I don’t approve of Hitler propaganda. I really don’t. That said, I do understand the similarity, but I think it would’ve been better had they faded back and forth to the Obama kids and the Hitler Youth. That way viewers could decide if the cute and cuddly little warped minds were as scary as the cute and sinister little warped minds. In any event, this is where politics today has taken us: to brainwashing little kids so they can sing Obama songs and put out propaganda videos. As such, I guess the comparison is inevitable.
Sad. Not to my flavoring, but definitely food for thought.
Obama’s idea of change is most certainly not a good thing. Neither is his false advertising. Here’s a letter written to the slippery senator by the attorney representing The Heritage Foundation:
Wow… I need some antacid after that one… ugh the thought of 4 years of this…. Ugh. Let’s send the “Dear Leader” back to Washington as a Community Organizer!
16 years ago
You won’t want to miss tonight’s Rick Moran Show,, one of the most popular conservative talk shows on Blog Talk Radio.
Tonight, AT’s Political Correspondent Rich Baehr is back in the second chair, giving us the bad news on the polls and his expert if depressing analysis of who the race is shaping up.
The show will air from 7:00 – 8:00 PM Central time. You can access the live stream here.
This is not nearly as scary as the statement made by Obama that he will cut the military in half and build his own army. An army of his thugs to kill all dissent with no military to defend us. The communists (let’s call them what they are) have made great inroads in our culture: schools, academia, media, government bureaucracy. Now they are having the big push and trying to win the presidency also. If Obama wins God help us because we as a nation are screwed.
16 years ago
This really is scary. I don’t remember anything like this being done for Gore or Kerry. And those guys had much more experience in their pinky fingers than Obama does in his entire life. Candidate of change? More like candidate of failure.
I would NEVER let myself succumb to any of the changes that Obama puts in place. I would NEVER accept the changed presidential seal, the changed national anthem, changed anything of his. My hatred for the man has grown exponentially throughout just this past month.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
No, you guys have it all wrong. Obama isn’t a Muslim, he isn’t a terrorist, he isn’t a Nazi, he isn’t a Communist. He’s an android. Actually Obama is the real Obamaton. That’s why he has that otherworldly calm about him. And the “um’s and ah’s” that are part of his speech pattern are the result of glitches in his programming.
On Inauguration Day, right after the Inauguration, he is going to remotely open a space-time warp secretly installed in the basement of the Trinity Baptist Church and the invading alien army from Gluubr will come through. Remember that picture of him in the Muslim garb? Actually, that is the Gluubarian battle uniform. Psyche!!!! We have you so fooled, Earthlings!!!!
Damn, you guys are desperate.
16 years ago
You mean he lied during Stephie’s interview when he said he was a muslim?
How soon, do you suppose, after McCain’s inauguration will this occur, Dave?
Obama isn’t a Muslim, he isn’t a terrorist, he isn’t a Nazi, he isn’t a Communist.
I agree with with all of these, Dave Noble. Obama is merely a socialist, and a proponent of affirmative action policies as the mainstay of this country. And that’s why I will never support him. It is an economic and social failure, as Europe has proven multiple times over.
That’s why he has that otherworldly calm about him.
“otherworldly”??? OMG, what a cultish analysis. Would that “otherworldly” be space alien or deity, Dave Noble? Or perhaps one of these other synonyms would more aptly portray your unmitigated devotion for “that one”… ethereal, heavenly, magical, mystical, spiritual, supernatural, transcendental, uncanny, unearthly, visionary.
You see some super being. I see a well honed, corrupt Chicago politician who has finely tuned Saul Alinsky’s intimidation community organizing tactics to a near perfect science.
I’ve watched Obama during the primaries and the general debates quite carefully. He remains composed, but his facial expressions do not hide the disdain and anger when he, or his beliefs, are crossed. But again, Alinsky’s rules for radicals has become ingrained in his responses. He was an exceptional student for that philosophy. However I have no admiration for that skill.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
Can’t blame you for turning a joke into a serious response, Mata. In fact, nicely done. But hey, how long are you going to milk the Alinsky rules for rhetorical points? Especially considering that they are generic rules for pushing one’s agenda. And we all do that. Don’t we?
