this just sucks. i hope we survive. when did the aztec or inka calendar say that the world would end? thanks to all of us republicans for voting for trueth and the american way, we will get it back one day. love and respect to you all.
If Obama rules as he campaigned, what do we do? Do well-off conservatives emigrate? I’m easy doing that. Love Australia.
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
You cannot back up your statement that Acorn did enough to turn this election one way or the other. It was far from a stolen election.
We are the United States of America. It’s time to work together!
luva the scissors
16 years ago
@Real American Patriot: R.A.P. suck ass on this one buddy. you will reap what you have sown. when your eallet is empty and you are bending at the waist for obama, don’t come dragging back here, we won’t have you.
Sky55110. We will work together. But that will not be with you and Obama. Our work has just begun. And that is to make sure that Obama and his merry Congressional minions do not take the US and turn it into another psuedo-wannabe Euro-socialist EU applicant.
Celebrate tonight, and rest well. Because our battle against you and Obama, who wish to destroy all that the US is…in philosophical freedom… begins officially in January… and probably before. I am unaware that the laws of the nation and the Constitution just got changed. There’s just new drapes and stationary for the Oval Office. And I’m quite sure most of us here will work overtime to make sure that’s the most dangerous of changes Obama accomplishes in his single term of service.
16 years ago
“It’s time to work together!”
Yeah right… Just like the you leftists with your long knives in the backs of soldiers like me “worked together” for the last 8 years.
8 years of media lies about our efforts and asinine attacks against President Bush
8 years of just plain BDS.
8 years of the left gleefully spreading AQ’s propaganda and undermining our efforts to keep America safe.
8 years of projecting a “Bush Police State” when in fact, the left with Obama’s minions “investigating” political opponents, the “civilian national security force” Obama spoke of, his view that the President controls what US Soldiers watch on TV while deployed, and the lefts misnomered “fairness doctrine” about to silence dissent proves who the real totalitarians are.
The left, with the FULL help of the media and corrupt Chicago style politics has now put an unabashed national socialist with totalitarian dreams into power. AQ and the Maadi’s are celebrating tonight leftists as they are the winners. Dictators like Chavez are having parties. Yet that does not bother you. It does not even cause you to wonder why dictators and thugs laud your successes.
And now you leftists demand we “work together”???!!!??? But then, the rules and standards are always different for leftists. Especially when they are in power.
By the way Mike you could add “and the destruction of a major US city by resurgent Islamic terrorists resulted not in the US taking action against them, but a President Obama instead foolishly using the attack for an absolute power grab by declaring marital law over the entire US. At the same time, the President called for direct talks with the terrorists, whom White House Communications Minister Micheal Moore called ‘minute men’ and ‘freedom fighters’. As the ‘fairness doctrine’ was in full effect, no opposing view point was allowed. Vice President Biden’s call for appeasing Arabs by giving funds to Iran was met with rabid support by congress”.
We can add any number of military and diplomatic disasters also. North Korea is now moving full speed ahead with nuclear weapons. Some scientists in Iran claims recent earthquakes in the area were nuke tests (no confirmation yet). Russia’s new imperialism (that is real imperialism as compared to what the US is often charged with) will grow. China’s military is growing and modernizing fast. And yes, space IS weaponized by our adversaries already and we are behind the curve on that one too.
Chris: Thanks. You gave me an idea for the following addition to my post:
“It was only a matter of time before Obama’s chickens came home to roost.”
16 years ago
“Americans never give up.” I believe he said something to that effect.
Let’s hit back stronger in 2012 and show the country what true leadership is all about!
16 years ago
Mike’s America, I enjoy all your threads. You have a back bone spine; it is refreshing to see that some Americans still have one.
Our conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper will hate that bum who got elected tonight in your country. He will be waiting for him with a baseball bat if he messes up with NATO and other stuff. Harper is already trying to pull a deal with the UE for a free-trade agreement so we won’t need the States anymore. He will disagree with Obama on just about everything… Harper is against Kyoto. He will not be a good neighbor to Obama, that I can promise you. I am so proud of Stephen Harper… you should have him as a President, you would like him, he thinks like Reagan. So I guess that our two countries will not be friend anymore. Gee, Obama is already frustrating an ally… good start!
Craig: Thank you for your kind words. It’s been a tough day, and the days and months ahead will be long and filled with further setbacks. But I prefer to fight and keep on fighting for what history and my own life have shown to be the right course for our nation. It’s easier for me to keep on fighting knowing that I am not alone.
