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I’ve thought a lot on this myself, and I could expand a great deal on just the foreign policy shock and awe that Obama supporters are going to get if he’s elected, but until I’ve got time to post more on the foreign policy hypocrisy…this will do very nicely!

THOSE who see disaster in a Barack Obama presidency are bracing for the worst. But there may also be grounds for hope, however slim.

A President Obama stands the best chance of pleasantly surprising his critics, ironically, on the issue they fret about most: keeping America safe from foreign threats.

For all the Right’s readiness to use force – unilaterally, if need be – everyone knows that beating enemies is easier if you’ve got allies with you. Obama may be able to enlist them.

Let’s face it: Today’s threats are huge. They come from numerous countries – Iran, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela – and terrorists so dispersed and invisible we don’t even know how many there are. Clearly, we need all the friends we can get.

Liberals have never been able to say what America should do when other nations refuse to respond meaningfully to some festering global sore (think Iraq, 2003). If our “friends” are pushing useless sanctions and endless diplo-dithering, even as dangers grow, unilateral force may well be the only option.

But that hardly negates the value of trying – hard – to engage and cooperate with allies. To repeat the obvious: The more nations on our side, the better our response will likely be.

Obama, of course, has put his eggs in the multilateralism basket. He’ll face enormous pressure to succeed in that realm. And he just might: Europeans supposedly like him. Maybe he’d have a decent shot, as the new prez, of dragging them to a fight.

Skeptical? You should be. An ally’s willingness to expend blood and treasure depends more on its national interests and internal politics than on any president’s personality.

But, hey, if the US messiah can’t bring France and Spain to heel when the time comes (think Iran), then it will prove cowboy diplomacy isn’t the problem; France and Spain are. The Left will finally have to admit it.

Then, too, Obama’s radically dovish rep might give him the street cred to wage an offensive he deems necessary.

The guy opposed the Iraq mission even when everyone believed Saddam had WMDs. He pushed retreat-at-any-price in Iraq even after it was clear victory was possible.

If Obama sees no alternative to military action, the public can be pretty sure there is no alternative. The Left will have a tough time painting him as trigger-happy. And he might be better suited to sustain public support for risky missions.


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The problem is that Obama is not fighting the bad ones: Iran, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela – and terrorists. Obama is fighting against USA, he wants to change the USA. Remember? CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.

Oh YES, he will be able to get allies like Iran, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela – and terrorists to fight America, no doubt there. They already hate America just as much as him.

The point really is whether or not the world, and the United States in particular has the time remaining for Obama to figure out what the alternatives are and to exercise the right one before dramatic loses in political or economic welfare of this country or any other are incurred.

A more likely scenario is Obama reaching out to utilize the United Nations in order to deal with the world crises. Having already, before elections even, established his line in the sand as something he will waffle on, resorting to the United nations to resolve any issue will be tantamount to surrender in the face of any threat. Obama has an overtly idealistic and simplistic view of the world, one where words carry great meaning and where diplomacy works. Neither is true, and neither have been true since WWII. Were either vague philosophy true then Korea would have been a minor scuffle. History reflects otherwise. If diplomacy worked, the Berlin airlift and the Berlin wall would not be visions of historic crises. What works in this world is a soft word and a readiness to escalate to the appropriate measure when the time comes, without hesitation.

Obama has a lot of theory to try out before he ‘gets it’. We don’t have the time for training wheels for someone who has to unlearn everything he has espoused for the last 40 years. For one he still believes the U.N. works. Maybe he hasn’t read about the multitude of serious U.N. failures reported everyday throughout the world. He never read about Billy Ayers during his entire life, maybe current events is not his strong suit. Giving him and the U.N. a chance to work it out will not work out very well for the world at large. There are people out there who smell blood in the wind already. He is going to get challenged because those nefarious people smell weakness, first his and the U.N., then ours. Resorting to a world based organization to solve any international crises has not worked even once historically. Hoping he and the U.N. will somehow pull through is a pipe dream. More likely, he and the U.N. will crash on the rocks and take this country with them. Whether there is another election in 2012 will depend on whether the newly elected president is ready to roll on January 20, 2009. Whether the Democrats get a black eye during an Obama presidency is a little like waiting to find out whether a teenager is going to wreck the car given a case of beer, a Saturday night and a long winding mountain road.

I agree it is nice to have allies but not if they refuse to fight. Look at NATO in Afghanistan. We would have been better off to fight the Talliban alone. NATO is just getting in the way. And all the allies sent just sent a bare minimum to Iraq and most have pulled out already. Face it. The world depends on us to fight their battles. All the time they are trashing us they will still call on us for help in the face of aggression.

If Obama wins Iran and Syria would overrun Iraq and Israel and Russia, China, North Korea would take advantage of every hot spot in the world. We would be helpless since Obama wants to cut our military in half, cut our nukes in half, build no more nukes, and disband the missle shield. He wants to raise our taxes for his social programs so we would not have any money to defend ourselves. This would put us on a par with France and Germany. Never mind the morale in the military would be zilch and the heart of this country would be dead. Obama seems to have this rosy collored idea that he can bring peace and happiness to the world. He is a dangerous, arrogant idiot. All these countries would run rings around him and he wiould never know it because he is clueless.

