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And the question is where did all that money come from?

_Who_ bought the election? Obama didn’t have that much money. All those “poor” people he represented didn’t have that much money. So who _did_?

I’m afraid we’re going to find out. The hard way.

Mikes America:

While I agree, I see this election as a repudiation of the neo-conservatives and their policy of intervention and establishing ‘democracy’ in countries that have no need, nor desire, for such.
Unless we get back to the tried and true Republican fiscal conservatism, I fear we are in for a return to the decades near the end of the 20th century where the Democrats had control of the Congress for 32 years. It does, however, appear that we have been carried by the liberals and reached the tipping point towards European style socialism in their continuing manipulations to create that one world system already foretold.


Excellent question, where did it come from?
Looks like McCain’s baby blew up right in his face!

Steve said “I see this election as a repudiation of the neo-conservatives and their policy of intervention and establishing ‘democracy’ in countries that have no need, nor desire, for such.”

Not sure where you got that idea Steve. Where was this discussed in the campaign. Were their speeches or debates where that was the central theme?

It’s fine with me if you want to be a fiscal conservative only. But don’t tell me that extending freedom is not a part of the conservative legacy.

You may recall that it was Reagan who first put that idea forward and it has been a staple of our party ever since.

Actually the concept of establishing ‘democracy’ in countries that lack freedom and liberty is a Democrat ideology from back in the day when Dems actually thought freedom and liberty for all were worth fighting for:

“The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge—and more. ”

– John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address Washington, D.C. January 20, 1961

Just say’n

Thanks Mer…. so it’s not the evil neocons to blame for that!

Too bad the Dems dropped the flag on that and waved the white flag instead.

There are a number of commentators suggesting that yesterday’s electoral sweep by Barrack Hussein Obama was somehow a repudiation of conservatism. Many of the same people also suggest that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the embodiment of modern conservatism, was to blame for our loss. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Obama campaigned as a centrist. If he had campaigned as the far left radical socialist candidate, he never would have won over the independents who tilted this election to his favor.

Palin and McCain both have taken on their own party members, yet McCain lacked the charisma of youth and Palin was painted as a radical conservative.

I think one area that did us enormous harm is in the media juggernaut’s ability to influence the narrative.

The RINO’s must go from our party. We NEVER compromise! NEVER reach across anything! You don’t compromise with SIN. You DEFEAT it! Everything the Dem’s stand for, in my world view, is SINFUL. BHO is NOT my president. He has hoodwinked and bamboozled many people, but not us.
I will defend this land that God blessed me to be born in. NEVER SURRENDER!

we have to stick together, get our ducks in a row and wait for obama to fail. he is indicative of the lack of morals in this nation. my good friend who is a dem is sure that she can turn me, i told her that i would be doing naked lap dancing before that would happen. and trust me, i will not do a naked lap dance. i think by the end of his 4 years he will be ousted, but i also think the dems will find a way to blame the conservatives. hell, they will even try and blame bush also. can you see it? they have the majority, and when they fail they will blame us. and my dem friend was sure the markets would soar today due to the messiah being elected, not so far, they seem to be going down.

Market is down 315, wiped out all the gains of yesterday already…

Reagan conservatism is the best way to defeat these enemies from within. RINOS, PC and half wits need not apply. Reaching across the aisle has done nothing to enhance our future stability at ANY time. We have an obligation and responsibility to our future and future generations to give them exactly what we have enjoyed, a full fruitful childhood and prospects of a better tomorrow.

JFK must be joining our forefathers in their fury today, Mer. It’s up to us to make it right.

Luva, last night I sent a friend an e-mail with my obama predicitions. One was that the stock market would tank today. Looks like I’m right on that one.

Obama is no messiah, just the next President of the United States of America, elected in freedom by 62 million Americans. Democracy reigns today. He’s going to make mistakes and lean just like Bush Jr did, hopefully not making as collosal mistakes, but even then we still lived through the last 8 years – the world did not end.

For everything there is a time and season. If your party takes the time to clarify your goals and beliefs over the next 4 to 8 years, you’ll be stronger at the end of it. More power to you. May you always have the convictions of honor and good sense.

