminate his travel expenses. I don’t know who came up with ’empty suit’ but it’s the only 100% true description of Hussein O. I’v heard more suttering and stumbling from Hussein O in the past two weeks than I heard for GWB in 8 years, but GWB is the stupid one?????.
If Hussein O is a constitutional lawyer why is his so willing to openly violate the constitution and on Jan 20th he will violate the law. Is he (and his handlers) truly so stupid they think the truth won’t eventually come out?
Then democrats aren’t known for honesty and truth. I’m watching the beggars from the auto industry beg for taxpayer dollars. That is bad enough but when people (slime) like Schumer and Dodd question anyone else about ethics/honesty the country is done.
16 years ago
And since when has FACTS ever got in a democrats or a liberals way. Facts are just those pesky little things that MUST be ignored…and then maybe they will go away! Bah Humbug!
Don’t have the time/energy to argue the whole global warming thing, but, at least with respect to sea levels, I think that the data are reasonably clear that they are, indeed, rising.
You can find all sorts of conflicting data; least reliable are the measurement of ocean levels relative to land at various points around the globe. The best evidence is the satellite data (above).
All the anti-Gore folks devote all their energy to climate change and ignore Gore’s central point, which is unchallenged. Atmospheric CO2 is rising dramatically since the dawn of the industrial age and at an accelerated rate since WWII. Atmospheric CO2 is now at the highest levels they have been since the origin of our species (homo sapiens) 1,000,000 years ago; in other words, human beings have never lived with the levels of CO2 which are now existing and which continue to increase.
Our body’s acid/base buffer system is based on CO2. Increased ambient CO2 alters the body’s bioenergetics. There has been frightfully little research on the effects of increased CO2 on long term health. There have been three studies on the susceptibility to cancer in the face of increased CO2 levels and all three studies showed a cancer-promoting effect. No, it hasn’t been proven, but, as I said, it’s barely been studied.
We are currently carrying out the greatest human guinea pig experiment in the history of the world and we have no idea how it will end up. I’m sure that humans will survive climate change, if it is, indeed, occurring, but we have no idea of the health consequences of a continuing rise in atmospheric CO2, and it is anything but conservative to allow this human guinea pig experiment to continue.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Hard Right
16 years ago
Maybe they see there chance to “save the world” and create a socialist utopis slipping away.
Lorraine is also right. To liberals, if the facts don’t fit their view they don’t exist.
16 years ago
I resent the tax money these climate changers intend to steal from me to fight something that we didn’t cause and can’t fix. Especially since the climate change, if there is any, appears to be global cooling, and our resolute leaders intend to fight against warming.
I’m going to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, since an informed person can easily discover that there hasn’t been any actual warming, ocean level rising, hurricane intensifying, etc.
Is Obama uninformed, or does he see a money/power opportunity to be had through crippling industry and taxing everyone, particularly Americans? Surely he’ll listen to all the viewpoints, discover that there isn’t actually any global warming, and call the whole thing off.
And I promise to respect him for it.
A 2000 report that does point out the cyclical nature of sea levels.
Yes, sea level rise and fall – Recall the Russia/Alaska land bridge.
Yet, this in itself does not prove anthropogenic global warming. There is simply NO empiric evidence linking human activity to GLOBAL climate change. There is not one study that clearly reveals direct evidence of human activity affecting climate change. Also, there is no empiric evidence to suggest the actions of Kyoto will ‘fix’ global warming/cooling.
The atmosperic CO2 rates have been dramatically higher – see the Ice Core study. You cannot state the ‘rates’ are rising with such a small sample. This is scientifically absurd.
Our bodies have SEVERAL systems to regulate our Ph. The planet climatology is far more complex
Hard Right
16 years ago
The Kyoto accord would “fix” all that pesky extra cash we have laying around…well had. Darn dems. They are to money what fire is to wood.
Anyone able to think rationally would know global warming allegedly caused by human activities is utter nonsense.
But too many people have money, power, beliefs, reputation and investments tied up in this easily proven lie to admit the truth.
The very person who first introduced the idea of global warming to a disbelieving scientific community decades ago has come out to speak strongly against it, saying that it has been proven to be nonsense and just politics so far. Incidentally he also predicted the “jet stream”.
He said, if I go outside and spit in my garden, I will cause more global warming that all the CO2 being produced by blah blah blah.
Even Warren Buffet very likely does not believe in global warming because he does not touch ethanol and alternative energy stocks as far as I know.