I too admire Stephen Harper. It’s such a shame that as most of our allies have elected more conservative pro-American leadership over the past 4 years the U.S. would suddenly turn hard left and drive off the cliff of socialism. But maybe we can start to put the brakes on in 2010.
I also feel sorry for you Canadians. When the U.S. economy sneezes, Canada’s economy comes down with the flu. And I am afraid that our economic situation will soon get much worse.
16 years ago
Damn straight Mike, i dig how you tell it how it is… Palin/Mike 2012
16 years ago
Like others here, I too find RAP’s “Let’s work together” to be so much hypocritical BS.
Next will come all the childish excuses when the Messiah fails to deliver and actually exacerbates the problems by orders of magnitude.
16 years ago
Haha he will do what he says for a year, tank us, then over tax us in a failed attempt to repair the damage.
16 years ago
I have to answer you on this thread, my posts are in moderation on Wordsmith’s thread.
“I want to defeat them, but defeat them in the realm of ideas. ” (Stick)
Good luck! Leftists are allergic to the realm of ideas. They only want a goverment to take care of them in every fields of their life.
No, this will not work with them, they are idiots, they don’t understand reality. If this is your only suggestion, can I tell you that you will lose one more time. You cannot fight somebody that has a knife in his hand with words and ideas. You have to fight them on the same level they fight, with equal arms, otherwise, you lose.
16 years ago
Unfortunately, today 53% of Americans showed that they are more concerned with charisma than content. That a flashy presentation, and a minimum of policy know-how could land one the highest office in the land. But hey, with the MSM backing you all the way, the likes of George Soros pumping unlimited amounts of cash into BHO’s campaign, and of course ACORN making sure that the swing states fall your way (vote early and often BHO supporters); maybe that wasn’t such a hard sell.
Yep, Kim Jong-Il, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and terrorists of all varieties are partying tonight. That alone should make Americans give pause about what our nation’s security will be like after January 20th. Does anyone out there seriously think any terrorist would be more afraid of an Obama administration’s response to a terrorist attack versus what a McCain administration’s response would have been? Or are most of the Obama supporters out there under the delusion that terrorism is no longer a major threat to the U.S.?
Well, for all followers of “The One,” enjoy your victory for the moment; heck, enjoy it until inauguration day. But, from that day forward count on us keeping a critical eye on the new Obama administration’s moves. There are some awfully high expectations riding on this man who is painfully lacking in qualifications; that’s a high perch to fall from folks…
2012 will be a whole new ball game. McCain was a deserving nominee, but definitely not the type to energize the party, and draw in the independents. I expect a far finer crop of nominees to present themselves come the next election; the party won’t tolerate anything less after tonight’s debacle. On the plus side, all liberals out there have officially lost the right to refer to the U.S. as a “racist” country (erroneous to begin with), as we have just elected a black president. So, that’s off the table, now and forever; thank goodness! Mata, Mike, keep up the good work!
Thanks Machiavelli. You summed up the situation perfectly!
Moody Deep Thinker
16 years ago
I ponder the countless voters who heard Obama’s words and derived their own version of what his vision was. When he turned some ambiguous phrase at one of his many oratorical tent shows. Did they get visions of lollipops and big rock candy mountains or did they get the idea that he was just campaigning? Did his campaign publish a translation book so they could get a firm idea of what he meant when he made all those words? No, there is no translation book. So hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who heard his vague promises made up their own interpretations to fill in the blanks between his statements. Those people will be among the first to be disillusioned as his term in office proceeds.
The second group will be represented by the likes of the FA readers and contributors who saw through all the fancy language and posturing to see a man who right now probably looking in the mirror and saying “Now what do I do?”. He has put himself out on a ledge with his own words. If he follows through the points of his actual campaign he will hit serious roadblocks at almost every turn. Even Pelosi would have trouble with a national police force. While the thought might titillate her natural tendency to seek absolute power, she also knows it would be political suicide for her and the Democrats to even seek such a thing. She will probably go for a run at the fairness doctrine, but even that should bring howls of protest from every corner of the land, if not outright and immediate rejection by the Supreme Court. And so on down the list of goodies Obama brings to Washington. And then there is political reality. Every elected official in Washington has their own agenda. Obama looked good to a majority of the voters in the vacuum of the campaign trail, but that ain’t reality. Reality is compromise, negotiation and hammering together deals all under the microscopic scrutiny of the press, the blogosphere and the facts of life, not to mention just plain luck. The previous sentence assumes that the press stops drinking the kool aid in the near future.
