“Elect More Democrats to High Office, and We’ll have More Bipartisanship”

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How exactly does this work:

on concerns that Democrats might control both the White House and Congress she said the following:

“Elect us, hold us accountable, and make a judgment and then go from there. But I do tell you that if the Democrats win, and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan,” said Pelosi.

So, elect more and more Democrats to Congress, and there’ll be more bipartisanship?

How can anyone argue with that kind of logic?

Makes sense. [/sarcasm]

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Nancy Pelosi has an uncanny ability to make Cynthia McKinney seem like Einstein.

The Dems have some nerve harping on Sarah Palin’s supposed lack of intelligence with a dim bulb like Nancy Pelosi at the helm.

WTF This is a joke right???? The Onion???? Mad TV???

I mean since they got into power we just had so much bipartisanship. Just look at all the wonderful things they have done. crickets crickets….

Dims’ code word for Bipartisan=RADICAL.
Tax cut for the middle class=Massive tax increase
Spead the well=Welfare

Bipartisan to the Dems means that the other side surrenders to your whims.

My guess is Nancy’s been smoking the same Peruvian gaffe’ing weed as Biden.

Or she meant to say, “Bye partisan.”

She means more take or leave it legislation like the $853B $700B Bailout Bill.

I recall John Hinderaker saying that one silver lining of an Obama victory will be that Democrats will finally have to take responsibility for their actions.

I’m not sure if I’d call that a silver lining (the national security implications are worrisome – just ask Joe Biden), but it’s a good point. Although I get the feeling Dems will still figure out a way to blame Bush, Republicans, conservatives, etc. for any bad news.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are really what scares me most about an Obama Presidency. While he scares me plenty on his own, the huge majority the democrats look to have in congress is even worse. The branches of our government were set up to be checks and balances. There is nothing balanced about a government run by Pelosi-Reid-Obama. This fact alone is reason enough to vote for McCain.

I remember living in Louisiana When Edwin Edwards was on his first run for Gov, against a popular N. Louisiana Repub. At that time La. was a true one party state, with massive corruption. Ok, the point. Edwards said tha La. needed a two party system, but voting Republican wasn’t the way to get it.

Pelosi is an idiot. I cannot wait until her seat’s taken from her and she is shut up for good. She’s supposed to represent me? I don’t think so.

she is nuts and we all know it. she is drunk with power. what a moron.

lol…Who applies for a job this way? In an interview, do you grab your resume’ out of the bosses hand and say, “Forget that! Just hire me and we’ll take it from there.”!?!?! This is typical, though. Just like the Liberal view on abortion, they think good judgment comes AFTER choice and accountability!

I haven’t forgotten the bipartisanship practiced by the democrats when they controlled all three seats of power. The arrogance was pretty much like Obama’s. Their attitude to republicans was this is the way it will be and you have no power to change it. That’s the democrat notion of bipartisanship.

Also the only person running against Pelosi is Cindy Sheehan. That’s all we need is to give that dweeb a voice and seat in the house. Face it. San Francisco is a lost cause and they should form their own country.

San Francisco HAS been a lost cause. That’s not news to me, and shouldn’t be to the people on this site. Remember the post that mentions SF “taking a dump” on the electoral system a few months back?