The main culprit is this US company called Archer Daniels Midland(ADM). They even have listed companies here. I almost invested in one, a palm diesel producer, until I realized that it was not viable save for the govt subsidy. It is my off-the-cuff belief that this company(ADM) is the main force behind lots of the nonsensical alternative energy biofuels that have so far proven to be non-viable, like corn ethanol and biodiesel….without the govt subsidy, they just aren’t viable(except sugar cane ethanol in Brazil). Also the biofuel boom, funded by ADM’s politicking and massive govt subsidies has caused big rises in other grains, to the detriment of poor people the world over.
The BIG biofuel industry is a cannot-lose case: Lobby the govt to subsidise your business into a profit. No wonder it will never work.
Global Warming is a conjob and it is Big Bucks for dishonest people.
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
[There is simply NO empiric evidence linking human activity to GLOBAL climate change. There is not one study that clearly reveals direct evidence of human activity affecting climate change.]
This is exactly what Mark Levin said recently…there simply is no factual evidence to support these theories.
Always follow the money. Just look at all the money AlGore and his minions get for their Carbon Credits. This fraud will kill the economy and they are willing to lie to take people’s money and plant a tree to help their little egos about traveling in a plane. The environmentalist wackos are all funded by Socialist front groups. That should tell you something about what is really going on here. Just ask the guy that helped form Green Peace. He left because it became a political entity with no scientific proof to back up any of their crap.
If the Meteorologists can not tell me what the temperature is going to be a month from now, why in the world would I believe anybody when they tell me it is going to be hotter in 10 or 20 years from now. And all of the evidence of Manbearpig is in computer models that have failed every time they are produced. And the Hockey Stick graph has been debunked many times, but they keep on re-branding it and it is the same computer model. It is sickening to see these so-called scientist scam money from people that do not know better. And most are the”do as I say, not as I do” types. Just look at the Goracle’s mansion that is more expensive to run in a year than most people’s carbon footprints for 5 years.
16 years ago
Isn’t Global Warming better than Global Cooling? I assume most plants grow better in warmer environments. Let’s pray for global warming!!
@rob: Yes Global Warming means more plant growth, along with more CO2, and a longer Growing season. Global cooling will bring starvation and failed crops, as it did during the French Revolution.
I would much rather have Global Warming I hate the cold, but it looks like we are going into a cooling trend. The Sun has been very quiet and the last time this happened we had the Little Ice Age.
16 years ago
OMG, Larry W. believes in Global warming… lol. No wonder he likes THE ONE who also believes it. Only disconnected leftists believe that bullshit. Their goal is to destroy Capitalism. And Larry still thinks that Obama is not a leftist crack pot? Incredible!
road warrior
16 years ago
it’s such a trendy topic and Obama is buying right into the trend. How ridiculous is it to even hint at global warning being as serious as our economy or war around the world or a dozen other things. now with that said and the liberal illuminati propaganda dismissed i don’t think we can ignore the green efforts. Weather the signs are clear or not it just makes sense that sooner or later our planet is going to crumble if we keep exploiting it and polluting it. Out planet IS NOT an unlimited resource and we need to keep that in mind. So as much i don’t think global warming is among our top issues of the day i don’t think it’s a issue we can just ignore either. I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!
16 years ago
“So as much i don’t think global warming is among our top issues of the day i don’t think it’s a issue we can just ignore either. I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!” (Road Warrior)
You are talking as if the USA are not already doing something about it. You are wrong, they are doing just fine.
“During the last decade the United States has had the best record among industrialized nations in restraining GHG emissions. Global GHG emissions increased 18 percent; emissions from Kyoto Protocol participants increased 21.1 percent; emissions from non-Kyoto nations increased 10 percent; emissions from the United States increased 6.6 percent.” http://www.qando.net/details.aspx?Entry=8438
16 years ago
“I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!”(Road Warrior)
LOL! I am sure you meant after Obama destroys the economy.
16 years ago
The CO2 levels is BS, we’re talking fractional changes to parts per million and nature has a means of controlling it called photosynthesis. In higher periods of CO2, production of all sea and land based plant-life thrives. In lower periods they decline and we get events like the 1920’s dust-bowl years. A single volcano eruption suspends more CO in the air than all of mankind in one year. Carbon is one of the fundamental building blocks life on earth is based on. Larry, as a doctor, you know we breath in more carbon dioxide each inhalation from our own lingering exhalations with every breath we take than what is found in the ambient air. Yet we continue to breath. The statement that CO2 could give you cancer is misleading. Anything when taken to extreme concentrations can increase the chances of cancer. I’m sure the lab rats in the studies you refer to were, as often is the case in such experiments, exposed to short-term concentrations they would never incur in their entire lifetimes. It’s also been “proven” in similar experiments that consuming excessive amounts of water could cause cancer, regardless of the source. Even if we all lived in plastic bubbles, it would still be nearly impossible to eliminate what really causes cancer; free radicals. Sorry, that little scare tactic doesn’t wash.
