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I agree with Schwarzenegger …

It’s pretty clear by now that Obama is all smoke and mirrors. How many of us remember the Bill Clinton ran in 1992 on the promise of a middle class tax cut, and then abandoned it before he even took office? Obama will do the same but worse.

This guy is a joke.

If you think Socialism is bad, Communism is bad, and Nazism was bad you ain’t seen nothing yet. Hussein’s civilian securtity force will make the Gestapo look like alter boys. The fools who vote for him will suffer the same fate as everyone except his chosen few liky Ayers and Wright. If you can’t see it coming you deserve every minute of misery he brings you. I’m going to laugh at them until the day I die. Bury me with the ‘I told you so’ grin on my face.

Scrapiron is referring to this video where Obama says he intends to set up some of sort of “civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded” as the Pentagon.

After having seen what they did using confidential state resources to dig up dirt on Joe the Plumber and the hackers who invaded Sarah Palin’s privacy one can only speculate what an army of Obamatons would do if unleashed on America.

It’s just horrifying to think about those millions of people who are throwing their votes for this guy without knowing the truth.

All McCain ads are FULL STEAM AHEAD: Check-out the new ads from LET FREEDOM RING at

Let’s ELECT John McCain … Commander-In-Chief of the United States.

Do you aces really believe your own paranoid ravings? When you’re so immersed in a mind-set with support from others similarly afflicted, I can imagine that tiny factiods can be induced into grand excretions that “true believers” can wallow in. Please grow up and stop trying to prove that you’re right and that everyone else is wrong. Neither McCain nor Obama are the villains that their detractors would have us believe they are. They’re ambitious, occasionally ruthless guys with an unnatural need to be fussed over. Most of the nonsense I peruse here, or in Daily Kos is the product of hyperactive research nerds with way too much time on their hands.

Research nerd, huh? Damn proud of it. I’d rather know what the hell’s going on than be an ignorant fool who’ll believe anything any day.

I say that for all of us here. We get our conclusions through research and discussion. We don’t merely read/hear and believe.

Go back to your own world, then. Research nerds are all you’ll find here.


Sorry to burst your proud moderate bubble but elections DO matter. If there was no difference between McCain and Obama we could just cancel the election and toss a coin instead. Heads America wins and McCain is President; tails America loses and Obama is President.

And frankly, I doubt you are a reader at Daily Koss otherwise you would be loathe to compare that hate site to the rather more restrained, but unapologetic conservative viewpoint offered here.

Unless of course you want to correct me and point to the posts here where we wish death to Obama and the Dems the way Daily Koss and Huffpo have towards Cheney, Tony Snow and the rest of us.


An ignorant person like you shouldn’t vote. Do a favour to your country, don’t vote.