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Dear Governor Palin,

Thank you so much for your dedication to the conservative ideals that have made this country the great country that it is! I truly admire how you have stood up to the liberals (even those within our own party) with grace and poise when they have done everything they can to undermine you. You have exhibited true character that is not easily found in Washington! My vote for the McCain ticket was due to your poise and leadership! I am proud to be a conservative woman with you speaking for me! May God bless you and your family as you continue to serve Him through the public office in AK!

Sara Nelson
Albuquerque, NM

Dear Gov. Palin,

I cannot even begin to think,that Iam a wordsmith.
My words dont flow from mind to paper effortlessly,so I will try to be brief.

THANK YOU……..for your faith

THANK YOU……..for your service

THANK YOU……..for your courage

THANK YOU …….for your strength

THANK YOU……..for your vision

THANK YOU……..for your exceptionalism

THANK YOU……..for being……..YOU

God bless you and your family

Ralph Anderson

Caldwell, Idaho

Governor Palin, will make this short and sweet.

In the many, many elections that I’ve experienced, other than RWR, no other candidate has ever inspired me as you had throughout this campaign. As you can see, we want a future with you in it.

Also, the slander, slease and rumour have been proven false, you rose above everything they have tried to throw at you. Now you return to your beloved state with your strength, values, character, conviction, honor and, your head held high, and a right to be proud of your accomplishments, not exactly what the anti-Palins set out to achieve.

I can only imagine how tough this has been on your family and friends, but try to look at the ugliness as a favor. The overreach of the opposition provided an avenue for your strength to shine through. Your’re more than vetted for the next go round! You are still the Sarah we saw at the convention and on the campaign trail.

God Bless you and your beautiful family.

Marla C

2012: It is my great pleasure to introduce to you, our first female President, Sarah Palin.