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I don’t understand all this crap. If you lose you lose, just deal with it. And i am not willing to say this is just a illuminati democrat thing because didn’t Bush do the same thing in flordia a few years back? It’s a politician thing. Whoever loses ended up crying about it and demanding a recount. Get over it!

Road Warrior said: “didn’t Bush do the same thing in flordia a few years back? “


You’re right that we have seen this kind of thing before. But you you could not be more wrong in suggesting Bush did the same thing. It was GORE who tried to steal Florida from Bush.

Not sure where you get your “news” but even the mainstream “news” media conceded Bush won Florida.

Gore used the same tactics that these lefties in Minnesota are now trying to use against Coleman.

No, Bush didn’t do the same thing. It was Al Gore who called in the lawyers first to try and get rid of votes for Bush.

uhhh, Roadwarrior – Bush did not cry about anything, it was Al Gore doing the crying.

Just like a lefty. Accusing their opponents of doing their crimes. BTW, that is a clue. When a lefty accuses their opponent of a crime it is because they are doing this crime somewhere else.

Why don’t you tell the other side of the story MIKE???

this is just another bunch of right wing bull you sling around without telling the other side…

At this point both republicans and democrats have over 700 ballots they are contesting.
Franken volunteers had challenged 778 ballots; Coleman volunteers had challenged 747.


I noticed you didn’t show any of the votes Coleman is contesting….

How one sided can you be??
do you only see with your right eye??? do you only use your right hand??

@Real American Patriot: Perhaps if you read more carefully before hitting the comment button you could have noticed:

“As of Thursday, Franken’s campaign has challenged 374 ballots and Coleman has challenged 360. And yet, Coleman’s lead keeps shrining. It’s gone from over 200 votes prior to the recount to 136 with more than half the state yet to complete the manual process. “

Now, would you like to apologize for your rude comment above or should I just consider it par for the course that you call me a blind bat when you clearly having a reading and comprehension disability.

But I do thank you for that update on the contested ballot totals.

It’s no coincidence that Franken’s vote total continues to climb.

Gore even tried to claim all Buchanan votes were actually meant for him because Buchanan could never get so many votes from Jews in Miami.


where are the pictures of the votes Coleman as questioned??? I don’t see those….
You just won’t show that side will you??? BOTH sides contested ballots look very similar from the pictures I have seen.

through saturday the count looks like this… only 3 ballots apart on challenged ballots…

Through Saturday, Franken volunteers had challenged 945 ballots; Coleman volunteers had challenged 948.

There is no way you can call this stealing an election!!!

RAP, surely Franken has photos of ballots Coleman contested posted somewhere out there in liberal land, sure he would. Could it be that you aren’t posting the Coleman contested ballots because it would make Al Franken look more rediculous than he already does? Go get them, you probably know right where to look.

C.R.A.P. asked “where are the pictures of the votes Coleman as questioned??? I don’t see those….”

Then you aren’t looking are you? They are linked in the post above as is the post describing the other suspicious irregularities of suddenly appearing caches of Franken only ballots.

Well, there’s also the latest round of Coleman challenges, in which his folks are challenging ballots that have votes for McCain and Franken, on the presumption that “anyone who voted for McCain wanted to vote for Coleman too.” uptake.org has the video, if you’re interested.

It’s a recount. Both sides are going to file lots of challenges, and more than a few are going to be completely bogus. We’ve seen it before, and we’ll see it again. I don’t think we can single out either side for farcical challenges.

Wes: If both sides do it then why is it only Franken’s total that goes up?



To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federal Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities

Whereas, by requirement of the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, no one can be sworn into office as president of the United States without being a natural born citizen;

Whereas, there is sufficient controversy within the citizenry of the United States as to whether presidential election winner Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as he claims;

Whereas, Barack Obama has refused repeated calls to release publicly his entire Hawaiian birth certificate, which would include the actual hospital that performed the delivery;

Whereas, lawsuits filed in several states seeking only proof of the basic minimal standard of eligibility have been rebuffed;

Whereas, Hawaii at the time of Obama’s birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii;

Whereas, concerns that our government is not taking this constitutional question seriously will result in diminished confidence in our system of free and fair elections;


The above article appears on WorldNetDaily.

Actually, I believe Coleman’s total HAS gone up as well; it’s just that Franken’s total has gone up further. Minnesota Public Radio talked about this recently:


According to their review of 10 years’ worth of statewide races, the totals usually shift by about 1500 votes as the election offices clean up their numbers. In the most extreme case mentioned, the vote totals for the 2002 Senate election that seated Coleman changed by 50,000 votes after the polls closed. The difference here is that the margin is so incredibly small.

There’s also this, from Campaign Diaries:

“St. Louis County was particularly kind to Franken for the second day in a row. 18 of the county’s precincts use scanning machines (called Eagles) that require a voter draw an arrow. The machines are outdated, so they have trouble sensing the arrow when it is faintly drawn. Because the voter’s intent is clear, these ballot get tallied during the manual recount. Both candidates have added voters in this manner – but St. Louis County is a Democratic stronghold, which explains why Franken gained more.”

the leftist illuminati seems really opposed to admitting defeat. How much more obvious could that have been?

People, chill out and let the vote come in. You people claim to be constitutionalists but then you bitch and moan when Minnesota follows its established election recount laws.

Coleman has contested just as many ballots as Franken. You are being complete hypocrites if you claim this is some left-wing conspiracy.

Also, I find it odd that you are advocating electronic voting, especially considering that some of these systems have been found to be easily hacked, thus making it even easier for a computer-savvy liberal to rig your election.