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Global Warming Wrapup: AP Corrects Article, New Zealand Not Sold On Global Warming, AGW Creating Killer Hurricanes? Bush To Blame For No Kyoto In US?, NBC Misleading Viewers On Ice Melt, Planet Cooled During Bush Presidency, Another Ice Age Coming?, AGW Is Dead, Environazi’s Scaring Folks, A Global Warming Debate, More Scare Mongering From NBC, A New Film On The AGW Hysteria

Ain’t that the truth: (h/t Tom Nelson)

In a Nov. 20 story about African negotiations on global warming, The Associated Press erroneously reported that China refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol. China has signed and ratified the pact, but like other developing nations was not asked to reduce its emissions under the 1997 protocol.

Why should they? It’s not like they are a huge polluter or anything right?

New Zealand has some common sense, and they are promptly called “a joke” by Europeans:

A leading New Zealand carbon trader says international markets can no longer take New Zealand seriously, carbon trading has come to a standstill and experts are warning business not to think carbon pricing has gone away.


Carbon News quotes Brunel as saying major players in the European market – which was last year worth $US55 billion – have been seriously interested in using the emerging New Zealand market to complement the European market.

“We are the antipodes of Europe,” Brunel said. “Their time zone is the exact opposite of ours, and there’s a real opportunity to have a 24-hour carbon market that starts in Europe and when they go into their night we take over.

“There is real interest in that because carbon is such an important market over there. Some very big players were very keen to establish a market down here because of the ability to then create a 24-hour market.

“This was New Zealand’s opportunity to reinvent its financial markets by being the Asian centre of the carbon trade.”

But this week’s announcement that the incoming government will put the ETS on hold pending a review that will go as far as considering a carbon tax instead of an ETS and will re-examine the validity of the science behind climate change, has jeopardised everything, Brunel says.

Global warming was supposed to make “killer” hurricanes right?:

Here we go again – hurricane season has come to an end and yet another year has failed to produce the widespread pain and suffering that can reinforce the claim that the buildup of greenhouse gases is the root cause of all the damage. We have covered this topic dozens of times in the past, but the literature on the subject never seems to stop oozing right through the distortion of the greenhouse crusaders. We get tired of writing about this subject over and over and we suspect you see this as another in a very long line of essays on the topic…we feel each other’s pain. The hurricane story should have been destroyed a decade ago, but for whatever reason, the global warmers continue to insist that hurricanes are increasing in frequency, intensity, and/or duration and the blame should sit squarely on carbon dioxide emissions from the United States.


The bottom line is that claims that hurricanes are increasing due to global warming are questionable, if not laughable given the enormous amount of evidence that at the very least suggests this is a very complex question.

European press: Bush the reason Kyoto was never ratified in the US. How wrong they are:

Prospects for success in the world’s struggle to combat global warming have been transformed at a stroke after US President-elect Barack Obama made it clear that America would play its full part in renewing the Kyoto Protocol climate-change treaty.

His words, in effect, brought an end to eight years of wilful climate obstructionism by the administration of George Bush, who withdrew the US from Kyoto in March 2001, thus doing incalculable damage to the efforts of the international community to construct a unified response to the threat.

The Bush withdrawal set back the international effort by nearly a decade – years in which it became increasingly clear that the warming of the atmosphere being caused by greenhouse gas emissions was proceeding much faster than UN scientists thought it would.

Uh….hello? Clinton never sent it to be ratified because it was going to be crushed. All Bush did was state the US position on Kyoto. BDS at it’s finest.

NBC misleading its viewers on melting ice:

In a taped segment for NBC “Nightly News” Nov. 19 Curry presented a dire image of the volcanic glacier and connected its ice loss to climate change – presumably she meant global warming, not global cooling.

“Mt. Kilimanjaro has become a kind of poster-child for climate change. Eighty-four percent of the ice has disappeared in less than 100 years and by 2020, scientists expect as early as that it could all be gone,” Curry said.

Curry also cited the “dramatic change” in the amount of ice on the mountain with a photographic comparison: 1980 and 2008.

But what Curry didn’t tell viewers was that “most scientists who study Kilimanjaro’s glaciers have long been uneasy with the volcano’s poster-child status,” according to Seattle Times science reporter Sandi Doughton.

Why were those scientists “uneasy?” Because despite its status as an “icon of global warming,” climate scientists like Philip Mote say Kilimanjaro’s melt hasn’t been caused by greenhouse gases “from cars, power plants and factories.”


According to Doughton’s article, the ice loss on the Tanzanian glacier “seems to be driven by two factors: a lack of snowfall and sublimation.”

The glacier has also been declining for more than a century – “since long before humans began pumping large amounts of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere” according to Mote.