And so we end up with the reality. Obama is going to have to pick his fights and try to keep from being drubbed too many times in order to have a term in office that doesn’t destroy his vision. Not to mention a hand full of very serious international situations that must be dealt with. Most of those situations will be made all the worse by his campaign posturing and promises. The adversaries will expect a soft and pliable man of color when what he will have to project is quite the opposite. But he won’t learn that right away. Expect him to stumble a few times. It is really going to be like twirling a loaded six gun on your index finger. One mistake might not be too bad but it certainly has the potential to end any further shenanigans.
16 years ago
In answer to your question in post #1, those ancient calendars set the end of this epoch of mankind as December, 2012. They also give the next epoch as to being the spiritual epoch. This fits well with Revelation. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. As I said in another post, I don’t believe in coincidences.
I’m not planning on going anywhere, so I’ll update with more info as I can, as long as I can.
16 years ago
Why would anyone think Hussein and his ‘civilian security force’ will allow anything other than a sham Castro/Chavez style election in 2012 where he gets 99% of the vote and 1% of the people are never seen again? It started with the ‘Black Panther terrorist organization’ at several polls yesterday and will spread fast.
America’s saving grace is that unlike several other countries … there has always been a (granted) small group of us that are willing to fight to the death rather than concede to a militarized, freedomless state.
I put my hopes and dreams with them, us … because the majority of Americans have turned to media consuming sheep and we can no longer count on common sense when it comes to them. They know not from where they came and they are clueless as to where they are going.
So teach your children well! Teach them to fight! If you can’t get them out of the system, them make sure you supplement their education and as a parent teach them where we have come from … because the history books have already been neutered.
And for God’s sake … unplug them!!!!
Because the enemy hides in their TV shows, their video games, their computers and their schools. If you don’t make the effort yourself to teach your children, your teenagers … then we are doomed in 2012 and in 2016 (if democracy even exists by then).
Greg: I agree. “Enemy” is the correct name for it and it goes deeper than just politics. There is a theological aspect to it as well when desciribing the “enemy[who] hides in their TV shows, their video games, their computers and their schools.”
And thanks Moody Deep Thinker. Like Machiavelli above your comment hit the nail on the head.
16 years ago
condolences to all. as a mid-center democrat, i recognize your anger and the degrees of nonrecognition you find in the “new” America. i felt this way after the 2000 and 2004 election cycles. however, its not the end all. you will regroup, and consolidate your ideas so that they can be presented cogently in 2012 and perhaps redirect the course of the country. however, to exclude the possibility of supporting, or at least respecting, the president elect until he is sworn in and actually acts is unhealthy. As is a non-recognition of the manner in which conservative policies have place our country in the current situation that it is in. Perhaps our war plans were effective, but perhaps the general secrecy and lack of communication with our population had something to do with their failure in the public imagination. Perhaps conservative policies have place us in our current economic standing (the largest economy in the world) but perhaps the disregard for the role of government in creating safe market places has contributed to our economic crisis as well. as a “liberal” i know that the general discomfort in discussing political philosophies and policies with many conservatives rests not in their ideas but in the manner in which it is treated: like a sport in which the other side must be defeated, rather than a conversation in which hopes and dreams for our country can be shared.
just my 2 cents.
Trae: Thanks for your “2 cents.” In Obama’s America two cents will be totally worthless.
As for your comment:
to exclude the possibility of supporting, or at least respecting, the president elect until he is sworn in and actually acts is unhealthy. As is a non-recognition of the manner in which conservative policies have place our country in the current situation that it is in.
Coming from people who denied legitimacy to President Bush from the very moment of his election that is quite a statement.
And as far as “conservative policies” being responsible for what you folks see as the “current situation” I have no idea what you are talking about.
President Bush hasn’t governed as a conservative and certainly the Congress (whether under GOP or Dem control) hasn’t legislated based on conservative principles.
When someone who wanted us to lose this election then comes and tells me that conservatism (or Sarah Palin) is to blame I say CONSIDER THE SOURCE.
However, I do thank you for teaching us a valuable lesson: Your side has shown that blind opposition to the constitutionallay elected government is a successful strategy for overturning that order.