“Otherworldly” was, I thought at least, a pretty obvious joke when talking about an alien.
How about the simpler conclusion that Obama is a disciplined, inwardly calm individual who is comfortable in his own skin. Hey, neither of us is a trained psychiatrist or police profiler, but why is my conclusion any less plausible than yours. Maybe we could use someone like that with their finger on the trigger.
“ethereal, heavenly, magical, mystical, spiritual, supernatural, transcendental, uncanny, unearthly, visionary.” No none of those. I have never given anyone on this site any valid (as opposed to speculative) indication that my “devotion” to Barrack Obama is “unmitigated” or that I view him as a “super being.”
What I have said is that he is my choice for President, not my Messiah. I assume you feel the same way about John McCain. Although I think I’m more enthusiastic about my choice than you are.
BTW, you need to talk to Skye, she still thinks he’s a Muslim.
Yes, Skye, and John McCain thinks he’s still a prisoner of war and we are his “fellow prisoners.”
(At first I had trouble with the “Stephie” reference. Mr. Stephanopoulos and I are not on a nickname basis)
But hey, how long are you going to milk the Alinsky rules for rhetorical points?
As long as they are applicable, and more people begin to wake up to his methods of achieving power, Dave Noble. And considering Alinsky is Obama’s foundation for success in Chicago thru now, I’d say that means as long as Obama is a politician.
Especially considering that they are generic rules for pushing one’s agenda. And we all do that. Don’t we?
When the National Rifle Association produced a radio ad last month about Obama’s shifting position on gun control, the campaign’s lawyers sent letters to radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania, urging them not to run it – and warning of trouble with the Federal Communications Commission if they did. “This advertisement knowingly misleads your viewing audience,” Obama’s general counsel Bob Bauer wrote. “For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”
Did the same in some with an ad on Obama’s very legitimate issue/ties to Ayers
Station managers were warned that running the anti-Obama ad would be a violation of their legal obligation to serve the “public interest.” And in case that wasn’t menacing enough, the Obama campaign also urged the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation.
Funny how Obama doesn’t tout his only administrative experience… the CAC, eh? Wonder why? I don’t…
Then there’s this…
In Missouri, an Obama “truth squad” of prosecutors and other law-enforcement officials vowed to take action against anyone making “character attacks” on the Democratic candidate – a threat, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt later remarked, that had about it the “stench of police state tactics.”
“The next tip is to be absolutely ruthless,” Jocelyn Woodards tells the campers. “We want you to be determined, ambitious, take a risk.”
No toasted marshmallows here. This is the second day of Camp Obama, a two-day (sometimes four-day) intensive training course in becoming an activist to help get Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) elected president.
Obama is not like other candidates, and part of this training is learning to mimic the methods he used before he was an elected official — back when he was a community organizer in Chicago following the textbook of legendary agitator Saul Alinsky.
Just about all the candidates’ campaigns do some version of this volunteer training but others don’t have the candidates’ own backgrounds to draw on in mapping out the training regimen. Alinsky had been dead for a decade when Obama came to organize in Chicago in the ’80s, but his disciples were here ready to train him as Woodards is ready to train the volunteers.
Coincidental that Alinsky’s 5th rule uses that very word… Ridicule. An Alinsky response that precludes Obama explaining his more than few associations with self-admitted Marxists, and socialist organizations dedicated to “Social and Economic justice”. Instead he jokes about sharing PB&J sandwichs as a child.
Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
Which brings us to the words of “the Master” himself… a man who’s goal to achieve power was to fan the flames of discontent in order to mobilize… or, as Alinsky put it, “”rub raw the sores of discontent,”
In war, the end justifies almost any means (Alinsky 1972: 29-30)
He who sacrifices the mass good for his personal conscience has a peculiar conception of ‘personal salvation’; he doesn’t care enough for people to ‘be corrupted’ for them. (Alinsky 1972: 25)
To hear it from people connected to IAF, though, Obama took an unfortunate turn when he linked himself to ACORN, whose activist shenanigans would have Alinsky spinning in his grave. These range from allegedly procuring thousands of phony and multiple signatures on voter registration lists (one 19-year-old in Cleveland claimed to have been bribed with cash and cigarettes to register 72 times over 18 months) to using taxpayer funds to strong-arm mortgage companies into lending to the un-credit-worthy, helping precipitate the current financial meltdown.
“Shakedowns” and “blackmail” were the words used by IAF’s director, Edward Chambers, a protégé of Alinsky, about ACORN and its activities when I called the IAF’s Chicago headquarters (IAF today trains organizers in a loose network of some 57 affiliates in 21 states). It was the day before the New York Times published a story about a June 18 internal report by an ACORN lawyer which contained a laundry list of “potentially improper use of charitable dollars for political purposes; money transfers among [ACORN’s 174 affiliates, some of them tax-exempt, others not], and potential conflicts created by employees working for multiple affiliates,” as Times reporter Stephanie Strom put it.
“In his [Alinsky’s] view, the end of achieving power justifies a range of means…If the occasion requires, Alinsky’s forces will not refrain from spreading rumors about an antagonist or indulging in something that comes very close to blackmail.”
Were Alinsky not radical enough in his own right, imagine the same “spinning in his grave” over the tactics Obama and ACORN employ.
Yeah… this is the kind of principles that I want from my POTUS. Unfortunately, they are the principles that Obama has demonstrated… from his systematic legal elimination of all of his competition in the IL Senate primaries, to this general campaign.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
Mata, do you just read the conservative editiorials or do you go behind them to check their references? If you do, I stand corrected. I read the Obama letter re: the NRA ad. There is nothing coercive in this letter. If you think this is hardball, you have a very sensitive meter. I suggest you apply that standard to the Republican party.
BTW, just out of curiosity who are the “the bitch girls?” Look at the URL for that letter. Kind of makes you wonder about the source and veracity of the letter.
I also read the article on “Camp Obama”
Obama volunteers are told:
“It’s not enough to want to help others, Woodards says. These campers need to focus on people’s self-interests. What do they want? How can Obama help them?”
To paraphrase Claude Rains in Casablanca: I’m shocked to learn that politics is about self-interest.
Then there is this thuggish instruction:
“Listening, listening, listening. Listening is the No. 1 tool,”
And please don’t suggest that ridiciule is the exclusive province of the Obama campaign.
I’ll just note in passing the scurrilous content on this blog in which, for example,Curt, channeling Butterfly McQueen in “Gone With the Wind,” said that Gwen Ifill “sure does love her some Obama” or someone else compared Michelle Obama’s mouth to a urinal. And that just scratches the surface.
But I know FA is not an organ of the McCain campaign. So how about Sarah Palin’s campaign speech? She didn’t ridicule Barrack Obama? If only she could articulate her ideas about policy as well as she fires off zingers.
I have always found Republican disingenuousness about hardball politics and agendas laughable.
Dick Armey once said that the Clinton White House was the most “political White House he had ever seen.” That’s kind of like saying this is the most “medical doctor’s office I have ever seen.”
Again, Claude Rains leaps to mind: I’m shocked to hear that Administration’s practice politics.
Politics is about obtaining and maintaining power.
What is beyond the pale? Unfortunately, too much of what we see out there. Whisper campaigns that suggest that John McCain’s adopted daughter is his love child or that Trig Palln is actually Sarah Palin’s granddaughter. But you have failed to adduce a practice by the Obama campaign that represents beyond the pale campaign practices. All you have done is describe an aggressive and to date successful political campaign (Tuesday will tell) and suggest it is driven by some kind of sinister police state-like tactics Obama learned from the Saul Alinsky.
