Meanwhile, via Patterico, a man jumped to his death from a freeway overpass in El Paso today.
Police found a note in the man’s car, which said, “Obama take care of my family.”
I hope this man rests in peace.
And while we should ask not for whom the bell tolls, this is a particularly tragic crime knowing that this man went to his death – abandoning his familial responsibilities – with the “hope” that Barack Obama would provide care and comfort for those left behind.
I wonder if he remembered to send in an absentee before he took the back exit from this woeful world we weave? Not that it would stop Democrats from casting his vote on his behalf, Tuesday.
Yes, this was a heartless post. We right-wingers are mean, cold, and compassionless, don’t you folks know.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Should I cancel my life insurance policy?
It’s heartless to laugh at a man who took the plunge to his death and hoped that Obama would win and take care of his family…but come on. The act itself is just plain stupid. You want your family to be taken care of, you do it yourself. You don’t depend on the government to do it for you, because the government can’t. Or you make sure that your family can take care of itself…
Suicides are a selfish thing to do in the first place. I would want to know the real reason why he might have killed himself before I label this guy as selfish, though.
Ok, so I am guesing that its Obama’s fault that this obvious mentaly challenge man took his life?
Obama did’nt tell that man to kill himself.
Nor is he reasponsable for any actions that his suporters take.
Unless it has something to do with Obama’s ACTUAL campaign then why is this news and what are you repubs trying to get at?
Becuz, if yall are trying to say Obama is reasponsable for all his supporters actions.
Then Mcain is also reasponsable for all his supporter actions.
Which means he should also take reasponsability, when it comes to that women who claimed that she was attacked by a black man, becuz she was a Mcain supporter but, then confessed that she made the whole thing up.
So please lets all be fair here.
Neither Obama nor Mcian are reasponsable for their supporter actions.
Let the man who made that decision to take his life Rest In peace.
But please lets not somehow sugest its Obama’s reasponsability.
Obama/Biden 08!
The man who jumped was so clueless in so many ways it is frightening and sad in equal measures. Asking Obama to take care of his widow and children? Did this man not read an iota about how Obama treats his own family? About Obama’s charitable giving? Enough to make one’s head explode.
Obama’s aunti (sic) in Bostoni, Massachussettsi, was recently discovered not by the Boston Papers (that would require our obamapapers/obamamedia to actually try to report the news and not just navel gaze at the ONE) but by European media, was living in a Boston municipal housing project was impovershed Obama’s uncle was evicted from his flat because he couldn’t pay approximately 2,000 in outstanding rent arrears. Obama’s best friend and ‘brother’ from high school-half black half Japanese, fell on hard times and asked Obama for a loan or charity, and Obama said, I’m not your keeper but I’ll give you a government number for some cheese.
Obama’s own real half brother living in Kenya on a dollar a month, also has yet to see a matching dollar from the oh so charitable (with everyone else’s money) Obama.
That oh so unselfish Obama, accepted nearly three hundred dollars from his illegal alien aunti
from Boston, but did not have the charity to get her a lawyer to fight deportation or to appeal her deportation order, or to put in a special bill in the Senate to get her permanent residency or citizenship. What a model of family love and Christian brotherhood that Obama is. Why we should be singing praises to him in Church. As the ONE does to the least of his brothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins, so the ONE does to the real ONE.
But it’s downright SELFISH if we dare to act like the rich ONE acts, or to protest that his rapidly sinking handout is now only for those earning less than 120,000 a year, or that two years ago, he stated that tax cuts should not go to those earning more than $70,000 a year.
You know charity has limits, but tax increases apparently know no bounds for Obama and his socialist ilk.
(No ilk is not a racist term)
So thanks Obama but keep your change. McCain Palin today, tommorow quadrennially.
I thought Liberals were supposed to be educated and more intelligent.
Evidently David101 didn’t get the memo:
“Obama did’nt tell that man to kill himself.
Nor is he reasponsable for any actions that his suporters take.
Unless it has something to do with Obama’s ACTUAL campaign then why is this news and what are you repubs trying to get at?
Becuz, if yall are trying to say Obama is reasponsable for all his supporters actions.
Then Mcain is also reasponsable for all his supporter actions.”
How many times can he misspell responsible?
Didn’t is spelled Didn’t.
Because is spelled because.
You are right, David101, Mr. Obama did not tell the man to kill himself. However, it is sad that people like this man and the woman whom believes she will not need to work to pay her mortgage, refuse to take on their own responsibilities.
People here aren’t blaming Mr. Obama for his follower’s actions. However, with actions like these, I have to wonder about how reasonable these people actually are.
No one made that claim, David/Jasmine/whomever the hell you are, nor did Word imply it.
Leah, if you actually read my comment you would see that I was basicly saying JUST IN CASE you were implying that, Mcain should be held responsible for his supporters actions, just as much as you say Obama should be.
Here is my quote:
“Unless this has something to do with Obama’s ACTUAL campaign then why is this news and what are you repubs trying to get at?”
“Becuz, if yall are trying to say Obama is responsible for all his supporters actions.”
“Then Mcain is also responsible for all his supporters actions”
^^^^As you can see, I wasn’t saying you were implying that. I just made my comment just in case you were.
Obama/Biden 08!
David 101
Why would you post such tripe? You would have been better served to just comment how sad that situation was or not comment at all. I will say, though, that what is sad is that people like this who have no clue and actually believe a politician’s words are able to vote for anybody and decide how this country is run. I am certainly not blaming Obama for this guy’s cluelessness any more than I am blaming him for yours except he has more or less told you and them he would do this.
Here’s the REAL question:
Why even post this news?
Its obviously posted to be viewed negativly.
And to be a negative post about Obama and or connected to Obama.
Yes, it was a sad story, but any body with commen sence would know that if this story is being posted on a PRO-Mcain website, then its obviously being posted to be a negative twords Obama.
So I think the REAL question is, why post it???
Why make a sad tragic story into a political dispute?
I’ll be waiting for your reply.
Obama/Biden 08!
Morning, David!
I posted the story because what struck me, isn’t the sad story of a man who committed suicide leaving behind his family and abandoning all responsibility, and it isn’t to blame Senator Obama (what a ridiculous speculation); no, what struck me was the note he left behind. I made a short video I’ll post soon, of some of the savior adoration and messiah-worship that has been contagious amongst some people who are looking for what appears to be, religion. Nothing in this man’s career warrants such hero-worship.
Now there’s a man on an overpass in Santa Barbara with a gun screaming about politics. They don’t know if he’s going to jump or shoot.