Steve, you just demonstrated why I am not a Ron Paul supporter or Libertarian. Both groups think we will be safe by staying home and hiding under the bed…….as if 9/11 never happened. Also, I refuse to follow anyone that blames America for 9/11.

We can go out into the world and be proactive, or the world will come to us and force us to be reactive. In the former we can prevent a significant loss of life. In the latter we’ll have lost that opportunity.

The questions everyone should be asking themselves is “What are conservatives going to do about the bias media in this country?”. We complain about the coverage but still watch their sitcoms and dramas on their channels. We complain and do nothing about it. There is going to be a Socialist in the Whitehouse in over 2 months and the so called “News Media” let him walk right in.
Does anyone here think it is going to be any different in 4 years when he goes for re-election? The media will cover for him and blame Bush for anything going on in the country.

We conservatives are mostly nice and polite, a lot of us do not like confrontation and choose to just vote to show our opinion. Democrats are running all over us and we let them. They tell us we do not care about the poor and their hardships, we do not care about the soldiers dying in IRAQ, we do not care how other country’s think of us and our bullying ways. We are in a war for our country and beliefs and the Democrats are the only ones who know it. We are going to lose this war and the country we are proud of unless we start fighting back! I am not saying we go to the streets and fist fight with them or anything of the sort but we need to show them there are conquences for their actions. We need to show them that their beliefs and values are not ours. We need to show them that we have the backbone to stand up to them and fight for our beliefs.

We can show them by not watching their movies and television shows. We can show them by not buying their newspapers or magazines. We can show them by not buying their products.

I may be alone in all this but I do know if everything stays the same then they will keep winning.

Ah, Winston Churchill, another leader who was put out to pasture when his country’s population decided that the period of danger had passed (though in truth this was when Communism was gearing up fully for the Cold War – which Churchill predicted). So, in the same fashion, it seems that the American public thinks that danger from abroad has passed, that terrorism is no longer a significant threat. Granted Bush is at the end of his second term, but the public has brushed aside the party that saw the nation out of the dark days after 9/11.
After spending the last eight years making Bush the butt of comedy routines, I’m wondering what the late night shows are going to use for material once BHO takes the oath of office? We’ll see if there is even the slightest sense of fairness amongst the chattering classes if Obama gets his fair licks from SNL, Comedy Central, etc. If he doesn’t, then conservative claims that the left has established “Obamessiah” will be verified. Perhaps a phase where we are out of the majority will be good for conservatism; allowing us to no longer be “to blame” for the country’s problems, to re-energize ourselves, and to refine our message. I’ll predict today that BHO will be a one term President.

what some others are thinking
[don’t agree about palin]
There were ghastly chapters in the 2000 playbook used against McCain and designed by Rove (his brilliant but flawed strategist), but the core analysis was that under pressure McCain is reckless, rash and prone to making poor decisions.
And what happened when he was put in a stressful position once he had the nomination in 2008? He made reckless decisions.

[may want to read the whole thing] REMEMBER he was going after the democrat and ind. vote. don’t think he got to many I could be wrong?

and just to get on another thought.

Salsa dancing spy Daniel James guilty of spying for Iran
An army translator and salsa dance teacher who worked for the head of Nato forces in Afghanistan has been found guilty of spying for Iran.


I feel a lot of sympathy for conservatives who are unhappy about the election outcome. We have all rooted for a losing side during an election, and it can be a bit depressing to see the side you dislike triumph. So I don’t take pleasure in the misery of rightwing commentators. With a few exceptions. After reading your blog’s absurd and hateful crap, full of the most ridiculously cartoonish hysterical exaggerations, I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that those few bloggers who stoke the flames of hatred and turn American against American are right now freaking out and counting down to the apocalypse.

If anyone looks at the number of republican votes they will se that probably 8 to 10 million republicans just couldn’t bring themselves to pull the lever for McCain. The democrats has 6 million more votes that we did. The results were 40/32/28. The purity squad did it to us again just like they did in 2006. All the dirty tricks Obama pulled would have meant nothing if these people had voted.

I am changing my affilliation to independent. I do not want to be allied with the clean toga crowd. I wanted a conservative in the WH. Now Arthur Kennedy will remain the most powerful man in Washington and we will get at least two justices as liberal as Stevens and Ginsburg. The republicans in the senate will not put any road blocks in these ultra liberal’s path because they always take the high road in dealing with the dems. They feel they must be above all those political games and therefore, have rings run around them.

