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its that high because they are pretty much a society unto themselves. they think they are above all law and order, look at the citys “top” citizens. they are liars and socailists. what can you expect?

Let’s not forget that Obama’s “experience” in Chicago as a community organizer failed to do anything to help solve the problem.

Will Obama be held accountable for this failure of leadership?

Don’t hold your breath!

What Lame Stream Media outlet has the daily ‘murder’ counter for Chicago? Everyone of them had a daily death counter for Americans in Iraq. Are they still wondering why the American citizens have turned them off and/or cancelled all subscriptions? They may think we will come back after the election. No matter how the election goes I will never purchase a Lame Stream Media paper or watch one of their outlets. Death to all of them all by way of the bankrupt court. I’ll love seeing some of the ‘elite’ garbage broadcasters working at McDonalds, that is if they are even trainable for that. Maybe they can replace the 75 year old school crosswalk guards as they die off.

Oh, and Times Square should have a big board with an up to date count of murders in the U.S. Not enough room to put one to count the babies murdered by the democrats, or a computer fast enough to keep the total up to date.

If he can’t manage a single state, how can we expect him to manage 49 more?

@Leah, and the rest of you.

You know Sarah Palin’s home state Alaska is the HIGHEST ratings of rape in the ENTIRE country.

Alaska is the #1 state in the Country when it comes to violence againts women.

Now if Sarah palin can’t protect women from violence in her OWN state.

How will she protect women from violence across the country??

I hope that question is also asked as well.

Once again re-pubs throw everything up againts the wall to see of something sticks.

Obama/Biden 08!

Okay, it’s time to educate the uneducated.

@David101: You’re really going to pit rape up against murder?

Here are some facts for you:

Most rape cases never get reported to the authorities because having a rape case investigated means that the woman’s privacy and body get probed for all kinds of evidence. There’s also the fear that if the victim goes to the authorities, the rapist will return and might do worse, even kill her. Most rape cases don’t go all the way because the woman decides to not press charges because of her fear. On the other hand, murders get reported. Murders get found out. Murders get investigated to the point of solving them or running to a dead end. In murder cases, there are no people telling the investigators to drop the charges because of fear.

It seems like you’re the one hoping that something will stick. Unfortunately for you, it hit the fan and got all over you.

First of all Miss Leah.

I’m not trying to put murder againts rape.

All I’m saying is if Obama is reasponsable for the murders that go on in his state.

Then Mrs. Sarah palin is reasponsable for the rapes that go on in her state.

Now obviously you are not understanding my point, so let me be as clear as I can be.

The rapes that DO GET REPORTED in Alaska are the HIGHEST IN THE COUNTRY!!!!!

And Alaska is the #1 state in the country of REPORTED violence cases againts women.

Now there are a lot of Murder cases that don’t get Reported either.

Some people who come off missing, who are murded NEVER GET reported.

So lets just be clear about that.

And trust me I don’t have to throw ANYTHING up againts the wall to see if something sticks.

My party and cannidate already have a message.

Which is much more then I can say from your side, who are still trying to find a winning arguement.

Obama/biden 08!

David101: Is this another case where you didn’t bother to read the post before commenting?

I have no idea how rape in Alaska has any relevance to this post other than some twisted and totally asinine and phony moral equivalence argument.

You are such an idiot!


He’s a Democrat, an Obama supporter. What else do you expect?

Ok Mike the dumbass

Lets go through this again.

This posts and the comments below it, are trying to make the arguement that Obama’s home state’s high murder rate in Chicago means he can’t handle his own state, so he can’t possible handle the country, right?

So my arguement is that if that’s the case, then Sarah palin’s high rate of rape also says she can’t handle her own state when it comes to rape cases, so how could she possibly run the country?

That’s why Alaska’s rape rate is relevant. Becuz if Obama shouldn’t be running the Country becuz of the Murder rate in his own state.

Then Sarah Palin should’nt be running the Country either becuz of the rape rate that goes on in her own state.

Are you understanding now?

Or do I have to spell it out for your dumbass?

Obama/biden 08!

Jasmine/David101 sez:

Now if Sarah palin can’t protect women from violence in her OWN state.

How will she protect women from violence across the country??

Spoken like a true, nanny/welfare state individual. Like the government can mandate human behavior? Ask not what you can do for your country… ask what your country can do for you.