“Suggest” it is driven by some kind of sinister “police state-like tactics Obama learned from Saul Alinksy”?
I do not “suggest”, Dave Noble. I emphatically state Obama was trained and is quite open about using the Alinsky community organizing tacts, as is ACORN. He did training sessions in the same discipline for them. As well as represented them against banks for “redlining” charges.
Didn’t read the IAF, bit, eh? Even they are appalled at Obama’s ACORN alliance which distorts a method already founded on agitating the masses into actionable discontent in order to mobilize them.
Well now… that’s some “unity”, eh?
I agree… politics is about “obtaining and maintaining” power. And in one arena, the left and right in this nation agree that politics and pols are essentially scum, and far too dirty.
Yet what are we doing? Watching a typical Chicago politician engage in promoting voter fraud thru ACORN, providing them with Obama campaign donors who have maxed out their legal contributions, accepting untraceable donations with prepaid credit cards, threatening media that air ads they do not like, a man who ignores letters from Heritage lawyers, telling him to pull ads that misrepresent their studies. No do I trust a candidate who refuses interviews to media that aren’t fawning over their positions (even Palin appeared in the “enemy” media camps first, while it took Obama over a year to appear only on O’Reilly… FOX’s version of Chris Matthews in softball).
Yet to the Obama faithful, these little indiscretions are just water off the back. Afterall, even to them, “the end justifies the means”.
I agree that what Obama has done with his campaign is successful. If the man can do two things, he can raise money, and spend other people’s money. That is his entire resume. His success is obvious by the glazed eyes of Obama supporters who hear and read the words “social and economic justice” and “spread the wealth”, and still don’t recognize an obvious socialist agenda, theme and phrasing.
Does this give me a sense of pride in his accomplishments? No… when you can actively engage in voter fraud, speaking socialism opening by not labeling it socialism, and the nation turns it’s head to avoid seeing it, a pit grows in my belly.
I don’t like in your face campaigns. I don’t like what Obama and the DNC did to Hillary. And I really don’t like he and their supporters suggesting that an Obama loss means this nation is racist. More of that “unity” crap he peddles as lies, no doubt.
I don’t like candidates who use the court systems to systematically eliminate their competition. I don’t like a candidate who, despite all his own successes, feels this country “isn’t what it once was”. (and good thing for him it isn’t….).
I don’t want a POTUS who is tied with the New Party, ACORN, William Ayers, Rev Wright, Rezko and other nefarious types who are known for their radical hatred of the US as a capitalist nation. I’ve yet to see a normal nice guy whom he hangs around, fer heavens sake.
I don’t want a POTUS who secrets his past away behind locked doors. I don’t want a POTUS who wants to increase affirmative action, and who believes the answer to all of America’s problems is government, and government created jobs.
The man was raised by socialists, and befriended by socialists/Marxists. His “just words” echo their agenda in every one of his policies. You either don’t want to hear it, or think it sounds pretty darn good, Dave Noble.
In which case there is no common ground between us on our visions for America’s future.
Dave Noble
16 years ago
Mata, you don’t like Barrack Obama. I get it and it’s not news.
I don’t approve of Hitler propaganda. I really don’t. That said, I do understand the similarity, but I think it would’ve been better had they faded back and forth to the Obama kids and the Hitler Youth. That way viewers could decide if the cute and cuddly little warped minds were as scary as the cute and sinister little warped minds. In any event, this is where politics today has taken us: to brainwashing little kids so they can sing Obama songs and put out propaganda videos. As such, I guess the comparison is inevitable.
Sad. Not to my flavoring, but definitely food for thought.
Obama’s idea of change is most certainly not a good thing. Neither is his false advertising. Here’s a letter written to the slippery senator by the attorney representing The Heritage Foundation:
Wow… I need some antacid after that one… ugh the thought of 4 years of this…. Ugh. Let’s send the “Dear Leader” back to Washington as a Community Organizer!