And if we are smart we will use our own version of that strategy over the next four years.
I will add, in response to Trae … you are right. That’s what democrats have done in the past. We are where we are, the ball is in Obama’s court and I hope he humbles me by the time 2012 comes around.
But I’m doubtful … primarily because and I believe that we’ve been robbed by the media … this was far from a fair race. You cna’t argue that … nevermind the 4:1 spending. Wasn’t he against it before he was for it? Off to a bad start me thinks.
I also don’t believe in an entitlement society. It breeds less than mediocrity and encourages a life long behavior of needing the state to survive. I live right next door to the “poorest state” in Massachusetts … and trust me, they live better than the poor in other parts of the world … by a loooooong shot! It’s not like there isn’t work in this city either, they choose not to work.
I’m not saying not to help those in need, perish the thought! But if welfare in this state wasn’t so attractive, maybe they wouldn’t be hanging out on the sidewalk at 2pm in the afternoon. But when the option of free money is off the table, then maybe a hard day’s work would be respected again.
That said, I’m glad in the respect that we’ve crossed a major point in American history and I congratulate blacks and minorities everywhere. I just wish he wasn’t a socialist who supports the horror of infanticide. It’s too bad you couldn’t get behind a great man like Alan Keyes … now that would be a man to be proud of. How can you let a born baby die on a table? How?
And while we are op the topic of rebuilding the conservative movement, let’s not mince words and compromise. Alan Keyes has a great post on his site right now –
Sam I Am
16 years ago
I was raised in a very conservative Republican home. I was a Republican until 2003, when I changed my registration to Democrat. Part of that change came from an intense interest in history. Last night, we not only elected the first black president, it was done without a majority of white voters. Astounding numbers of non-whites went to the polls. Yes, change has come to America. Seeing a subdued president-elect, whom despite being called everything from a socialist, to having his opponents claim he would ruin America, praised his opponents service. The crowd at his event cheered the opponent. The other crowd booed at the mention of the president elect.
If the president-elect can move past the rhetoric and propaganda, can’t we all?
If Obama tries to implement taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded college and preschool, taxpayer funded work training programs, taxpayer funded energy, taxpayer funded “civilian militia”s, etal all… get the drift?…. the answer to your question is NO.
And if you call taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded college and preschool, taxpayer funded work training programs, taxpayer funded energy, taxpayer funded “civilian militia”s, etal all.. anything *but* socialism, then I don’t even know where to start with you.
But it sure ain’t rhetoric and propaganda. This is stuff from Obama’s own lips.
And by the way… don’t give a flying whit what race did and did not vote for him. Thank you for pointing out this must be a race about “race”…. let it go, eh? He could be the red headed step child of Ronald Reagan. And if he espoused the same BS he did about taxpayer this and that on the campaign trail, I’d still be dead set against his policies.
But then again, he’s lied so much thru the campaign, I personally hold hopes that he’s lied about all that taxpayer this and that too. That will make me very happy….
good enuf for you? When he proves is campaign was nothing but lies, I’ll move past his “propaganda” of a Euro-socialist America.
You people have done nothing but vomit your hate at us for eight years and now you tell us to get over it and unite?
Give me a break. If the shoe was on the other foot there would have been riots in the streets last night.
You have seen our forebearance by any abscence of violence and mayhem. But don’t you dare ask for anything more.
Now go back to your masters who directed you here and tell them we aren’t buying their crap.
16 years ago
“We are the United States of America. It’s time to work together!”
Well, I’m a bit late to this party but RAP could not have made a more hilariously hypocritical statement. Chris G took him to the wood shed better than anyone else could have done.
RAP, where the hell were you over the past 8 years? I seem to remember seeing your unpatriotic posts against ad nauseum. When we are at war, whether you like the reasons for it or not, a patriot supports the commander-in-chief until we achieve victory. The time for recriminations then begins, not while troops are in harm’s way.
Rank-and-file democrats who bitch and moan about Bush in the blogs or at their local liberal support groups are just excersing their 1st Ammendment rights but elected officials like Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, Biden, et al, who go in front of a camera and give the enemies of the US ammunition and propaganda that they can use to recruit more enemies are out and out TRAITORS and should right now be in prison awaiting trial. Actually, if they had been arrested when they first betrayed the country and the troops, they’d be serving their time already. In GITMO, I would hope.
