One more from Alfonzo Rachel before the election:
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
god i love this guy, he says it in such plain terms even the liberals could understand it. my favorite line has to be about suggesting that sarah palin should have aborted trig because he has down syndrome, and isn’t that a hate crime? love it and him. he should be doing mccains campaign ads, he really should be.
I must say, this one remains my all-time favorite:
So many great lines, humor, and truth, with great delivery.
@Wordsmith: i have that one on my myspace page, pissed off my dem friends. love him.
me too,….posted macho a long time ago…best Video-best line eva…” no man, I don’t think we’re better than anybody else…This is America, WE ARE EVERYBODY ELSE!”
Yea i been watching his stuff for quite awhile now. This guy is awesome. I bet he swayed a fair share of votes.
Yeah, Okay – So I’m a Republican. And I’m white (oops). But I have to say that this video is awesome. If Alfonzo were to run for Prez I would totally vote for him.
Alfonzo – Thank you for your thoughts:
– I’ve known some of the most beautiful black women on the planet and they have such strong morals. Thank YOU for reminding everyone that demeaning women (all women) is not the way to honor them. Nor does it work to dismiss an entire group of young men. You have expressed my frustration and confusion perfectly
– I wonder what and who Barack is? How could someone who claims to care about this country refuse to prove that he is a citizen, and why is he focused on Sarah Palin? Is she that strong that she is a threat somehow?
– Wealth distribution… Hmmm – For the last seven years I flew from one coast to another to get to the best job I’ve ever had. Why the best? The money? Well, it was great. But I LOVED my job. I loved the people I worked with and for, and believed in the (medical) mission it stood for. Would I feel the same with a 40% tax rate instead of the measly 28 or so I paid? Maybe. But maybe not. I might have just decided that it wasn’t worth the effort.
You Sir, are amazing. Thank you for the great thoughts and the passion and sense of humor with which they were delivered.
@luva the scissors
I did the same on myspace and so forth. I easily lost 30% of my friends list over night, haha. SO WORTH IT.
What is the URL of this new video???
I would vote for Alfonzo Rachel if he was a candidate for POTUS. No problem. This guy is absolutely brillant.
He’s a gentleman. He actually contacted me back when I messaged him in the kindest manner that I have ever seen. Not one bit arrogant.
I’ll continue to watch his stuff. He’s great.
Craig: Did ACORN register you to vote in the U.S.?
Actually Mike, I would redirect that question to David101 or one of the other Acorn lovers and ask if they’ve been giving Acorn our names to register. Betcha’ “Mike’s America” is registered Democrat in Florida and Ohio and you’ve already voter early LOL.
Rocky: I wouldn’t be at all surprised!