Planet has cooled since Bush took office:

On this symbolic date, it seems worthwhile to reflect that the planet has not only cooled since George W. Bush took office – pause and let the significance of that one sink in – but began to chill significantly at almost precisely the moment that we signed the Kyoto Protocol, exactly ten years ago today.

Global warming? Nope, it’s another Ice Age:

The IPCC prediction of global temperatures, 1° F warmer by 2011 and 2° F by 2038 (Fig. 1), stand little chance of being correct. NASA’s imagery showing that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has shifted to its cool phase is right on schedule as predicted by past climate and PDO changes (Easterbrook, 2001, 2006, 2007). The PDO typically lasts 25-30 years and assures North America of cool, wetter climates during its cool phases and warmer, drier climates during its warm phases. The establishment of the cool PDO, together with similar cooling of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), virtually assures several decades of global cooling and the end of the past 30-year warm phase. It also means that the IPCC predictions of catastrophic global warming this century were highly inaccurate.


Global warming (i.e, the warming since 1977) is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere (0.008%) was not the cause of the warming—it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years.

The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling, perhaps much deeper than the global cooling from about 1945 to 1977. Just how much cooler the global climate will be during this cool cycle is uncertain. Recent solar changes suggest that it could be fairly severe, perhaps more like the 1880 to 1915 cool cycle than the more moderate 1945-1977 cool cycle. A more drastic cooling, similar to that during the Dalton and Maunder minimums, could plunge the Earth into another Little Ice Age, but only time will tell if that is likely.

Global warming is dead:

Recently, NBC’s chief environmental affairs analyst Anne Thompson once said there is “no doubt that man is responsible for global warming” and every scientist worth their weight in beaker solvent agrees that the globe has been warming steadily over the past four decades.

One problem, though—the past two-plus years have seen a precipitous decline in global temperatures that negated the increase of the prior eight-year period (1998-2006). We’re talking a whole 0.2 degrees Celsius! Then there’s the nasty problem of the “little Ice Age” which appeared to be sending the world into an icy new era during the 1970s.

With world temperatures already depressed far below normal levels, the subsequent rise over the following three decades becomes much more ominous. It is exactly this kind of clever accounting that is responsible for the hysterical call for enormous curbing of carbon-dioxide emissions and the institution of crippling cap-and-trade schemes all across the world which target emission-heavy industries like coal-fired power plants for extinction.


No matter which side any particular observer may fall on in this debate, one thing has become ominously clear—the verbiage is changing. It is rare to hear the words “global warming” coming from anyone but rabid environmentalists these days, while “climate change” is the term du jour. Perhaps a modicum of backpedaling in light of hard evidence against their once prominent beliefs? You decide.

Environazi’s doing what they are good at….scaring people:

Both exhibits frankly aim to scare visitors into changing their personal habits to improve life on our shared planet.


“This is scary,” said Josh Lane, 12, of Randolph, after touring the exhibit. “The world will be much different. Animals will go extinct. If we don’t do somethsing, the world will never be the same.”

As visitors leave, they can write down their thoughts and concerns for the future, which are clipped to a 12-foot wall. Many are children’s drawings that show impressions of pollution decorated with sad faces.

A debate between warming alarmist David Karoly and sceptic Bill Kininmonth:

The climate change debate between David Karoly of Melbourne University and Bill Kininmonth (ex Bureau of Meteorology)last night in Melbourne was well attended with lots of vocal support for the heretics’ position. Karoly came across as patronising, and resorted to hectoring the audience when the degree of opposition to him became clear. A pseudo-academic version of Al Gore. As an example of his approach, one of his first slides showed ice melting in the northern hemisphere but he completely neglected to mention the lack of melting in Antarctica. He did a great job in reinforcing the weakness of the AGW position and I’m more convinced than ever that this stuff is just an interesting hypothesis that has been taken over by vested interests.

More scare mongering from NBC:

MEREDITH VIEIRA: Matt [Lauer] is in Belize, he’s off the coast at a place called the Blue Hole. It is the home to some of the most exotic marine life in the world, and all sorts of beautiful coral reefs and they’re all being threatened because the water temperatures are rising.

Al [Roker] on the other hand is in Iceland looking at the glaciers which store most of our fresh water. And if they were to melt, the oceans could rise at least 200 feet.

Forget Al Gore’s measly 20-foot sea level rise from “An Inconvenient Truth.” That’s small potatoes compared to the kind of catastrophe Meredith Vieira was talking about last night. Kicking off NBC’s Global Alarmism Green Week during the halftime of Sunday Night Football, Vieira raised the spectre of the seas rising . . . 200 feet! Al imagined much of Manhattan under water, but if Meredith’s scenario comes true, we’re near to talking Manhattan, Kansas By The Sea!

Just one little problem: Meredith’s talk of 200 feet exaggerates the increase predicted by scientists by . . . literally hundreds of times.

And finally, show your support for a common sense film called Not Evil, Just Wrong:

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