In fact, according to FBI 2006 stats, Alaska had 509 forcible rapes in their total population of 670,053. That’s .00076% of the population.

By contrast, Illinois had 4078 forcible rates for their population of 12,831,970. That’s .00031% of the population. Miniscule difference. But gee… reading these stats, I feel *much* safer moving to IL… *not*. Especially when you consider the 69,498 murders compared to Alaska’s 4610.

Guess what, Jasmine. Rape is already a crime… even in Alaska. Does a lot to stop the thugs, right? That ol’ saying ‘there oughta be a law” just doesn’t do much but allow a victim to file charges and haul a perp into court. But it sure doesn’t stop crime. But you’ll blame whoever is at the top of the political food chain if you’re a victim of crime, because that’s who you are. It’s everyone else’s responsibility to protect your sorry ass but your own.


And what would Obama do? In fact, considering the high crime stats of Chicago, as Mike points out here, what has Obama done there?

Oh… I forgot. Nothing. He has a record of nothing but fund raising and spending other people’s money.

O look Mata Harley? You just proved my point.

You saying that Obama has done nothing to do something about high rate murder in his state.

We’ll Sarah palin has done nothing for her high rape cases in her own state.

How has she helped Alaska’s rape cases?

Obviously nothing if Alaska has the HIGHTEST rate of rape in the Country.

And is the #1 state for violence againts women.

{Btw alot those rape cases in Alaska have ended up being murder cases.}

Now you say she is ready to be Vp and possibly president right?

And you also say Obama should’nt be running the Country becuz of his home state’s high rating of murder, right?

So Sarah palin should’nt be running the country either, becuz of the high rates of rapes in her home state.

Simple as that!

Obama/Biden 08!

Jasmine, it’s impossible to “prove” your point because you are, at best, utterly pointless.

You talk alot about the “highest rate of rape”. I suggest to you that you’re crowing about a statistic that is 45 hundred thousands of a difference. But then, being an Obama fan is a hallmark of one that is math challenged, or else you’d be asking your guy just how he’s going to fund his $4.3 trillion of government programs on 3.3% of the nation’s population.

Now you say she is ready to be Vp and possibly president right?

And you also say Obama should’nt be running the Country becuz of his home state’s high rating of murder, right?

Nope… that is your argument saying Palin isn’t ready because of Alaska crime stats. As I pointed out to you, the head of the political food chain and all the laws in the world are not going to “protect” your sorry ass. Therefore, as I pointed out in my first sentence, you are utterly pointless in your remarks here. Crime stats of either candidate’s respective state has nothing to do with their qualifications… except in your pea brain.

BTW, Jasmine/David/David101… you’ve been outed…. You and your cyber hit squad compadres… as well as your sleazy Chicago corrupt candidate.

I’d drink a lot of coffee Tuesday afternoon, ’cause you’re going to be up a long time.

OK David, think there’s any crime in Obama’s old district? Here we have 9 pages of a Boston Globe exposing what Obama and his campaign contributing cronies did while Obama served this district in the Illinois Senate. Some of these misfits are working on his presidential campaign. Some are in jail. Now he wants to do the same on a national level. This is the area he was responsible for while serving his constituents that he supposedly cared for.

CHICAGO – The squat brick buildings of Grove Parc Plaza, in a dense neighborhood that Barack Obama represented for eight years as a state senator, hold 504 apartments subsidized by the federal government for people who can’t afford to live anywhere else.

But it’s not safe to live here.

About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale – a score so bad the buildings now face demolition.

Grove Parc has become a symbol for some in Chicago of the broader failures of giving public subsidies to private companies to build and manage affordable housing – an approach strongly backed by Obama as the best replacement for public housing.

As a state senator, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee coauthored an Illinois law creating a new pool of tax credits for developers. As a US senator, he pressed for increased federal subsidies. And as a presidential candidate, he has campaigned on a promise to create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund that could give developers an estimated $500 million a year.

But a Globe review found that thousands of apartments across Chicago that had been built with local, state, and federal subsidies – including several hundred in Obama’s former district – deteriorated so completely that they were no longer habitable.

Grove Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by Obama’s close friends and political supporters. Those people profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama’s constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.

Some of the residents of Grove Parc say they are angry that Obama did not notice their plight. The development straddles the boundary of Obama’s state Senate district. Many of the tenants have been his constituents for more than a decade.

“No one should have to live like this, and no one did anything about it,” said Cynthia Ashley, who has lived at Grove Parc since 1994.