No, it’s all about the money on this one. And scammers world-wide are hoping to get rich off the snake-oil sales of this pseudo science. The U.N. is on board, so they can squeeze more money from America’s success.
The real message of this announcement from Obama is clear. It was to telegraph to the U.N. he intends to sign the Kyoto Treaty, or whatever else they come up with via the Poland Convention as soon as he is able, once in office, while there are still enough idiots out there buying into this crock of crap.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Snowed in Baghdad?
During the 1st Gulf War (remember, the one we fought to tie rather than wiping out Hussein then and there?) it snowed in December in the Northern part of Saudi.
Our Regimental commander joked at the morning staff meeting that Ghost Troop needed to shovel out walkways through the approx 1/4″ snow.
About 1000 hrs the sun peeked through and the snow melted. The next day up sprouts grass!
At the morning staff meeing the RC joked that now Ghost Troop needs to mow their lawn.
16 years ago
I fear that the warming El Nino will return to NA during the Obama admin and Americans with the memory the length of a gnat will be more pliable to Global Warming scaremongering.
“You never want a crisis to go to waste” – Rahm E.
While it is possible that we may be in somekinda warming period, there’s no evidence to link human activities with such a warming period, such as we have had on and off throughout the ages. Like the Viking warm period, etc, etc.
Even the russian sicientific community mostly disbelieves the global-warming-due-to-humans idea, if I am not mistaken.
I am more concerned with pollution and species conservation and habitat conservation rather than the nonsense and utter lie of global warming due to humans.
It is really an insult when these snake-oil salesman of global warming try to con us with their poorly constructed lies, just to make some fast bucks from gullible people.
The only global warming will be the HOT AIR blowing out of the White House soon.
A lie told often enough, becomes the truth.
I don’t see why Hussein O appears anywhere. Simply use a voice changer for the person who writes every word he says and eleminate his travel expenses. I don’t know who came up with ’empty suit’ but it’s the only 100% true description of Hussein O. I’v heard more suttering and stumbling from Hussein O in the past two weeks than I heard for GWB in 8 years, but GWB is the stupid one?????.
If Hussein O is a constitutional lawyer why is his so willing to openly violate the constitution and on Jan 20th he will violate the law. Is he (and his handlers) truly so stupid they think the truth won’t eventually come out?
Then democrats aren’t known for honesty and truth. I’m watching the beggars from the auto industry beg for taxpayer dollars. That is bad enough but when people (slime) like Schumer and Dodd question anyone else about ethics/honesty the country is done.
And since when has FACTS ever got in a democrats or a liberals way. Facts are just those pesky little things that MUST be ignored…and then maybe they will go away! Bah Humbug!
Don’t have the time/energy to argue the whole global warming thing, but, at least with respect to sea levels, I think that the data are reasonably clear that they are, indeed, rising.
You can find all sorts of conflicting data; least reliable are the measurement of ocean levels relative to land at various points around the globe. The best evidence is the satellite data (above).
All the anti-Gore folks devote all their energy to climate change and ignore Gore’s central point, which is unchallenged. Atmospheric CO2 is rising dramatically since the dawn of the industrial age and at an accelerated rate since WWII. Atmospheric CO2 is now at the highest levels they have been since the origin of our species (homo sapiens) 1,000,000 years ago; in other words, human beings have never lived with the levels of CO2 which are now existing and which continue to increase.
Our body’s acid/base buffer system is based on CO2. Increased ambient CO2 alters the body’s bioenergetics. There has been frightfully little research on the effects of increased CO2 on long term health. There have been three studies on the susceptibility to cancer in the face of increased CO2 levels and all three studies showed a cancer-promoting effect. No, it hasn’t been proven, but, as I said, it’s barely been studied.
We are currently carrying out the greatest human guinea pig experiment in the history of the world and we have no idea how it will end up. I’m sure that humans will survive climate change, if it is, indeed, occurring, but we have no idea of the health consequences of a continuing rise in atmospheric CO2, and it is anything but conservative to allow this human guinea pig experiment to continue.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Maybe they see there chance to “save the world” and create a socialist utopis slipping away.
