Congressional Dems Worrying/Split About Pelosi and 2009 Agenda

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Liberals are worried about Pelosi’s vow to govern “from the middle” and centrists are concerned that the make-up of the House leadership team has shifted noticeably to the left.

Contrary to the jubilation of House Democrats after they regained control of the lower chamber after the 2006 elections, there is some unease among members heading into the 111th Congress.

“Everybody I talk to, everybody’s worried about something,” said a Democratic staffer.


I dunno what they could POSSIBLY be worried about. After all, it’s not like they’re gonna be able to have an approval rating lower than the last 2yrs of the Democratic Congress. Right? (ROFL+LMAO!)

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The more power a party has, the more the factions that make up that party start fighting with each other. It always happens, even in single party systems.

Pass gun control, watch it blow.

Pelosi govern from the center? Define what she sees as “center”. Don’t worry moonbats, you’ll get some of your wishes. Tells you how delusional they are to think they would get everything they wanted.

Once you have power the argument starts on what to do with it. Everybody has different ideas about what is most important. Usually it’s going to be whatever advances their own careers.

BTW, It would be great if Pelosi actually helps by governing from the middle, I’m skeptical that will happen, but we’ll see.

Dems eating their own. Yummy. Who’s got the popcorn?

Seldom have I seen a woman leader more hysterical and out of control as I saw Pelosi during the bailout crisis. When she spoke on TV, I was reminded of those crack-sodden sex workers we see your reality TV series, like COPS, etc. Explaining why she was high, why she committed the crime, and blaming the government for it.

Just before the first bailout vote, she gave his shrill, out of control hate speech, blaming Bush completely for the problem(which is strange as she is more to blame for it than Bush), which upset enough repubs that they voted against the package, seeing also that the dems also were not voting for it(nobody wanted to vote for it as all their constituents were against it).

Usually I am very supportive of women in politics, but this one is really one who should not be in politics.

With a half-crazed house leader like this, america is in for tough times for sure.

Heh heh……I need that emoticon of Cartman eating popcorn.

She looks like she’s trying to pass a gall stone. Hmmph…just when I thought she was COMPLETELY vacuous.

Very true: the last Congress had an approval rating of only about 15%. And the Democrats controlled both branches of Congress. So, when the election came to pass, the voters “punished” the Democrats by … increasing their numbers by 20+ in the House and 7-8 in the Senate. So what gives….?

Now there is conflict going on. The Dems are shifting from being a loyal opposition in government to being in charge of government, the way the GOP was for the first 6 years of the Bush administration. How to govern? Well, it is abundantly clear that Obama has no intention of being a “socialist” and is going to try and move as far to the right as he can get away with. He’s also signaled his intentions to the Congressional leadership, which is why lifetime Leftist Pelosi is now talking about “governing from the center.”

It is wonderful that the Dems won’t have a filibuster-proof majority. This will put the GOP Senators in the position of being the perhaps unwitting allies of Obama, as Obama will find it easier to do what he wants to do, which is to govern from the center or even, in some cases, from the center-right. With too many Dems in the Senate, Obama would be continually presented with Leftist legislation that he’d either have to veto (alienating the Leftist base) or preventing him from realizing his goal of being recognized as a Centrist President, thereby ensuring his re-election in 2012.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Larry, you still do not get it do you? What Obama say and what Obama do are two different things. He was talking extreme left, now he is talking Center, which means to me that he will not be governing at all, because Center has no program, no values and no goal. But then again, since he is the biggest flip flopper of all time, his talking is worthless. One day it will be extreme right if it makes him look good, the other day it might be extreme left for the same reasons. Then it could be just Right or Left depending what it will do for his aura. And someday it will be the Center… meaning he will be doing nothing, just like when he voted present. Then the two extremes will come back and alternate and so will the Right and Left. When no position will enhance his Glory… he will stand in an idle position from the center and do absolutely nothing. Larry, this guy is a pure IDIOT. There is nothing to be expected from him. All he wants is the spot lights and he doesn’t give a dam about this country at all and he only cares about himself. And you keep gobbling is every words. Remarkable!

I clicked (dialup) on the blog and went to put a bag of Gourmet popcorn in the microwave and then I read the popcorn comments.

All I see so far is the empty suit putting in a third Clinton term. We now have postive proof of the empty suit description. Hussein O won’t answer the reporters questions because he doesn’t know the answer to anything without a teleprompter. He is a great speaker of the written word but not so fast on this feet when he has to come up with an answer to a question that he was not prepared for. Joe the Plumber proved that. It’s going to be a fun but disasterous four years. Actually in 12 months the terrorists can pull off the predicted WMD attack killing hundreds of thousands in any big city USA, call a cab, go to the airport and book a flight with no questions other than ‘how many bags do you have’. All intel programs will be dead by then and accidential discovery will be prevented by another ‘Gorlick’ wall.

This old mountain boy has been around the world, lived in several states and countries, but will now stay in the mountains.

Popcorn, heh. Scrap, GMTA.

I’m tempted to dig a hole in my backyard…and keep digging. Anyone want to bet nuclear fallout shelters will make something of a comeback?

I don’t understand what they are worried about. It leading from the middle some of the same promises that we received from Obama? I mean the liberal illuminati have promised time and time again that Obama would cross party lines and be bipartisan. Is this any different than leading from the middle? Or am i misunderstanding what’s going here?

RW, they thought he was just saying that to get elected. They thought he’d lead from the far left and expected the dems in Congress to do the same.

We have insufficient information, so we must ask Pelosi: “From the center of …What?”

*From the center of the earth?
*From the center of our beings?
*From the center of the far left?
*From the center of Wall street?
*From the center of Red Square?
*From the center of the universe?
*From the center of the United Nations?
*From the center of the Bilderburg Hotel?
*From the center of a tootsie-roll-pop?
*From the center of a doughnut?
*From the center of the moon?
*From the cream filled center?
*From the center of Oz?