Obama’s campaign, in a written response to Globe questions, affirmed the candidate’s support of public-private partnerships as an alternative to public housing, saying that Obama has “consistently fought to make livable, affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods available to all.”

The campaign did not respond to questions about whether Obama was aware of the problems with buildings in his district during his time as a state senator, nor did it comment on the roles played by people connected to the senator.

Among those tied to Obama politically, personally, or professionally are:

Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama’s presidential campaign and a member of his finance committee. Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 until this winter and co-managed an even larger subsidized complex in Chicago that was seized by the federal government in 2006, after city inspectors found widespread problems.Continued…


I’ve made my point time and time again with you idiots.

I’m not going to repeat my self.

Obviously, your not getting my point.

And I still don’t understand yours.

If Obama shoud’nt be presisdnet becuz if his homes states rates for murder.

Then how is it defferent from
Sarah palin’s high rate of rape and violence againts women?

You say Obama has done nothing for the murders in Chicago.

Obviously Sarah palin has don’t nothing for the violence againts women in Alaska.

You say my cannide is corrupt but, yet Mrs. Sarah palin has been found guilty of abusing her power as Gov. of Alaska and breaking state ethical Laws by Trying to fire a State Trooper who happend to be her ex-brother-in law.

I can go on, and on, and on, of all the things that you have accused Obama of doing that either Sarah palin or John Mcian has done themselfs.

But I won’t.

I’ll just wait to Nov 4th, when the American people make their own jugement.

Make sure you get your tissue box cuz, its gonna be a sad night for Republicans.

O and when john Mcain loses Tuesday.

Take your war starting, election stealing, pitiful, liying ass Republican party with you.

Don’t let the door nob hit ya were the dog should of bit ya!

Obama/biden 08!


Two words Jasmine:

Spell. Check.

Jasmine/David/David101/Obamatron cyber hit squad member sez:

Obviously, your not getting my point.

And I still don’t understand yours.

No surprise there. Obviously anything beyond simple noun/verb sentences is beyond your range of comprehension.

I’ve made my point time and time again with you idiots.

I’m not going to repeat my self.

Is that a promise we can hold you to? Afterall, you merely repeat the same things over and over on your every entry here…. Might be hard for you to abandon that “parrot” tendency you suffer from.

BTW, did you read how you and your sleazy candidate are outed yet?

I’m beginning to think it’s time for us to free Jasmine/David/David 101 so that she/he can go to some other blog with the nonsense.

Aye, It knows not what it’s doing and it’s obvious it won’t be figuring it out soon. I’d say, set it free and hope it doesn’t come back as James, Aretha, Margie or Andrew212, etc., etc., etc.

Dear Idiot: The “point” to which you seem so oblivious is that more Americans were killed in Chicago than have been killed in Iraq.

I’m not sure how many of our soldiers in Iraq have been raped, but I am sure the number is quite low.

In case you have forgotten, you loons have been telling us for YEARS that since there was violence in Iraq resulting in the deaths of U.S. troops we needed to give up, surrender and go home.

Clearly you missed the connection with Chicago which just happens to have the highest murder rate in the country.

Nice little game you are playing here, but frankly, you’re such an idiot I doubt it makes much of a dent in anyone’s thinking.

Aye said:

I’m beginning to think it’s time for us to free Jasmine/David/David 101 so that she/he can go to some other blog with the nonsense.

Careful Aye. You’ll get nasty emails from Wordsmith and Mata…. Both are committed moonbat lovers 🙂

@Mike’s America:

MoonBats are sorta like chewing gum.

When the flavor is all gone it’s time to move on to the next piece.

I agree Aye. But Wordsmith and Mata like to keep chewing and chewing and chewing. Then half the time they leave the gum stuck under the seat.

God, we’re all getting worked up over a brainless idiot…I say we move on.

Anyone else got something intelligent and relevant to add to this comment thread?

Worked up, Leah? LOL

Jasmine is like shooting fish in a barrel. The only one hanging around here this eve that’s at her mental capacity is brandon alan scofield, who seems to think that it’s unusual for a governor to be on a presidential ticket.

Tut Tut Mata… We have to be nice to these folks remember? Perhaps I need to have Wordsmith give you a talking to 🙂

Besides, brandon is coming to us from Indonesia and English clearly isn’t his first language.


Maybe he knows which Madrassa Obama attended?