Andy you’re a real humanitarian. Thank you for coming here and “stooping” to our level.

After reading your blog’s absurd and hateful crap, full of the most ridiculously cartoonish hysterical exaggerations, I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that those few bloggers who stoke the flames of hatred and turn American against American are right now freaking out and counting down to the apocalypse.

always found Adennaks blog “ph33r and loathing” for a good laugh myself. His Sarah Palin flow chart was especially hilarious to me in its fictional context.

Mike’s America:

Neo-conservative: a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means (Merriam-Websters)

Conservative:a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change ; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage) (Merriam-Websters)

I am surely not advocating fiscal conservatism only by any means, just the same old tried and true conservative philosophy that the average person identifies with.

Should we attack Iran as soon as we finish up business (if allowed to) in Iraq? Should we have attacked Iraq? Are we any closer to catching Bin Laden?

Plenty of conservatives don’t feel we should be in Iraq.

Hard Right:

I did not support Ron Paul, nor am I a Libertarian, nor do I advocate hiding under the bed, and I certainly do not blame America for 9/11. I am as conservative as, I feel, within reason.

Question: Do you feel that our presence in Iraq is the reason we have not had another 9/11? Do you feel that we have reason to follow our own course ad quod damnum, and why have we focused solely on the middle east?

If we don’t care what the rest of the world thinks, no problem, otherwise proceed with caution when sending our young men out to die in far countries.


“Reagan conservatism is the best way to defeat these enemies from within. RINOS, PC and half wits need not apply. Reaching across the aisle has done nothing to enhance our future stability at ANY time. We have an obligation and responsibility to our future and future generations to give them exactly what we have enjoyed, a full fruitful childhood and prospects of a better tomorrow.”

Bravo! Exactly what I meant to say earlier in the responses above, but have been in too big a funk to think straight.

Jammie, are you aware that 20% of the votes for Obama came from avowed CONSERVATIVES? Yes Rinos have to go but in order to accomplish that you first have to have the party swing back hard right. Ronald Reagan gave us the floor plan to win and win big, and how to govern, but sadly we lost our way. Here in Arizona almost all conservative propositions on ballot won, and won big. The national party has to shed its dinosaurs and old time limo style thinking. John McCain was an example of old line thinking, look how well that worked. The best man in the primaries was Duncan Hunter, look how much of a look he got. Mitt was jobbed by Huccabee and McCain, so will never know how strong he could have been.

I think that Michelle Malkin had the best explanation of what happened in the election of
any that I have heard so far. It was not about Obama or McCain per se, but more of a
battle between “Joe the Plumber” and “Peggy the Moocher”. Obama bought and paid for the election by his infomercial selling himself as the solution to all of the problems. Peggy
Joseph, like thousands actually believe that with Obama in charge, they won’t have to worry about pesky details like paying your mortgage and putting gas in the car. I don’t blame her or any of them for their fantasy. It is nice to think that you will be coddled and taken care of and you won’t have to worry about things.

In reflecting on these insights, I found myself having a few fantasies of my own. The what if varieties.

(1) What if I and millions of Republican homeowners were to actually take Barack Obama up on his offer and send in our mortgage statements with a nice note demanding he make good on his campaign pledge. Directly to him at the White House when he first steps in office.

(2) What if Republicans were to make a pact to pay off all their bills and mortgages, put two years worth of living expenses in savings and go on a work strike for two or three years. Just sit at home and take a massive, well deserved vacation for about three years during Obama’s presidency. Millions of us doing that, no taxes for Obama because we are not working. No taxes to file. No income. I get a private chuckle contemplating this thought as the out of breath democrats try to find ways to find the funds to take care of their friends.. It would be interesting to see who they decide to cut first, who can go back into the work force to pick up the burden we Republicans have bore all of these years. Oh, well it is a delicious thought….

Oh well, the fantasy will have to end sooner or later…

USMC girl…. you and I are on the same wavelength. While many say this is a referendum on “conservatism”, which I totally disagree (you’d have to have a conservative running first….), the stock performance today is a *direct referendum* on the election.