If Bush had a pair of balls and a real justice department, there would be some serious treason trials in this country.
this just sucks. i hope we survive. when did the aztec or inka calendar say that the world would end? thanks to all of us republicans for voting for trueth and the american way, we will get it back one day. love and respect to you all.
If Obama rules as he campaigned, what do we do? Do well-off conservatives emigrate? I’m easy doing that. Love Australia.
You cannot back up your statement that Acorn did enough to turn this election one way or the other. It was far from a stolen election.
We are the United States of America. It’s time to work together!
@Real American Patriot: R.A.P. suck ass on this one buddy. you will reap what you have sown. when your eallet is empty and you are bending at the waist for obama, don’t come dragging back here, we won’t have you.
Sky55110. We will work together. But that will not be with you and Obama. Our work has just begun. And that is to make sure that Obama and his merry Congressional minions do not take the US and turn it into another psuedo-wannabe Euro-socialist EU applicant.
Celebrate tonight, and rest well. Because our battle against you and Obama, who wish to destroy all that the US is…in philosophical freedom… begins officially in January… and probably before. I am unaware that the laws of the nation and the Constitution just got changed. There’s just new drapes and stationary for the Oval Office. And I’m quite sure most of us here will work overtime to make sure that’s the most dangerous of changes Obama accomplishes in his single term of service.
“It’s time to work together!”
Yeah right… Just like the you leftists with your long knives in the backs of soldiers like me “worked together” for the last 8 years.
8 years of media lies about our efforts and asinine attacks against President Bush
8 years of just plain BDS.
8 years of the left gleefully spreading AQ’s propaganda and undermining our efforts to keep America safe.
8 years of projecting a “Bush Police State” when in fact, the left with Obama’s minions “investigating” political opponents, the “civilian national security force” Obama spoke of, his view that the President controls what US Soldiers watch on TV while deployed, and the lefts misnomered “fairness doctrine” about to silence dissent proves who the real totalitarians are.
The left, with the FULL help of the media and corrupt Chicago style politics has now put an unabashed national socialist with totalitarian dreams into power. AQ and the Maadi’s are celebrating tonight leftists as they are the winners. Dictators like Chavez are having parties. Yet that does not bother you. It does not even cause you to wonder why dictators and thugs laud your successes.
And now you leftists demand we “work together”???!!!??? But then, the rules and standards are always different for leftists. Especially when they are in power.
Thanks to C.R.A.P.for providing the best laugh of the night.
Let’s all work together my ass.
I can’t say it any better than Chris above so I won’t even try.
By the way Mike you could add “and the destruction of a major US city by resurgent Islamic terrorists resulted not in the US taking action against them, but a President Obama instead foolishly using the attack for an absolute power grab by declaring marital law over the entire US. At the same time, the President called for direct talks with the terrorists, whom White House Communications Minister Micheal Moore called ‘minute men’ and ‘freedom fighters’. As the ‘fairness doctrine’ was in full effect, no opposing view point was allowed. Vice President Biden’s call for appeasing Arabs by giving funds to Iran was met with rabid support by congress”.
We can add any number of military and diplomatic disasters also. North Korea is now moving full speed ahead with nuclear weapons. Some scientists in Iran claims recent earthquakes in the area were nuke tests (no confirmation yet). Russia’s new imperialism (that is real imperialism as compared to what the US is often charged with) will grow. China’s military is growing and modernizing fast. And yes, space IS weaponized by our adversaries already and we are behind the curve on that one too.
Chris: Thanks. You gave me an idea for the following addition to my post:
“It was only a matter of time before Obama’s chickens came home to roost.”
“Americans never give up.” I believe he said something to that effect.
Let’s hit back stronger in 2012 and show the country what true leadership is all about!
Mike’s America, I enjoy all your threads. You have a back bone spine; it is refreshing to see that some Americans still have one.
Our conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper will hate that bum who got elected tonight in your country. He will be waiting for him with a baseball bat if he messes up with NATO and other stuff. Harper is already trying to pull a deal with the UE for a free-trade agreement so we won’t need the States anymore. He will disagree with Obama on just about everything… Harper is against Kyoto. He will not be a good neighbor to Obama, that I can promise you. I am so proud of Stephen Harper… you should have him as a President, you would like him, he thinks like Reagan. So I guess that our two countries will not be friend anymore. Gee, Obama is already frustrating an ally… good start!
