What you are looking at is a top secret leaked video of the “Bilderberg Manchurian Candidate version 0.35” … this prototype was then retrofitted with Obama’s current voice algorithm and skin texture to make our current president elect.
It’s now much more realistic and it even pretends to look at teleprompters when it’s speaking well … and when it’s not it goes “um” … pause … “ahh” … pause … between statements.
road warrior
16 years ago
Either they will try and get this guys to vote or they will totally go the other direction and proclaim and illuminati agenda to get a robot in every house hold to help people not have to work even more. And of course you will get a tax cut if you have a robot in house. Of course.
Don’t let Al Gore see this – the robot has some nutty ideas about reducing mankind’s carbon footprint that Gore might find intriguing…
16 years ago
Wow…creepy indeed.
Lol@Dan Cleary. Can you say “Cyberdyne”?
16 years ago
And here all along I thought Al Gore WAS a robot Dan. Don’t all robots believe in carbon credits? Great sarcastic political point by the designer eh what?.
Think maybe they are installing the Obama Mark II in the oval office even as we speak so it can do “Fireside Chats” while he dashes off to another secret meeting with Hamas?
I wonder if Bubba’s ordered one with a scotch-guarded blue dress and a built in humidor for his stogies. At least that one would come with a mute button.
He might not have been registered to vote by ACORN, yet, but I’d bet he made a few $199 donations to the 0bama campaign.
Forget registering him to vote, I think they plan on running him for office. He was obviously practicing his acceptance speach.
It’s obviously going to be a CNBC news anchor, with all that doom, doom, doom.
SHHHH, quiet or you may disappear!
What you are looking at is a top secret leaked video of the “Bilderberg Manchurian Candidate version 0.35” … this prototype was then retrofitted with Obama’s current voice algorithm and skin texture to make our current president elect.
It’s now much more realistic and it even pretends to look at teleprompters when it’s speaking well … and when it’s not it goes “um” … pause … “ahh” … pause … between statements.
Either they will try and get this guys to vote or they will totally go the other direction and proclaim and illuminati agenda to get a robot in every house hold to help people not have to work even more. And of course you will get a tax cut if you have a robot in house. Of course.
Well, if that’s the case … if I could buy a robot to take my place at work … I will be the first in line!
Don’t let Al Gore see this – the robot has some nutty ideas about reducing mankind’s carbon footprint that Gore might find intriguing…
Wow…creepy indeed.
Lol@Dan Cleary. Can you say “Cyberdyne”?
And here all along I thought Al Gore WAS a robot Dan. Don’t all robots believe in carbon credits? Great sarcastic political point by the designer eh what?.
Think maybe they are installing the Obama Mark II in the oval office even as we speak so it can do “Fireside Chats” while he dashes off to another secret meeting with Hamas?
I wonder if Bubba’s ordered one with a scotch-guarded blue dress and a built in humidor for his stogies. At least that one would come with a mute button.