kinda makes them look like idiots to be serving such fancy food whent he rest of us are trying to figure out how we are putting food on the table from week to week. i have had to cut my grocery budget in half and that is with food prices raising. my family ahs always eaten very well, i cook dinner every night and to see them all eating like this when i am trying to figure out how to stretcha chicken into another meal, well it pisses me off. i know this sn’t all bush’s fault, i am nit that simple, but i am freaking out about how i am going to continue to feed my family. i hope they all have very full tummoes and then get sick.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
What racist pap, Mike. Why not add that fried chicken, chittlins, and watermelon will be predominant features on the White House menu.
When you can’t make a smart comment, make a dumb joke.
16 years ago
Ah … I remember the days when news reported was regarded as the who, what, where, when and how of current events; it was delivered sans cleavage as well. The gradual addition of women to anchor desks is a good thing, although any of them who claim to be paid less than men have only their dipping necklines adorned with strategically-placed long curls at the side, and a long pendant-type neck adornment that, it is hoped, adds decency to the sight, to account for the lower pay. Mercifully, my TV screen is a 13 incher. I cannot begin to imagine the excitement of the extensive skin and bulges which are revealed on a big screen. But I digress: the industry understands on which side its slice of bread is buttered. And for the foreseeable future it is “Whatever Bama wants, Bama gets.”.
Thanks sarge. Next Dave Hussein Noble will be accusing me of racism for using the word “blackout” because Obama wasn’t invited to the summit. “Black” “out” get it?
Dave’s comment is just another reminder that the race baiters in the Democrat party intend to keep their franchise alive and will leap at any chance to tar and feather us all as racists for no reason at all.
It was either the Mad Dog 20/20 or weed.
I’m fond of Old English HG 800 myself.
16 years ago
Bill Kristol:
(NYT) If Republicans and conservatives don’t come to grips with what’s happened — and can’t develop an economic agenda moving forward that seems to incorporate lessons learned from what’s happened — then they could be back, politically, in 1933.
From 1933 to 1980, Republicans repeatedly failed to convince the country they were no longer the party of Herbert Hoover — the party, as it was perceived, of economic incompetence, austerity and recession (if not depression).
Only two Republicans won presidential elections in that half-century, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon. Both were able to take the White House only because we were mired down in difficult wars, in Korea and Vietnam. And Ike and Nixon were unable — they didn’t really try — to change the generally liberal course of domestic and economic policy. The G.O.P.’s fate on Capitol Hill was worse. The party controlled Congress for only 4 of those 47 years.
That’s what happens when a depression begins on your watch and when you can’t offer a coherent explanation of how and why it occurred and what you are going to do differently. That’s what happens when instead of having such an explanation, you spend decades in quarrels between pragmatic but unimaginative moderates who seek to be better tax collectors for the liberal welfare state, and principled but fanciful conservatives who hope for a wholesale rejection of that welfare state. And the fact that there were many successful Republican governors in those years didn’t much change the party’s status nationally.
OK… that’s true, but then he says this:
But I suspect that free-marketers need to be less doctrinaire and less simple-mindedly utility-maximizing, and that they should depend less on abstract econometric models. I think they’ll have to take much more seriously the task of thinking through what are the right rules of the road for both the private and public sectors. They’ll have to figure out what institutional barriers and what monetary, fiscal and legal guardrails are needed for the accountability, transparency and responsibility that allow free markets to work.
And I don’t see why conservatives ought to defend a system that permits securitizing mortgages (or car loans) in a way that seems to make the lenders almost unaccountable for the risk while spreading it, toxically, everywhere else. I don’t see why a commitment to free markets requires permitting banks or bank-like institutions to leverage their assets at 30 to 1. There’s nothing conservative about letting free markets degenerate into something close to Karl Marx’s vision of an atomizing, irresponsible and self-devouring capitalism.
If conservatives do some difficult re-thinking in the field of political economy, they can come back. If they don’t — well, there were a lot of admirable conservative thinkers and writers, professors and novelists, from 1933 to 1980. But conservatives didn’t govern.
Where’s Nugent so he can put Kristol in his cross-hairs?
Hard Right
16 years ago
He misses the fact that the dems were 80-85% responsible for the mortgage and FM/FM debacle. The MSM screamed lound and long how it was the fault of the GOP. People believed this and it was part of what got obama elected.
As long as the MSM is controlled by the left we will never get a fair shake.
