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glad i sent this on, my hope was for you to put this up. there are way to many people worried about tomorrow. i worry about the early voting, maybe some voted before they had all of the facts that they needed to make an informed decision. i voted my heart and voted early by mail, but i still worry about others, our area is all vote by mail so you can’t change your mind. hopefully the message has gotten out about obama, hopefully.

I also am very apprehensive and worried. Feel as though we are on the eve of a coup. Numerous times today I have thought of the words of Kruschev when he said years ago “we will bury you”.

ATP: Kruschev went on to say that “I once said, ‘We will bury you,’ and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.”

The worst thing any democracy can do is exempt a majority from the responsibility to bear a fair share of the cost of government while allowing them to retain the authority to vote benefits from themselves.

I’ve written before about what happens when the mob kills the goose that lays the golden eggs. They have one heck of a party but when the leftovers are gone, there is nothing left to eat and no more golden eggs.

If the voter’s choose socialism on Tuesday, we must hold them accountable for the failure and dissapointment that is sure to follow.

Besides, with Democrats running the entire show and Bush gone from office, they will have run out of excuses for their own stupidity.

“The worst thing any democracy can do is exempt a majority from the responsibility to bear a fair share of the cost of government while allowing them to retain the authority to vote benefits from themselves.” (Mike’s America)

Hum, you just gave me an idea. Wouldn’t it be great, if you would have to present an income tax report to be eligible to vote? After all, people who pays no incometaxes shouldn’t have the right to choose a President, no?

love that idea craig, that would be a good idea. but then you would ahve the welfare crowd and the disabled, and senior citizens who would complain. if the disabled and seniors could still vote i would so be for that one.

I propose an IQ test to vote. If the voter cannot tell the difference between the candidates’ policies [or can’t even tell who is whose running mate [remember that Howard Stern interview?)], then they really shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Informed people should make the decisions, not people who merely follow a popular trend.

By the way, the post is a great find. I love it!