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the ends justify the means. they could care less if they brain washed their kids into scaring the crap out of a small little girl, they only care about what they want. obama as president. to attack joe the plumber in the manor which they have shows they have no bounderies. to do this to a man who asked a question, one question, shows that they are lower than low. to want joe, a single father who works hard for his money dead because he dare question obama, jesus that is sick. the maniacle behavior of obama’s supporters is showing the world we are freaking nuts, and that is very bad, it shows weakness. divid and conquer.

“Question for you history buffs: when was the last time political opponents were demonized; their activities criminalized and their families threatened with physical violence?”

Politics has always been a dirty business:
Assassination chic is a GWB staple; Reagan was shot; Nixon loathed; R. Kennedy killed; MLK, jr killed; Johnson hated; JKF killed….

But I really can’t recall this level of totalitarian animosity toward average citizens by political operatives working on behalf of a candidate! (save for Dan Ellsberg – but that was dirty tricks from an incumbent prez)

Power tends to corrupt…. and the media is making that endeavor oh so easy!

Welcome to the Obama Nation.

I fear he’s gonna have a “political hit list”. With the amount of “sh.!t” i hear Obama spew, i’ve noticed the man has kept a mental note of everyone who has ever slighted him in the media. He becomes president say goodbye to free press and any republican voices in any form of the media.
For at least 4 years.

If Obama wins, I pray that the democrats do not get the VETO proof congress they seek.

Also, I can only imagine the vastness of the pandemic of “thin skin” that will result closely followed by more intolerance from the left. If congress votes against Obama, I am sure it will somehow be spun to be a racist move.

Unrelated to this: Obama’s grandmother passed. I do pass along condolences. The timing sucks in all ways.

As the Democratic candidate arrived in North Carolina for his second-to-last rally before Tuesday’s election, he announced that Madelyn Dunham, 86, had died peacefully at her home in Honolulu after a battle with cancer.

Also, it looks like Palin was cleared on troopergate … talk about timing on that.

Released Monday, the report says there is no probable cause to believe Palin or any other state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with the firing. The report was prepared by Timothy Petumenos, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board.

IN 1936, TERROR REIGNED in the Soviet Union as brigade commander S. P. Kolosov whose final fate is unknown expressed it in an anything but timid letter in 1937: “I am afraid to open my mouth. Whatever you say, if you say the wrong thing, you’re an enemy of the people. Cowardice has become the norm.”

Cult of Stalin

Censorship of anything that might reflect badly on Stalin

Propaganda everywhere – pictures, statues, continuous praise and applause

Places named after him

Mothers taught their children that Stalin was ‘the wisest man of the age’

History books and photographs were changed to make him the hero of the Revolution, and obliterate the names of purged people (e.g. Trotsky).

Obama was a good thing after all. He showed the world that 50% of the people living in the States hates America. Now you know. Your enemies are outside and inside your country. Scary!
None of this would have happen if Hillary would have been the nominee.

I’ve always been wishing that it would have been Hillary instead of Obama we were fighting against. This election wouldn’t bring that much animosity then.

But I agree, scaring a little child and her family just to meet their ends is sickening. Wishing death threats on an ordinary citizen just because he spoke his mind is downright disgusting. This is what we Republicans will be facing under an Obama administration – this hate will continue.

Get the vote out and make the difference!

Question for you history buffs: when was the last time political opponents were demonized; their activities criminalized and their families threatened with physical violence?

Actually I think the last time that I can recall is after Hugo Chavez won the election in Venezuela (1998).

There were countless others:
– Ayatollah Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution, which was a Socialist Theocratical movement that took over Iran (1979)
– The rise of the Young Officer’s movement with Saddam Hussein’s Arab Baath Socialist Party in Iraq (1979), Qadhafi in Libya (1969), and others; when they staged their coups and took control of their governments.
– Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge rulership following the “Unique Revolution” in Cambodia (1975)
– Che Guevara, who preceded Fidel Castro’s rule in Cuba (1964)
– Mao Tsetung (or Zedong) in China (1949)
– Vietnam August Revolution (1946)
– North Korean Revolution (1945–1950)
– Stalin’s “Socialist” Revolution from Above (As previously mentioned 1928-1939)
– The March Revolution, followed by the Red October Revolution in Russia (1917)
– The French Revolution and the Age of Reason where rulership frequently changed hands
– Etceteras.

The point is well taken, in most cases, it involved a socialist movement’s take-over of a country.

Would an Obama Socialist version of America utilize “Death Squads” to silence dissenters? I imagine someone like Bouley would even recommend it. Strange that gays speak out in support of socialist when historically they were one of the groups socialists often mark for extermination. Look folks, even the “Politically-Correctness” and “It Takes A Village” Mindset of the Clinton years were forms of socialist re-education they got past our screens. The bell would certainly toll on our free speech. It will not likely come all at once, but in increasing degrees. Keep watch for it and you will see it happening.

I bought guns, just for this type of idiot. Bring it BOY

Rocky B has it right.

“Cuba go change in 1959”. How’s that working out since the only free Cuban is one who swam to America?

Better buy lots of Ammo today. If Hussein wins there will be run on it tomorrow.

Civilian defense force as large, as well armed, and as well funded as the military. Isn’t that known as a Gestapo force to this day?

A friend (ex-cop and FBI) told me that apparently gun sales are already up (at least in some areas).

And remember, “obama and osama both have frineds who bombed the Pentagon”

I may keep my “nobama” sign on my lawn for the next week or so, no matter what happens in the election….

ex cop and ex FBI

“Question for you history buffs: when was the last time political opponents were demonized; their activities criminalized and their families threatened with physical violence?”

Would you be thinking of professor and university president Woodrow Wilson (D), the revered progressive president who despised individual rights, worshipped the progressive/fascist ideal of the god-state, and even created goon squads to silence dissenters?