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Ron Howard: Bush Crimes Worse Then Nixon’s

Another hollywood to put on the moron list: (h/t Newsbusters)

Director Ron Howard appeared for a C-SPAN Washington Journal interview Monday morning on Capitol Hill with British screenwriter Peter Morgan to discuss their new film Frost/Nixon, based on Morgan’s play on the 1977 interviews between British TV star David Frost and the Republican president who resigned. The jarring moment came near the end, when C-SPAN host Steve Scully asked “For a generation who doesn’t remember Nixon or these interviews, what do you want them to come away with?”

Howard replied that Nixon’s crimes were “quaint” compared to the current administration: “Well, it’s a great drama. It doesn’t have a political axe to grind, and yet you know, it speaks to democracy, the media, the way it all works in the modern era. The only thing that’s kind of quaint about the story at all is the fact that, you know, uh, that the Nixon crimes pale by comparison, with uh, with uh, um, um, [picks up pen] you know, what we’ve been reading about and hearing about in the last few years. Uh, and yet, it also reminds us that abuse of power at any level cannot be accepted, and, so if there’s a political point to be made, you know, I’d say it’s nonpartisan, but that’s the point.”

Sad to see such a talented director go the way of the moonbat moron parade but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.

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