On the other hand, he just might be in cohoots with the terrorists. They seem to feel he is. Everyone of them have endorsed him. That is scary in itself. He might be a mole put there by the Saudis. We just don’t know. We don’t know this man. All we know about him is he shifts his stance to expedience. He tells everyone what they want to hear and he shifts back and forth reneging on what he said the day before. He is a worse liar than Bill Clinton and that is sayiing something.

No. I see no good coming from his presidency. More than likely we would have a dictator for life with his own army of thugs. Our government is broken because of Washington greed. Hell, no one even knows who is in charge of finding out if a candidate is even eligible. And we don’t know if this guy is even a citizen never mind a natural born citizen. Like everything else, he won’t tell us much of anything about his past. I am amazed he had gotten as far as he has without divulging his college grades and a full health report. If Obama wins this country will never be the same.

It is foolhardy to believe that Obama can convince the French or the Germans to commit to helping us fight a major war. All of Europe is militarily hollow. Their welfare state has robbed all of the resources that should have gone towards keeping their military robust. The reason they like Obama is because he won’t attempt t resist, but will fall back on the UN.

Let’s just shelve this talk of Obama winnng. The polls are close and the American people are not completely stupid.

“It is foolhardy to believe that Obama can convince the French or the Germans to commit to helping us fight a major war.” (Jack V)

Helping us fight WHICH major war? He likes communism, so I guess he would never fight Russia, China, North Korea or any other communist countries. He likes the Palestinians with Hamas, a terrorist party, so I guess he would never fight a terrorist country. He will always stand for Muslim; he said it in his book, no matter how the winds get ugly… or something like that. He even campaign for Odinga, remember? And he didn’t want to fight Saddam Hussein.

Iran is a tiny threat for him, he said it, and I suppose he likes Ahmanijedad since he is friend with Chavez who himself is a friend of Obama. Oh and yes, I forgot, he also wants to fight Canada, an ally, on NATO. So WHICH major war? The only countries to him that are bad are America and Israel; this is why he wants to change the U.S. And by doing this, Israel will have no ally left, it will be on its own.

Let’s all pray that Obama never makes it to the White House.

Wilson said he’d keep us out of WWI. He ended up getting us into the thick of it.

At least TR was forthright.

Oh, and if Oil for Food wasn’t an indication, YES, Spain and France ARE the problem.

I see you’re using the “Obama media” versions of headlines again, Scott… that’s cheating, ya know. Deliberately missing leading the public! LOL

There is no silver lining if Obama wins. Not in your wildest dreams!

I agree with AZDreamer. Scott, I appreciate you trying to look on the bright side, but let’s get real.

We all know that an Obama presidency would be a DISASTER! It would be WORSE than the Carter presidency and we are still cleaning up that mess (Iran).

But there are STILL idiots out there who think the only reason Carter failed is because that nasty Ronald Reagan came along and bamboozled the American people.

Scott: Surely by now you have learned that Democrats never accept any accountability for their actions and always find some way to blame their screw ups on someone else.

Even if Obama were forced to confront some foreign threat, it’s more likely because of his own incompetance and appeasement. And likely as not, his action would result in a REAL quagmire; another Vietnam.

For the duration of this war, it always amazes me that of all the lies the left has told, the “Bush acted unilaterally” one is the most obvious.

When I deployed last year to Iraq, 30+ countries stood with us. I guess a 30 nation coalition is “unilateral” when a republican is in power. Yes, Germany and France were not there (they lost a little too much when ‘oil for food’ was shown as the scam it was). However, other fighting nations were there. The left laughed at and belittled these nations.

ChrisG, while we have your astute attention, you may want to wander over to the AQ praying for McCain defeat thread.

Your input there would most certainly appreciated.

The EU nations want to cut their forces so they would have enough money to cover their elderly. It’s getting clear that we will have less allies to do a mission the size of Afghanistan and Iraq, even if the problems were blatent. They want Obama because he would be less likely to drag them into a fight. Chances are he will go to the UN, say he tried and let whatever happens happen. To make it worse, Obama and company want to cut the overstretched military 12%-25%. So much for defending this nation while being able to counter attack.

Greg: the EU has been riding on the back of U.S. Superpower status since the end of World War II.

Sadly, Obama will destroy our status as a super power and that will place Europe at greater risk.

Only too late will they realize how short sighted they have been.

Obama will become us president or will lose the election ?

it will make no different, Us will always be superpower nations 🙂

brandon alan scofield,

Boy, you must be very young or very dumb to say such a stupid thing. If Obama wins, U.S. will vever be a superpower nation anymore. Never! Get real! It doesn’t take much to destroy a country for ever. Europe never recovered from World War I and II.


I am very young but I am not dumb . USA is superior in technology and economy, if Obama win, he will fix US economy and industry … Craig, it is clearly You are an economist 🙂

I believe Obama will lose the election, look at statistics, there is a significant increases of American citizen participation in current US presidential election … check it out ! Obama has aroused some apolitical American citizens. Some apolitical America awake because of Obama. They said Vote for Mccain dude! say no to Obama !, surely Obama will lose 🙂