Craig: Thank you for your kind words. It’s been a tough day, and the days and months ahead will be long and filled with further setbacks. But I prefer to fight and keep on fighting for what history and my own life have shown to be the right course for our nation. It’s easier for me to keep on fighting knowing that I am not alone.
I too admire Stephen Harper. It’s such a shame that as most of our allies have elected more conservative pro-American leadership over the past 4 years the U.S. would suddenly turn hard left and drive off the cliff of socialism. But maybe we can start to put the brakes on in 2010.
I also feel sorry for you Canadians. When the U.S. economy sneezes, Canada’s economy comes down with the flu. And I am afraid that our economic situation will soon get much worse.
Damn straight Mike, i dig how you tell it how it is… Palin/Mike 2012
Like others here, I too find RAP’s “Let’s work together” to be so much hypocritical BS.
Next will come all the childish excuses when the Messiah fails to deliver and actually exacerbates the problems by orders of magnitude.
Haha he will do what he says for a year, tank us, then over tax us in a failed attempt to repair the damage.
I have to answer you on this thread, my posts are in moderation on Wordsmith’s thread.
“I want to defeat them, but defeat them in the realm of ideas. ” (Stick)
Good luck! Leftists are allergic to the realm of ideas. They only want a goverment to take care of them in every fields of their life.
No, this will not work with them, they are idiots, they don’t understand reality. If this is your only suggestion, can I tell you that you will lose one more time. You cannot fight somebody that has a knife in his hand with words and ideas. You have to fight them on the same level they fight, with equal arms, otherwise, you lose.
Unfortunately, today 53% of Americans showed that they are more concerned with charisma than content. That a flashy presentation, and a minimum of policy know-how could land one the highest office in the land. But hey, with the MSM backing you all the way, the likes of George Soros pumping unlimited amounts of cash into BHO’s campaign, and of course ACORN making sure that the swing states fall your way (vote early and often BHO supporters); maybe that wasn’t such a hard sell.
Yep, Kim Jong-Il, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and terrorists of all varieties are partying tonight. That alone should make Americans give pause about what our nation’s security will be like after January 20th. Does anyone out there seriously think any terrorist would be more afraid of an Obama administration’s response to a terrorist attack versus what a McCain administration’s response would have been? Or are most of the Obama supporters out there under the delusion that terrorism is no longer a major threat to the U.S.?
Well, for all followers of “The One,” enjoy your victory for the moment; heck, enjoy it until inauguration day. But, from that day forward count on us keeping a critical eye on the new Obama administration’s moves. There are some awfully high expectations riding on this man who is painfully lacking in qualifications; that’s a high perch to fall from folks…
2012 will be a whole new ball game. McCain was a deserving nominee, but definitely not the type to energize the party, and draw in the independents. I expect a far finer crop of nominees to present themselves come the next election; the party won’t tolerate anything less after tonight’s debacle. On the plus side, all liberals out there have officially lost the right to refer to the U.S. as a “racist” country (erroneous to begin with), as we have just elected a black president. So, that’s off the table, now and forever; thank goodness! Mata, Mike, keep up the good work!
Thanks Machiavelli. You summed up the situation perfectly!
I ponder the countless voters who heard Obama’s words and derived their own version of what his vision was. When he turned some ambiguous phrase at one of his many oratorical tent shows. Did they get visions of lollipops and big rock candy mountains or did they get the idea that he was just campaigning? Did his campaign publish a translation book so they could get a firm idea of what he meant when he made all those words? No, there is no translation book. So hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who heard his vague promises made up their own interpretations to fill in the blanks between his statements. Those people will be among the first to be disillusioned as his term in office proceeds.
The second group will be represented by the likes of the FA readers and contributors who saw through all the fancy language and posturing to see a man who right now probably looking in the mirror and saying “Now what do I do?”. He has put himself out on a ledge with his own words. If he follows through the points of his actual campaign he will hit serious roadblocks at almost every turn. Even Pelosi would have trouble with a national police force. While the thought might titillate her natural tendency to seek absolute power, she also knows it would be political suicide for her and the Democrats to even seek such a thing. She will probably go for a run at the fairness doctrine, but even that should bring howls of protest from every corner of the land, if not outright and immediate rejection by the Supreme Court. And so on down the list of goodies Obama brings to Washington. And then there is political reality. Every elected official in Washington has their own agenda. Obama looked good to a majority of the voters in the vacuum of the campaign trail, but that ain’t reality. Reality is compromise, negotiation and hammering together deals all under the microscopic scrutiny of the press, the blogosphere and the facts of life, not to mention just plain luck. The previous sentence assumes that the press stops drinking the kool aid in the near future.
