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I started clicking states that I thought McCain would win, and ones I thought Obama would win. My random guesses had McCain winning by 4 electoral votes. If one smaller state moves over into the Obama column, it could be a tie. I think this election is closer than people thing. I still expect Obama to actually win though.

Interesting interactive map. I will have it on my blog also to update the elections.

aw hell, i only clicked my state, am i a dork or what? lol. trying to work and keep track of this is hard. btw, had a client ask who i was voting for as she was paying, i told her mccain,and then she said if i had said obama she would have redistributed my tip. isn’t that funny. one of my coworkers was standing there with us and we were all bent laughing. it was so funny.

Choice one luva.
Guess it’s a good thing she wasn’t an Obamite or she would have requested a 100% return, plus an additional 50% bonus at the end of the year since you’re running a “small business” and can afford it.