Lorraine is also right. To liberals, if the facts don’t fit their view they don’t exist.
I resent the tax money these climate changers intend to steal from me to fight something that we didn’t cause and can’t fix. Especially since the climate change, if there is any, appears to be global cooling, and our resolute leaders intend to fight against warming.
I’m going to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, since an informed person can easily discover that there hasn’t been any actual warming, ocean level rising, hurricane intensifying, etc.
Is Obama uninformed, or does he see a money/power opportunity to be had through crippling industry and taxing everyone, particularly Americans? Surely he’ll listen to all the viewpoints, discover that there isn’t actually any global warming, and call the whole thing off.
And I promise to respect him for it.
A 2000 report that does point out the cyclical nature of sea levels.
Yes, sea level rise and fall – Recall the Russia/Alaska land bridge.
Yet, this in itself does not prove anthropogenic global warming. There is simply NO empiric evidence linking human activity to GLOBAL climate change. There is not one study that clearly reveals direct evidence of human activity affecting climate change. Also, there is no empiric evidence to suggest the actions of Kyoto will ‘fix’ global warming/cooling.
The atmosperic CO2 rates have been dramatically higher – see the Ice Core study. You cannot state the ‘rates’ are rising with such a small sample. This is scientifically absurd.
Our bodies have SEVERAL systems to regulate our Ph. The planet climatology is far more complex
The Kyoto accord would “fix” all that pesky extra cash we have laying around…well had. Darn dems. They are to money what fire is to wood.
Here’s a great set of links debunking the alarmism of Dr. James Hansen, the NASA “scientist” who has been Al Gore’s chief source:
The guy has been caught making so many errors it’s amazing anyone takes him seriously.
P.S. Larry: For the real story on sea levels, read the link in the post:
Anyone able to think rationally would know global warming allegedly caused by human activities is utter nonsense.
But too many people have money, power, beliefs, reputation and investments tied up in this easily proven lie to admit the truth.
The very person who first introduced the idea of global warming to a disbelieving scientific community decades ago has come out to speak strongly against it, saying that it has been proven to be nonsense and just politics so far. Incidentally he also predicted the “jet stream”.
He said, if I go outside and spit in my garden, I will cause more global warming that all the CO2 being produced by blah blah blah.
Even Warren Buffet very likely does not believe in global warming because he does not touch ethanol and alternative energy stocks as far as I know.
The main culprit is this US company called Archer Daniels Midland(ADM). They even have listed companies here. I almost invested in one, a palm diesel producer, until I realized that it was not viable save for the govt subsidy. It is my off-the-cuff belief that this company(ADM) is the main force behind lots of the nonsensical alternative energy biofuels that have so far proven to be non-viable, like corn ethanol and biodiesel….without the govt subsidy, they just aren’t viable(except sugar cane ethanol in Brazil). Also the biofuel boom, funded by ADM’s politicking and massive govt subsidies has caused big rises in other grains, to the detriment of poor people the world over.
The BIG biofuel industry is a cannot-lose case: Lobby the govt to subsidise your business into a profit. No wonder it will never work.
Global Warming is a conjob and it is Big Bucks for dishonest people.
[There is simply NO empiric evidence linking human activity to GLOBAL climate change. There is not one study that clearly reveals direct evidence of human activity affecting climate change.]
This is exactly what Mark Levin said recently…there simply is no factual evidence to support these theories.
Always follow the money. Just look at all the money AlGore and his minions get for their Carbon Credits. This fraud will kill the economy and they are willing to lie to take people’s money and plant a tree to help their little egos about traveling in a plane. The environmentalist wackos are all funded by Socialist front groups. That should tell you something about what is really going on here. Just ask the guy that helped form Green Peace. He left because it became a political entity with no scientific proof to back up any of their crap.
If the Meteorologists can not tell me what the temperature is going to be a month from now, why in the world would I believe anybody when they tell me it is going to be hotter in 10 or 20 years from now. And all of the evidence of Manbearpig is in computer models that have failed every time they are produced. And the Hockey Stick graph has been debunked many times, but they keep on re-branding it and it is the same computer model. It is sickening to see these so-called scientist scam money from people that do not know better. And most are the”do as I say, not as I do” types. Just look at the Goracle’s mansion that is more expensive to run in a year than most people’s carbon footprints for 5 years.
Isn’t Global Warming better than Global Cooling? I assume most plants grow better in warmer environments. Let’s pray for global warming!!
@rob: Yes Global Warming means more plant growth, along with more CO2, and a longer Growing season. Global cooling will bring starvation and failed crops, as it did during the French Revolution.
