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Excellent news 🙂 Thanks Mike!

I voted early. I would really have liked to have voted often! At 9:30 a.m., I was #720 which is really a large number for this small area. Go McCain/Palin

I’m in!

Can I have the super secret link?

Will I need my decoder ring to use it?

Hello…. Would love to chat with you all again. 🙂

Deal me in!

Ummm… may give this a shot. But that’s only ‘cus I too want a secret decoder ring! :0)

Go Palin!

This was not a referendum on Obama, it was a referendum on Bush.

I expect the RINOS to bring out the long knives on Sarah.

Looking forward to a serious post mortum.

Timothy: 2010 Will be the referendum on the failed Obama presidency and failed Democrat Congress.

The American people won’t be fooled twice.

Hey thanks for emailing me the link Mike. Had two sick nephews staying home from school so didn’t get the chance to log onto FA until late.