And so we end up with the reality. Obama is going to have to pick his fights and try to keep from being drubbed too many times in order to have a term in office that doesn’t destroy his vision. Not to mention a hand full of very serious international situations that must be dealt with. Most of those situations will be made all the worse by his campaign posturing and promises. The adversaries will expect a soft and pliable man of color when what he will have to project is quite the opposite. But he won’t learn that right away. Expect him to stumble a few times. It is really going to be like twirling a loaded six gun on your index finger. One mistake might not be too bad but it certainly has the potential to end any further shenanigans.
In answer to your question in post #1, those ancient calendars set the end of this epoch of mankind as December, 2012. They also give the next epoch as to being the spiritual epoch. This fits well with Revelation. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. As I said in another post, I don’t believe in coincidences.
You might want to review my post here:
I’m not planning on going anywhere, so I’ll update with more info as I can, as long as I can.
Why would anyone think Hussein and his ‘civilian security force’ will allow anything other than a sham Castro/Chavez style election in 2012 where he gets 99% of the vote and 1% of the people are never seen again? It started with the ‘Black Panther terrorist organization’ at several polls yesterday and will spread fast.
America’s saving grace is that unlike several other countries … there has always been a (granted) small group of us that are willing to fight to the death rather than concede to a militarized, freedomless state.
I put my hopes and dreams with them, us … because the majority of Americans have turned to media consuming sheep and we can no longer count on common sense when it comes to them. They know not from where they came and they are clueless as to where they are going.
So teach your children well! Teach them to fight! If you can’t get them out of the system, them make sure you supplement their education and as a parent teach them where we have come from … because the history books have already been neutered.
And for God’s sake … unplug them!!!!
Because the enemy hides in their TV shows, their video games, their computers and their schools. If you don’t make the effort yourself to teach your children, your teenagers … then we are doomed in 2012 and in 2016 (if democracy even exists by then).
And yes … I said enemy.
Greg: I agree. “Enemy” is the correct name for it and it goes deeper than just politics. There is a theological aspect to it as well when desciribing the “enemy[who] hides in their TV shows, their video games, their computers and their schools.”
And thanks Moody Deep Thinker. Like Machiavelli above your comment hit the nail on the head.
condolences to all. as a mid-center democrat, i recognize your anger and the degrees of nonrecognition you find in the “new” America. i felt this way after the 2000 and 2004 election cycles. however, its not the end all. you will regroup, and consolidate your ideas so that they can be presented cogently in 2012 and perhaps redirect the course of the country. however, to exclude the possibility of supporting, or at least respecting, the president elect until he is sworn in and actually acts is unhealthy. As is a non-recognition of the manner in which conservative policies have place our country in the current situation that it is in. Perhaps our war plans were effective, but perhaps the general secrecy and lack of communication with our population had something to do with their failure in the public imagination. Perhaps conservative policies have place us in our current economic standing (the largest economy in the world) but perhaps the disregard for the role of government in creating safe market places has contributed to our economic crisis as well. as a “liberal” i know that the general discomfort in discussing political philosophies and policies with many conservatives rests not in their ideas but in the manner in which it is treated: like a sport in which the other side must be defeated, rather than a conversation in which hopes and dreams for our country can be shared.
just my 2 cents.
Trae: Thanks for your “2 cents.” In Obama’s America two cents will be totally worthless.
As for your comment:
Coming from people who denied legitimacy to President Bush from the very moment of his election that is quite a statement.
And as far as “conservative policies” being responsible for what you folks see as the “current situation” I have no idea what you are talking about.
President Bush hasn’t governed as a conservative and certainly the Congress (whether under GOP or Dem control) hasn’t legislated based on conservative principles.
When someone who wanted us to lose this election then comes and tells me that conservatism (or Sarah Palin) is to blame I say CONSIDER THE SOURCE.
However, I do thank you for teaching us a valuable lesson: Your side has shown that blind opposition to the constitutionallay elected government is a successful strategy for overturning that order.
And if we are smart we will use our own version of that strategy over the next four years.
