So bloody depressing…but it’s hard to not see that nightmare scenario unfolding if the Dems pull this off. 8 years of BDS has them howling for payback.
Ok, Mike. I give. Last time we were in this “supermajority” scene (today, possible… back the, real) was Jimmah Carter. We old types, plus the history buffs know the problems then.
But I’m missing your point on this one. Could just be me. I’m “RAP”/”Saskboy”/”Dave Nobel”‘d out at the moment.
too late…. steam still emitting from ears. Can’t see thru da fog!
16 years ago
We are still dealing with the disasters of Carter’s presidency and will continue to do so for decades. Same with Clinton’s. The people elect these socialists and think it is only for four years. What harm can they do in four years. Well, look at those two presidents. Talk of teaching the republican party a lesson makes me sick.
16 years ago
maybe he will move fast, screw things up quick and the house will go R in two years and squeeze the budget.
16 years ago
I admire your optimism, but a lot of irreversible damages can be done in two years. Besides, if Obama is elected, with the Congress and Senate filled with Dems, you will never be able to get rid of the Dems. Obama will probably try to pull out the same deal as Chavez… not time limits for a POTUS, he can stay there for years and years, just like Fidel Castro. If this election is won by Obama, it will change your country for ever. Bye, bye America, the Greatest Nation in the world. And that will be the biggest tragedy of history. I feel that Americans do not realize that. I guess having there nose to close to the tree, makes them unable to see the forest. But I am a foreigner and I can see it very clearly.
If Obama wins, Americans will be remembering the good old days with Georges W. Bush, and will ask themselves how come they did not appreciate that great POTUS… but it will be too late, much too late. The point of no return!
16 years ago
It may be time to clean and prepare the rifle and sharpen the knife. If it’s “class” warfare they want, then maybe we should give it to them.
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
Let’s see the last time there was a “supermajority” scene… Oh that would be when George W Bush first took office.. for six years the republicans totally had their way with this country… It was awful!! They almost ruined our country… but we didn’t become communist… we are all still americans…
That would be just a mere inkling of what he has no clue about.
16 years ago
Only two correct answers Mike? Hm I was thinking Russia, China, Cuba, Vensuela, and North Korea with communism and several Middle-East countries under extreme Islamic Fundamentalism theocracies.
Republicans only had a weak simple majority in Congress. And enough RINOS and Dems to make them mostly ineffective during part of Clinton’s and part of Bush’s administrations. And Democrats controlled most of Congress for the 40+ preceeding years. Which led to a steady decline of this country over the last century.
As for U.S. super majorities, only the Carter and FDR administrations come immediately to mind.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
Don’t use me as an excuse, Mata. I think you have us outnumbered here. Mike will throw stink bombs while you collect your thoughts.
Perhaps Certified Real American Patriot (C.R.A. P. for short) can give us examples of secret police Bush used to silence political dissent. I’d also like C.R.A.P. to show me where Bush had near monopoly support in the news media, academia and arts…
Do you understand the difference C.R.A.P? Obviously not.
This today from Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe was good:
The ‘dictator’ label
By Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist / October 29, 2008
“In terms of the power he now claims without significant challenge,” Michael Kinsley asserted in 2003, “George W. Bush is now the closest thing in a long time to dictator of the world.” When it emerged that the National Security Agency was sifting telephone records for possible counterterrorism leads, CNN’s Jack Cafferty fumed that the administration intended to establish “a full-blown dictatorship in this country.” In a piece for the Times of London, Andrew Sullivan informs us that “in war and economic crisis, Bush has insisted that there is no alternative to dictatorial rule.”
Well, overwrought cries of “Dictator!” are an old story in American politics. Presidents great and not-so-great have been slammed as “tyrant” and “dictator,” not to mention “autocrat,” “Caesar,” and “slavemaster.” Somehow the Republic survived their administrations. Chances are, it will survive the Bush years too.
Bush as a ruthless autocrat? It would be easier to take the idea seriously if it weren’t for the omnipresent clamor of voices denouncing the man. Tyrants have a way of squelching public dissent and intimidating their critics. Whatever else may be said about the Bush administration, it has never cowed its opponents into silence. If anything, the past eight years have set new records in vilifying a sitting president: “Bush = Hitler” signs at protest rallies; Crude “Buck Fush” bumper stickers; a 2006 movie depicting Bush’s assassination; The New Republic’s cover story on “The Case for Bush Hatred.” The denunciation has been unending and often unhinged, yet Bush has never tried to censor it.
Will we be able to say the same of his successor?
