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I am so jealous, Mike, but glad you got to see Sarah!

I hope we’ll see a video of the event…

I second Mike’s call for Palin 2012, for different reasons…

This is awesome! I am glad to see Sarah keeping up the good fight! I think this is a hint of the ice berg with her!

YAY Sarah! 🙂

Sarah is the change we needed this time around.

The left knows she has the power to unseat obama–especially after he bungles the handling of the economy. Go Sarah!

sarah is as down to earth as they came and that is her appeal. when the rhino’s tried to remake her they made a huge mistake. let sarah be sarah and then the dem heads will roll.

It was amazing to see here in St Louis after her debate with the Gaffemeister. The place was packed and there was many young females (college age girls) in attendance.

She is exactly what the GOP needs and we need her now to help reform the “Compassionate Conservatives” and the corrupt career politicians in Washington. The GOP cannot be the party of the squishy middle, they will loose every time if they run from the middle. They need to run on the platform of Limited Government, Strong Defense and Personal Freedom, which has been lacking the past few decades.

And Sarah Palin is leading the way.
Palin in 2012

I will never understand why “moderates” have problems with strong, intelligent, women with religious values.
I know a fair number of men think Sarah is physically hot, but I love what I’ve seen of her personality. Personality trumps the physical.

Hope this works! It’s not the entire video of the event, but at least some!!

Sarah Palin in Savannah:


Edited to add another video:

I’ll be going to the polls in Cobb County tomorrow. Saxby it is. May be too little too late though.

The progressives would LOVE for the Republicans to bring her out in 2012!!!
Obama will leave her in the dust!!!!

Thre Reps said that about obama. Will you admit you’re wrong CRAP when she wins?

@Real American Patriot: Are you sure about that. He has already pissed off most of his supporters in appointing the Clinton II Cabinet and transition team. they are already planning on camping at at his house to tell him to destroy the economy and become Eurabia.

He is not in office yet and his Honeymoon with the Moonbats is already over.

And Palin keeps on bringing in more and more people wherever she goes. She has really waken up the Conservatives, but could not drag McCain across the finish line.

So do not count the chickens before they hatch. It will be a long 4 years and anything can happen. I do not see him getting elected again without the raving Left, but I could be wrong and he can drastically change the US to the Looney Lefts liking, but with the crowd he has now it is highly unlikely. He has surrounding himself with who the Left voted against.

It will be a fun 4 years. Much to blog about.

The Looney Left can not win with winning. it is too funny. Code Pink camping out in front of his house in Chicago.

Oh Boy! This is funny and scary in a way.

She is the republican rock star. And the right needs some celebrity power, palin is the best they have! Now the liberal illuminati they have all kind of Rock star power. That’s why they will probably win.

Sarah Palin would make a much better POTUS than Obama any time.

She has shown than she can govern a state effectively and handle large energy problems in a logical and successful way. She is street smart and physically capable with her hunting and fishing. Make them both sit SATs and I am pretty sure she will score higher than Obama, who did not even get an honours in his first degree. It is a wonder how he gained entrance to Harvard with these sort of qualifications. Oh, I forgot, the minority program.

Palin showed grace and humor under the disgusting media barrage and ridicule that bombarded her and her family. She came from humble beginnings and worked her way up, unlike the privileged Obama. She would be a great next candidate for POTUS, as long as she no longer has to suffer the mishandling that the McCain campaign put her under.

Sending Palin off to be interviewed by his “friends” in the liberal media after her acceptance speech was a mark of naivety that must remain forever with the McCain campaign. She should have gone on with Foxnews or some other more fair organisation, rather than be bundled off to ABC and Couric, who only wanted to destroy her the moment they saw her.

McCain’s tactical naivety here really cost him the election, along with his belief that he would have enough support from his liberal friends to give him the margin of victory. All of those “allies” who were praising him when he fought Bush all supported Obama when it came to him against the One.

McCain thought the liberal media were his friends, and got backstabbed by them in the end. Rest in peace, old man. You are a winner in life, but a loser in politics.

Sarah Palin = Dan Quayle, in a dress, only with fewer of the “necessities”

If personality trumps physical (a debatable proposition, actually, in the real world) then I’d like to believe that intellect and gravitas trump personality (though, alas, this may also be debatable).

There are great GOP candidates for ’12. Hard to see how Palin would get the nomination, much less be seriously competitive in the general election. Palin would be creamed by Pawlenty in Iowa and by Jindal in New Hampshire. When talking about potential GOP candidates for ’12, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford named Pawlenty and Jindal and then, when asked about Palin, just broke out in a laugh. (I think that Mike’s from SC, correct?)

What about Petraeus?

Here’s a long list of possibilities:


– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

“… when asked about Palin, just broke out in a laugh” (Larry W.)

Larry, you really do not get it, do you? What can I say? Some do and some don’t.
Mark Sanford is just mad that McCain chose Palin over him. Sanford endorsed McCain at the very beginning and was convinced that he would get picked for the VP position.

I would choose Palin over Jindal and Pawlenty anytime. She will be the greatest choice for 2012. I still cannot believe that you have voted for Obama who is a liar, a manipulator, a cheater, a flip flopper, a fraud and a crook. That is not to mention his past associations and his lack of experience in every field. Obama doesn’t even come close to Sarah’s political experience and integrity.

Larry: Would you vote for Petraeus in a skirt?

Everytime I think you have some redeemable qualities you say something like “Sarah Palin = Dan Quayle, in a dress, only with fewer of the “necessities.”

Yes, I’ve met Dan Quayle too and frankly HE is more qualified to be President than Obama.

Qualifications for the Presidency begin with the political skills to get elected. Quayle wanted to run for President in 2000. Criticizing George W Bush, Quayle said that “the Presidency is no place for on the job training.” Quayle then finished 8th in a straw poll of potential candidates, got some good advice from Party elders, and dropped out of the race, before he formally dropped in.

Obama came out of nowhere to defeat 10 other Democrats, including the seemingly invincible Clinton machine. Then he won the general election with the biggest Democratic margin since 1964, running a sophisticated and flawless campaign. He’s been receiving bipartisan praise for his job to date, since the election.

Maybe I made a mistake in voting for him. Maybe I didn’t. We’ll all get the opportunity to see.

But thanks for at least briefly considering that I might have at least an occasional, partially redeeming quality. My heart soars like a hawk 🙂

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

“Qualifications for the Presidency begin with the political skills to get elected… running a sophisticated and flawless campaign.” (Larry W.)

Boy, you have no morality. Obama cheated to win this election. He lied, manipulated and flip flopped till everyone got dizzy. His ugly past associations launched his campaign and he received 750 millions $ from we don’t know who… probably terrorist countries. Acorn won this election with the massive fraudulent votes. On top of that, the MSM were in the tank for him and made it very easy for him to win. He sealed all his documentation so we would not know that is not a born citizen and that he has a dual citizenship and that he is not legitimate to become the POTUS. He is probably still a Muslim since he can not produce a baptism certificate.

And you admire that? This is who you think should be the President of the USA? Oh Boy! I sure would not want you as a friend. With friends like that, you do not need any enemies. Your lack of morality is outstanding, Larry!

P.S.: Can someone get my post out of spam, in: Obama gives OK… Thanks.

Larry: Hitler was a great campaigner too!