You won’t want to miss tonight’s Rick Moran Show,, one of the most popular conservative talk shows on Blog Talk Radio.
Tonight, AT’s Political Correspondent Rich Baehr is back in the second chair, giving us the bad news on the polls and his expert if depressing analysis of who the race is shaping up.
The show will air from 7:00 – 8:00 PM Central time. You can access the live stream here.
Starting right now:
This is not nearly as scary as the statement made by Obama that he will cut the military in half and build his own army. An army of his thugs to kill all dissent with no military to defend us. The communists (let’s call them what they are) have made great inroads in our culture: schools, academia, media, government bureaucracy. Now they are having the big push and trying to win the presidency also. If Obama wins God help us because we as a nation are screwed.
This really is scary. I don’t remember anything like this being done for Gore or Kerry. And those guys had much more experience in their pinky fingers than Obama does in his entire life. Candidate of change? More like candidate of failure.
I would NEVER let myself succumb to any of the changes that Obama puts in place. I would NEVER accept the changed presidential seal, the changed national anthem, changed anything of his. My hatred for the man has grown exponentially throughout just this past month.
No, you guys have it all wrong. Obama isn’t a Muslim, he isn’t a terrorist, he isn’t a Nazi, he isn’t a Communist. He’s an android. Actually Obama is the real Obamaton. That’s why he has that otherworldly calm about him. And the “um’s and ah’s” that are part of his speech pattern are the result of glitches in his programming.
On Inauguration Day, right after the Inauguration, he is going to remotely open a space-time warp secretly installed in the basement of the Trinity Baptist Church and the invading alien army from Gluubr will come through. Remember that picture of him in the Muslim garb? Actually, that is the Gluubarian battle uniform. Psyche!!!! We have you so fooled, Earthlings!!!!
Damn, you guys are desperate.
You mean he lied during Stephie’s interview when he said he was a muslim?
How soon, do you suppose, after McCain’s inauguration will this occur, Dave?
I agree with with all of these, Dave Noble. Obama is merely a socialist, and a proponent of affirmative action policies as the mainstay of this country. And that’s why I will never support him. It is an economic and social failure, as Europe has proven multiple times over.
“otherworldly”??? OMG, what a cultish analysis. Would that “otherworldly” be space alien or deity, Dave Noble? Or perhaps one of these other synonyms would more aptly portray your unmitigated devotion for “that one”… ethereal, heavenly, magical, mystical, spiritual, supernatural, transcendental, uncanny, unearthly, visionary.
You see some super being. I see a well honed, corrupt Chicago politician who has finely tuned Saul Alinsky’s intimidation community organizing tactics to a near perfect science.
I’ve watched Obama during the primaries and the general debates quite carefully. He remains composed, but his facial expressions do not hide the disdain and anger when he, or his beliefs, are crossed. But again, Alinsky’s rules for radicals has become ingrained in his responses. He was an exceptional student for that philosophy. However I have no admiration for that skill.
Can’t blame you for turning a joke into a serious response, Mata. In fact, nicely done. But hey, how long are you going to milk the Alinsky rules for rhetorical points? Especially considering that they are generic rules for pushing one’s agenda. And we all do that. Don’t we?
“Otherworldly” was, I thought at least, a pretty obvious joke when talking about an alien.
How about the simpler conclusion that Obama is a disciplined, inwardly calm individual who is comfortable in his own skin. Hey, neither of us is a trained psychiatrist or police profiler, but why is my conclusion any less plausible than yours. Maybe we could use someone like that with their finger on the trigger.
“ethereal, heavenly, magical, mystical, spiritual, supernatural, transcendental, uncanny, unearthly, visionary.” No none of those. I have never given anyone on this site any valid (as opposed to speculative) indication that my “devotion” to Barrack Obama is “unmitigated” or that I view him as a “super being.”