Mike’sA…. I might put a slight different spin on the “election being bought”. Mind you, I agree, but in different ways.

Popular vote means nothing to the POTUS selection. But it does means something to see just how “divided” or “united” the country really is. We have just under 52% voting for Obama’s vision, and almost 49% voting for McCain and 3rd parties. This is actually not much different than most prior historical elections. This nation has always been about a 50/50 mentality. So much for the perceived “unity”. That’s just not America’s way… nor should it be.

Obama’s record setting fund raising, followed by the inevitable fund spending, yielded no massively notable results. So in one way, if he bought the election by his contributions…. he spent an awful lot to get a generic outcome in popular vote support. Poor expense management, I say.

Where he genuinely “bought the election” is by bribery. Promises of more cash in the pockets of the “have nots”. Those who want, and do not have… or do not have the ambition to work for… are buyable. And Obama did that without really spending a penny. What they bought was flashy campaign sets and youthful faces…. and an Obama IOU, backed by the Taxpayers Bank of America.

At some point in time, the reality is going to set in when that IOU cannot be honored. But Obama played his faithful for the fools they are. Purchased lock, stock and barrel for nothing more than a chit of promises.

Mata: It’s impossible to ignore the spending advantage. I don’t have a full report on this yet but one account had Obama spending $39 million Florida which is nearly half what McCain was allowed by law to spend on his entire campaign.

I think your take on it is correct also. Both were clearly factors.

Advice From Sir Winston

ANDY: Your comment is remarkably similar to others I have read today, some of which are cut and pasted word for word on various blogs. So you guys have turned from the attack mode of yesterday to the “can’t we all get along” Rodney King approach? Give me a break. You’re not fooling anyone you little Obamaton cyber brownshirt. How much did they pay you?

Steve Rowland: I am not at all interested in refighting whether the degree to which conservatives supported the war in Iraq. It was the right thing to do then, and it is the right thing to keep on doing. And from the news report today, the Iraqis have signaled they expect us to stay.

“HISTORICAL ELECTION” was the title of every Newspaper in the World.

Historical, alright! The World will never be a safe place to live. USA was the peace keeper of this planet, the protector of freedom, rights and democracy. No more!

There were only two countries in this world that I admired: Israel and the USA. Now, I only admire one.

I read so many stupidities today in MSM all thru the planet. Things like: “That will teach a lesson to that arrogant country”… or, “The Bush administration got what it deserved”.

Arrogant country? Everybody turns to that country when they have problems and the U.S. goes and helps them. They fought for their freedom and after they offer the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe. Arrogant?

And what about Bush? He kept his country safe, he brought democracy in Iraq and Iraqis are very happy… he his of all the Presidents, the one who did the most for Africa. He never lied to his people, he believed the CIA and all the secret agencies reports on Iraq.

Boy, those countries will miss Bush and the Great Nation that was once America. But who made the bad reputation for your country and Bush in this world? It is your corrupted stupid leftists MSM. Your worst enemies! And now, you have new enemies: the POTUS, the Congress and the Senate.

that quote from Churchill is amazing and that is exactly the attitude conservatives need to have in the days to come. The liberal illuminati can say what they want to do what they want but if we don’t give up and keep fighting for our values, our voices will be heard and plenty of victory is ahead of us.

Mike, INRE Andy’s statement:

I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that those few bloggers who stoke the flames of hatred and turn American against American are right now freaking out and counting down to the apocalypse.

Interesting he’d consider mid-term 2010 and next POTUS 2012 elections “apocalypse”… Freudian slip perhaps? LOL

Craig… agreed that the western media has become one who must be as distrusted as government itself. But then, that’s not a new revelation for any of us in the western nations… which does, of course, include Canada.

Mike #25

Mata: It’s impossible to ignore the spending advantage.

And to back up your statement comes this news analysis from Open Secrets:

Money Wins Presidency and 9 of 10 Congressional
Races in Priciest U.S. Election Ever

Published by Communications on November 5, 2008 3:19 PM | Permalink
WASHINGTON — The historic election of 2008 re-confirmed one truism about American democracy: Money wins elections.