I will add, in response to Trae … you are right. That’s what democrats have done in the past. We are where we are, the ball is in Obama’s court and I hope he humbles me by the time 2012 comes around.
But I’m doubtful … primarily because and I believe that we’ve been robbed by the media … this was far from a fair race. You cna’t argue that … nevermind the 4:1 spending. Wasn’t he against it before he was for it? Off to a bad start me thinks.
I also don’t believe in an entitlement society. It breeds less than mediocrity and encourages a life long behavior of needing the state to survive. I live right next door to the “poorest state” in Massachusetts … and trust me, they live better than the poor in other parts of the world … by a loooooong shot! It’s not like there isn’t work in this city either, they choose not to work.
I’m not saying not to help those in need, perish the thought! But if welfare in this state wasn’t so attractive, maybe they wouldn’t be hanging out on the sidewalk at 2pm in the afternoon. But when the option of free money is off the table, then maybe a hard day’s work would be respected again.
That said, I’m glad in the respect that we’ve crossed a major point in American history and I congratulate blacks and minorities everywhere. I just wish he wasn’t a socialist who supports the horror of infanticide. It’s too bad you couldn’t get behind a great man like Alan Keyes … now that would be a man to be proud of. How can you let a born baby die on a table? How?
And while we are op the topic of rebuilding the conservative movement, let’s not mince words and compromise. Alan Keyes has a great post on his site right now –
I was raised in a very conservative Republican home. I was a Republican until 2003, when I changed my registration to Democrat. Part of that change came from an intense interest in history. Last night, we not only elected the first black president, it was done without a majority of white voters. Astounding numbers of non-whites went to the polls. Yes, change has come to America. Seeing a subdued president-elect, whom despite being called everything from a socialist, to having his opponents claim he would ruin America, praised his opponents service. The crowd at his event cheered the opponent. The other crowd booed at the mention of the president elect.
If the president-elect can move past the rhetoric and propaganda, can’t we all?
“Sam you were”…
If Obama tries to implement taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded college and preschool, taxpayer funded work training programs, taxpayer funded energy, taxpayer funded “civilian militia”s, etal all… get the drift?…. the answer to your question is NO.
And if you call taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded college and preschool, taxpayer funded work training programs, taxpayer funded energy, taxpayer funded “civilian militia”s, etal all.. anything *but* socialism, then I don’t even know where to start with you.
But it sure ain’t rhetoric and propaganda. This is stuff from Obama’s own lips.
And by the way… don’t give a flying whit what race did and did not vote for him. Thank you for pointing out this must be a race about “race”…. let it go, eh? He could be the red headed step child of Ronald Reagan. And if he espoused the same BS he did about taxpayer this and that on the campaign trail, I’d still be dead set against his policies.
But then again, he’s lied so much thru the campaign, I personally hold hopes that he’s lied about all that taxpayer this and that too. That will make me very happy….
good enuf for you? When he proves is campaign was nothing but lies, I’ll move past his “propaganda” of a Euro-socialist America.
Sam I Am: Stuff it.
You people have done nothing but vomit your hate at us for eight years and now you tell us to get over it and unite?
Give me a break. If the shoe was on the other foot there would have been riots in the streets last night.
You have seen our forebearance by any abscence of violence and mayhem. But don’t you dare ask for anything more.
Now go back to your masters who directed you here and tell them we aren’t buying their crap.
“We are the United States of America. It’s time to work together!”
Well, I’m a bit late to this party but RAP could not have made a more hilariously hypocritical statement. Chris G took him to the wood shed better than anyone else could have done.
RAP, where the hell were you over the past 8 years? I seem to remember seeing your unpatriotic posts against ad nauseum. When we are at war, whether you like the reasons for it or not, a patriot supports the commander-in-chief until we achieve victory. The time for recriminations then begins, not while troops are in harm’s way.
Rank-and-file democrats who bitch and moan about Bush in the blogs or at their local liberal support groups are just excersing their 1st Ammendment rights but elected officials like Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, Biden, et al, who go in front of a camera and give the enemies of the US ammunition and propaganda that they can use to recruit more enemies are out and out TRAITORS and should right now be in prison awaiting trial. Actually, if they had been arrested when they first betrayed the country and the troops, they’d be serving their time already. In GITMO, I would hope.
If Bush had a pair of balls and a real justice department, there would be some serious treason trials in this country.