What I have said is that he is my choice for President, not my Messiah. I assume you feel the same way about John McCain. Although I think I’m more enthusiastic about my choice than you are.
BTW, you need to talk to Skye, she still thinks he’s a Muslim.
Yes, Skye, and John McCain thinks he’s still a prisoner of war and we are his “fellow prisoners.”
(At first I had trouble with the “Stephie” reference. Mr. Stephanopoulos and I are not on a nickname basis)
As long as they are applicable, and more people begin to wake up to his methods of achieving power, Dave Noble. And considering Alinsky is Obama’s foundation for success in Chicago thru now, I’d say that means as long as Obama is a politician.
The end justifying the means, and the use of blackmail and fraud are not something I support. I have to love that the ACORN ex-employee testifying today “had received repeated warnings to “back off” from testifying today by people she knows at ACORN.”
Then, of course, there’s the Obama campaigns threats to media outlets if they ran negative ads on Obama.
Did the same in some with an ad on Obama’s very legitimate issue/ties to Ayers
Funny how Obama doesn’t tout his only administrative experience… the CAC, eh? Wonder why? I don’t…
Then there’s this…
Now relate all back to Obama’s “in your face” tactics to his faithful. Or his Camp Obama four day training in Alinsky community organizing.
Interesting that the AP article today blares the headline that “Obama ridicules McCain charge he’s socialist”.
Coincidental that Alinsky’s 5th rule uses that very word… Ridicule. An Alinsky response that precludes Obama explaining his more than few associations with self-admitted Marxists, and socialist organizations dedicated to “Social and Economic justice”. Instead he jokes about sharing PB&J sandwichs as a child.
Which brings us to the words of “the Master” himself… a man who’s goal to achieve power was to fan the flames of discontent in order to mobilize… or, as Alinsky put it, “”rub raw the sores of discontent,”
More wonderful quotes from Obama’s organizer hero, Alinsky on his own methods?
Obama was schooled by Alinsky’s IAF just before he left Harvard. What’s even more interesting is that many in the IAF were appalled at Obama aligning himself with ACORN.
Now, recall words from the old Time Magazine profile of Alinsky, with the above IAF reaction to the Obama/ACORN alliance:
Were Alinsky not radical enough in his own right, imagine the same “spinning in his grave” over the tactics Obama and ACORN employ.
Yeah… this is the kind of principles that I want from my POTUS. Unfortunately, they are the principles that Obama has demonstrated… from his systematic legal elimination of all of his competition in the IL Senate primaries, to this general campaign.
Mata, do you just read the conservative editiorials or do you go behind them to check their references? If you do, I stand corrected. I read the Obama letter re: the NRA ad. There is nothing coercive in this letter. If you think this is hardball, you have a very sensitive meter. I suggest you apply that standard to the Republican party.
BTW, just out of curiosity who are the “the bitch girls?” Look at the URL for that letter. Kind of makes you wonder about the source and veracity of the letter.
I also read the article on “Camp Obama”
Obama volunteers are told:
“It’s not enough to want to help others, Woodards says. These campers need to focus on people’s self-interests. What do they want? How can Obama help them?”
To paraphrase Claude Rains in Casablanca: I’m shocked to learn that politics is about self-interest.
Then there is this thuggish instruction:
“Listening, listening, listening. Listening is the No. 1 tool,”
And please don’t suggest that ridiciule is the exclusive province of the Obama campaign.
I’ll just note in passing the scurrilous content on this blog in which, for example,Curt, channeling Butterfly McQueen in “Gone With the Wind,” said that Gwen Ifill “sure does love her some Obama” or someone else compared Michelle Obama’s mouth to a urinal. And that just scratches the surface.
But I know FA is not an organ of the McCain campaign. So how about Sarah Palin’s campaign speech? She didn’t ridicule Barrack Obama? If only she could articulate her ideas about policy as well as she fires off zingers.
I have always found Republican disingenuousness about hardball politics and agendas laughable.
