Coffee Talk with Lady Lynn

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This afternoon I had the distinct pleasure to talk with Lynn Forrester de Rothschild. A self made media mogul whom the New Yorker described endearingly as “practically, like a philosopher”.

It was a small, personal setting with Lynn speaking to 15 remarkable women in the elegant sitting room of Kathy Summerall.

Lynn described herself as a centrist democrat, one who stays away from the corrupting influence of partisan politics and puts the welfare of the nation ahead of politics. I quite agree with this stance.

She expressed her great admiration of Sarah Palin, describing her as an incredibly intelligent woman and accomplished politician. Everyone who has spent any time with Sarah admits the same. I suspect even Couric has the same opinion, although she would NEVER admit it!

To recap the coffee talk with Lady Lynne:

Her first choice for president was Hilary, McCain and then….

Obama is left, of well, the left.

His economic disaster plan is really a massive transfer in wealth, not a sound economic plan. Using clever wordsmithing, Obama has fooled people into believing a tax rebate program is a tax cut.

What is not known about Obama is scary; his connection to Ayers, ACORN, and Rev. Wright have never been thas closely scrutinzed by the media as Sarah Palin’s wardrobe. Would you marry someone without an idea of their character or history? Why vote for someone without exploring their past to elucidate who they are today?

The evidence does not support her belief in the US being the largest greenhouse gas offender. As much as I admire Lynn, we part ways on this issue.

Lynn sent a thank you note to Campbell Brown after the interview posted below, and included a t-shirt emblazoned with the word ‘bitter’. She yet to recieve word if Cambell has worn the shirt.

Campbell Brown on her soapbox while interviewing Lady Lynn:

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I love this woman. I saw this interview and was very impressed. It’s kind of like, the Hillary supporters were slammed nonstop by the Kool-Aid drinking Obamabots so much over the last year, we don’t like Obama. McCain isn’t our first choice, but we could live with him. I see much of Obama’s support coming from the desperate frenzy to get W. out of office. Without closely examining Barack. Hopefully people come to their senses this week!

That is cool I am sad the Rays lost though. I lived down there when they were terrible

Nice photo, but why does every party end up in the kitchen?

Glad you got to meet Lady Rothschild.

@Mike’s America:

Nice photo, but why does every party end up in the kitchen?

That is usually where the wine is.

LOL Stix! I’m a genuine quality wine buff. But I have to say, there isn’t a party where I’m not happier in the kitchen! And I’d wager that’s a “bipartisan” ‘tude, eh?

Who is that stupid idiotic woman who interviewed Lynn Forrester de Rothschild? What a bitch with no class at all. She ask a question and doesn’t even aloud the other person to answer. I hope there is not too many women like her and Couric in the States. I can’t stand those women who are constantly bitching other women. I sure would not like to hear what she thinks of Palin. That arrogant uneducated women made me so angry. But, I console myself by thinking that she made an ass of herself. Compare to the class of Lynn Rotchild, she looked like a miserable and annoying insect.

The kitchen is usually where everyone ends up at with my family or next to the bar.

the kitchen is the heart of the home and the base of operations. thats where the best food is, the drinks, the happiness in a home. my kitchen gets more use than any ither room in my house. she seems like a real class act, i hope people listen to her words.

Campbell Brown….such a class act….NOT. What a prissy little prig. She didn’t get that pony on her sweet-16 and now she’s pissed.

Rothschild was a class act.

Congrats to you Skye, for getting to be a part of this intimate setting with Lady de Rothschild!
I was encouraged today while volunteering at the McCain headquarters in my area and calling voters that I spoke to several Democrats who are, or already have, voted for John McCain. And, I usually try to ask them how they like Sarah Palin, and the answer is unanimously, “I love her!” I know many Democrats feel that Obama is way too far left for them as well. And, I haven’t asked them the elitist question with regards to Obama, but perhaps will now after hearing this video interview. I’ll be interested in hearing their views. I mentioned this before, but we recently had a staunch Hillary supporter come in to volunteer to make calls for McCain as well. She said this election was the first she’d been involved with, and she, and many former Hillary supporters like her, she said, do NOT want an Obama presidency under any circumstances! I so appreciate people like her and Lady Rothschild (and yourself) who are putting country first, not party. Thank you so much.

I agree with others that Campbell Brown was quite peeved, and not ashamed to show it! 😉

All you need to prove that Obama is an elitist is watch that YouTube video of him saying “John McCain’s fighting for a plumber!”

WOW! That is so cool!

I admit I would not be a Clinton supporter but Lynn Forester took my breath away with her calm, deliberate, and thoughtful points made to the yapping Campbell Brown. What metphorical contrast between the two.

Isn’t Brown supposed to be a newscaster? She sounded like she was straight from a Koolaid drinking contest at Obama HQ.