From the top of the ticket, where Barack Obama declined public financing for the first time since the system’s creation and went on to amass a nearly two-to-one monetary advantage over John McCain, to congressional races throughout the nation, the candidate with the most money going into Election Day emerged victorious in nearly every contest.

In 93 percent of House of Representatives races and 94 percent of Senate races that had been decided by mid-day Nov. 5, the candidate who spent the most money ended up winning, according to a post-election analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The findings are based on candidates’ spending through Oct. 15, as reported to the Federal Election Commission.

Continuing a trend seen election cycle after election cycle, the biggest spender was victorious in 397 of 426 decided House races and 30 of 32 settled Senate races. On Election Day 2006, top spenders won 94 percent of House races and 73 percent of Senate races. In 2004, 98 percent of House seats went to the biggest spender, as did 88 percent of Senate seats.

“The 2008 election will go down in U.S. history as an election of firsts, but this was far from the first time that money was overwhelmingly victorious on Election Day,” Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, said. “The best-funded candidates won nine out of 10 contests, and all but a few members of Congress will be returning to Washington.”

Interesting read for the rest of it too, but they say the average price tag to buy a Congressional House seat is over a million, and the Senate seat millions more than that.

Out of the 458 Congressional races, only approx 23 House winners, and two Senate winners were the funding underdog. That’s an .05% chance of winning if you’re not padded to the gills with the green stuff.


I side with Mike about the spending advantage. This aloud the Obamatrons to do their fraud with ACORN and all those others vicious tactics like intimidation or sending an army of lawyers in Alaska, etc.

Too bad it was a major landslide win election for Obama. That probably means that nobody will check the voting process and all the fraud. If you look in States that were vital to McCain, you will find that the Acorn fraud made all the difference in the world. ACORN won that election on its own. And they could do it because of the MONEY. And they will do it again in 2012.

Young people and women were more gullible to Obama’s bullshit:

(Female) 56%
(18-29) 66%

And of course all the Black people. There is no white racism in the States. Never have I read on this blog somebody mentioned that Obama was black. We couldn’t have cared less if he would have been white yellow, blue or purple. But we did care about his dangerous associations, his stupid policies and his lack of experience. Obama was the only one who would always brought up the factor of racism in his speech. The racist in the States are not the Whites, they are the Blacks. If Obama would have been a black conservative instead of Democrats, the same black people would have voted for him just for the color of his skin.

On the other side, White people who voted for Obama would have never voted for him he would have been a Republican.

Black people voted for the color of their skin.
White people voted against Republicans.

“Conservatism was NOT Defeated Tuesday”

Sarah Palin in the new conservatism. That is why the left was so intense to destroy her. Here in MN Michelle Bachmann won dispite the huge funds sent by the DNCC to defeat her, Norm Coleman is heading for a recount, again with lots of national money injected to promote Franken. Michelle, like Sarah, is a true conservative. These types of conservatives need to be supported. Coleman switched parties in the 90’s to run against Wellstone. He is no conservative. But I did like the commercial stating “Norm Coleman voted with George Bush 86% of the time…” people, George Bush did not vote. That’s the legistlative branch’s job.

With Barack Obama’s victory Tuesday sucking the oxygen from the air, few are focusing on Thursday, the day the U.S. Treasury Department will embrace the so-called “Shariah-Compliant Finance” or SCF.


This aint good


Wow, pretty scarry, thanks to the Dems of course.

“Such submission — the literal meaning of ‘Islam’ — is not likely to remain confined long to the Treasury or its sister agencies,” he said. “Thanks to the extraordinary authority conferred on Treasury since September, backed by the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief, the department is now in a position to impose its embrace of Shariah on the U.S. financial sector. ”

Obama really knew what he was doing so did his terrorist friends. Hold to your hat, it will be really windy out there. He orchestrated with his friends the downfall of Fannie Mae so he could win this election. Like I said, with Obama, America will become a terrorist sanctuary.

Catherine keep staying strong and never surrender to that bum who stole your country.

Craig… you misunderstand. I don’t disagree with Mike on the advantages of money. I just don’t think he incorporated all the “money” advantages… as in bribing the voters.

I’m a 44 year-old Englishman, I have lived for 4 years in Michigan and arrived in Houston in time for the Hurricane. I am one of Maggies children, a English conservative, and in the US I would be on the right of the Republican center. Some observations on what has gone wrong, but I do not think others have covered.

– – – – – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – –

Like Caesar’s wife, members of the elected members of Republican Party must be not only honest, but be seen to be honest.
Given the state of the polls for Congress/Senate it is obvious that the members of both houses are treated with as much contempt by the American people as they appear to treat their nations citizens.

– – – – – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – –

Time to decide what it is you want, with Roe vs. Wade.
Do you hate Roe vs. Wade
1) Because it was an awful case of legislation from the bench, which perverted the constitution?
2) Or do you think that human life begins when spear meets egg and that every embryo that is formed becomes a citizen?

If 1), then you must come up with an alternative plan that will allow women access to post-conception medical services that will allow her to abort.
If 2), then you must take the position that Palin does, and state that all embryo’s, irrespective of parentage deserve protection; you cannot morally say except for cases of rape or incest.

If you accept 1), you will have to think of abortion on demand for the first 16 weeks, after counciling from 17-24 weeks and in the case of serious fetal problems from 24-28 weeks.
After 28 weeks, only a dire threat to a womans life would be grounds.
If you accept 2), well done on the morality front, however many people think life is messy and will not accept your position; indeed women vote Democrat in large numbers because they believe that Roe vs. Wade protects a ‘right’, and they want to keep it for themselves, their sisters and daughters.
Only in the US is does abortion have such a party political split, in the rest of the Anglo-sphere abortion is debated in public, voted for in free votes (non-whipped) and the politicians/public reach an uneasy compromise.
The feeling that Republicans will ban abortion, if able, provides the Democrats with 2-4% of the vote that would normally go to the right.

– – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – –

Stop ignoring voters under 30, it really is dumb. I work with a lot of university students and many of them are pissed that they have to pay such high tuition, that they have to work two or more jobs to make ends meet and that they will be funding the retirement of the baby-boomers. This last point really gets them when explained. Ignore the press, make your videos, state your message and post them on Youtube. You could do much worse than Penn and Teller as presenters. Their this is the trick and this is how it was done would be idea.

Thanks Doc. As for:

“I work with a lot of university students and many of them are pissed that they have to pay such high tuition, that they have to work two or more jobs”

I agree. Tuition is too high and the costs keep going up and up and up. Democrats complain about the profit big oil companies make but none of them ever ask why the costs of keeping bloated faculties and university facilities is allowed to go up unchecked.

P.S. I’m a big fan of Margaret Thatcher. I last saw her in London in 2000.

“I’m a big fan of Margaret Thatcher. I last saw her in London in 2000.” (Mike)

I am also a fan of Margaret Thatcher, what a woman!

As for students, what’s wrong to work two jobs and study at the same time? I did it, my friends did it, and my parents did it. When you are young you have the energy to do it. It is proven that where the studies are free, the students do not have very good results. I guess in life, you only really appreciate what you worked hard to get. Kids these day they want everything given to them… that is not good. They do not want to put some efforts, they want it easy. We are not doing them a service to make things easy for them. Let them make it on their own so they can be proud of themselves.

Might be worse then I thought found an Art. on wnd this is the meeting bho was not going to so he can claim OH it wasn’t me yet he willl have been behind it.
Brown went to sa to sell out his people and Europe well his hat was handed to him and told we will wait till the thursday meeting.
the bho said i won’t be there well that put the markets in a tail spin. Seams they might not like wearing that mark in order to buy things after all.
keep your powder dry there is a storm a coming.

But good news does travel seams ubl’s son was refused by Spain who would have thought they had a set?

You Guys do Great work we count on you’al keep fighting we will win this thing just going to take a little longer if we can dump all the traitors would be easier.

OH yea it was not 700 billion it was 850 billion had to save some rum yum although this may inter-fear with the scf rules oh well damn good looking redneck signing off.

understand if you don’t post all my stuff blond you know.

“As for students, what’s wrong to work two jobs and study at the same time?”

Nothing at all, indeed the students who work and study should grow up to be natural Republican supports. These are the people the GOP should be targeting.

Doc: The point that needs addressing is why is tuition so high in the first place? The cost seems to rise faster than anything else and no one seems to care.