Tonight’s 30-Minute Long Prime-Time Obama Campaign (Dis)Infomercial

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Barack Obama throws the ceremonial first pitch before the Chicago White Sox met the Los Angeles Angels in Game 2 of the American League Championship Series in Chicago October 12, 2005.
REUTERS/John Gress

Costing over $3 million dollars, the disinfomercial is to be shown on NBC, CBS, Fox, Univision, MSNBC and BET and TV One (the last two cater to black Americans).

From the New York Times:

The trailer is heavy in strings, flags, presidential imagery and some Americana filmed by Davis Guggenheim, whose father was the campaign documentarian of Robert F. Kennedy. As the screen flashes scenes of suburban lawns, a freight train and Mr. Obama seated at a kitchen table with a group of white, apparently working-class voters, Mr. Obama says: “We’ve seen over the last eight years how decisions by a president can have a profound effect on the course of history and on American lives; much that’s wrong with our country goes back even farther than that.

Does Senator Obama ever talk about what’s right with this country?

Isn’t the World Series on tonight? American baseball?

For its part, Mr. Obama’s campaign said it was not worried about turning off viewers.

“Many people have 150 channels; they’ve got plenty of other choices,” Mr. Margolis said. “Or they can drop into a video game.” Then again, Mr. Obama is advertising in video games, too.

Barack Obama and his family play a game at the Iowa State Fair during a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa, August 16, 2007.
REUTERS/Joshua Lott

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Not content to have his own “presidential” seal, he now wants his own “state of the union.” Ego, much?

I’m happy to see that Sen Obama has finally picked a team to root for in the World Series. At first when he was asked…he backed both teams; ie voted PRESENT as he usually does.

“RESOLVE” thy name is Barack Obama

Postponing the national past time’s pinnacle, The World Series, so as to promote oneself=AUDACITY

ABC is gonna get stellar ratings during the 8:00-to-8:30 time period…

No body cares about the world series… america’s sport is football. i think it is a good idea to do this. it is the last opportunity for him to talk to a large segement of the american people. right now, most of the stuff coming from both campaigns is in 30-second ands and soundbites on the news. otherwise, you have to attend a rally and for people outside of OH, VA, PA, FL and SC, that is highly unlikely.

Go White Sox – Go Bears!!!!

To Snow In: Nobody is going to watch Pushing Daisies.

Does Senator Obama ever talk about what’s right with this country?

“Only in America is my story even possible…”

@Wordsmith: I don’t think it’s a matter of “holding a magnifying glass up to perceived warts and flaws in the country”. If we ignore what is wrong, it will never get fixed, if we don’t hold those in office accountable then we are not performing our patriotic duty.

@james manning: I like pushing daisies:) But I would much rather see what Obama has to say. Maybe he will clear up some of the questions those in the center have. (hopefully)

Normally, no one would watch Pushing Daisies. I sure don’t. However, I imagine that there are enough people will switch over rather than watch a 30-minute ad to buy the show at least two more weeks.

I think I’ld rather sit through a root canal than a half hour of an, “I love me” Obama propagandafest. Bet they start it off and end it with more poor little kids rope-a-doped into singing his praises and black gospels in the background “beautifying” his image as if he were a saint. Doubt I could stomach that for long. I’ll think I’ld rather catch the reviews or laugh my way through the transcripts later.

Fit, would that be the same Obama that told a 7 year old girl:

“America is …, uh, is no longer, uh … what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.”

Is he suggesting that his story possible “only in America” is no longer possible?

What BS…. He can’t even stay consistent on that.

Well, I watched one episode of pushing daisies and it sucked. can’t wait for a proper television show to return. 24 is the greatest show since The Dick Van Dyke Show. I put Pushing Daisies in the same category as Love American Style – that was a horrible show as well.

The good things about modern media, you don’t have to watch but I imagine that between all the channels, a lot of people will see it. Heck, if John McCain did this I would watch as long as it wasn’t up against college football or Da Bears.

I am surprised that FoxNews will be airing that bullshit.

A guy that is willing to pay over 3 millions dollars for half an hour of propaganda tells me that he doesn’t give a dam about poverty. Why doesn’t he give that money to the people who recently had tornados damages in your country? That would speak louder than all his empty words. And where did all that money come from? We still don’t know. Did it come from terrorist countries? Communist countries? Dictatorship countries? Everything is possible with that enigmatic bum.

I hope you have a gigantic power failure tonight during his speech. This guy is such a fraud, but he has the same talent as Jim Jones and Hitler, he hypnotizes crowds with is Kool-Aid. Will he show is birth certificate tonight? I mean, his false birth certificate, the one he probably got in Hawaii, when he was pretending his was going to see id ill grandma? Is this the October surprise? A false birth certificate? That would not be a surprise; everything is false about this guy.

I would doubt he even had to pay Fox to show it. They HAVE to cover it as a public service so they can “debrief and deprogram” the poor innocent viewers. If people are going to watch it, better to view it there where the BS flag can be raised rather that sitting around the campfire with Couric, Gibson, and the others roasting marshmallows, singing “Kumbaya”, and puckering up to kiss his slimey butt.

You are right Rocky, I will listen to it on FowNews.

This is what Obama will destroy if elected… check it out at The American Thinker:

Fox News said that John McCain replied to Obama’s 30-minute “disinfomercial” by saying that he would NEVER delay a world-series game to put out an infomercial. Good man. =)


Do you recall McCain and his speech at the Republican convention held off the start of this years NFL season?? That was by an hour and a half… Obama moved the world series start of game six by.. 15 minutes… big deal…

BTW the Obama infomercial was fantastic!!!!! well done!! McCain only wished he would have thought of it…

“fantastic”???? LOL

Remind me to develop a screenplay targeted to you. Evidently, you are bowled over by mediocrity, Sky55110. It revolves around “grass growing” as the main character….

Then again, a video of Obama brushing his teeth would probably excite you.

Has nothing to do with McCain wishing he would have “thought of it”. Has to do with a spare, cool $3 mil in buying ad space, plus the time for shooting and editing the segments. Some will be stock footage from the campaign. Others special location set up. Rough guess? $800K to another mil at least. Making it costs of close to $4 mil to the Obama faithful… just as Chicago party to the tune of $2 mil for the city costs alone will be.

So, ya know, Sky55110? Glad you had your socks knocked off. ‘Cos you paid for it, bro.

BTW, your messiah needs more cash for his final party. Dug deep into your pockets for him again?


Sky is a walking, talking example of the tragedy of low expectations.

McCain did not request any changes in their scheduling for his speech and the speech did not hold off the start of the NFL game, the regularly scheduled game started earlier. The RNC convention speech was scheduled way in advance of the NFL scheduling their game, it was the NFL that made that call.

BTW, read this morning that the infomercial only attracted half the audience of the last debate. Obama paid to preach to the choir.


Did you see that even AP was unimpressed?


OCTOBER 2008, wow that is many days of struggling away past,
what will we do today, are we smarter, we better be,
because we will be in it deep if we did not learned the power of AMERICANS TO RECLAM THE REAL AMERICA WITH HER CONSTITUTION AND ALL THE PACKAGE INCLUDED WITH IT,