Damn, I wish she would have been the head of the ticket this year.
16 years ago
The Republican Governors Association announced its new leadership lineup today after their annual meeting concluded Thursday in Miami.
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was voted RGA chairman, taking over the top job from Texas Gov. Rick Perry who will now serve as finance chairman. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is vice-chairman, while Florida Gov. Charlie Crist will serve as chair for the annual RGA gala, and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue will head up the recruitment effort.
Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will also sit on the RGA’s executive committee.
“Republican Governors are natural leaders who will find solutions to our nation’s challenges and bring back the Party,” Sanford said in a statement.
Not on the list? Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who also attended the Miami meeting.
Sanjay: It may be that she wasn’t interested. After all, she just got out of John McCain’s shadow and she may not wish to get tied down by toeing the line for the RGA.
You notice Bobby Jindal’s name wasn’t on the list either.
Mike, Jindal’s name wasn’t needed on the list— everyone already knows what he’s planning to do:
Jindal was not the only potential 2012 presidential candidate arguing a message of reform before the RGA. (The Louisiana Governor is, however, the only one who has already booked a speaking engagement in Iowa in February. Jindal says that the speech is not a campaign stop in anticipation of the Iowa caucuses, but despite his words to the contrary, few go to Iowa in winter “because I’ve heard the weather that time of year is lovely.”)
I love Sarah but I see some real warning signs with her. #1 is she is not reliably coherent. Miles better than McCain, but she really needs work. Please no flames, as a conservative I can look past this flaw. But to have wide appeal, we’re going to need another “Great Communicator”. She rambles and wanders and is not succinct in her answers, most of the time. Reagan was a natural. She’s not. Maybe it can be taught, I dunno. At this point my hope is in Jindal. He seems to have the communication thing going for him.
My theory is that this past election was less of a left-right deal than it was a coherency test. McCain failed. Obama was Reagan in that he was able to tap in to the angst of the electorate (just like RR did) – and did it in a coherent way people readily identified with.
The challenge for us moving forward will be to do the very same thing. I don’t think there will be any shortage of angst, by the way…
road warrior
16 years ago
She is good. it’s just too bad that the liberal illuminati have done such a good job of bashing her in the media and in every other way. i am just not sure she can recover from that. if she ever run for major office again i think they just have to much junk on her. But we’ll see.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
if the msm had done the same smack down on obama’s children that they did to palin’s the whole world would be up in arms. makes me sick. i love palin, i wish she was a little more to the point, but hell remember all of obamas uhhs and ahhs? if i was palin i would be looking to relax a little bit and do my job as governor. 2012 is a long way off, but the campaigning does start earlier than we all like. so lets let her have her space and enjoy the time to see to her state, spend time with her kids, and be a normal person again. i enjoyed her the time we had her, i hope she has only the best in life and stays just the way she is.
Ms. Know
16 years ago
The media would have a field day, and the left-wing illuminati already know her weaknesses. The GOP needs another candidate.
Anyone know if Schwarzeneggar showed up, or did he go to the Democratic Governor’s meeting?
Damn, I wish she would have been the head of the ticket this year.
What the hell is wrong with them???
Sanjay: It may be that she wasn’t interested. After all, she just got out of John McCain’s shadow and she may not wish to get tied down by toeing the line for the RGA.
You notice Bobby Jindal’s name wasn’t on the list either.
I just had this thrill go up my leg
it might have been the picture though
Mike, Jindal’s name wasn’t needed on the list— everyone already knows what he’s planning to do:
I love Sarah but I see some real warning signs with her. #1 is she is not reliably coherent. Miles better than McCain, but she really needs work. Please no flames, as a conservative I can look past this flaw. But to have wide appeal, we’re going to need another “Great Communicator”. She rambles and wanders and is not succinct in her answers, most of the time. Reagan was a natural. She’s not. Maybe it can be taught, I dunno. At this point my hope is in Jindal. He seems to have the communication thing going for him.
My theory is that this past election was less of a left-right deal than it was a coherency test. McCain failed. Obama was Reagan in that he was able to tap in to the angst of the electorate (just like RR did) – and did it in a coherent way people readily identified with.
The challenge for us moving forward will be to do the very same thing. I don’t think there will be any shortage of angst, by the way…
She is good. it’s just too bad that the liberal illuminati have done such a good job of bashing her in the media and in every other way. i am just not sure she can recover from that. if she ever run for major office again i think they just have to much junk on her. But we’ll see.
if the msm had done the same smack down on obama’s children that they did to palin’s the whole world would be up in arms. makes me sick. i love palin, i wish she was a little more to the point, but hell remember all of obamas uhhs and ahhs? if i was palin i would be looking to relax a little bit and do my job as governor. 2012 is a long way off, but the campaigning does start earlier than we all like. so lets let her have her space and enjoy the time to see to her state, spend time with her kids, and be a normal person again. i enjoyed her the time we had her, i hope she has only the best in life and stays just the way she is.
The media would have a field day, and the left-wing illuminati already know her weaknesses. The GOP needs another candidate.