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Obmunism must not fail.


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Just goes to show ya the old double standard on the part of the Left…and by Left, I don’t mean Democrats necessarily–there are blue collar, more-conservative-than-not, America-loving Democrats who don’t espouse what BO stands for. So, when I refer to the Left, I mean extreme liberal, zero-conservative-thinking, non-America-loving people…hmmm, like Obama, you could say.

So, as we all know, it’s not right versus left, it’s right versus wrong. I guess the nation had to go wrong before it can go right again. I’ve got my sights on 2012.

By the way, anyone seen or heard yet about a birth certificate for fraudulently-elected BO?

MnGramma, you are showing up just fine on that post. What browser are you using?

The liberal illuminati didn’t care how they got their money they just knew they needed lots of it in order to win, and they did. I have no doubt they probably got some of their millions in shady ways but i think they used it well and thats how they won.

Road Warrior

I have no doubt they probably got some of their millions in shady ways but i think they used it well and thats how they won.

They used it well? What kind of cockaminy statement is that? You are saying it is all right to break the law if you use the money for your own good in a careful manner? And what does well mean? And, of course, that is how they won. They broke the law and raised $650 million probably from foreign sources which is against the law and from citizens above the limit. I cannot and will not give Obama a pass on this nor on this ties to ACORN. I respect the office of the presidency but I cannot respect Obama.

this is stupid for lack of a better word. who i the hell thinks this is a good idea? they both should be audited, not just one. it only makes sense. knew they would get away with it.

That’s what happens when you call for the head of the FEC to be fired…

Excuse me, the amount of money he raised minimizes the ‘errors’? I think the vast amount of foreign money he raised is what the error is all about. Guess I’m naive that laws are supposed to mean something. Or maybe Leona Helmsley was right.