Dick Armey once said that the Clinton White House was the most “political White House he had ever seen.” That’s kind of like saying this is the most “medical doctor’s office I have ever seen.”
Again, Claude Rains leaps to mind: I’m shocked to hear that Administration’s practice politics.
Politics is about obtaining and maintaining power.
What is beyond the pale? Unfortunately, too much of what we see out there. Whisper campaigns that suggest that John McCain’s adopted daughter is his love child or that Trig Palln is actually Sarah Palin’s granddaughter. But you have failed to adduce a practice by the Obama campaign that represents beyond the pale campaign practices. All you have done is describe an aggressive and to date successful political campaign (Tuesday will tell) and suggest it is driven by some kind of sinister police state-like tactics Obama learned from the Saul Alinsky.
“Suggest” it is driven by some kind of sinister “police state-like tactics Obama learned from Saul Alinksy”?
I do not “suggest”, Dave Noble. I emphatically state Obama was trained and is quite open about using the Alinsky community organizing tacts, as is ACORN. He did training sessions in the same discipline for them. As well as represented them against banks for “redlining” charges.
Didn’t read the IAF, bit, eh? Even they are appalled at Obama’s ACORN alliance which distorts a method already founded on agitating the masses into actionable discontent in order to mobilize them.
Well now… that’s some “unity”, eh?
I agree… politics is about “obtaining and maintaining” power. And in one arena, the left and right in this nation agree that politics and pols are essentially scum, and far too dirty.
Yet what are we doing? Watching a typical Chicago politician engage in promoting voter fraud thru ACORN, providing them with Obama campaign donors who have maxed out their legal contributions, accepting untraceable donations with prepaid credit cards, threatening media that air ads they do not like, a man who ignores letters from Heritage lawyers, telling him to pull ads that misrepresent their studies. No do I trust a candidate who refuses interviews to media that aren’t fawning over their positions (even Palin appeared in the “enemy” media camps first, while it took Obama over a year to appear only on O’Reilly… FOX’s version of Chris Matthews in softball).
Yet to the Obama faithful, these little indiscretions are just water off the back. Afterall, even to them, “the end justifies the means”.
I agree that what Obama has done with his campaign is successful. If the man can do two things, he can raise money, and spend other people’s money. That is his entire resume. His success is obvious by the glazed eyes of Obama supporters who hear and read the words “social and economic justice” and “spread the wealth”, and still don’t recognize an obvious socialist agenda, theme and phrasing.
Does this give me a sense of pride in his accomplishments? No… when you can actively engage in voter fraud, speaking socialism opening by not labeling it socialism, and the nation turns it’s head to avoid seeing it, a pit grows in my belly.
I don’t like in your face campaigns. I don’t like what Obama and the DNC did to Hillary. And I really don’t like he and their supporters suggesting that an Obama loss means this nation is racist. More of that “unity” crap he peddles as lies, no doubt.
I don’t like candidates who use the court systems to systematically eliminate their competition. I don’t like a candidate who, despite all his own successes, feels this country “isn’t what it once was”. (and good thing for him it isn’t….).
I don’t want a POTUS who is tied with the New Party, ACORN, William Ayers, Rev Wright, Rezko and other nefarious types who are known for their radical hatred of the US as a capitalist nation. I’ve yet to see a normal nice guy whom he hangs around, fer heavens sake.
I don’t want a POTUS who secrets his past away behind locked doors. I don’t want a POTUS who wants to increase affirmative action, and who believes the answer to all of America’s problems is government, and government created jobs.
The man was raised by socialists, and befriended by socialists/Marxists. His “just words” echo their agenda in every one of his policies. You either don’t want to hear it, or think it sounds pretty darn good, Dave Noble.
In which case there is no common ground between us on our visions for America’s future.
Mata, you don’t like Barrack Obama. I get it and it’s not news.
LOL! And you *do*. I get that too.
And guess what… *that’s* no news!