If opinion polls are right, Barack Obama is cruising to victory. As president, would he show the same forbearance as Bush in allowing his opponents to have their say, unmolested? Or would he attempt to suppress the free speech of those whose views he detested? It is disturbing to contemplate some of the Obama campaign’s recent efforts to stifle criticism.
When the National Rifle Association produced a radio ad last month about Obama’s shifting position on gun control, the campaign’s lawyers sent letters to radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania, urging them not to run it – and warning of trouble with the Federal Communications Commission if they did. “This advertisement knowingly misleads your viewing audience,” Obama’s general counsel Bob Bauer wrote. “For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”
Similar lawyer letters went out in August when the American Issues Project produced a TV spot exploring Obama’s strong ties to former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Station managers were warned that running the anti-Obama ad would be a violation of their legal obligation to serve the “public interest.” And in case that wasn’t menacing enough, the Obama campaign also urged the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation.
In Missouri, an Obama “truth squad” of prosecutors and other law-enforcement officials vowed to take action against anyone making “character attacks” on the Democratic candidate – a threat, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt later remarked, that had about it the “stench of police state tactics.”
Perhaps these efforts to smother political speech are simply the overly aggressive tactics of a campaign in its adrenaline-fueled sprint to the finish. But what if they are the first warning signs of how an Obama administration would deal with its adversaries?
Michael Barone, the esteemed and judicious author of “The Almanac of American Politics,” fears the worst. “In this campaign,” he writes, “we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy . . . We may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead.”
Pray that Barone is wrong. The nation’s political life is toxic enough when the president is falsely labeled a dictator. It would be infinitely more poisonous if the label were true.
Stinky enough for you Dave Hussein Noble?
16 years ago
Let’s see the last time there was a “supermajority” scene… Oh that would be when George W Bush first took office.. for six years the republicans totally had their way with this country… It was awful!! They almost ruined our country… but we didn’t become communist… we are all still americans…
Your ignorance knows no bounds. The Republicans NEVER had a super-majority…we’d have been getting oil from ANWR and Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, et al, would be in Gitmo, charged with treason.
Actually, the first 6 years of the Bush administration are filled with triumph after triumph. The economy went in the tubes from ’07 until now. Clearly a democRAT accomplishment. Lowest approval ratings of any congress. Hussein is Jimmah Carter on steroids and a fillibuster-proof democRAT congress is the last thing we need. The most important issue is JUDGES. Hussein will appoint leftist activists who will turn the Constitution into a myth. Be careful what you wish for.
16 years ago
>>Hussein will appoint leftist activists who will turn the Constitution into a myth. Be careful what you wish for.>>
You may be overly optimistic if you think that’s all he’ll do. With a majority in both houses of the Congress, he may convene a Constitutional Convention and make radical changes in the Constitution itself. We have 28 Amendments, don’t forget. That’s how they were made. And once they’ve been approved by Congress and 3/4 of the States, that’s the law of the land – not open to interpretation by the SC. (not that the SC will matter by then. I fully expect that if he has a majority in both houses, he’ll pack the court…legislatively increase the number of SC judges, and then appoint radically leftist judges to fill the empty places. Can you say “rubber stamp”?)
If you go to the main page, he has a lot of good articles…
Brian Miller
16 years ago
Talk about projecting one’s issues… Here we have the Rethugs regret that they never had a supermajority because then they could have locked up elected US representatives in Gitmo, the Rethugs think they should sharpen knives for the upcoming class war, the Rethugs even turn on their own RINOs as not Rethug enough and propose that something should be done with them, and then the Rethugs say these arrogant, ignorant, hateful ideas are coming from Obama. Just because that is the only way Rethugs can think doesn’t mean that the rest of real America is that way. Get a grip.
So bloody depressing…but it’s hard to not see that nightmare scenario unfolding if the Dems pull this off. 8 years of BDS has them howling for payback.
I’m going somewhere safe. Like Iraq.
Ok, Mike. I give. Last time we were in this “supermajority” scene (today, possible… back the, real) was Jimmah Carter. We old types, plus the history buffs know the problems then.
But I’m missing your point on this one. Could just be me. I’m “RAP”/”Saskboy”/”Dave Nobel”‘d out at the moment.
Spell it out for me, will ya? :0)
Mata: You have to be careful and only take Dave Hussein Nobles in small doses…. That stuff can rot your brain.
too late…. steam still emitting from ears. Can’t see thru da fog!
We are still dealing with the disasters of Carter’s presidency and will continue to do so for decades. Same with Clinton’s. The people elect these socialists and think it is only for four years. What harm can they do in four years. Well, look at those two presidents. Talk of teaching the republican party a lesson makes me sick.
maybe he will move fast, screw things up quick and the house will go R in two years and squeeze the budget.