Wm T Sherman
16 years ago
MD 20/20 is famously consumed by a broad spectrum of cash-strapped underachievers. It is not distinctly ethnic at all.
16 years ago
(Bloomberg) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was accused by Australia’s opposition of damaging ties with the U.S. after details of a telephone conversation with President George W. Bush were allegedly leaked to the media.
Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull, who yesterday failed in a parliamentary vote to censure the prime minister, said Rudd or his office had breached the president’s trust with the alleged leak, first reported Oct. 25 by the Weekend Australian newspaper.
During the Oct. 10 phone conversation, Rudd suggested that a summit of Group of 20 nations should be held to deal with the global financial crisis, and Bush reportedly responded: “What’s the G-20?”
The Bush administration, which hosts a G-20 summit on the crisis this week, rejected the newspaper’s account of the phone call and Rudd has denied Bush made the comments.
Rudd, or a senior adviser, portrayed the U.S. president as a “fool,” Turnbull told Parliament yesterday.
“He has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted to keep confidential a conversation with the most powerful world leader,” Turnbull said.
The censure motion failed by 81 votes to 56. If passed, such a motion can trigger the resignation of a government.
First they withdrawal from Iraq, then they slander our president. …Shame the vote failed.
Thanks Wm T Sherman. I would also point out to dim wit Dave that not all ACORN members are black. Quite a few of them are white.
But I would be willing to venture that most match the description of being “cash strapped underachievers” as well as parasites on the economy and on taxpayers.
You could have put Colt 45 it works every time also. Yes, MD is drunk by many people, I knew quite of few of my friends drank it in High School. It was cheap and got you drunk quickly,with a tremendous hangover the next day. Kind of like everclear. Oh the good old days of High School. And the college days of getting Nattie Light, for $5 a case. Buying cheap alcohol has nothing to do with race, it has to do with money
road warrior
16 years ago
I understand that Bush is still in power and that we need to give him some pace to be the president cause he is. And i also don’t buy into the liberal illuminati propaganda that Obama is the hero that is going to save everything. With that said i still don’t understand what Bush is doing. He is on his way out, why is he wanting to make such waves. Maybe, maybe if he could save his name by doing something big before he leaves office, ok i could understand that. But he can’t. Bush will forever he connected to a negative time our our history. He should use up his vacation time and wait for Obama to go to work. Not that he’s going to do a lot. At least not right away!
Hard Right
16 years ago
No, Bush will not be, “forever he connected to a negative time our our history.” He will eventually be seen as a decent president. Not a great one, but no Carter or Clinton,
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
Thanks a bunch, Mike, for posting this article. I appreciate very much that President Bush is still doing the work he was elected to do, and vowed to do. He IS still President of the United States of America, by the way, in case some missed that point.
I don’t understand why some are confused about him continuing to do his job?!? He has always stated clearly that he intends to sprint to the finish, and he didn’t define the finish as, “until Nov. 4th, when a guy who doesn’t deserve to be president gets elected”–(sorry, that last sentence was me paraphrasing.)
And, no, he will NOT be ‘forever connected to a negative time in our history’ (unless you are an eternal NPR fan). In fact, he will be known as the most awesome president in our nation’s history, IMHO. He will be known as the President who held the country together during one of the most, if not the most, tragic time in our nation’s history–Sept. 11, 2001. And, the one who courageously went after those who would continue to threaten this great nation. And, the President who, through much wisdom and determination, kept us from another attack on our homeland. He will be known for his love of God and country, and every other freedom-seeking people or nation in the world, and this all straight from his heart. He IS The Real McCoy.
I could go on and on about the positive things that accurate, non-partisan historians will say of this man, George W. Bush, and his Presidency, but this is enough for this night.
Ms. Know
16 years ago
What I don’t like is how the illuminati media don’t pay any attention to him when he does something right, but the minute he is wrong, it’s news worthy.
Boy I will miss this President.
kinda makes them look like idiots to be serving such fancy food whent he rest of us are trying to figure out how we are putting food on the table from week to week. i have had to cut my grocery budget in half and that is with food prices raising. my family ahs always eaten very well, i cook dinner every night and to see them all eating like this when i am trying to figure out how to stretcha chicken into another meal, well it pisses me off. i know this sn’t all bush’s fault, i am nit that simple, but i am freaking out about how i am going to continue to feed my family. i hope they all have very full tummoes and then get sick.
What racist pap, Mike. Why not add that fried chicken, chittlins, and watermelon will be predominant features on the White House menu.