Lynn was all class. And she made it clear she backs Sarah Palin as well. More class.

I always stop what I’m doing, sit down and listen whenever Lynn Forester de Rothschild is doing an interview and then am disappointed when it ends always wishing they would give her more time.

I started reading the Hillary blogs after she lost the primary and have often thought that the Hillary supporters are the ones earnestly working to bring this country back together. We have had to endure the big talker for two years with his red, white and blue America schtick, now we see what part of the Democratic party is really reaching out to unite this country.

Skye, appears that you are living through one thrill after another, you deserve it, thanks for all you do and thanks for sharing! This is awesome!

I admire Lady Lynn because she is beautiful bright and feminine. I can imagine the tough decision she made, leaving Hillary’s side, and working for the Republican Party. I have been a lifelong Democrat, however, this year I will vote for McCain-Palin. I wrestled with my decision, on many levels, as it evoked a great sadness in my heart! For those of us who treasure the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights it has been a surreal change in our consciousness.

This is a YouTube of Kenny Rogers singing his famous song “Lady” written by Lionel Richie. It is for all we Ladies of America, for Lady Lynn, for Sassy Sarah, and for the *Grand Old Flag* Gentlemen who still think of the special Ladies in their lives with this kind of love and devotion. It ‘haunts the heartstrings’ in a divine way that we seem to be searching for in this day and age!

“I’ve more to say on this topic, and will continue tomorrow as I’m celebrating the Phillies winning the World Series!!!!!!”

Skye – I’m right there with you.


>>Nice photo, but why does every party end up in the kitchen?>>

Long time standing “problem”…

There used to a wall hanging that many had…one of those cross stitch things (when people still had cross stitch hangings)

“No matter where I put my guests,

They always like my kitchen best”

And Stix is probably right…that’s where the wine is, and all the nibbles… hot and fresh

And the good smells!

If you want a great smelling house, slow fry a pan of onions. _Really_ slow fry. Or if it’s the “wrong” time of day, make a small square of aluminum foil doubled and redoubled, put a quarter teaspoon or so of cinnamon on it, put it on a burner at very low heat and let it burn. They’ll all think you’ve been making cookies!

Suek: Slow frying onions makes your house smell better? Or are you trying to drive away Vampires?

You use garlic to drive off Vampires and Goths, Mike. But perhaps the smell of onions might drive off the moonbats? Worth a try I guess.

Actually I prefer the apple/cinnamon scent of Mom’s apple pie this time of year.

Rocky: I’ve always believed there was a distinct similarity between left wing moonbat zombies and vampires.

But just to be on the safe side, I recommend loading your firearm with silver bullets too.

Damn do not talk bad about vampires. I am one. I am a night person and stay up all night ans sleep all day if I could, except to play golf or fish. the only thing is I love garlic

@Mike’s America: Yes I like that one better.

@Skye: Well, at least we have her on our side this year.

I figured you would not agree with her that much on social issues. But she is an elegant woman and it is great to have her on our side, at least fr this year.

da lovely Skye

I do wish you had more direct quotes from Ms. Rothschild. Not to mention, I wish you had confiscated more than a few bottles from the family vineyard…. I am such a fan! LOL

I agree with Stix. We will find many PUMAs and Hillary supporters in the McCain camp this year. Hang, my sissie and I have been on opposite sides of the fence for decades, but find ourselves somewhat united this year because of the DNC’s use of rules to blow Hillary out of the water. As I said to her… I would be less worried about this year’s election if it were a McCain v Hillary contest. I have my major disagreements with Hillary. But she’s one ballsy, tough broad. And when it comes down to foreign policy, I trust Hillary to suck it up on the group and do the right thing.

I am not so sure about Obama. I think he will… but…

What may be interesting is what a Palin GOP entity may do to the “party identity”, so to speak. She may be the future of a morphed party, as well as… i.e…. Bobby Jindal. With a “new” centrist… meaning not a socialist (like the DNC majority has become), and a dying breed of Reagan conservatives (gasp! sigh….), a combo of Palin/Jindal may become a new alliance of disenchanted DNC’ers left out in the cold by rules/regs/agenda. So Ms. Rothschild may find herself in a common camp in the future. Who knows, yes? It depends upon what happens this next four years, and under whom.

Now, the only thing I can say I’m appalled at is your comment:

The evidence does not support her belief in the US being the largest greenhouse gas offender. As much as I admire Lynn, we part ways on this issue.

But another battle for another day, eh? :0)

The Ocean is the largest Greenhouse Gas offender….

Water vapor!

@Mike’s America: Yes Mike, and the Sun has a big influence on the temperature of the Earth.

Humans have a minimal effect o the Temperature of the Earth, Sun and water vapor (cloud formation) has the biggest effect.