I admire your optimism, but a lot of irreversible damages can be done in two years. Besides, if Obama is elected, with the Congress and Senate filled with Dems, you will never be able to get rid of the Dems. Obama will probably try to pull out the same deal as Chavez… not time limits for a POTUS, he can stay there for years and years, just like Fidel Castro. If this election is won by Obama, it will change your country for ever. Bye, bye America, the Greatest Nation in the world. And that will be the biggest tragedy of history. I feel that Americans do not realize that. I guess having there nose to close to the tree, makes them unable to see the forest. But I am a foreigner and I can see it very clearly.
If Obama wins, Americans will be remembering the good old days with Georges W. Bush, and will ask themselves how come they did not appreciate that great POTUS… but it will be too late, much too late. The point of no return!
It may be time to clean and prepare the rifle and sharpen the knife. If it’s “class” warfare they want, then maybe we should give it to them.
Let’s see the last time there was a “supermajority” scene… Oh that would be when George W Bush first took office.. for six years the republicans totally had their way with this country… It was awful!! They almost ruined our country… but we didn’t become communist… we are all still americans…
@Real American Patriot:
Your ignorance of history is rather pervasive.
Beat me to it, Aye Chi…. Obviously Sky55110 fails the title here… “History Quiz”.
Correct answer is Jimmy Carter. Then gain, maybe it’s because he hasn’t a clue what a “supermajority” is.
That would be just a mere inkling of what he has no clue about.
Only two correct answers Mike? Hm I was thinking Russia, China, Cuba, Vensuela, and North Korea with communism and several Middle-East countries under extreme Islamic Fundamentalism theocracies.
Republicans only had a weak simple majority in Congress. And enough RINOS and Dems to make them mostly ineffective during part of Clinton’s and part of Bush’s administrations. And Democrats controlled most of Congress for the 40+ preceeding years. Which led to a steady decline of this country over the last century.
As for U.S. super majorities, only the Carter and FDR administrations come immediately to mind.
Don’t use me as an excuse, Mata. I think you have us outnumbered here. Mike will throw stink bombs while you collect your thoughts.
Perhaps Certified Real American Patriot (C.R.A. P. for short) can give us examples of secret police Bush used to silence political dissent. I’d also like C.R.A.P. to show me where Bush had near monopoly support in the news media, academia and arts…
Do you understand the difference C.R.A.P? Obviously not.
This today from Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe was good:
Stinky enough for you Dave Hussein Noble?
Let’s see the last time there was a “supermajority” scene… Oh that would be when George W Bush first took office.. for six years the republicans totally had their way with this country… It was awful!! They almost ruined our country… but we didn’t become communist… we are all still americans…
Your ignorance knows no bounds. The Republicans NEVER had a super-majority…we’d have been getting oil from ANWR and Reid, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, et al, would be in Gitmo, charged with treason.
Actually, the first 6 years of the Bush administration are filled with triumph after triumph. The economy went in the tubes from ’07 until now. Clearly a democRAT accomplishment. Lowest approval ratings of any congress. Hussein is Jimmah Carter on steroids and a fillibuster-proof democRAT congress is the last thing we need. The most important issue is JUDGES. Hussein will appoint leftist activists who will turn the Constitution into a myth. Be careful what you wish for.
>>Hussein will appoint leftist activists who will turn the Constitution into a myth. Be careful what you wish for.>>
You may be overly optimistic if you think that’s all he’ll do. With a majority in both houses of the Congress, he may convene a Constitutional Convention and make radical changes in the Constitution itself. We have 28 Amendments, don’t forget. That’s how they were made. And once they’ve been approved by Congress and 3/4 of the States, that’s the law of the land – not open to interpretation by the SC. (not that the SC will matter by then. I fully expect that if he has a majority in both houses, he’ll pack the court…legislatively increase the number of SC judges, and then appoint radically leftist judges to fill the empty places. Can you say “rubber stamp”?)
Check this out:
If you go to the main page, he has a lot of good articles…
Talk about projecting one’s issues… Here we have the Rethugs regret that they never had a supermajority because then they could have locked up elected US representatives in Gitmo, the Rethugs think they should sharpen knives for the upcoming class war, the Rethugs even turn on their own RINOs as not Rethug enough and propose that something should be done with them, and then the Rethugs say these arrogant, ignorant, hateful ideas are coming from Obama. Just because that is the only way Rethugs can think doesn’t mean that the rest of real America is that way. Get a grip.