When you can’t make a smart comment, make a dumb joke.
Ah … I remember the days when news reported was regarded as the who, what, where, when and how of current events; it was delivered sans cleavage as well. The gradual addition of women to anchor desks is a good thing, although any of them who claim to be paid less than men have only their dipping necklines adorned with strategically-placed long curls at the side, and a long pendant-type neck adornment that, it is hoped, adds decency to the sight, to account for the lower pay. Mercifully, my TV screen is a 13 incher. I cannot begin to imagine the excitement of the extensive skin and bulges which are revealed on a big screen. But I digress: the industry understands on which side its slice of bread is buttered. And for the foreseeable future it is “Whatever Bama wants, Bama gets.”.
Dave Hussein Noble: My comment can’t be racist. Didn’t you know that racism was expunged from the entire country with the election of Obama?
Sorry, I must still be a racist, the MD 20/20 made me laugh out loud.
Thanks sarge. Next Dave Hussein Noble will be accusing me of racism for using the word “blackout” because Obama wasn’t invited to the summit. “Black” “out” get it?
Dave’s comment is just another reminder that the race baiters in the Democrat party intend to keep their franchise alive and will leap at any chance to tar and feather us all as racists for no reason at all.
It was either the Mad Dog 20/20 or weed.
I’m fond of Old English HG 800 myself.
Bill Kristol:
OK… that’s true, but then he says this:
So, now we know why the Times hired him!
Where’s Nugent so he can put Kristol in his cross-hairs?
He misses the fact that the dems were 80-85% responsible for the mortgage and FM/FM debacle. The MSM screamed lound and long how it was the fault of the GOP. People believed this and it was part of what got obama elected.
As long as the MSM is controlled by the left we will never get a fair shake.
MD 20/20 is famously consumed by a broad spectrum of cash-strapped underachievers. It is not distinctly ethnic at all.
First they withdrawal from Iraq, then they slander our president. …Shame the vote failed.
Thanks Wm T Sherman. I would also point out to dim wit Dave that not all ACORN members are black. Quite a few of them are white.
But I would be willing to venture that most match the description of being “cash strapped underachievers” as well as parasites on the economy and on taxpayers.
You could have put Colt 45 it works every time also. Yes, MD is drunk by many people, I knew quite of few of my friends drank it in High School. It was cheap and got you drunk quickly,with a tremendous hangover the next day. Kind of like everclear. Oh the good old days of High School. And the college days of getting Nattie Light, for $5 a case. Buying cheap alcohol has nothing to do with race, it has to do with money
I understand that Bush is still in power and that we need to give him some pace to be the president cause he is. And i also don’t buy into the liberal illuminati propaganda that Obama is the hero that is going to save everything. With that said i still don’t understand what Bush is doing. He is on his way out, why is he wanting to make such waves. Maybe, maybe if he could save his name by doing something big before he leaves office, ok i could understand that. But he can’t. Bush will forever he connected to a negative time our our history. He should use up his vacation time and wait for Obama to go to work. Not that he’s going to do a lot. At least not right away!
No, Bush will not be, “forever he connected to a negative time our our history.” He will eventually be seen as a decent president. Not a great one, but no Carter or Clinton,
Thanks a bunch, Mike, for posting this article. I appreciate very much that President Bush is still doing the work he was elected to do, and vowed to do. He IS still President of the United States of America, by the way, in case some missed that point.
I don’t understand why some are confused about him continuing to do his job?!? He has always stated clearly that he intends to sprint to the finish, and he didn’t define the finish as, “until Nov. 4th, when a guy who doesn’t deserve to be president gets elected”–(sorry, that last sentence was me paraphrasing.)
And, no, he will NOT be ‘forever connected to a negative time in our history’ (unless you are an eternal NPR fan). In fact, he will be known as the most awesome president in our nation’s history, IMHO. He will be known as the President who held the country together during one of the most, if not the most, tragic time in our nation’s history–Sept. 11, 2001. And, the one who courageously went after those who would continue to threaten this great nation. And, the President who, through much wisdom and determination, kept us from another attack on our homeland. He will be known for his love of God and country, and every other freedom-seeking people or nation in the world, and this all straight from his heart. He IS The Real McCoy.
I could go on and on about the positive things that accurate, non-partisan historians will say of this man, George W. Bush, and his Presidency, but this is enough for this night.
What I don’t like is how the illuminati media don’t pay any attention to him when he does something right, but the minute he is wrong, it’s news worthy.