I would much rather have Global Warming I hate the cold, but it looks like we are going into a cooling trend. The Sun has been very quiet and the last time this happened we had the Little Ice Age.
OMG, Larry W. believes in Global warming… lol. No wonder he likes THE ONE who also believes it. Only disconnected leftists believe that bullshit. Their goal is to destroy Capitalism. And Larry still thinks that Obama is not a leftist crack pot? Incredible!
it’s such a trendy topic and Obama is buying right into the trend. How ridiculous is it to even hint at global warning being as serious as our economy or war around the world or a dozen other things. now with that said and the liberal illuminati propaganda dismissed i don’t think we can ignore the green efforts. Weather the signs are clear or not it just makes sense that sooner or later our planet is going to crumble if we keep exploiting it and polluting it. Out planet IS NOT an unlimited resource and we need to keep that in mind. So as much i don’t think global warming is among our top issues of the day i don’t think it’s a issue we can just ignore either. I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!
“So as much i don’t think global warming is among our top issues of the day i don’t think it’s a issue we can just ignore either. I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!” (Road Warrior)
You are talking as if the USA are not already doing something about it. You are wrong, they are doing just fine.
“During the last decade the United States has had the best record among industrialized nations in restraining GHG emissions. Global GHG emissions increased 18 percent; emissions from Kyoto Protocol participants increased 21.1 percent; emissions from non-Kyoto nations increased 10 percent; emissions from the United States increased 6.6 percent.”
“I hope Obama addresses, rigtht after he fixes the economy!”(Road Warrior)
LOL! I am sure you meant after Obama destroys the economy.
The CO2 levels is BS, we’re talking fractional changes to parts per million and nature has a means of controlling it called photosynthesis. In higher periods of CO2, production of all sea and land based plant-life thrives. In lower periods they decline and we get events like the 1920’s dust-bowl years. A single volcano eruption suspends more CO in the air than all of mankind in one year. Carbon is one of the fundamental building blocks life on earth is based on. Larry, as a doctor, you know we breath in more carbon dioxide each inhalation from our own lingering exhalations with every breath we take than what is found in the ambient air. Yet we continue to breath. The statement that CO2 could give you cancer is misleading. Anything when taken to extreme concentrations can increase the chances of cancer. I’m sure the lab rats in the studies you refer to were, as often is the case in such experiments, exposed to short-term concentrations they would never incur in their entire lifetimes. It’s also been “proven” in similar experiments that consuming excessive amounts of water could cause cancer, regardless of the source. Even if we all lived in plastic bubbles, it would still be nearly impossible to eliminate what really causes cancer; free radicals. Sorry, that little scare tactic doesn’t wash.
No, it’s all about the money on this one. And scammers world-wide are hoping to get rich off the snake-oil sales of this pseudo science. The U.N. is on board, so they can squeeze more money from America’s success.
The real message of this announcement from Obama is clear. It was to telegraph to the U.N. he intends to sign the Kyoto Treaty, or whatever else they come up with via the Poland Convention as soon as he is able, once in office, while there are still enough idiots out there buying into this crock of crap.
Snowed in Baghdad?
During the 1st Gulf War (remember, the one we fought to tie rather than wiping out Hussein then and there?) it snowed in December in the Northern part of Saudi.
Our Regimental commander joked at the morning staff meeting that Ghost Troop needed to shovel out walkways through the approx 1/4″ snow.
About 1000 hrs the sun peeked through and the snow melted. The next day up sprouts grass!
At the morning staff meeing the RC joked that now Ghost Troop needs to mow their lawn.
I fear that the warming El Nino will return to NA during the Obama admin and Americans with the memory the length of a gnat will be more pliable to Global Warming scaremongering.
“You never want a crisis to go to waste” – Rahm E.
And just in case Larry is still lurking around, a full interpretation of the Univ. of Colorado sea levels chart:
Ooopss… another nail in the coffin of global warming lies!
While it is possible that we may be in somekinda warming period, there’s no evidence to link human activities with such a warming period, such as we have had on and off throughout the ages. Like the Viking warm period, etc, etc.
Even the russian sicientific community mostly disbelieves the global-warming-due-to-humans idea, if I am not mistaken.
I am more concerned with pollution and species conservation and habitat conservation rather than the nonsense and utter lie of global warming due to humans.
It is really an insult when these snake-oil salesman of global warming try to con us with their poorly constructed lies, just to make some fast bucks from gullible people.
The only global warming will be the HOT AIR blowing out of the White House soon.